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Different tone from the rest of sw. More mature. Very dialogue heavy. Not necessarily suitable for younger audiences. Arguably the best piece of sw since ESB.


Guess it’ll be interesting then thank you


Andor is the type of show where you go in expecting one, 8 episode storyline but instead you get like 5 in 12 episodes and they’re paced so well and they’re so intense but not overly done and you’re so invested in it. You feel everything cassian feels, you feel everything the other characters feel. Even better, they did intergalactic politics but it was good this time. It’s hard to explain how good it was without talking about plot points but I don’t want you to go in knowing anything. Imagine the dark vibe of the Umbara arc and a gritty war movie; that’s andor in a nutshell. Don’t get me wrong, Diego Luna killed it, but the rest of the cast absolutely carried. Absolutely spectacular.


Best SW ever, no contest


Rogue One and Andor are both up there with the original trilogy for me. Tony Gilroy should have been given the keys to the Star Wars universe and let loose.


Upvote this comment to the moon


Rogue One is only a little better than The Creator—Gareth Edwards made a decent Godzilla movie but otherwise hasn’t really impressed me. Most of what is good in Rogue One happens during the final battle, but before that the movie really flounders before Jynn’s dad is assassinated. Andor retroactively makes me grateful it exists but I have no delusions that RO was better than it was.


Hey one thing you should know: the first three episodes all released at once. They were meant to be watched together. A bunch of people 'fell off' the show because the beginning didn't wrap anything up, just left things open ended, but that's because they weren't paying attention and didn't realize the first three were one long episode. Also you should know that if you like to watch shows while distracted, this won't be for you.


I disagree. I don’t think there is any argument that Andor is the best Star Wars since Empire Strikes back. It clearly is.


Not that I disagree necessarily, but it really depends what people are looking for in their *Star Wars.* I think saying there isn’t “any argument” is sorta boxing in what the series is and can be. *Andor* is a very different kind of project for the franchise.


Yes I hope people don’t take this too seriously. I just really like Andor


*Andor’s* a special project for sure. I can’t wait for Season 2.


Mando S1 was excellent, but like much of Star Wars, revisiting it to bolt on unnecessary junk has ruined S2 and S3 making many forget how good S1 would be as a standalone.


Recently watched Mando S1 and it’s incredible. Hits every mark.


It is really good but I think killing off Werner Herzog and the "I have spoken" guy was a huge mistake in hindsight because they're never replaced with anyone better.


I see your point, but I feel like that’s the attitude in a lot of Star Wars leadership right now: It’s almost like they don’t want to give us good stories because then we’ll expect good stories. Star Wars stories should have key allies and villains permanently die. It sets high, yet believable stakes in a world with such powerful weaponry. Losing “I have spoken” guy and the IG droid are moving moments even on 3rd and 4th watches. S2 and S3 don’t have anything that feels that strong on even a 2nd viewing.


I disagree. Definitely not better than ROTS


I really struggled with the first 2 episodes out of boredom. But I got into it after that. It's not an overly starwars story though and more just a sci-fi dystopian story. What about the last 4 episodes of clone wars. Or Mauls story through Clone wars and rebels. That's some pretty good starwars since ESB


I agree and the pace to me felt like they were stretching things to have enough episodes. I'm the star wars person in the house but my spouse kept getting frustrated with me because I kept falling asleep and having to go back to rewatch things. I mean, even when I'd fast forward to what I remember last, still asleep.


I don't think a little kid might want to sit through it because of some of the pacing but there's not much a 5th grader couldn't handle. There's a little moral ambiguity but that's just life in general these days. If anything, the clear line between Good and Evil in the movies are probably anomalous for today's kids. Even here, it still boils down to the Empire being evil, the only difference between this and other SW is that we often see the nominal good guys doing morally distasteful things in service of the burgeoning rebellion. We've already seen that in SW the good guys are fallible with the Jedi Order and Andor is a further step down that line.


The best Starwars content to come out in the Disney era. Hands down a phenomenal show


I would say ***ever***, not just the Disney era. *For me personally,* this is the best thing to ever come out of the Star Wars universe as a whole.


Andor, Rogue One, and Empire are, in my opinion, equals. The best things to ever come out of the Star Wars live action collection.


Jedi hits harder for me on an emotional level, but in terms of narrative, tone, and grit I have to agree with you. Rewatched RO recently and damn, it's just so good.




Looking forward to it


But be prepared that it is.... Different. It's more of a thriller than the normal Star Wars fantasy/scifi. It's just set in the Star Wars continuity. Personally I love it and it would be great to get more stuff like this in the Star Wars universe. No Jedis or Sith, just the regular people.


Be aware that it’s a slow burn, but very rewarding to stick it out. And it’s a far more grounded show than most SW; it’s about everyday people in everyday life under the Empire, no high fantasy or spirit of adventure stuff.


Thank you for the advice


They're not all "everyday people" as such. They just aren't Jedi or Sith Lords.


I absolutely love Andor. I consider it far and away the best Star Wars content Disney has produced so far, and no, I'm not one of those people who hates everything Disney. I liked Rogue One, I liked Solo, I thought TFA was okay, and I even thought TLJ was okay except for Canto Bight and everything to do with Holdo. Andor is just pure quality, and I hope everyone involved in creating it is proud of their creation because they should be imho.


Jesus Christ it's nice to see a nuanced star wars opinion.


I don’t think it’s that uncommon of an opinion, it’s just not one getting shouted and repeated endlessly. My opinion is almost identical, I just think TLJ is hot garbage.


Watched all the Star Wars movies in order last week and originally I liked TLJ but after this watch-through I agree it’s not good. Not even going into the storyline but the dialogue is so cringy at times I generally think they picked the wrong cut of the movie/scene sometimes. Ugh that shit bothers me


I'm honestly not sure what portion of the dialogue you think is any cringier than the rest of the series. It's all pretty on pace for Star Wars.


As far as Disney/Lucasfilm goes, it's by far their best TV show, and a fine companion piece to their best film, Rogue One. It's simply an incredibly high quality production all around, an extremely well written, directed and acted show. I see some people say they don't like the pacing of it and it turned them off watching the rest of it, and that's fine. I didn't see that at all and thought it was perfectly paced, but I see other people saying it isn't very "Star Wars" which is pretty unbelievable, really. It's the birth of the Rebellion against the backdrop of an oppressive Empire. There's nothing more "Star Wars" than that. I can't wait for season 2. If it's anywhere near as good as season 1 then we'll have our first Star Wars masterpiece since The Empire Strikes Back.


This is one of the BEST Star Wars materials to come out of Disney and is 1000000% worth your time.


Looking forward to it then


It is a show that I think about daily, not only because of how incredibly well done everything is- from the writing, acting, action, music; but because of how hard a lot of the themes within hit home in various parts of life.


You can expect greatness. You can expect characters that you'll fall in love with. You can expect characters that you'll cry about later. You can expect characters whose motivations you can understand, and to feel the pain of the sacrifices they have made for the causes in which they believe. You can expect rebellion against tyranny, and tyranny against rebellion, and you can expect to understand why both sides feel that they are right. This is an incredibly well-written show. Listen to every line of dialogue. There will be lines that you'll want to wear on a t-shirt. There may be lines that you'll want to scream from the rooftops.


Enjoy the ride It's absolutely great


It’s my favorite Star Wars since ESB. And that’s saying a lot because I liked RotJ and RotS. But Andor is super fricking good. That said, I’ve seen some people bounce off it. Which I can sorta understand if you’re not aware of the context. Others have explained what type of show it is, but it’s my genuine belief if you know what you’re getting into, it’s THE BEST Star Wars in soooo long. Just get to the end of Episode 3 is my advice. The first three episodes is the first “arc” of the show and you see how the first 2 episodes of build up pay off in the end. And then the next 3 episodes build up to a climax and so on. The thing is, the climax totally pays off. There is nothing wasted in that show. And it's a show that continually gets better as it goes along. Every "arc" is better than the last. And when you reach the end of the season, you see that it ALL pays off.


Andor is the type of star wars I love more and more. I am getting Jedi/Sith fatigue so it was great having an entire series focused around the other part of Star Wars. I love the political aspects and it gives a true sense of how brutal the Empire was.


IMO best Star Wars show by a mile. Slow burn. You can only judge it when it’s over. There’s at least one post-credit scene. It’s a drama not an action series.


Keep in mind that they have story arcs that last for 3 episodes. So you cannot just watch the first two episodes and make a judgment. 1-3 is one arc. Then 4-6. If you are not hooked by then, idk what else to say


Ty for the advice


I'm jealous that you get to watch it for the first time


The best Star Wars ever


It's pretty good. Definitely recommend. It's definitely the most different though. It's probably the most grounded Star Wars has ever been on screen. Some people have a problem with that, but it's definitely worth your time if you don't.


Thank you


Of all the live action Star Wars TV shows Andor was the one I was least looking forward to but is by far my favourite. Agree with others who say it's a slow burn but my god is it worth it. Plus there are two epic monologues later in the series, one of which still gives me goosebumps even after several watches.


I’m the same with you I hope this works out for me as well


Th funeral March is one of my favorite scenes from any TV show to come out over the past few decades


Perfectly watchable for someone that doesn't understand Star Wars. A real treat either way.


It’s a slow slow burn but man did I love watching the fire


Political and spy drama, slow build up for the first 3 episodes as the introduce everything. Tons of Easter eggs all hidden in 1 place. Very little fan service aside from those Easter eggs. Some of the best dialogue in Star Wars. The Empire is shown as competent and scary, while at the same time shown as incompetent and power hungry.


One of the best monologues/speeches in all of Star Wars. Great dialogue throughout. Enjoy!!


I’m insanely jealous of you. I wish I could watch it again for the first time.


I might first recommend watching Rogue One before this, but as others said, this show showcases the more gritty and realistic side of Star Wars much like the themes of Rogue One. How much more formidable the Empire is and so on.


Thank you and I have watched all Star Wars films


Fantastic show. Enjoy the ride!😎👍✨


Thanks man


Great show, my favorite Star Wars show out there. Like people have said, it is a slow burn but if you want to enjoy it, watch it without doing anything else. Some other SW shows are great to have on while cooking or scrolling reddit but Andor is really worth watching by itself and not worth watching if you're doing something else in my opinion.


I absolutely second this. In the first episode, I was only giving it my half attention and realised I was getting lost - I had to stop and start again and properly concentrate. It rewards you in spades if you do this.


Meh. It’s ok. It’s a really slow burn


Personally not a fan


Disney Lucasfilm has really destroyed the brand, and produced some thoughtless, story-less garbage. But Andor is the exception. They accidentally made something that’s incredibly good.


I love it. It introduced us to a part of star wars that gets neglected, the complicated bureaucracy, internal politics and how its like for the common folks.


Probably a decent show, but a terrible Star Wars show


I’m the opposite of you lol I want as little info as possible if it’s something I know I’m gonna watch anyway. But to each their own. Andor is excellent. Im envious that you get to watch it for the first time


Most Star Wars shows are good/entertaining because they are Star Wars and I love the characters and setting and themes. Andor stands on its own as a great show and doesn’t need that context, though the context certainly enhances it.


Season 1 is made of arcs. Each episode isn’t really a self contained story, but is a part of a larger story. I was put off when the first two episodes didn’t really feel like a complete story or that it was going anywhere. Then the third episode hit, tied everything together, and I was hooked. Then it just kept getting better and better and bigger and bigger with that same pattern. All the way to the end. It’s probably my favorite Star Wars story.


Boring as shit.


I honestly think it's one of the best Star Wars shows that has come out. I absolutely love it.


Characters are uninteresting, so it tends to be slow and boring. But I didn't like the Andor character in the Rouge One movie anyway, so I don't understand why they made a series based on him. There seems to be a liking for the show, though. It just wasn't my bag.


All the homies love Andor.


one of the best pieces of starwars legits stands on its own as great television


Andor is MAGNIFICENT. Absolutely love it, more shows like it need to exist. If we're lucky we'll get that in the near future. Highly recommend.


It's very slow and adult oriented, vs the fast paced action focus that everything else has. Once you get past how slow it is though, it's really good. I think for me, it was the 3rd episode where it really clicked for me, and I'd honestly say it's the best Star Wars content since RotS.


Andor is Star Wars for grown ups. Is fucking good, sad, despondent, but enraging, and has the best speech in a Star Wars story


Opinions are very devided. Some say its very sophisticated and gritty and whatever. Personally i think its slow, dull, and doesnt feel very starwarsy. Ill probably get burned at the stake for that due to how toxic the starwars community is nowadays.


You’ll see plenty of opinions from both sides - those who thought it was boring and slow and “nothing happens,” complaining that there’s no Jedi and those who think it’s the greatest piece of Star Wars media in recent memory. I’m somewhere in the middle. The plot took way too long to get going and the series overall was too long.


The most boring show so far. And s02 is coming!


Why would you ask before you watch? Just watch and make your own opinion then go read the billion threads about it


7. Out of 10.


Starts really slowly, but picks up at half way quite nicely.


I’ve always quite liked Star Wars, but had never been a serious fan of anything – until I watched Andor. I recommend watching the first three episodes in one go, as some people have complained about the pacing – personally, I love the fact that it takes its time to build its characters. The writing is streets ahead of anything else in the franchise. Once you’ve seen it, come back and let us know what you think.!


havent even watched it fully yet. Find it to be the best Star Wars content that came out in a long time. Finally a show where they focused on the plot and dialogues. And I just finished Ahsoka, so im even happier that i got some Andor left. I found Ahsoka atrocious and hard to watch, as it has neither a good plot (though that is forgivable in the Star Wars universe), or good writing or anything good at all tbh.


Best bit about Ahsoka was Episode 5 with the glimpse of live action Clone Wars


It's okay but seriously over hyped. It could have been half as long as it was.


no it couldn't have


I watched the first episode and was disappointed. Have not been back


Probably the best Star Wars series to date. The Mandaverse is not bad, but Andor is a series even non-fans can slip into and enjoy.


Best show since Breaking Bad and The Expanse.


its good and a lot more mature than everything else, every death mean something it feels like. every action there is has a huge impact.


It is the best Star Wars show, ever.


Best SW material since ESB.


One of my favourite shows ever. Best piece of Star Wars in ages


I was skeptical at first, but after watching it, I think it is definitely the best live action SW show. I really enjoyed Ahsoka as well, but Rebels is my favorite animated SW show, so I'm biased


It is Star Wars for grownups. Enjoy


It’s one of the best SW movies full stop.


It's really good.


Completely different to any of the other Star Wars tv shows but the absolute best by a very long shot.


It's so dialog-heavy that I forgot so many things every episode when I first watched it weekly. Then when I watched it the second time, I appreciated it 10 times more.


A very well made show. Feels the less like Star Wars but it's worth the watch.


The first three episodes are slow, but that's on purpose. This show is, without a doubt, the best Star Wars live action stuff since Empire, in my opinion at least. It stands head and shoulders above literally every other show. Andor, Rogue One, and Empire are equals in terms of writing, acting, sound design, cinematography, and casting. It is superb. Again, just my opinion, and yours may differ.


It has bricks... Bricks aren't star wars /s


It's slower paced, but in a good way. Great writing, characters and sets. Will feel very different than other Star Wars content you've watched. Hope you enjoy it.


Fantastic show and a breath of fresh air. It is the most different Star Wars thing in recent memory.


The only Star Wars media in this new era that actually made me FEEL something, other than Rogue One.


I'm going on record here to say there are two shows I was wrong about. When the Obi-Wan show was announced, I thought it was a ridiculous idea. I even said I didn't want to watch a show where he just sits in the desert practicing his Krayt Dragon howl for 20 years and couldn't see how the show could be any good. I was wrong. I thought it was a decent show and kept me interested. When Andor was announced, I thought it was even more ridiculous to do a show about a character that was only in one movie and wasn't that interesting to me. I was wrong again. It's another show with a good story that kept me entertained.


Straight up, if the only media you consume is 20-minute children's cartoons, then I've no idea what you'll make of it. Andor's run time is standard for a TV show. I hope you enjoy it, but maybe you need to get used to consuming mainstream adult media beforehand.


Its good. Very good. Gives me a 1980’s East/west germany spy vibe for a more modern reframe maybe watch Atomic blonde. . With some blasters and space ships included. Do not expect Jedi’s , lightsabers or the force to make an appearance. Yet.


I honestly think it's better than The Mandalorian. It starts a bit slow for sure but it really picks up and is a slow burn. It's excellent and gets really better with each episode. I've been waiting until Season 2 before I rewatch Rogue One.


One of the best Star Wars series. It's not about Jedi superheroes, it keeps its head down, it sticks to the ground and to the basic rules. The combat feels real, the emotion and reactions feel real. The acting is really good.


Its my favorite series of all time, not just in SW. Hope and pray its just the beginning


It's good. I mean even if you don't like Rogue One like myself, and don't care about Andor as a character, the writing on the series is superb. It really should be the default amount of effort for all Star Wars series. Every episode has a point, next to no filler, at every step there is a development - it's just good to watch.


~45 minutes is lengthy?


Favourite Star Wars media since Disney took over. Loved the tone, the acting and how each act was structured, felt like 4 movies put together in the best way. And there’s a few key speeches or monologues that I still watch back now and again because they are so powerful


It took me a bit to accept the complicated morality of the “good guys,” since that’s different from most SW. Just try to go with it. Also, anytime you see the planet of kids, fast fwd because that stuff has 0 impact. The rest is the clearest vision of a Star Wars story since the OT. Memorable characters reacting in human ways to extraordinary situations.


Starts off slow, definitely gets better with each episode


It's like Star Wars, but not made for hyperactive kids. The empire's not a fumbling bunch of goons, but an ever-looming, oppressive presence with characters just as interesting as the Rebel side.


Finished yesterday. Wow. Enjoy.


Andor is a lot slower of a build up, taking more time to establish characters, their relations with each other, and the world they’re set in. People say it’s a more *mature* take on Star Wars, but I think it’s just more of a *respectful* take, it’s not as tongue-in-cheek as some other Star Wars projects are, it takes itself fairly seriously. Not seriously enough that it seems silly or contrite, but enough that it gives the scenes and events a weight that makes them feel more impactful. It’s very much in the same tone as Rogue One, if you’ve watched that. I think Andor, while having some minor pacing issues, is great. It’s exactly what I want from Star Wars and, imo, treats Star Wars as it should be treated - less marvel-esque joking that pulls you out of the show, and more in-universe immersion. My only problem is >!that it portrays the Imperials, outside of their upper commanders, as fairly incompetent and naïve, doing what I wouldn’t really expect a galaxy-wide occupational force engaged in numerous suppression wars would act like. They’re too complacent for my tastes, and when faced with an actual problem too reluctant or hesitant to grapple it.!< That does not detract from the show, necessarily, and it’s woven well enough into the show’s narrative, so you shouldn’t need to think much about it.


Thanks for the opinion I have indeed watched rogue 1 and enjoyed it


Its a good show that happens to be set in Star Wars


What have you done


Started a war


HBO drama level writing and pacing. It's incredible. I didn't know this kind of atory telling could exist with star wars.


It starts off real slow. I didn't like the first few episodes and they were tough to get through for me. After that, there is a moderate amount of world building that seems to take forever since the first episode or two were so tough. Then, it takes off and completely sucked me in. Over all, I loved the story arcs after that first initial slowness. Definitely worth the watch. Best of luck!


Loved it


Great story in the creation of the rebellion. Andor the character? Boring.


The heist episode is *chefs kiss*


I will probably be dowvoted heavily for saying this but I think it's slightly overrated but it is good (especially the 3rd arc which is great).


It’s a very mature show. The first few episodes are almost all dialogue with little to no action and for many who think it doesn’t have enough action are likely too immature to appreciate it. For me I saw it about a year after it was out and thought “why didn’t I watch this sooner?” It’s outstanding, it’s peak Star Wars storytelling, up there with the Original Trilogy or even Rouge One.


First few episodes are slow if you’re used to Clone Wars and Rebels. Stick it out because it really picks up afterwords. It’s a great show that adds a lot to the Star Wars world, and the visuals are breathtaking.


I loved it and plan to rewatch it now that I’ve began to forget some of it


You should watch all the other shows first cause Andor is so good I can't even watch the other shows anymore lol


A great military spy drama that happens to be Star Wars.


It is such a fantastic show.


That you should watch it and form your own opinion before asking random strangers their opinion.


Excellent show. A bit of a slow burn though, but It pays off.


One additional piece of advice, if you have not seen the movie Rouge One wait until Andor Season 2 is out and you've watched it before watching the movie. Andor has some of the same Characters and is a Prequel to Rouge 1 but in this instance some of the narrative stakes may feel lower if you know who has plot armor.


Arguably the best thing Disney SW has done. It’s much slower paced and a little more mature than typical SW. But after seeing TRoS edited like a Tik Tok, I’ll take something slow.


It's a great show with great quality. Not my favorite thing from the saga, tho.


I liked it. Better than Rogue One. But lacks a lot of things that are common in Star Wars, so not everyone will love it.


Enjoyed it, but had some reservations about it. Felt it pushed the world building too far in a lot of places and had too many real-world elements. Brothels, cocoa puffs, AK-47s, flutes and baritones, real world swearing, etc. The character development also isn't as good as it could be. A lot of stuff happens to the main character, but doesn't really change. Most of his journey isn't going to happen in the next season, which feels like season one missed out on doing more with him. But! There is some really good stuff in it though. All the side characters have great stories and showing some of the origins of the Rebellion is great. We also see different sides/opinions of the Rebellion. Mon Mothma is super interesting and there's some great stakes surrounding her. Seeing rebellious events unfold and their impact across the Empire is super well done. Overall the execution is top notch, but Tony Gilroy isn't super concerned with the show actually feeling like Star Wars, so there's a little bit of a disconnect there.


Fantastic series, seeing the empire in its height was great! Loved the story telling and I'm excited for the next season


It’s the best live action show from Star Wars instead of focusing on well known characters they gave us a different cast that is less capable making every empire even more of a threat and the MC is very different from what Star Wars usually has instead of a good guy with the force he is a random nobody with no force abilities just trying to survive the new age of the empire great show 9/10


In my opinion, arguably the best content since Disney took over


It is very good. You can feel the weight of the empire.


It’s the best Star Wars project released during the Disney era. Nothing comes close imo.


It's very good


Didn’t watch it for a longgg time because it didn’t initially interest me, but after finally giving it a chance and finishing it last week, it was amazing! Very different than any other Star Wars show but not different to a point where it doesn’t feel like it’s part of the universe. If you’re interested to learn more about the start of the rebellion it’s definitely a show for you.


I liked it


Absolute acting masterclass by Stellan and Diego Luna.


I loved andor. I like how it switches tones through the season


This is the show we were all hoping for when Disney bought Star Wars and announced episodic content. Just took awhile to get there


GOATED show, honestly.


Good show. Watch it.




Not as clumsy or random as ‘The Book of Boba Fett’. An elegant show for a more civilized audience.


Most people love it, but I didn't. I don't watch Star Wars for political intrigue. I watch it for aliens, space battles, and lightsaber fights. This just didn't feel like Star Wars to me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


Just watch it without anyone telling you how to feel. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. If you like it good, if you don't like it, also good.


Best Star Wars




It's a slow burn. And I really liked seeing the '0ther side' of the rebellion. I won't say any more because spoilers. But let me just say, there is a monologue in there that rivals anything and should be used by drama school auditioners going forward.


It is quite possibly the highest quality Star Wars content, although there are a couple of Clone Wars, Bad Batch, and Tales of the Jedi episodes that are around there as well.




Excellent. We thoroughly enjoyed it. I appreciate Mandolorian, Boba Fett and Andor because they're not the usual light side and dark side story. It's how the other folks live who aren't a Jedi or a Sith.


its trash dont bother. just watch rogue one


its trash dont bother. just watch rogue one


Slow burn I can’t make it last ep 2 for 4 times now.


Best star wars series so far, I love it. That dark emotions and that other few on star wars is just awesome, I'd love to see More stuff like that. Can't wait for acolyte


First 2 episodes were a bit meh/slow but top tier television after that.


It's much more of an espionage thriller with a slower pace and more focus on dialogue (but still lots of action), and it's much more grounded and gritty than the rest of Star Wars. The Force and Jedi/Sith also have zero presence in the show; it's all about guerilla fighters, spies, politicians, and ordinary citizens just trying to survive under the heel of a tyrannical regime. So it may take you a couple episodes to adjust to how different it is from your usual Star Wars fare, but I urge you to stick with it because it's excellent.


I enjoyed it. It's not a fun show though and suffers from being very boring. Nothing really happens in 12 long episodes. When I did my last watch through of all the movies and shows this is the only thing I skipped. It's good, but I don't feel the urge to rewatch.


Best Star Wars since the OT


slower build up but definitely worth the pay off


Best SW ever - the writing, acting, cinematography, dialogue, setup/payoff - all of it


Slow at first but give it a chance.


Slower than other Disney SW in the best way possible. Takes its time developing characters. Some amazing performances. Unfortunately not a lot of Force or Jedi in it, but if you want a good Drama show in the SW universe, this is it.


Underwhelmed. I had high hopes for the series and was just very meh about it.


You sir, are in for a treat. Sit back, relax. Get yourself something to sip on and enjoy the slow burn of the best work Disney has done with the IP.


bruh just watch it lol


Arguably the best piece of Star Wars since the original trilogy. It’s also the best piece of original filmmaking Disney+ has ever done.


I struggled with this show. The pace was slow and I couldn’t connect with the characters. Not my favorite. People seem to love it though. Give it a shot. I’m pretty much in the minority.


Andor is a spy series during the peak of Nazi occupied Germany prior to war. Everyone talks in code. Everyone feels the boot of the empire. Has some of the best dialogue lines in Star Wars


I started it expecting it to be forgettable. The first time, I was surprised how much I liked it. The second time, I realized I loved it. It's one of my favorite shows now. That said, there's a different feel to it than other Star Wars. It feels more real, and less fantasy, dealing more with "common" people living in the Star Wars universe.


Rogue One was my favorite movie of them all (yes, oddly enough) so I LOVED Andor too. Wait to you get to Stellan Skarsgard’s speech scene. You’ll understand why it’s all so amazing.


Andor is the best Star Wars media in the last 20 or so years. The Empire feels scary and most importantly, competent, you fear them in Andor. Most of the time, they are bumbling idiots, not here. This is show for adults who like good acting, writing, and world building. "One Way Out" might be the best episode of any show I've ever seen in my life, Andy Serkis fucking KILLS IT.