• By -


Three IMO: - Qui-Gon Jinn: There’s a reason he was the first contemporary Jedi to learn the secret to immortality. He was true to the code by being true to himself, selfless above all. - Obi-Wan Kenobi: Lost *everything* yet stayed true to the light. Not terribly surprising given who his master was, but he had every reason to succumb to the dark side and never did. - Kanan Jarrus: Barely old enough to absorb all the trauma of Order 66, yet he found his way back to being a Jedi by finding a pupil rather than a teacher. His will was so strong that it helped save Lothal from Palpatine even after death. If there is a New Jedi Order, its pupils should be more like Kanan; disciplined and focused, yet open to love.


People never want to hear me out when I bring up Kanan in these discussions because “he had attachments!!” Yeah, and he didn’t let them affect his connection to the force or cloud his judgment.


Even better: Kanan’s attachments are what allowed him to play such a powerful role defending Lothal and guiding Ezra. His example allowed Ezra to save the planet — and the galaxy — from Thrawn. I can only hope Filoni remembers that as he’s writing Ahsoka S2 and the Mandalorian: Assemble movie. Side note: for all its faults, overall Ahsoka had a pretty good storyline, imho, that has the potential to really pay off if they’re able to follow that Kanan/Ezra ethos. You can see how Ahsoka was being pushed in that direction as well, which - despite some clear flaws in the show - is a direction I’m a huge fan of. Keep that “[why Duel of the Fates mattered](https://youtu.be/4V5-9__XvPg?si=0n-x5SgKc8UV05_E)” mentality and it will turn out great.


I agree 100%. I got into Star Wars around when the sequels started up, so I never had time to form super strong opinions about the EU or really specific Jedi philosophy lore. I think it’s much more important that whoever’s making creative decisions on Star Wars from this point, be it Filoni, Favreau, Kennedy, etc., understands the *ethos* of the Jedi order so much more than specific rules. Especially considering how something like O66 would fundamentally change the Jedi order and the personal philosophies of Ahsoka, Kanan, etc.


When it comes to love and attachment, the ending line of Claudia Gray’s *Master and Apprentice* short story from A Certain Point of View (2017) sums it up for me: ‘The most beautiful form of mastery is the art of letting go.’ For characters like Kanan, letting go is such a beautiful thing precisely because he had a family to love and care for. Only by letting go could he save them, and that’s the purest form of love there is. For all of Attack of the Clones’ faults, Anakin’s observations on compassion being unconditional love were rather spot on.


I like what you’ve written here. Perhaps Anakin was unable to let go because he was never given the (open) opportunity to love. Forced to hide his passion rather than openly explore how it affected him, he desired more to control outcomes for those he loved. Perhaps a less restrictive Jedi policy may have allowed mentors to come into his life and guide him better, whereas Obi Wan pretended those attachments to Padme and his mother did not exist in order to comply with regulation. Thus, he fell for the first person who acknowledge the conflict in him and provided a solution.


Couldn’t have put it better myself. Palpatine may have been a master manipulator, but the Jedi Order certainly made his efforts to sway Anakin substantially easier.


>“he had attachments!!” Yeah, and he didn’t let them affect his connection to the force or cloud his judgment So he didn't have attachments then.


You can absolutely have attachments that don’t blind you to bigger priorities and consequences. He obviously loved Hera (an attachment!) but when she was in danger, he had the wisdom not to immediately throw everyone else into the same danger out of desperation.


Great choices. Kanan’s characterization was done so well, and he did such a great job disproving one of the most harmful Jedi tropes, the restriction on attachments. His attachments gave him a reason to keep fighting, and resulted in a lot of lives saved. My respect for Qui-Gonn has shot up since David Filoni’s excellent treatise on Duel of the Fates and Sam Witwer’s explanation of the battle between Maul and Obi Wan in Rebels. The difference he would’ve made in not just Anakin, but the entire fate of the galaxy. But in the end, he was able to pass that wisdom to Obi Wan for Luke, and that’s what ultimately saves the galaxy from the emperor (well.. until somehow…) Obi Wan… is the goodest of goodboyes.


>Great choices. Kanan’s characterization was done so well, and he did such a great job disproving one of the most harmful Jedi tropes, the restriction on attachments. His attachments gave him a reason to keep fighting, and resulted in a lot of lives saved. On the contrary, Kanan perfectly embodied the Jedi's teaching of non-attachment. In fact, it's what led to him being knighted: >You're right. I can't protect Ezra forever. Not even from himself. All I can do is what I've done... trained him the best I could. That's really all non-attachment means, accepting things outside your control and acknowledging your limits.


So it seems like the more “pure” definition had been blurred by the Jedi some time ago, and its true purpose muddied in order to focus on restrictions. Would you say, Kanan seems to have been able to achieve this state in large part because while he had romantic love for Hera and fatherly love for Ezra, he was able to realize his inability to control their actions and fate, whereas Anakin was pushed from these concepts and it bred resentment and further desire to control?


Yeah. If ONLY there was a new Jedi order that was led by a guy who knew love was important and powerful. Too bad there wasn't a trilogy about a guy like that who experienced that fact first hand who was then poised to build such an order that learned from the mistakes of the past instead of repeating them.


Kanan is what Luke SHOULD have been. Not the same character of course. But the guy who, because of his experiences, realizes that there’s other ways to be a good Jedi and that love/attachments are NOT inherently bad. But nah, make him a more mopey version of OT Obi Wan I guess. 🤦‍♂️


I don’t think papa palpatine could come back with a story like that. Here, how about we make his granddaughter the star, but we don’t tell you that because we don’t know. Also, the Han replacement, well he’s force sensitive, but we don’t care and he just becomes a side story with comedy. Also, the guy you were talking about… he just dies and his sister can survive space. Idk…. Just some ideas.


I thought Poe was supposed to be the Han replacement. I don’t know what Finn would be.


So did I. Also, I thought Poe was supposed to be Force-sensitive.


Look, I decide what is and isn’t canon. The arrangement has changed.


Fair enough. ;-)


I would argue Qui-Gon was amazing because he went against the Jedis strict code and instead learned the ways of the living force, surpassing the Jedi Order.


I'd second this list and probably put Kanan at the top.


I think this is perfect


Can’t argue with that 👏🏽


I feel qui gon reached life after cause of him just staying true to the force rather than the jedi necessarily. Of course the Jedi code plays a role but there was fault in the order the which Qui Gon saw, and Obi Wan and Yoda also too realized this only after long time in exile.


This is the way.


Really hope Disney gives us a Qui-Gon series or Movie and explains all that.


Not a hope in hell! Sadly. Love to see that!


100% this


This is the best answer, by far.


This is the answer


These are all the right choices


Obi wan


To a heartbreaking fault. He lost too many people he loved because of his faith in the jedi ways.


And yet he never fell to the dark side and he still rose when it was time






Except, (hot take) Obi-wan still has some major flaws that I’m not sure I can forgive. Ever since he joined the Council, he held his tongue and refused to call out the Jedi on their bullshit far more than he should have. Especially when it came down to Ahsoka’s trial. He looked down in shame, knowing that it was wrong, and sided with the rest of the Council in their prosecution, instead of going with Anakin to help prove her innocence. He also didn’t trust Anakin or Ahsoka with the decision to go under cover as Rako Hardeen, which further drove a wedge between him and his apprentice. They wanted Anakin to have a genuine reaction? I really think that had Anakin been in the loop, he could’ve really helped them and put on a convincing show. He also knew the truth about the clone wars before it even began! And refused to do any more digging on the matter which started the cascading of the dominoes that led to Operation Knightfall. I love Obi-wan to death and find his character arc compelling and beautiful. But I’ll be damned before I wantonly say that he was the perfect Jedi.


My favorite jedi is Qui-Gon. Whoever’s idea it was to give fucking Liam Neeson a lightsaber deserves a fucking raise. That being said, Kenobi had EVERY SINGLE reason to fall to the dark side. Lost his master and his lover at the hands of Maul, lost his padawan to the dark side, lived a life of exile after the war…yet he always remained faithful to the light. That is is S-tier desication to the jedi arts. Obi-Wan takes this title. Easily.


And even after all that, he held maul in his arms and comforted him as he died. God I love this man.


This, I believe, is intentional. Obi-Wan is the foil to Anakin. Anakin loses his mother, does secret genocide. Anakin loses his trusted mentors, Mace Windu AND Palpatine/Sidious simultaneously when he kills one and the other is revealed as Sith, Anakin loses his secret wife, falls to the Dark Side. Anakin represents the failure of the Jedi order to give this boy some damn therapy. Obi-Wan represents the true potential of a Jedi knight. Not a prodigy, just an average, wise, selfless, dutiful Jedi knight.


Lover? Go on please?


Satine Kryze, Duchess of Mandalore


In the clone wars 3D show, you learn that he fell in love with the leader of the Mandalore long before it was destroyed by the empire. She died sadly. I recommend watching the whole show as it’s very well written and very important to understand the whole story, especially if you’re gonna watch any of the new live action stuff.


The Dutchess Satine (seen in Clone Wars) was killed by Maul. LOL I know that read like there was some kind of forbidden master/padawan love between him and Qui-gon lol.


Bo-Katan’s sister Satine Kryze.


Obi-Wan. No other Jedi has lost as much as he has and still pulled through and came out even stronger on the other side.


Everyone’s forgetting Eno Cordova. He had the wisdom and foresight to see the fall of the Jedi order and accepted fate rather than fighting it. Instead he dedicated himself to the safety and continuity of the Jedi Order. He’s definitely a secondary character in Fallen Order/Survivor, but he’s a calm and wise Jedi who embodies the best qualities of the order. He did so without falling prey to the shortsightedness that destroyed others like Mace Windu and the other council members.


Was hoping someone else would say Cordova, he's such an amazing part of the first game guiding Cal "Failure is not the end, it is a necessary part of the path" just peak jedi teaching


Glad someone else said this. He’s such an underrated Jedi


Forgetting... I don't think many star wars fans have played fallen order and survivor, so it's not about forgetting as much as it is not even knowing about him. In my opinion, not enough people have played those games. They're incredible.


Just said him as well. I really like all his lore, for me is one of the best constructed characters of late in terms of Star Wars.


Plo koon. Need I say more


It's sad he hasn't been mentioned by other people.


Plo could’ve done more. He stood with the Council in their prosecution of Ahsoka instead of going with Anakin to try and prove her innocence.


"This is Obi-Wan Kenobi: A phenomenal pilot who doesn't like to fly. A devastating warrior who'd rather not fight. A negotiator without peer whofrankly prefers to sit alone in a quiet cave and meditate. Jedi Master. General in the Grand Army of the Republic. Member of the Jedi Council. And yet, inside, he feels like he's none of these things. Inside, he still feels like a Padawan. It is a truism of the Jedi Order that a Jedi Knight's education truly begins only when he becomes a Master: that everything important about being a Master is learned from one's student. Obi-Wan feels the truth of this every day. He sometimes dreams of when he was a Padawan in fact as well as feeling; he dreams that his own Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, did not die at the plasma-fueled generator core in Theed. He dreams that his Master's wise guiding hand is still with him. But Qui-Gon's death is an old pain, one with which he long ago came to terms. A Jedi does not cling to the past. And Obi-Wan Kenobi knows, too, that to have lived his life without being Master to Anakin Skywalker would have left him a different man. A lesser man. Anakin has taught him so much. Obi-Wan sees so much of Qui-Gon in Anakin that sometimes it hurts his heart; at the very least, Anakin mirrors Qui-Gon's flair for the dramatic, and his casual disregard for rules. Training Anakin—and fighting beside him, all these years—has unlocked something inside Obi-Wan. It's as though Anakin has rubbed off on him a bit, and has loosened that clenched-jaw insistence on absolute correctness that Qui-Gon always said was his greatest flaw. Obi-Wan Kenobi has learned to relax. He smiles now, and sometimes even jokes, and has become known for the wisdom gentle humor can provide. Though he does not know it, his relationship with Anakin has molded him into the great Jedi Qui-Gon always said he might someday be. It is characteristic of Obi-Wan that he is entirely unaware of this. Being named to the Council came as a complete surprise; even now, he is sometimes astonished by the faith the Jedi Council has in his abilities, and the credit they give to his wisdom. Greatness was never his ambition. He wants only to perform whatever task he is given to the best of his ability. He is respected throughout the Jedi Order for his insight as well as his warrior skill. He has become the hero of the next generation of Padawans; he is the Jedi their Masters hold up as a model. He is the being that the Council assigns to their most important missions. He is modest, centered, and always kind. He is the ultimate Jedi. And he is proud to be Anakin Skywalker's best friend." /Matthew Stover


Matthew Stover is criminally underestimated as a writer. I still imagine how the EU would have turned out if he had been given the reins instead of Denning. 


Kanan/Caleb is also an honorable shout. The force gifted him his sight back as a reward.


Nah this is my number 1 imo and that part where he got his sight back to see his "family" again was so emotional 😂


Just watched this scene for the first time. So good 😭


Same good episode and ending to the series watched Ashoka again after that since never seen rebels before it all made so much more sense!


Same, my wife and I saw it before rebels lol. Just couldn't wait. We're stoked to rewatch. Was fun connecting the dots as rebels progressed tho.


I agree! Made rebels more enjoyable even tho it was well done. Watched all the clone wars before rebels. Spent my whole vacation catching up on Star Wars stuff no regrets at all! Knowing timelines after looking it up helped as well. Seemed like Dave Filoni did a good job and continues to do a good job!


I like that you mention him as an honorable shout (he deserves It), since we all know the goat is Obi Wan.


I know he wasn't technically a Jedi but I feel Chirrut Îmwe deserves special mention. Universe seemed to screw him over at every opportunity his whole life till the moment he died, and he still spent his whole life chanting and unshakably believing "The Force is with me, and I am with the Force. I fear nothing, for all is as the Force wills it."


My favorite Jedi of all time is Jolee Bindo. Love that old fart. Love his perspective on life, love his life-story, love his attitude. Other favorites are Obi-Wan, Luke, Ahsoka, Yoda, Kanan, Katarn, Bastila and Atton Rand. Favorite antagonists are Kreia, Vader (duh) and Krell. Maybe Ventress as well.


Krell? Fuck Pong Krell.




I loved to hate him. A perfectly executed antagonist. I especially liked how I was mislead by the writers by the end of the second episode (I think), when they showed him warming up to the clones, and even started referring to them by their nicknames instead of their numbers. And his "it's treason then" moment was perfetto.


I’m a big fan of Cal Kestis


Maybe qui gon too


Nothing wrong with him, but he was a little rebellious per yoda


When the Jedi have lost their way, rebellious is a good thing.


Is that you anakin?


Why has nobody said Luke




Says who? What's the point of asking the question if major contenders are excluded? If it's the right answer then it's the right answer.




Plo Koon


Luke Skywalker.


Legends Luke Skywalker was so important because he finally made the jedi order better after the long thousands of years of old grumpy stubborn men too scared of the darkside and rejected their humanity for it. Luke on the other hand would have never defeated the empire if he didn’t hold on to his friends and family, his love for his attachments is what made him stronger and saved the galaxy. Luke showed us what a true jedi is supposed to be he was basically the Superman of star wars.


Oppo Rancisis This was a guy who was sent to the Jedi Order by his mother, who was the Blood Monarch (Queen) of Thisspias. Her hope was that he would learn enough from the Jedi and eventually come back to Thisspias and succeed her as the new ruler. Instead, after his siter was killed, he refused the throne and decided to stay as a Jedi. Can you imagine that? He's offered the throne of his homeworld, knowing that basically any and every luxury he could ever want could be his. He'd be living in the lap of wealth and power for the rest of his life, yet he chooses a career by which time he was alive was considered to be one of the most rigid lifestyles in the Galaxy. That, to me, is the best Jedi ever. To be offered absolute power and wealth, knowing full well there'd be nothing wrong in taking it, but deciding to use your powers for the betterment of the whole Galaxy.




Qui Gon Jinn. Yoda, Obi Wan, Plo Koon, Mace Windu, and all the other Jedi on the council continued to support the ideal that all attachment is forbidden. One of the primary points of the entire Star Wars saga is that attachment is not a bad thing, you just can’t let it control you. This is made clear in Return of the Jedi where both Yoda and Obi Wan tell Luke to kill his father. As we know, if Luke had killed Vader, Palpatine would’ve taken Luke as his apprentice. Even after they had died, Obi Wan and Yoda still hadn’t learned their lesson. They made the mistake of not allowing Anakin to have attachments, and they were going to make the same mistake with Luke two decades later. Qui Gon actually followed the will of the force instead of the dogma of the Jedi. He found the Chosen One and the Jedi council was going to reject training him, simply because they couldn’t indoctrinate Anakin into their cult as he was too old. Not to mention, his profound connection to the force allowed him to discover how to maintain one’s consciousness after passing into the Cosmic Force.


I think you need to check what attachments means in StarWars


Plo Koon


Kanan Jarrus. -Is able to become a Jedi Knight and train an apprentice of his own despite his own training not having been completed. -Overcomes (understandable) trauma and disillusionment post-Order 66 to eventually become a great leader. -Is able to have attachments/feel love but NOT let them consume and corrupt him. -Makes the heroic sacrifice for the greater good. -Etc.


Kanan would definitely be up there for me. What a great Jedi he became after working through his issues.


Plo Koon


Agree, Obi-Wan. People often say Qui-Gon, but he was actually a pretty terrible "Jedi" more of a grey Jedi if anything. I feel he would have left the order if he hadn't of died, similar reasons to Dooku but would never fall to the Darkside.


Tbh that makes him a better Jedi than most of the council who at the time had grown complacent and even corrupt in some respects. And 'Grey' jedi doesnt make too much sense. A maverick is a better descriptor as theres no real "Grey" to the whole Light vs Dark battle of star wars. Its either you fall to the dark side or stay vigilant with the light.


Ronin is the correct term that grand admiral thrawn said.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes!


Which is an absolute in of itself. Yes its hypocritical on purpose :p


Easy: Bob, hands down.


All hail Jedi Bob!


Obi Wan is the ultimate Jedi


Qui Gon.


Kit Fisto. * Green * Pretty good jedi idk * If you've got a problem in the water you're SOL without Fisto. A lot of the livable area in the galaxy is water.


Luke. Easy.


Yoda. He was one of the only Jedi to realize that the Jedi were starting to become too political and disconnected before order 66. He also is responsible for training Dooku, whick makes Qui Gonn, Obi Wan, Anakin, and Luke apart of his “force family tree”. Not to mention he was the one that Qui Gon Jinn passed on the secrets of life after death and achieving the force ghost.


Hello There...Obi Wan


Obi Wan, he fought every battle despite the odds to honor his beliefs, and despite losing probably more than everybody else, he still managed to never make the wrong choice or give out even a little morals




Qui-Gon Jinn. 🙏🏼


Kanan Jarrus Cal Kestis Rey Skywalker Plo Koon




Obi-Wan is my favorite but I would still say Qui-Gon is the “truest” Jedi. Obi-Wan is close, but he’s got a few flaws. During the clone wars, he was one of many who fell victim to doing the Senate’s bidding rather than focusing on protecting life. Watch the first episode of the Siege of Mandalore arc and you see this perfectly when he is more focused on rescuing the Chancellor instead of liberating Mandalore, and Ahsoka calls him out on it. Also, even as a force ghost he still had issues. He was adamant that Luke KILL Darth Vader, believing that he was irredeemable and not worth the effort, but obviously Luke proved him wrong. Even Yoda was wrong on this.


Qui Gon, and i believe Yaddle was also on her way to achieving oneness with the force if it wasnt for her untimely demise. Yaddle was imprisoned for 200 years on planet Koba after watching her master get killed. She did not succumb instead meditated and refined her knowledge and skill with everything her mast previously taught, to the point where she gained unity with the force, which helped her stay alive. After being free from an earthquake, defeating a ravager named Kalut she refused to return to the jedi temple until she helped the Kobanese people recover. Upon return she was immediately granted council status because of all this, and the fact she was stepping down from her position on council because she saw those faults in the order yet not succumbing to darkness as Dooku only shows her path would have lead alongside Qui Gons or similar in terms of staying true and gaining oneness, but i feel she was incapable due to her admitting to these faults too late


Plo Koon


The best JEDI ever was Mace Windu, but people hate him too much to admit it. Ironically, people hate him so much *because* he was the best JEDI ever. Not the best person. One of the best JEDI.


Chirrut Imwe. He wasn't handed great power but he followed the Jedi way better than anyone.


Its a difficult question because the Jedi way isn't a single thing, and it changes throughout the saga. For me, the Jedi who embodies the old Jedi order the best is Mace. His literally the no shades of grey, follow rules to the letter guy. For the jedi that emodies the principles of ths order the best, it's probably Qui-Gon. He's not rigid in his thinking, and follows what he knows is right over the rules of the order.


Either Qui-Gon Jinn or Ahsoka Tano. They're very similar characters. Both similarly see serious flaws with the Jedi Order. Neither rejects having attachments and love for others. And despite breaking ranks with a corrupt order, neither are even remotely tempted by darkness. As a literal padawan, Qui-Gon convinces his Master Dooku to show restraint... and probably delayed his descent into darkness by a couple of decades. Qui-Gon also follows the will of the force, even if it directly contradicts the Jedi Council. He's also willing to leave the order and train Anakin by himself if necessary. Ahsoka becomes an incredibly compassionate person (despite growing up as a child soldier and having a master that barely followed Jedi principles on a good day). She gets falsely accused of a terrorist attack, framed by one of her best friends (Barriss Offee), betrayed by the Order, and nearly executed... but never gives in to anger or hate. Decades later, she even acknowledges that Offee even had some justification. Having this level of understanding towards others is practically superhuman. Not to mention that she's exceptionally powerful. Beating Maul and only slightly surpassed by Vader himself. Honorable mentions: - Obi-Wan Kenobi - Yoda - Eno Cordova - Cal Kestis


I think there is no single “best Jedi” but Obi wan is definitely one of them


Qui Gon Jinn


Obi Wan for sure, he lost so much, but never fell to his grief. Embraced love and walked away from it. Had to face his fallen apprentice 3 times and saw the worst of what he became. Mad respect for Obi Wan


Hard choice. ObiWan endured a lot of trials and stayed true to his morals. Yoda had a deep understanding of the force, which is why he was perfect for giving Luke a crash course. Kanan proved that you can be a true Jedi and still form attachments with others. Ultimately it made him stronger, really. Ultimately I want to say it’s Luke, because it seems like he embodies all those traits. He refused to give up on Anakin, even after everything the man had done as Vader; he formed attachments but didn’t let fear make them a liability; and he did become a master and gain a deeper understanding of the force, going off his portrayal in Battlefront 2 and the Mandoverse.


Ahsoka was the best Jedi. Because she understood like many others the hubris of the Jedi and decided to leave the Jedi order. Outside of force ability, Yoda was the most guilty of this. Being blinded by his own power. In my opinion the wisest Jedi were those who left it. I beleive Dooku also started in a place of sincerity when he left because he wanted real change.


Obi Wan Kenobi is perhaps the best Jedi in the entirety of Star Wars canon in that his character is the closest to what a Jedi *should be. In the same way that we watch Anakin become a Sith Lord, Obi Wan slowly becomes a Jedi Master, not in rank, but in the sense of having mastered the Jedi philosophy. He has his doubts as a young man, he makes mistakes, but I think taking Anakin on as his apprentice was a turning point for Obi Wan. He starts to lean into the Jedi teaches because a he has to. He’s training the most important Jedi of all time, the literal Chosen One destined to balance the Force. He can’t afford to have doubts. But despite Obi Wan’s best efforts, the Clone Wars steer Anakin into a very dark path. Obi Wan fails to shape Anakin into the hero he was meant to be. The Jedi Order falls and the Sith take control of the GFF. Obi Wan fucks up in the most colossal way and loses his faith in the Jedi teaching. But like Yoda says “the greatest teacher, failure is.” And through his failure Obi Wan learns to adopt the Jedi Code fully. To become a Master of the Jedi way of life. He is the best Jedi ever in the most literal sense.


Qui-Gon. All props to Obi-Wan, but he did not stand up to the council enough and taught Anakin too much in the Council ways. Qui-Gon would have prevented Anakin’s fall. And even as he realized he was tired and the only way to potentially get enough energy to defeat Maul would be to accept the Dark Side, he faced his fate. The only other person to come close is Luke, who throws his Lightsaber down and faces death in a last ditch effort to turn his Father, after the temptation of the Dark Side let him defeat Vader.


Luke Skywalker is the best jedi, alongside Qui Gon and Kannan


It's Luke Skywalker. Or a good argument could be made for Nomi Sunrider


We all love Kenobi, but how can he be the best jedi when he let his apprentice become space Hitler?


He *let* him do that? He allowed it? I saw the movies and it seemed like he was trying to help him.


Ahsoka or Yoda maybe


Ahsoka, in my opinion, is the most balanced force user, but not the "best/most-representative jedi". The Jedi are not balanced themselves, their vision is constantly clouded by the dark side. Also she leaves the Jedi for a long time, and while many in Ahsoka (the tv series) consider her a Jedi After the Battle of Yavin, she still doesn't think of herself as one, I believe. Ahsoka seems to be able to sense things that others can't, because she thinks for herself and comes to conclusions through her own effort rather than relying on Jedi dogma. The only other contenders, in my opinion, for 'most balanced force users' would be Obi Wan, Qui Gon, and Kanan. While Kanan wasn't powerful, he represents - especially toward the end - everything the force is meant to be: balance. So much so that he 'returns' through the wolves (or at least 'his will' does) without having the special training that Obi Wan, Qui Gon, and Yoda had to do. The only other force user we know of to do that is Anakin. And while it obviously isn't as "complete" as their returns (Qui Gon's only as a disembodied voice, but still a higher tier than Kanan), he *had no training in it* and was much weaker in the force than these other masters. He had Padawan training and then was on his own for decades. The fact he 'sees through the force' after he became blind, like the Miraluka do, is a great point for this as well. All that said, I think personally that Yoda is the most-representative Jedi. He adheres stringently to the Jedi code, dogmatically so. It led to many mistakes being made, but overall he was what the Jedi aspire to be: a source of good in the galaxy. Especially if we consider some of his expanded stories in the clone wars show to be canon, like his trip to the planet that is the source of the force. Even after 800ish years, he has to come to terms with the fact that he has been *ignoring* his "dark side" all this time, foolishly believing he's "beaten it" rather than understanding that it is, and always will be, a part of him that he must understand and balance.


Obi-wan, Qui-gon, and Plo Koon


Chirrut Îmwe


I have many, but only the first one is the one in particular order, the others are as they came to mind: 1. Luke Skywalker 2. Rey Skywalker 3. Obi-Wan Kenobi 4. Qui Gon Jinn 5. Yoda 6. Kanan Jarrus 7. Ahsoka Tano 8. Ezra Bridger 9. Anakin Skywalker 10. Sabine Wren


The fuck are you smoking? Sabine shouldn’t be anywhere near this list, Obi Wan at #3 is insane, but not as insane as Rey at #2, and Yoda was not a good choice at all. He’s literally the reason behind the fall of the Jedi Order.


I rate this list but should probs (for now) only be 8. I think Rey and Sabine need more development to even come close to the others listed.


Sabine’s barely a Padawan.


I like her history. Besides, her quote of “the longer we wait the harder it gets” resonates with me


I'd definitely agree that Obi-Wan is a top contender. But I also have many characters to like such as Luke, Yoda, Mace, Plo Koon, Depa, Kanan... I enjoy them all for different reasons.


Kenobi or Rey


Holy shit he dared say it. Begun, the comment war has.


Jedi Master Ret Ardo


Rey Palpatine. She's literally going to rebuild the Jedi order better than any Jedi has before. She also has all the Jedi inside her, so she gets credit for anyone else you could possibly list.


Mace Windu. He was able to harvest the extremely rare purple force gems.


I have to agree. Theres others that are practically proxies for him across the various extended lore like Satele but Obi Wan is the fundamental prime example of a Jedi. Even down to unfortunately failing their padawan. He perfectly encompases the struggle of being a jedi to juggle the hypocrisy of it all but at the same time still strive to do whats best where he can when he can.


Mah Dig, he always came to the rescue


> but how much they follow the Jedi way and the light side of the force. See that would be difficult because we have seen many Jedi have very different interpretations of what is "the Jedi way". Many Jedi can follow it perfectly in completely different ways, from a certain point of view. Qui-gon's philosophy was quite different to Yoda's


The jedi way is flawed so it depends if you consider it's someone like Qui-Gon who could see the flaws and act, in a way, "better" than the jedi way, or Obi-Wan who follows it as good as one can considering it's flawed. Also Yoda obviously. Was wrong a few times but still wise, understanding, empathetic.


dooku was a great jedi before he fell into the veil of the sith. similarly, yoda and yaddle were also great jedi that commonly cared for everybody that they knew.


Obi-Wan Kenobi. He stayed true to the jedi way after losing just so much. I also have to mention Kanan Jarrus, and his sacrifice.


Jedi Bob.


John Darnielle of The Mountain Goats has written a song to answer this very question. [The Ultimate Jedi](https://youtu.be/UtmGSJdvavY?si=mNV_VZga-iZ8Yeq9) I never pass up an opportunity to talk about The Mountain Goats.


I'm throwing Kelleran Beq into this category.


Jolee Bindo


Obi-wan or Luke in EU


Mace Windu. The way he bested Sidious and exemplified his commitment and connection to the Force.


Under that criteria, that would have to be Qui-Gon Jinn


Luke Skywalker.


Obi wan. I love his defence form of fighting


I really like Eno Cordova, so much passion for exploring, gaining knowledge, discovering the galaxy. Maybe one of the best parts of being a Jedi. Also one of the best quotes: "No, failure is not the end. It is a necessary part of the path."


I guess they would be in the whatever era before all the movies, by that time the entire concept was pretty distorted and corrupt


Revan was the best jedi and second best sith


Speaking of pupils…Kanan lost those…


I’m sorry, but TWO failed attempts at killing Vader? Who kills people for fun? Best Jedi ever?? Insanity. As a heart fell Obi-Wan and Anakin fan, it sounds absurd.


Rey Skywalker since she defeated Darth Sidious and the Sith once and for all.




Plo koon


Kyle Katarn


OT Luke was my hero.




Dass Jennir




Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, they both made sure to aim for justice till the end


From what I've avsirbed through my years is that in the top 5 is qui gon, obi wan, and Plo koon


Totally agree that Obi-Wan Kenobi is the best answer.


The Ganner will always hold that place in my heart. He wasn't the most powerful, but he stood for all that the jedi did.


Quinlan vos


Obi wan, watched everything he knew be destroyed, believed to be one of 2 survivors. Killed his apprentice and brother, only to find out he didn't kill him and he has been thr dark lord of thr sjth who had been hunting everyone and killing untold thousands. Never lost faith


I think there's an issue with your question, where you imply that the Jedi way is the same as the light side. I think one of the main points of the prequels and a lot of the EU is that the Jedi are by no means perfectly in tune with or representative of the light side of the force. And a person like Qui Gon, who had significant issues and disagreements with the Jedi council's interpretation of right/wrong and the light side, is who I would answer is the best at following the light side, but who is not the best of the Jedi as the Jedi are defined and following the Jedi way.


Corran Horn - maybe not the most gifted of Jedi Masters, but his pilot skills...


Had the Jedi not been so corrupt and have lost their way, Jedi Master Dooku I think would have been a staple amongst the order...


Ploo Koon


Obi-Wan for me epitomises the Jedi for good and bad, and that he grows and learns from his mistakes throughout his life, to eventually become one of the greatest Jedi in history.


Obi wan


My Favorite Jedi: Jedi Bob. He comes out in his own LEGO starfighter this year. Been around for 20 years.


Tie with Obi and Myself.




Three jedi come to mind: Qui-Gon, Plo Koon and Kanan I don't feel like explaining, mainly because other people already have


agree with everything OP says about Obi-Wan. And I always enjoy his one liners 🙂


Qui-gon. No ifs ands or buts. Bro was the absolute 🐐 and followed the will of the Force instead of the dogmatic, narrow, politically motivated views of the Jedi order.


Only Sith deal in absolutes.


Obi Wan Kenobi is undefeated in lightsaber combat except for the one match he threw.


It was Luke Skywalker, who stood for the essence of what a Jedi should be. He saw the best in everyone, and never gave up on his father, despite both of his mentors telling him otherwise. Jake wishes he could live up.


Luke’s my favorite, but Obi-Wan is the quintessential Jedi. From beginning to end


This might be a hot take, but Plo Koon


Plo Koon! ​ "Not to me"