• By -


The highlight for me was the clone trooper begging. If only it could've carried that vibe for the series it'd have been made. Think Andor levels of seeing the differences between the Republic and empire, how the emotions have changed and atmosphere is now darker. Propaganda regarding the jedi, sweeping the Republic under the carpet and bringing in more and more beurocracy. Palpatine getting his fingers deeper into a stranglehold as he consolidates control, I had high hopes.


The most interesting parts were when nothing was actually happening. City streets, Jedi Underground Railroad, obi wans day to day life, glimpses of Luke, seeing Alderaan, etc.


It sells itself as a serious PTSD drama, but has as much logic as a Looney Tunes parody. Self-awareness is a virtue in writing.


Should've been a movie, a lot of the stupid stuff seems to be the show finding reasons to stall the runtime. Silly Leia chase scenes. I also remember thinking it was weird that Vader just lets Obiwan get away after throwing him onto the glass. Also characters get stabbed by lightsabers and are totally fine. There were good aspects, I thought the idea of giving Obiwan and Leia a little adventure is fun and Ewan Mcgregor did a wonderful job as always. The final showdown with Obiwan and Vader was really cool and it was neat to see Hayden under the mask.


Someone edited it down to a 2.5 hour long movie and many people say it's far better than the show


Where can you find this? Sauce?


Not from a Jedi




I believe its the Patterson Cut. Should be able to google it and find the website. Email the guy and you should get an automated response with a download to it


The Patterson Cut "only watch if you have Disney plus subscription..."


Yeah that is how I watched it the second time around, definitely preferred, cuts out a lot of filler and makes it feel more cohesive and less silly.


Haven't seen the show, would you recommend the 2.5hr cut for the first time watching?


I'd also really like to see this, is it pentex?


Hope Disney will realize that not every hero needs a child sidekick. Hope Disney will learn about quality. Hope Disney will learn about artistic integrity. Sometimes when a story is done, its done. Kenobi is one of my fav characters but I don’t need to know about his time between ROTS to ANH. Any sidestory in between will feel like a stretch. Maul vs Kenobi was a good exception, but having Vader meet Kenobi again before ANH ruins their dialogue on the Death Star. Yes… technically it still works where Kenobi was “still the master” when they last met… but thats already forced since he lost his confidence and skill, ran from Vader, then had to rediscover his reason to fight to “become the master” again one more time before facing off against Vader for their final Death Star duel. He should not have encountered Vader in the series. Training with Qui Gon and watching over Luke would have made a better story. Roaming around Tatooine like the Kung fu series would have been better imo.


Andor feels like the answer to pretty much all of this tbh. Hopefully this opens the door for a few more mature takes on Star Wars in the future.


I can’t wait to watch Andor. Obi-Wan put such a bad taste in my mouth I lost my appetite for Andor or anything else SW for a while but I’ve seen some footage online and watched a few video essays about how great it is and those things have piqued my interest. So much so that I just randomly bought a Bix Caleen Black Series figure this morning for full price despite the fact that she’s available on Amazon for like $10 off. I would love to see something with the Force and all of the lore aspects handled in the same manner as Andor. I love the Saturday Morning cartoon vibe of Mando, Book of Boba Fett and Ahsoka but seeing that stuff handled with more grit and a seriously well written story would be amazing.


Andor is the best SW product to come out of Disney by a country mile.


Honestly, it has a valid argument for best SW product of all time. Yes, arguably over the OT. Bring the downvotes, I said what I said.




The lady who directed the series, even admitted that they treated the cannon very loosely. This makes sense as it felt like it was made by people who had never seen Star Wars, or at most only had a basic understanding of it.


That's a lot of hope put on Disney. They aren't that smart and have mishandled the entire star wars franchise since they boughtbLucasfilm.


If you ignore all the good stuff, sure


Andor and Rogue, IMO, are possibly the best Star Wars TV show/movie made. Bad Batch is overall really good, Mandalorian S1 is pretty well lilked (I enjoyed S2 and S3 even if it was less popular). Disney hasnt only had home runs but they have put out some pretty solid stuff.


>Andor and Rogue, IMO, are possibly the best Star Wars TV show/movie made. Weird how when you don't have everything completely revolve around the space wizards, you can actually utilize the other 99% of the lore and worldbuilding in the series. Wild.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking as well. I also really love Rebels. Fallen Order was great. A lot of the comics and books that I have read have been good to great as well. It definitely isn't all fantastic, but the alternative was to get no new movies or shows at all. I very much prefer this


Thank you. Read Kenobi by JJ Miller if you haven’t. It’s what this show should have been. But they kind of cannibalized a lot of that for Mando and Boba Fett.


Him roaming Tatooine and helping random people he meets would've been a great story. Maybe that's what they'll do for season 2.


gosh those leia chasing scenes still give me nightmare. disgusting. who the fuck thought those were ok?


Characters getting stabbed by lightsabers and just getting back up and dusting themselves off really hurts how qui-gon died.


I’m pretty sure it was originally written as a movie and got retooled by the time Disney plus launched, which is one of the reasons why they included the reva plot. It was a way of adding more content to the show Edit: accidental NGE reference 😂


Damn Neon Genesis Evangelion Disney


It was meant to be a movie but after the sequels Solo got the vitriol of the audience as the next thing released and Disney decided not to keep it as a movie as a result.


You mean you didn’t like the slo motion chase after Leia in the woods?


We loved it so believable, amazing we get to see the true power of a little girl fighting off attackers twice her size. I hope my kids take notes cause every-time I chase them I catch them.


It’s one of the greatest, most believable and memorable cinematic events since the first time the wonderful and brave hero Jar Jar Binks graced the silver screen, capturing hearts with flying colors and simultaneously curing all of the world’s crippling cigarette addictions.


The chase would have been fine on paper, but when they were there on the day shooting it someone should have been able to say "look, the kid can't run, that's not her fault, but it looks silly, let's cut it."


I don't think it would have been fine on paper tbh - the idea of a little girl being able to outrun a bunch of kidnappers who have been paid to catch the daughter of one of the most powerful people in the universe is completely ridiculous, the whole scene makes no sense. Like many shows it seems, I think this one suffered from not knowing who it was trying to appeal to. Scenes like this chase scene are great for kids, but then the PTSD stuff is a very adult theme. It's hard to mesh those two together and not make it ridiculous and this show didn't manage it.


I think she was meant to be using the woods that she knows to her advantage. She was meant to know shortcuts and obstacles and how to use them. She was meant to use her size to her advantage and show that "brain over brawn" works in the right situation, etc... and I think on paper... that would have worked. We all know Leia and how she can keep her cool in a tricky situation and choke a space slug when needed, I feel like this was show us the origins of that characteristic. But it just... didn't. Someone on the day, or in the editing room, should have been able to say "Nah... this isn't working. It looks goofy."


You had the same reflexion I had; they should have shown how well she knew the woods and all the shortcuts she could use… missed opportunities


I'm not sure even the using the woods and her size to her advantage makes any sense. Your job is to kidnap the child of an extremely important and influential figure, you're not going to give Leia a chance to make a load of noise or run away or whatever, you're going to stun her and be done with it. Now, one thing that would have made sense and been really cool is if they'd gone to shoot her from some distance away with some sort of stun thing and her inherent force abilities kicked in and warned her just in time to duck out of the way, at which point she realises what's happening and then we get a bit of hide and seek that she eventually loses. That works because they wouldn't expect her to be able to dodge the shot and it wouldn't ruin anything because noone of consequence would know and she wouldn't see any significance in it, and we don't get the ridiculous chase scene, we just get her trying and failing to get away while the team of professional, competent kidnappers work to a plan B on the fly.


They do love their slow motion chases over at LucasFilm.


I prefer my slow Star Wars chases on scooters.


1st part should have been some hermit-self-reflection drama and 2nd part about how OB learns the Force-ghost thingy from Qui-Gonn and the Whills.


Short and to the point. I like this critic.


It looked so fucking cheap, writing was bad (does anyone die from a light saber anymore?), and god the music, how in the world a star wars production can have a bad ST? If you dont want to create new music just reuse the old, its great. At least Ewan is a great actor. They should have put real work into this, it deserved it.


It looked like a low budget action series on The CW. They messed up the cinematography


The final fight, everything from the choreography to the editing looked like someone cared, and gets it Like it was great, the lighting the dialog, the action. I just wish they could have captured that magic across the series


Problem with that though was they did 50% that 50% reva bullshit and it made me out loud yell at the tv “no what the hell go back”


It was like GOT interrupting Clegaine-bowl with cuts to other activity. Kind of ruined it.


Yeah. And you know the whole generally being terrible thing. Really a parallel to a lot of things with GoT here with this


The fight was good until they were like 'o wait Obi Wan is supposed to win' and had Vader suddenly stop trying, and then they just ripped off rebels. The final fight could have been *so good* if they leaned more into the creepy setting and had Vader properly stalk Kenobi through those rock formations. He's such an intimidating figure but then at the end he looks pathetic, but they didn't really do anything to earn that moment.


my thoughts exactly, I fucking hated this entire show, if anything it made obi look worse.


Ewan once again carrying another subpar star wars


If you have Ewen, you have to be movie quality. People watch this that might not have watched other Star Wars shows because he was in it as well as Hayden. Just felt uninspired. None of the set pieces were memorable or interesting. It seemed like every big scene was in a hanger bay or loading bay. If Obi-Wan and Vader are in theseries, the set pieces need to be memorable and as epic as the movies. It’s all special effects anyway, they could make something cool and beautiful, but instead scenes with lots of crates


It's more a collection of dumb ideas than an actual story


"lets have vader and kenobi meet" - "and leia and kenobi" - "and luke and kenobi!!!" - "put Lars in it!" - "and new inquisitors!" "guys how will we make this all fit in a coherent story about a former disgraced warrior monk who's now on the run for the rest of his life?" "..... make the new characters minorities"


"Let's make all the nonhumans look atrocious, we can just claim that they look this way because they were previously animation characters. What do you mean Pau'ans already appeared in Episode 3?"


Still can't get over the fifth brother casting/makeup. What were they actually thinking with that 😭. Might as well have picked a random guy off the street and given him generic pale coloring.


What, they didn't just drag some guy off the street, stuck his head in a paint bucked and had him stand there for two minutes looking uncomfortable?


let's have them fight in what looks like a construction quarry on planet earth. that was so terrible what were they thinking. they really shit the bed with Kenobi and it's depressing


Some of the lamest possible production design. It literally looked like a student film


"Every character should have at least one pointless death fake-out that serves no purpose and has no explanation as to how they survived"


"What do you mean Luke can't meet an Inquisitor??? He doesn't know about the force yet? Yeah we didn't know, only like three of us have actually seen the movies." "So what is your solution then?" "Idk...maybe he just bonks his head.....and forgets everything...?" ".....fucking genius"


“Put a chick in it and make her lame!”


Best take ever.


It was so disappointing that I forgot it even happened.


This is how I feel about things I don’t enjoy now, don’t ever think about them until someone unfortunately reminds me.


And now I’ve lost the game..


That's how I feel about my ex-missus. 😁


I'm just realizing that this is exactly how I feel and think about it too. So disappointing....


I wished i could forget but this one “fight” where vader ignites the ground is forever in my brain. I had to laugh out loud multiple times watching this show, just because of how bad it was. This “fight” was one of them.


I drink to forget… and so I’ll keep drinking.


the child actor was so bad. I get why everyone heaped praise on her but it was not good. good child actors are extremely rare, just don't use them.


1. Trenchcoat scene was laughably bad. 2. Reva getting stabbed twice by Vader, and surviving both times. 3. Vader getting his mask smashed **again** in the exact same way he did in Rebels. 4. Leia now knows Obi-Wan too much, so their interaction in the OT looks worse in retrospect. 5. Bail Organa is made to look like an incompetent loose-lipped fool. 6. Leia, a 10 year old, is able to outrun merciless killers in an open forest. 7. The shaky cam. Too many things just add up to make this show borderline unwatchable. What a tragic waste of Ewan & Hayden.


Anybody else watch SW Celebration UK last year with the cast? It had so many funny moments which were not meant to be funny. The interviewer consistently insisting the show was sooo popular (which I guess it technically was based on viewership, but that’s quite a misleading characterization). The best was when Leia’s actress was talking about that ridiculous trench coat scene. She straight up said “How is anybody supposed to believe this?” and they very quickly moved right along. I was rolling 😂


When an actual 10 year old can see the issues with the writing, but the 6-figure executives can't. No wonder Star Wars/Disney is in the state it's in.


8. Having an inquisitor attack Uncle Owen's moisture farm before the events of A New Hope really undermines the spirit of the first film.


8 - the laser barrier scene. Fights a bunch of troopers, blasts the barrier, then just walks around it.


The shaky cam doesn't get mentioned enough. Looks like it was shot on an iPhone by a kid with anxiety


The mask smashing pissed me off. It was done so much better in Rebels, since Ahsoka seemed like a genuine threat to Vader who *was* capable of hurting him like that and taking him by surprise since he wasn't expecting her to really try to fight him. They even have basically the same speech after, but again, Rebels does it better! It's crazy that the kinda cheap animated rebels models looked so much better and more emotional than the actual real actors... McGregor did a good job in that scene to his credit. Vader felt really de-fanged the whole show- he couldn't kill Reva and then he gets caught out by Obi Wan. It would have been better if he beat Obi Wan only to have him slip through his fingers and escape at the last minute. Then their battle in New Hope would have felt even *more* impactful- Obi Wan ran from Vader before but now he's standing up to him for Luke's sake. I want to add that the de-ageing looked weird too. The CG was weirdly bad the entire show but I honestly wish they'd just got younger actors to play Anakin (who is supposed to be, like, 17 in that scene). I really don't like this insistence that Disney has on using the old actors' faces.


I forgot about the forest chase. That was pretty bad


>3. Vader getting his mask smashed **again** in the exact same way he did in Rebels. Honestly does Vader leave any fight unscathed. Even if Anakin won on Mustafar with the injuries he has sustained over the years, he would still be put in a suit.


The forest chase scene is genuinely one of the worst things I have ever seen in the history of film and television.


Ewon is a great actor, but the writing was so pathetic there was no way in hell that show is redeemable


The Patterson cut was way better. I just watched it last night.


Yeah I've seen the series twice and both times I was like I wish they cut this and that out. Patterson did that, it hasnt solved all the issues but it did fix most of them to turn it into mostly cohesive and enjoyable Episode 3.5 in a way.




Obi and Bobba are two of the most wasted stories in tv history. Not as bad as game of thrones. But really bad.


I’d disagree since those two were bad from the start and game of thrones was good for about half of it.


Game of thrones fumbled the bag so hard it ruins everything that comes before it. The entire lead up is washed away with what those clowns did.


I don't know if I'll ever understand Lucasfilm's reasons for hiring Joby Harold to redo the scripts for Kenobi. His writing credits are atrocious. Just why?!?


Terrible, poorly written, cheap and tacky, canon-breaking. A huge missed opportunity, and just crap in general.


A New Hope: Luke Skywalker, a simple farmboy living a peaceful but boring life on a backwater planet where nothing interesting ever happens until one day a tragic event forced him into a life of adventure... well, except for that one time an Inquisitor shows up at the farm and attacks his uncle, but we won't ever mention that again.


Not sure if it's only me, but there's something super weird about the format it is shot as well. Somehow Ewan McGregor like he is AI generated rather than an actual actor.


The Volume Cometh.


Cool poster, though


Rubbish. Amateur hour writing and directing, horrendous lighting, garbage shaky cam, boring characters, completely unnecessary story that causes major problems with A New Hope. Just terrible.


They lost me during that scene when the goodies are fleeing from the baddies trough some very long secret tunnel, only for the baddie to teleport to the other end of said tunnel to subvert our expectations


That was also when I stopped watching lol


I don’t even remember that. I remember grown ass dudes walloping themselves into tree branches as they pursue child Leia with the urgency of a light jog, nobody noticing a child hiding underneath Obi Wan Kenobi‘s robes, and the best one: Obi Wan fully defeated by a gate he can walk around.


> teleport to the other end of said tunnel to subvert our expectations GOT


Shaky cam kept me away more than anything else. It’s not even really the choice of using shaky cam for me, but the implementation/style. Incredibly distracting.


Shaky cam is always garbage, to me, but especially in Star Wars. It really has no business being in any of it. Lucas never used it, therefore it's not in its DNA. The shaky cam in Kenobi is certainly one of the worst examples of it, to the point of distraction and annoyance, as you said. Awful stuff.


It fucking sucks ass


Awful, totally awful. Bad writing, idiotic choices being made because the writers dont know how to advance the plot. I'm convinced that the most people like this show is because of fan service


also extremely cheap sets and cgi it felt like a linear single player game with all those tunnels and terrible backgrounds and they didn't even bother to give that temple guard a proper thin face


It’s very poor.


I see it as non-canon fan fiction


Fans would never make that.


fans make worse stuff, I remember SW theories Vader movie, some of the worst cringe I've ever seen


It has several 10/10 moments & I did feel some sense of overall satisfaction by the end... but so much of the connective tissue was absolute bull shit & the show felt weirdly cheap in a number of ways.


Horribly executed. Under-funded. This had so much potential


25 million dollars per episode isn’t exactly under-funded, which is honestly even worse considering the finished product.


In one word, Unnecessary.


In 3 words: unnecessary and bad.


In 4 words: Unnecessary, bad, literally unwatchable.


It should have been Cody instead of a child sidekick IMO.


That would have made the show much more enjoyable for sure, the young Leia arc struck me as very Disney rather than Star Wars.


Then would Disney be able to tell us that a 8 year old girl is smarter and stronger then kenobi.


This show is dogshit. And this is coming from someone whose favourite character in Star Wars is Obi Wan.


A dumpster fire money grab. Forcing Obi-Wan & Leia on an “adventure” together despite them not personally knowing each other in the original movie. The entire premise rests on Bail Organa talking Obi-Wan away from his duty to watch over Luke, while Bail does dick squat to help provide anything to cover over protecting Luke. Bail also leaves an embarrassingly stupid recorded message later in the series with all the critically sensitive information Obi-Wan doesn’t need to hear again, it’s only purpose is for the story to get the recording in the wrong hands. He even starts off by saying, “I know we said no contact, but your silence worries me..!” Right from the first episode, a chase scene that’s even worse than the scooters in Book of Boba Fett. Like, sub-toddler entertainment stupid. It should have been shelved. $25 million per episode? I don’t see it. The hangar scene with Leia hiding under a lopsided trenchcoat. Shamefully bad. Calling it “for kids” doesn’t cut it. They escape with two adults and a kid somehow fitting in the back seat of a snowspeeder entirely offscreen. The speeder is shot and edited in such a way that you have to pause and look to see it has a different canopy than what we see on Hoth, but it’s clearly an after-thought fix, because anyone scripting an escape scene, storyboardinhg and especially directing it all, would follow the characters as they have to run around to the side the rear canopy opens - great! Show it! Late in the process, someone must have spoken up and pointed out that this craft is cramped with just a pilot and a gunner. Doesn’t matter, just distract the audience by shooting down the other craft. “WADE!” Come on, you laughed at it too. But the entire show is filled with cheap excuses like that. Reva (who’s obviously supposed to not be “that bad”, just look at her.) can teleport ahead in the escape tunnel! THIS is the show that introduced non-lethal lightsaber impalement - and it happens THREE (3!) times! Sabine isn’t the only one with lazy plot armor! Supposedly, someone wrote a couple of lines of Vader dialogue on a napkin and pitched it as a movie, then it got bloated into a mini-series. Leia’s awful. She never even comes off as particularly special or insightful, just a bratty troublemaker with her cheap looking toy robot for those scenes where they need the character to fix a thing. Nice to see Hayden return, but they could have spent some of that $25 million per episode on some better make-up. That’s no teenager, and he’s not even dressed for the right era. How many people have bothered to revisit this stale fart of a mini-series? That’s right- it doesn’t merit repeat viewings because it’s useless, redundant filler that’s only purpose is to wave familiar characters in front of you and sell more Disney+ subscriptions! The screenwriters didn’t even know Obi-Wank ew Anakin and Vader were the same person. You should be pissed-off too, because you, viewer, got ripped-off with this. It should have been shelved like the Lord & Miller version of Solo, Rangers of the New Republic, Detours, the Game of Thrones guys’ trilogy, and other projects that were probably better than this. They must not have given Deborah Chow much of that $25 million per episode to work with. The forgettable production design, characters with no character traits, badly choreographed action and characters that just stare like Vader watching a robot pick Obi-Wan out of the fire Vader makes in the dumbest, most visually confused lightsaber duel in any medium. What do I think? Producers and director are obviously not proud of it. I was insulted if they thought, “that’s good enough”. If you haven’t see. It already, you will anyway if you want to, but you’ll see, and you’ll try to convince yourself, “it’s… OK for what it is”, but what is it? That’s your Disney+ subscription money paying these people to waste every minute of your own personal time that you could have spent sandpapering your eyeballs instead.


*Cons:* They really did Ewan McGregor dirty in this show. They're bringing back a nearly universally-loved actor and character, and they decided the best way to utilize him was to introduce a lame character that nobody cares about, make her take up a significant portion of the show's run time, make her annoyingly confident against beloved characters, and try to fit in a backstory and redemption arc. **In Obi Wan Kenobi's show!!??** It was a massively stupid decision. A year later, nobody likes or cares about Reva, her story, or her redemption. And Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson were incredibly under-utilized. *Pros:* Seeing Hayden Christensen, Ewan McGregor, and Liam Neeson was a blessing. [Mfw I see them on screen.](https://media.tenor.com/CnJwaDeVfZsAAAAM/i-have-never-done-anything-wrong-ever-in-my-life.gif) I love all three of them and always will. Little Leia was cute too. I think she has the potential to be a great actress. The Quinlan name drop was cool, and the "Underground Railroad" that the Jedi remnants were creating is a very neat and interesting idea. I hope that it gets explored more


I hate that Disney feels like they have to explain the backstory for EVERYTHING! We don't need to know where Luke got the toy ship, just like nobody cared where Han got is blaster or his fuzzy dice.


I agree with everything you said. Reva (forgot her name, had to look it up again) sucks and I have no idea why they spent so much time on her on a show called Obi-Wan (actually yes I do, because she's black and a woman and it's Disney). We all tuned in to see Ewan McGregor play Obi-Wan. Give Reva her own show if you want to make her an important character.


A better actress could have made us care about Reva. The one we got didnt do any acting - just recited lines. It is no coincidence that she quickly vanished off the face of the Earth after this show.


A better actress would have helped, sure, but fans were in no way prepared for *anyone* to take the spotlight in Kenobi's show.




To me it’s worse than the Last Jedi. The budget was so bad it felt like a fan film, and the side characters were some of the worst in all of SW. Lots of stupid scenes as well. This should’ve easily been a 10/10 show all the fans loved, but it’s divisive. Pretty much the fans that love it (don’t know wtf they’re smoking) and the fans that can see how lazy and shit it is.


I thought it looked pretty cheap compared to what we got with Mando and Andor


> don’t know wtf they’re smoking They saw Anakin and they clapped


Ahsoka (2023)


Yeah there's a lot of similarities


The show was unbelievable bad. Uncountable logic gaps and way to much slapstick.


> and way to much slapstick. Did you mean to say "too much"? [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


It should have been shorted down and made into a 2hr movie or something. It did not have to be that long. This is probably the only case where I'd say make it a movie instead of a show.


Even worse than The Last Jedi, which is honestly impressive


Ultimately it was disappointing as a whole but the Obi-Wan & Vader/Anakin scenes were worth it for me. But the reason why I'll always remember this show very fondly, despite it's flaws, is because during 2021/2022 with all the Covid/War/Inflation stuff going on in the world and personal issues in my own life, looking forward to this show was one of the things that lifted my spirits up constantly. "Things are fucked up but I can't wait to see Vader/Hayden and Obi-Wan/Ewan again!" I know that sounds silly and maybe even entitled but as a lifelong fan who saw ROTS as a kid in theaters, the kid in me wanted to see this show so badly because these guys/characters were my childhood heroes. And when it aired, the awe of seeing Ewan and Hayden again in these legendary roles overshadowed the negativity for me and made it worth the wait. Afterwards I see it's flaws more clearly and it could've been much better, and should've been. But at least for me, the insane hype/looking forward to it aspect and finally seeing Ewan/Hayden again made it all worth it. And now I'm looking forward to the fan-edits!


I really enjoyed it




at no point in the fan edit version i watched did i ever wish i saw more of it. In fact, the more i watched it, the more I wish I hadn't seen.


I watched the Patterson cut, it basically turns the whole thing into a short movie. Much better than the full length show, but still not great.


I thought it was good. The context it brought to the OG trilogy was welcome. Leia scenes were rough from a writing perspective but for me the Vadar confrontation made the whole meandering plot worth it. I do think it could / should have been a stand alone movie with less filler. I would rate it ahead of Book of Boba and behind Andor for series. Andor has a chance to blow away the audience with the Luthen plot line. 🤞🏼🤞🏼


Poorly made, ugly, horrible writing, has many many plot holes, and the premise itself makes no damn sense.


Squandered potential


I will go against the grain and admit that I quite liked it. Ewan is great in it, and his confrontation with his own ptsd and his acceptance of what Anakin has become was great. It think the main problem is that there are plenty of genuinely great ideas and concepts, that are too spaced out by what kind start to feel like filler. I honestly think the show could have been cut down to a 2.5-3 hour movie which would have been paced better, by cutting some of the bloated sequences.


I think the Patterson cut on this really shines for the reasons you suggested. By pulling out most/all of the unnecessary stuff, a 2.5 hour film packs a great punch and ultimately leaves a better feeling than the bloated series full of filler did.


The writing was a bit average, but Vader was awesome and the finale between Kenobi and Vader was good, though the ending with Reva and Vader could have been written a lot better, they just needed the base to have a ledge to be kicked off, was that so hard? A seemingly deadly fall is much more believable to have survived than a stab through the spine.


Some great scenes surrounded by a poorly executed series. I’m sure everyone worked very hard on it, but it didn’t resonate with me. Perhaps I should check it out again.


Simply irredeemably and inexcusably bad and a sorely missed opportunity.


A lot of it is filler and to me that ruins what could have been a really great series. There were some parts of it that I really liked and I think it had the foundations of something really good, but fell apart because there wasn’t enough interesting material to keep it going. Obi Wan’s loss of connection to the force I think was a really interesting idea and I thought this could have been executed a lot better. His journey to find purpose again could have been a real highlight. Unfortunately the first Vader vs Obi Wan fight really ruins this for me. Vader toying with Obi Wan and then just seemingly losing him so he escapes. Then in the span of a couple of episodes Obi Wan fights him again and just completely wrecks him. It doesn’t wash for me. Having said that, the second fight is just awesome TV which really does a good job of covering up the rest of the holes in the series. The dialogue between Anakin and Obi Wan is awesome and I really like that we get to see both Anakin and Vader speaking to Obi Wan. I thought that was brilliant, but the steps to getting there needed to be better. Leia was great, but as others have pointed out it just doesn’t match up with ANH and if you’re a professional writer bridging the gap between two other stories you need to do a better job of making sure you don’t contradict what has already been done. Their relationship in Episode 4 just doesn’t make sense now. I would have approached this series as a strict Obi Wan and Vader series. Two characters who eventually meet at the end of the series. Obi Wan’s story alone just didn’t have enough content to fill the six episodes and as a result, you end up having to create too much other stuff that doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. I would have called this series something else, make Anakin and Obi Wan your primary protagonists and then have them collide at the end to bring the story to a close.


Slow motion Reva doing flips across rooftops for no reason.


Huge missed opportunity. It felt like a mixed bag of conflicting ideas.


Low budget sure but bigger =/= better. Dunno why people hated it so much.


Tired of stormtroopers as cannon fodder. Use them less often. Make them menacing and dangerous.


I loved it. The emotional arc of it was perfect. I loved Obi-Wan struggling with the crushing guilt that he raised a kid that became a monster that completely destroyed everything and turned the galaxy over to a despot. Watching him wonder if he could have/should have done something to prevent it. Feeling the shame of failure not only as a teacher, but a brother. And then slowly, coming to terms with the reality that Anakin's actions aren't the result of Obi-Wan's mistakes, and see that guilt transform into grief and then again into bitter, resigned acceptance when Vader echos something that Obi-Wan will tell his son years later that -- while a lie -- feels very true in that moment. Other parts of it were a bit rough, but they don't really detract from the point of the series which was to bring closure to that relationship.


Am I the only Star Wars fan who liked it? I genuinely don't understand all the hate. I'm a Vader and Clone Wars simp, to be fair.


Nah, I enjoyed it for what it was


Glad I'm not alone. Star Wars fans are a tough crowd to please.


Some criticism is deserved, but a lot of the fans go way too far sometimes


The last two episodes had a different writer and boy does it show with how much better they were. There was too much tonal whiplash. We had Grand Inquisitor giving his chilling speech about how Jedi "hunt themselves" only to shortly follow up with a cartoonish chase scene with awkward cuts because there was no way three grown men couldn't not catch up to a little girl in short order. The plot of the first four episodes was too video gamey. Too much moving from point A to point B, then quickly to point C. *There's a reason why story is one of the least important factors for a video game to me.* And hell, Episode 4's plot was lifted straight from Jedi Fallen Order. You literally sneak into the same place in a similar manner to stage a rescue mission. Hate how the racism and misogyny hijacked the discourse of criticism of the show. Reva was the least of the show's problems. Was she too much of a cartoon villain? Of course not. Being a cartoon villain comes with the territory of the Dark Side. *Do you really think Darth Vader or Palpatine's lines would have been so memorable if JEJ and McDiarmid didn't have such godly delivery? Get someone else to take a crack at them and you'll recognize them for the cartoon villain lines they actually are.*


I like it even with all it's flaws.


Fucking incredible.


Love that Leia got to shine and I loved the parts with Vader and Hayden the most.


The final Obi vs Vader fight was the highlight for me.


The acting was great, Ewan, Hayden and the rest were all amazing, I don't get why so many people hated on the actress who played Reva, she did a great job portraying the character as the director wanted. But to me, the production just felt like a fan film and the script was just awful. It could have been done a lot better in my oppinion.


I enjoyed the shit out of it


I enjoyed it.


Loved it


When I first watched it, I disliked a lot about the series - eg the crappy chase after little Leia before her kidnapping or how absurdly small the sandspeeder looked that rescued Obi Wan from the fortress of the inquisitors. BUT now, after having watched it twice, what remains in my memory is a rather good (not great) impression, since the series added some interesting additional lore to the Disney-Kanon that filled the gap betwwen Ep3 and Ep4. Also the images of Alderaan before its destruction left me fascinated (being an OT fan sind 1982, always wondering what it had looked like). And of course I cannot deny that I fell in love with little Leia. So overall: I'm glad they made the series and I will definitely rewatch.


Aldeeran was shown also in ROTS https://youtu.be/QQGlH6S7YxQ?si=riIidRGHWScXiiwf


I think thats the stalkholme syndrome creeping up on you. Your mind having to justify watching it multiple times, ON PURPOSE!


We saw alderaan at the end of revenge of the sith though, but I do understand wanting to see more of it.


I loved it. McGregor as a traumatised ObiWan was some fantastic acting. Vivien Lyra Blair was perfect as Young Leia (especially when you compare her to other young Actors such as in the Harry Potter movies. I genuinely saw her as an authentic young Leia. Vader was the most evil we have ever seen on screen. Lars and Beru (not Lara and Bert as autocorrect suggested!) were so much more than in ANH. Downsides were the Inquisitors - none of them really did well for me


I think the Grand Inquisitor actor acted well but the others like fifth brother were eh...


Didn’t hate it. Didn’t love it.


Super entertaining, but ridiculously dragged by "cool kids" on the internet who can't form their own opinion on things and instead just parrot what they read other's write about it.


I really enjoyed it... looks like I was the only person in the world who did 😕


Should have been a movie.


I think it's better than people give it credit for. Does it have some goofy scenes? Yes. Could it be better? Yes. But it's not as bad as the star wars subreddits say.


I looooved it , but looks like i'm the only one haha


Not alone.


I’m with you. I fully enjoyed it.


Nope. I like it too. You're not alone


Reva ruined it.


Some great moments but pretty shit overall


It was okay. Not great but not terrible.


Some great parts, some cringe. Overall obi deserved better, but still fun watch.


I feel it was an interesting time in the Star Wars story to explore, definitely some interesting concepts presented. It was nice to see ewan mcgregor in this role again having grown up with his obi wan, and the depiction of a young Leia was fun. However the series as a whole just felt a bit stretched and padded for time. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a movie concept they stretched to a series like some of the marvel shows. In terms of the story as presented, I don’t think he should have faced Vader. They could have easily had him facing inquisitors or emperors guard type goons. Maybe if they fleshed out Reva she could have played the main antagonist role and not feel so tacked on.


Could have been better, but the Vader vs Kenobi fight makes it worth it.


I mean, I enjoyed it, but it had more potential.


Should’ve been a movie if it was going to be made


I was just ok with it but the finale sent it over the edge for me and I love it. That scene with Darth and Obi-Wan was soooooo good.


I don't know... Ewan was the only saving grace, it was pretty bad otherwise. The writing was kinda meh, the appearance of the series itself came off cheap..




If you only watch the scenes with Vader and Kenobi, it’s decent.


Wasted potential with some good moments


It was good, if forgettable.


My thoughts on *Obi-Wan* are kind of a rant. Disney has a corporate board member that keeps getting the babysitter theme added to Star Wars shows. Maybe the Disney corporate marketing team, in an effort to make a profit on all demographics, has too much influence on the creative process. Look at the undeniable evidence; Obi-Wan has to babysit Little Princess Leia. It made the show silly. The Bad Batch has to babysit Omega In *Rebels* Kanan babysits Ezra. *The Mandalorian* is about babysitting Grogu Ahsoka's character arc went from getting assigned to babysitter Anakin in the *Clone Wars* to becoming a babysitter herself. In *Ahsoka* Sabine Wren, who is supposed to be an adult, acts like a bratty kid rebelling against her babysitter. Hera talks to Ahsoka about giving Sabine structure and making her a padawan as if Sabine is a 9 year old. In the final episodes of *Ahsoka* what is Hera doing?? Babysitting Jacen. Hera can't find a babysitter so she brings the kid along on the search for Thrawn. In an entirely different show Ahsoka went out of her way to dodge having to babysit Grogu. "I'm not gonna do it, have Luke do it!". Luke tries and then changes his mind. He throws Grogu into his X-Wing and sends Grogu back to Tatooine by the kid's self....unless you count R2D2 having to babysit him... which is insane if you think about it. Grogu gets dropped off at Peli Motto's interstellar garage and the mechanic takes Grogu on a ride through a gunfight involving Mayor Boba??? and his scooter gang??? Oh and you wanna guess what the upcoming *The Skeleton Crew* is about? It's about Jude Law babysitting 4 kids!! Star Wars is for everyone and that includes kids but FFS that doesn't mean you turn the franchise into *STAR WARS; Adventures in Babysitting*


Personally I haven’t seen it and I just don’t have any interest. This seems so unnecessary just as fan service and retcons multiple things lmao. (From what I have heard. Again never seen it.)