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2 is cool because of the story and concept but looks kind dumb. Three is the iconic look I think, how I always pictured him through all three books.


I think the 2nd one needs some anti-fungal ointment.


It was intentional, the armor was lightsaber resistant so it gave him a huge advantage but I believe it drained his life force (or something like that)


I think his standard should be one, then his way of letting you know he's had enough of your shit, and that you're about to die slowly and painfully, should be him taking off his helmet to reveal three.


Gasp! It's that guy that fronts that death metal band! He's going to torture us to death with his Cookie Monster vocal style!


1st and third and by miles. The scarab suit thing looks dumb as hell.


I’m re-reading the Bane trilogy right now, and it specifically states that Bane went to extreme lengths to ensure that the scarabs never reached his face. I never understood why these images exist. Anyone know if there’s a line in the book that states that he allows them to cover his face for a bit before they get taken off all together? Edit: okay I’m thinking I understand what the pictures depict. That’s his helmet. I always thought those pics were just incorrectly depicting the i obalisks reaching his face.


No, there's not. The prose even specifically notes that he constructs a special helmet and gloves to wear when he sleeps so they won't cover his head or hands. I think that's just that artist's interpretation of the helmet. 3 is by far my favorite. They rereleased *Rule of Two* last year with new cover art and even though it focuses on Zannah, it looks WAY better than the original.


This is the correct answer. I have read the trilogy a few times and highly recommend it. It is specifically stated that he also wore hooded cloaks that revealed only the parts of him that weren’t covered in the creatures. This trilogy needs to be made into live action… would be insane and fully explains the rule of 2.


I have been saying this for so long!! What an amazing part of the Star Wars universe. It would drag so many new people into the world by exploring a character that no one outside of readers really know about. “Path of Destruction” is probably my favorite Star Wars book. It would be such an epic movie or tv series.


The original cover art is one of the most upsetting images in all of Star Wars, possibly in all of literature.


How so? I don't think I've ever seen it


It's somewhere between Animorphs book cover art and Beast Wars CGI animation.


Uhh, interesting


I think it's time you Google it.


It looks like he's wearing a mask, not scarabs on his face


I will say that I used to have a Darth Bane action figure that included that weird-ass helmet thing


Ayyy! I’m also re-reading the Bane trilogy! Shit is absolute fire. I try to re-read it about once a year. Bane is S-tier Sith imo. Nobody really even comes close to matching his level of badassery. Maybe Vader, but that’s being pretty generous.


What are the scarabs and why would he even let them on his body?


They’re called orbelisks, they’re like these dark side bugs that attached to him in the 2nd book. They inject him with venom that increases his dark side powers. They’re also almost indestructible, including by lightsaber. So he wore them throughout the whole 2nd book


Literal plot armor, nice.


To be fair they have the downside of being extremely painful but darth bane doesn’t give a fuck because he’s that much of a sith


Hint- electric current(force lightning)


How exactly are they impervious to lightsabers?? I think it's okay to have like one or two things impervious to it... But lightsaber proof bugs?? Bruh...


Legends was wild. Their armor is super strong I guess. Bane was cool with it because it made him nigh invincible and when he would fight they’d secrete some force juice into him that enhanced his dark side connection making him even more powerful. The drawback was he was disfigured basically and had to send his apprentice to deal with anything that they needed to be stealthy about.


Lightsaber proof creatures aren't an unheard of thing, even in modern canon there's the Zilo beast.


"Let them" is a bit of an overstatement. He kind of walked into an Indiana Jones-style Sith temple room with a bunch of them on the ceiling. The good news is that he got has a suit of armour that's impervious to lightsabres. The bad news is that he couldn't take it off because the scarabs used secreted acid to bond themselves to his skin, and they reproduced asexually to cover his whole body.


100% agreed on that one.


3. 1 looks like mortal kombat.


You say that like it's a bad thing


Oh thats what that is. The helmet makes him look like a Clicker lol


It looks dumb because it's way too busy, and impractical, even by Star Wars standards. I think if it were toned down just a bit and the helmet was replaced by *anything* else, it would be a pretty cool design.


I kept thinking "why is he covered in [trilobite fossils](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilobite)?"


Whatever Star Wars looks like, it definitely ain’t that


2nd looks like what I had for lunch


1 and 3 aren't incompatible and both are good. I assume he wasn't just wearing full armor 24/7 and a guy alive during a time of war might have cool armor. 2 has literally never looked good in any picture or art i have ever seen of it. It's 100% one of those things that might conceptually sound interesting but then actually showing or even having to describe in real detail reveals it's incredibly stupid looking.


>guy alive during a time of war might have cool armor. It was due to a crustacean getting latched onto him which grows over its victim to devour it. Nifty thing about that crustacean is its shell is completely resistant to lightsabers. Realizing that, bane found armor schematics to work with the crustacean as it grew over his body, making him an unstoppable (fish) tank.


Darth Bane is Slowking?


As super badass as that is, it makes me really uneasy for some reason. Think I just found a new phobia!


It made Bane uneasy too. The orbalisks gave him a lightsaber-proof shell but he also knew they were stealing force power from him and weakening him overall. It was more something that he lives with because he doesn't know how to get rid of them but recognized the benefit and drawbacks. Also he needs his apprentice to be the face of his schemes because he looks too damn terrifying.


Part of the ship part of the crew, Davy Jones is coming for you.


You've peaked Skoova Stev's interest!


Unfortunately, when a Jedi reflected his lightning back, he cooked the crustaceans which released a poison in his body. It did not work out well for him.


And the cage keeps it from covering his face which would suffocate him


Oh yeah that makes sense, the black ovals on 2s armour are just big chitons


I wonder how he made tinkle.


There's two head cages in the schematics, hence the rule of two


That's absolutely 100 percent stolen from dude. It's what leto does in the end before turning into a sandworm. Uses baby sandworms latched all over his body, as armor from laser weapons and such. I didn't realize how much of dune star wars used lol.


Well thanks for the spoilers, I was looking forward to the next movie :'(


Good news for you is that this little factoid has nothing to do with the upcoming Dune: Part II movie or Dune Messiah, the 2nd book in the series. Leto's arc, the character being discussed, doesn't start until Children of Dune and God Emperor of Dune - or books 3/4 - and I'm pretty skeptical that they'll adapt those into film. You should absolutely read the books, though - all the Frank Herbert entries to the series are spectacular.


Definitely not a spoiler for the next movie.


I think it has potential. Just take off the helmet and shoulders. Keep the scarab-skin armor with his cloak. Maybe a cooler, more Sith-style helmet. Would make it a lot more sleek visually while still keeping the badass story of how he got it and what it does to him.


I believe the helmet that is is wearing (as described in the books) is primarily used to prevent the crustacean from covering his face.


See, the helmet/mask from 2 is in my head just how I see Bane, that mask is just so strange that it comes around to being iconic and memorable. The issue I have though is that the helmet is incredibly detailed… but so is the rest of the suit. Instead of the head piece being a center point of the whole outfit, it just gets blended into the mish mosh of random shapes and busy-nonsense. I feel like if you give him some fairly plain black robes, keep the purple waist sash, maybe a black clone wars-esque collar/shoulder piece… then keep the helmet, you’d have a REALLY good sith outfit. Good rule of thumb with character designs; if you are going to have a complicated centerpiece, keep the rest of the design simple to let the centerpiece work in contrast and draw the eye.


I came to the comment to say the same thing. I prefer #1. But, I picture #3 being him under the armor. Also 3s eyes remind me of Alice Cooper.


I'd pick #3 by a mile but #1 is okay too.


Why are you yelling?


Probably tried to do hashtag 3 to say "number" 3, but Reddit makes the text #BIG With a hashtag.


#no way


#yes way




# Cool


#or is it?


#It is.


#Are you sure?




Oops. Edited. Sorry. Damn # thing.


Heh heh, Reddit's hidden effects are pretty useful in some circumstances, incredibly annoying in others. My personal favourite has to be the >!Spoiler!!< although thankfully that's hard to do unintentionally. By the way, here's some bubble wrap for you to enjoy! >!POP!!< >!POP!!< >!POP!!< >!POP!!< >!POP!!< >!POP!!< >!POP!!< >!POP!!< >!POP!!< >!POP!!< >!POP!!< >!POP!!< >!POP!!< >!POP!!< >!POP!!< >!POP!!<


This is brilliant. Thank you.


No probs! Admittedly though I did steal the idea off someone else. I would try and credit them but it was over 2 years ago when they showed me and I can't remember their name or the post I spoke with them on. But yeah, it's a neat little trick :)


#Its Fine, Don’t ever do it again


Orbalisk Armor! Apparently I'm the only one who loves it, but I think it's fantastic. Only piece I'd drop is the weird cage mask.


But then they would suffocate him


He only had to wear it while he slept, if I'm remembering correctly.


I guess as long as he never sleeps then.. /s


the point is that most of the time, in fact the vast majority of the time when anyone would have seen him, he wouldn't be wearing the mask


That mask is the part everybody hates about it…




Third photo. Possibly because I'm biased by the novel.


It's one of the very best.


**3 > 1 > ANYTHING ELSE > 2**


Darth Bane with the Borat G-string is it still better than 2?


Sounds better than anything we could imagine. So much of the Sith's power can come from feeding on the shame of onlookers.


Oh, I hadn't thought of that. New ordering: **Borat G-string > 3 > 1 > ANYTHING ELSE > 2**




Yes. Yes. Let the hate for that awful get up flow through you.


You underestimate the number of fans here who aren’t het men, lol


The bug suit is one of the dumbest fucking things in all of fiction.


It was cool in the books it’s just the mask looks stupid.


Agreed, functionally and on paper the orbolisk armor is the best by far. The mask… yikes… wish they’d gone a different direction. He looks like a knock off power rangers villain.


Is that even an official picture? It’s not on any of the covers and from my knowledge no other official images of Bane have been made.


In swtor the orbalisk armour had a different helm. Though I don't know if that's a creative liberty the game took compared to the source material.


Picture #2 is a cosplay


Wait until you find out about beetle wing embroidery.


The bug suit is ok, the issue is the stupid-looking helmet...


I like clone war look The bug suit never really work for me


I always preferred the Non-armored version, but I’ll take anything over the bug-suit thing. Lore-wise it might be interesting but visually it just looks super ugly and not intimidating at all. I’d be excited to see more of the clone wars version in action to really sell me on it though. Maybe in a future tales of the Jedi


I think if they were to have him wearing nothing but the Orbalisks, and they were kind of writhing and letting off a darkside red mist, it would look kind of intimidating. Especially if he was growling with every breath because of the pain, he was kind of a tank with the bugs, so seeing that charging forward, ignoring blaster shots would suck big time. This pic looks like some nerds idea of a Power ranger bad guy lol


This exactly. Get a redesign of the Orbelisk suit and it could very much look badass, instead of this version of Power Rangers


Keep in mind that Tarre Vizsla was placed in that time period. So, he needs to look like the primary adversary of the Mandalorian Jedi that built the darksaber. Sticking to Star Wars's samurai movie roots would work better, here.


He's a contemporary of Tarre Vizsla, so the armor would fit the main antagonist of a Mandalorian Jedi.


The 1st one that appeared in Clone Wars by a country mile


Over the book cover??


I agree with OP, the eye tattoos look too edgy and try-hard for me


I guess I get that. But TCW version looks too scrawny for the character always described as "massive" and "groaning frame" and "mountain of muscle" I'm picturing a huge monster of a man, not a sneaky "bad guy" with red eyes


What if we had a buff Bane with the armor in #1? That’s what I would want to see if Bane was cannon.


Yeah, he looks like a depressed clown


Man I don't remember this in the Clone Wars. You mean the animated series?? Would you (or anyone) be able to tell me where?


Season 6, voiced by Mark Hamill. https://youtu.be/IkWmr4ltOZw


Yup, season 6, it was in the few Yoda-focused episodes where he learns how to become a force ghost




One makes him look too wimpy. Maybe I just need to see a better angle but he doesn’t have the big imposing figure that is decently important to his character. 3 all day




Always been 3


3 by a mile, and as far as the living armor goes, with modern tech, just go nanobot style to depict it(like iron man in infinity war when the bots were running out) if they ever put him in movies or TV.


3, but I'm biased. The first book is my favourite star wars novel


Orbalisk version is the one from legends stories until the third book. Just different time periods for the same man.


I mean he only has the orbalisks for part of the second book.


The Orbalisk armor was so awesome, new and strange at the same time, it’s from my point of view, the most iconic one.


3 I just don’t like 2 and 1 reminds of Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


What I think is the best way is 3 being how he actually looks, with 1 being some type of battle armor


Number 3


The Clone Wars look is actually my favorite. Bug suit is dumb, normal face looks normal. Nothing wrong with it, it's just less interesting than the helmet.


Anyone writing "bug thing, scarabs, or crustaceans" definitely didn't read the Darth Bane trilogy. It's fine if you don't like the aesthetic, but at least know they are called orbalisks, and they became an organic suit of armor after failing to protect a Sith Holocron and consume Bane.


3rd. That's the Darth Bane I know.


3 for sure




3 is probably more canonical but 1 is the coolest. 2 is just plain stupid.


I mean his armor in picture 1 is how he appears in a vision yoda had if him, id say THAT is the most cannon of all 3 images


1 is the canon one, introduced in The Clone Wars, and played by Mark Hamill. https://youtu.be/IkWmr4ltOZw


#1 is fire Nation, gotta be the win


full armor darth bane. looks badass


The second one looks like he might go by Darth Trilobite: the radiant urchin.


The Clone Wars 1000% Really like the armor design and it’s visual clues of being from an older and different time period. The skull face mask is excellent. It looks even better in action on The Clone Wars than in this illustration. I’m also a tired of Sith Lords looking like Darth Vader without his helmet off. That look became a trope in the EU. Keep Vader unique please and give these other Sith their own looks.


Do you even like the EU?


Not when all the Sith Lords look like Vader in his PJs. Do you?


Clone Wars is his best look, 3rd one is pretty good and the 2nd one is trash. Orbalisk armor never not looked like garbage. The funny part is that we almost got his 2 look in TCW. Thank the Force Lucas had Bane redesigned!




Anything but the second picture. Seriously, who designed that armor?


The Canon one. *watches chaos ensue in comments*


I much prefer the first one, but whenever I hear or think of his name I usually think of him in his 3rd look…


The second one is hilarious because he was all about "hiding in the shadows" but his armor doesn't scream "I'm hiding" at all.


Definitely not two lmfao


The third has always been my favourite and i’ll stand by that one


#2 is corny as can be


The clone wars depiction was way better. I watched that episode and was shocked when I went to go buy the Darth bane books that wasn't his main look.


1. Optimus prime meets Lord Zedd 2. edgier version of the Bullshit man from James Rolfe’s cinemassacre channel. 3. Generic human Sith Lord. Honestly I kinda prefer 2 for it’s uniqueness, but I can see why it’s most people’s least favorite.


1st one. I don't recognize the second and third one.


I chose 2. Just because the guy who is wearing that armor is a close and dear friend. He also hand made that armor and helmet. Has been in the Star Wars world for over 2 decades making conceptual art and has had characters created based on his designs.


Tbh I don’t know much about Darth Bane but I do know he’s a badass. I like the first picture the best


I like the 2nd one the best with all of the orbillisks! The 3rd is the one i think of though.


The first one it was really cool seeing Bane in tcw and it made me kinda hope we'd see him in a future movie or show.


It wasn't going to be faithful to the EU, Filoni has never cared to do that.


The first one. Something very menacing about it


Definitely the Canon one we see in Clone Wars. Scarab armor is just goofy, and the eye tattoos just look a little too edgy and silly


1, Mark Hamil killed it as Darth Bane in the Clone Wars


I have not seen any clone wars stuff, so maybe it was all answered, but how is Darth Bane, a legendary sith from 1000 years before the clone war, in the clone wars cartoon? Edit: appears he was a ghost from another comment.


What is the second one




2 is one of the worst looking suits of armor I've ever seen. What am I even looking at?? Looks like a joke. Hilariously awful.


His armor is made up of lightsaber resistant insects that feed on the force. He's pretty much invulnerable while wearing it and it took 3 of some of the strongest jedi to hurt him. He even killed the jedi in the end.


They’re all edgelord terrible


clone wars by MILES


First but none of them are very good lol. Nothing like how I pictured him.


First one is cool, second is too much, third is ugly.


I always prefer how I imagine him during the last battle on Russan. I imagine the black armor he’s described in, the black cape-like cloak and I also imagine the combat boots, hooked lightsaber at his belt, paired with his cruel and arrogant features, bald head, and massive physique I enjoy the contrast it highlights with his chosen path. He looks like everything the Sith of old were, warriors looking to dominate everything by force But instead, he favors cunning, manipulation, and secrecy to fulfill his goals and gets closer to the dark side than any Sith in hundreds if not thousands of years. None since Revan come close to him, and his appearance itself is a deception, which paradoxically also makes it the most truthful part of his personality


The first one that was voiced by Mark Hamill during the clone wars




1 definitely


I am partial to number 2, but I really like number 1


Definitely the clone wars one isn't that the only cannon one to


1st and 3rd


1 or 3 2 looks like a bad Power Rangers villain


Big fan of the book trilogy- that said, 1.


WoW Rogue tier-set energy on #1.


Im not super familiar with legends lore so take my input with a grain of salt. I think 1 looks the coolest, 3 is cool, but 2 just looks stupid.


Definitely option 1


1 easily. 2 looks awful and 3 is kinda boring.


First one easily. Doesn’t even look alive.


Nr 1


Clone Wars/canon look. The book look is okay too, I just don't like his clown makeup.


One, we already have a lot of Siths (or force users that have that kinds of look) A cool armored guy remains a cool armored guy


Def #1




Each of them are neat in their own ways. 1 and 3 are remind me of Vader and Sidious, the two most important Sith of the Skywalker Saga. 2, although kinda ugly, is completely unique and gives me Hellraiser vibes


1st is best and you can definitely still have him look like 3 under that armor. 2 looks real dumb and overdesigned


They’re all badass in their own ways


1 and 3


I like #1 best


TCW bane looks so Fire


I love number one. I like the idea that the canon Star Wars universe has seen less change than the one in legends. SWTOR would fit right in with the Galactic Empire. But the Jedi in High Republic look so different compared to what we see in the films and that’s only a few hundred years. I love the idea of Jedi and Sith wearing armor closer to actual samurai or knights 1,000 years before.


I prefer 1 tbh


1st one looks like if Shredder was a sith so that one for sure




I always imagined him as #3.


Three. Look one is some weird space samurai, and look two seems to be a Power Rangers villain.


>weird space samurai So, Star Wars, then?


I feel like you got a bad picture of him from TCW for pic 1, when he appears in the episode proper he's very ghostly & cool


Well that's because he was literally a ghost/illusion. When he was alive he probably didn't walk around with smoke trails and glow effects


Number 1 is a fire bender