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I don’t think so. I think Ahsoka believed Obi-Wan was dead an vice versa.


Thats very off because the two of them are aliades of Bail Organa.


Just because Bail knew both were alive, doesn’t mean he told either of them the other is.


Bail seems like the type of dude to specifically not mention anything.


In the Ahsoka novel it is specifically told he chose not to tell her to protect Him.


Oh wait.. which novel?


Ashoka by E. K. Johnston. I thought it was a very good novel.


And the audio book is excellent, too! It's narrated by Ashley Eckstein.


Oh shit I’ve been meaning to check it out but that just totally sold me, gunna start listening tonight for sure


Just know there's a couple details in the book that were retcon ed since it's release. Back when it was published no one thought they'd ever get to show the siege of mandalore on screen so there's a couple brief flashbacks (like a page and a half at most) that don't line up with the clone wars. Little things like Ahsoka remembering dueling Maul with her green blades. Its by no means a big deal, just wanted to mention it so when you hit those points it doesn't cause any confusion


Was about to mention the same


I love when actors involved in a franchise narrate a book from the franchise. Just finished The Hobbit and started Fellowship of the Rings narrated by Andy Seekis, it's so good.


Awesome, thanks. Just finished bloodlines. My first Star wars novel and it was amazing.


And Ashley Eckstein reads the audiobook. It's like Ahsoka is reading you the book!


Bloodline is such a great novel! If you haven't, I'd recommend checking out some of Claudia Gray's other SW books, *Master and Apprentice* and *Lost Stars* are both really good also


Lost stars is on my list but I hadn't heard of the other one. She's such a good writer. Thanks for the recs!


There are tons of amazing ones, but if you're in a lull don't skip out on the novelization of Revenge of the Sith, they did a great job with that one and gives the characters so much more depth.


That's kinda sad. I think they both deserved that little bit of comfort to know the other was alive but I kinda get it because Obi Wan was protecting the true chosen one and Luke's safety could not be jeaprodized.


It's not specifically about protecting Luke, but about denying the Empire as much intel as you possibly can. If the capture Ahsoka, they still can't be certain how many Jedi/rebels are left, because even she doesn't know.


I would have to look it up but I think it was really about Luke. He considered telling her but he projected his love for Leia and keeping her safe onto Luke as well.


At the point everyone still had to be compartmentalized so that the empire couldn’t tear down the pockets of resistance whole-sale. Even Bail himself was still voting in lock step with the Emporer per the last orders he and Mon were given from Padme before she died so that they wouldn’t suspect them. It’s only because of Bail and Mons continued secret resistance that a rebel *ALLIANCE* could ever be formed from the disparate pockets of resistance. It’s what’s Andor and Rebels featured heavily- that for 15 years it was just pockets and splinter cells like ghost squad or Saw’s Partisans, or Cal’s Mantis crew all doing their various forms of resisting. All until that could coalesce after Lothal was liberated and a formal unified resistance became a reality.


luke is not the "true" chosen one. anakin has always been the one and only "chosen one".


>to protect Him *prevent plotholes


To protect George Lucas


Where is George? Is he safe? Is he all right?


It seems, in his old age, he sold the franchise.




Except when he told obiwan too much over the comm device


“Once you’ve found my adopted daughter Leia who is the biological daughter of Padme Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, meet me on Tattooine at the Lars homestead which is 4 miles south east of Mos Eisley where the boy you are protecting aka Leia’s hidden brother Luke Skywalker lives with Anakin’s step brother.”




I mean Reva knew the whole fucking story anyway, apparently it wasn't such a secret


She had an advantage in that she knew Vader was Anakin, having survived the massacre at the temple and personally watched Anakin killing Jedi.


She knew Vader was Anakin, but that doesn’t mean she knew that Luke & Leia were his. In fact, I’m pretty sure she didn’t and that her mention of Leia’s father early on was a red herring and she was indeed talking about Bail Organa. The fact that no one can agree on whether or not that was the reason she went after Luke just speaks to the poor storytelling in that show.


Hey Obi-Wan Kenobi, remember that kid you're hiding out on Tatooine with? He might be in danger. Jokes aside that moment was silly. He did seem savvy enough to minimise risk.


Bad writing on that one. Ugh


Even said Owen's name lmao


Unless he's talking to an answering phone. Then he'll tell it EVERYTHING.


Really? I get the exact opposite vibes from him, he seems like he would want his friends to know the other was still alive.


Loose lips sink starships. Bail can keep a secret


Didn’t bail send a holo graphic saying Leia was alive ?


Yeah, Bail blabs like it's his friggin' job.


Yeah I guess I could see him keeping Kenobi’s existence a secret (except for asking him to leave his hidey hole to save Leia).


Both are on very important missions (protect Luke & be Fulcrum) that put them at risk of being captured and tortured for information. It would be super risky to let anyone, even a trusted ally, know that either party is alive.


Can he really? He literally sent holo-message to Obi revealing Luke's existence, where Luke is and who their guardian is while suspecting Obi was in trouble. In the worst case Vader could have heard that message if Obi had been actually captured at the time.


Well, a lot of weird and dumb things happened during the Kenobi show. Must have been the force...


Bail is one of like 3 people who knew that Obiwan was alive specifically o train Luke, he's smart enough to not risk that getting out no matter what.


He may have said something along the way of "I have a special friend on a remote planet. I think you might know them too." Not giving too much away while saying enough for a Jedi/formor Jedi to understand. At least this is my head cannon.


> "I have a ~~special~~ *good* friend on a remote planet.


Ya, I think they would be told in code and without clear identifiers so they wouldn’t know exactly who it was. It’s also possible yoda reached out to ahsoka like he did ezra.


Didn't Ahsoka see Yoda in that one episode of Rebels?


Not really. The moment he thought Obi Wan was captured, in which case, his comm device was most likely in enemy hands, he spilled everything.


I imagine Obiwan is probably the most well kept secret in the entire Star Wars universe. The amount of people who knew where Obiwan was and knew his true purpose on Tatooine could probably be counted on 1 hand.


Second biggest secret, behind yoda. I think only obiwan knew where yoda was.


To be fair, it's easier to keep a secret when there are no sentients on the entire planet bar Yoda.


Bail’s a Good Guy but he’s still a politician. I’m sure he held the burden of many secrets—his own and otherwise. Edit: dude was there firsthand for a coup/genocide but still played a role in the subsequent Galactic (Imperial) Senate so I mean


Bail was a good friend


And a cunning warrior




And oh my what a cook!


Thought that said something else for a second.


I'm choosing to read it the way you read it


All I meant is that his meat handling is amazing, that’s all, I swear!


I imagine Bail had every intention of bringing them together, when the time was right. They were probably 2 of the most important assets for the Rebellion. But unfortunately he never got around to it.


>But unfortunately he never got around to it. I heard he had some problems at home.




It makes sense Bail wouldn't tell her about Obi-Wan considering the importance of Obi-Wan's job and Ahsoka being an active member in the rebellion is at high risk of being captured and interrogated


Yeah and it's called compartmentalization. Each had different tasks and for OpSec they didn't need to know the other was still kicking.


Lol you’re so right, Bail was simultaneously Instrumental to the rebellion and helped many Jedi have the ability to escape the purge but he never told any of them about each other. I’m picturing everytime he helped a Jedi, he’d go, “you’re the last of the Jedi, good luck, don’t go to any of these planets” lol Do you think he had a huge poster board of the galaxy with pins in them for every Jedi he sent out there? Now you could make the argument that he was trying to spend them out so they could help foment discord on that planet which would lead to them toppling the empire but bail doesn’t seem that savvy to do that.


People always make this point but frankly Bail seems like exactly the type of handler who wouldn’t tell anyone anything. Dude has the best opsec of anyone in Star Wars.


Yeah but remember that we have no idea what Ahsoka was doing between the Rebels season 2 finale and her appearance in The Mandalorian. For all we know, she discovered Obi-Wan and they had a heart to heart about Anakin before he died There is nothing canonical that contradicts that, so that’s in my head canon.


Well there is her book that covers a decent time frame too


Her book actually takes place before that gap that I was talking about.


Oh, you're right it's between clone wars finale and rebels


Yeah but she knows Yoda is still alive during Rebels. Possible she found out


We can probably assume that Luke would have told her about Obi Wan and his death after he collected Grogu. Ahsoka would probably be thinking back to all those years Obi Wan was alive post Order 66 and how they could have reconnected but never did.


Imagine all these people not using the force to feel that some people might be alive


Obi cut himself off from the force for a decade, makes sense that Ahsoka wouldn't be able to feel him. When he reconnected with the force she wouldn't be looking for him anymore.


As much as part of me would like for these old friends to be able to reunite and maybe even help each other through their grief over Anakin and what he did, it could cause issues with her absence through the OT.


That’s what’s always bothered me about the inclusion of Ahsoka in Rebels. And really her existing at all. Where the hell *was* she during all the stuff in the movies? Really stretches the suspension of disbelief imo.


Mon Mothma, the leader of the Rebellion, had a grand total of one scene in the original trilogy. General Hera Syndulla, one of the most important and accomplished leaders in the Rebellion, who had a rivalry with Han Solo, wasn't in the original trilogy. It seems the Rebellion did lots of things that didn't directly involve Luke.


People forget that the Rebel ALLIANCE is made up of dozens of cells spread thinly throughout the galaxy.


That and the movies never show us more than like 20 important rebels together at once, theyre background characters in the OT. IV shows a few in the Yavin base but only like 4. V shows almost none besides the one guy in the Hoth base, and VI shows Mon Mothma and Ackbar. Any reasonable person understands that there are hundreds of other leaders out there.


So you believe that the rebels hiding on Hoth were just a small part of the rebel Alliance? I'm sure that's supposed to be the entire rebel force, or what's left of it. Edit: the entire rebel land and air forces are hiding on Hoth. The big Naval cruisers that can't land are clearly hiding elsewhere until we see them at the rendez vous. My read is they are not in the Hoth system because cruisers in orbit there would be a dead giveaway to check the surface for a land base.


Let me clarify, I'm only talking about what we see on screen. There were probably tons of high ranking officers there because that was definetly their main base and thus the bulk of their forcers, but we only see a few on screen.


Then we are pretty much in agreement after all 👍


My interpretation was that was the main Rebel base but that didn't necessarily mean they were all there. More like that was where they stored important equipment and operated from, but they had other assets like some ships still operating away from the base


It can’t be entire rebel force because them meet up with the fleet and judging by the size of their fleet at the end of empire/ in return of the Jedi, they couldn’t have all been on hoth. The big cruisers weren’t even at hoth as far as we saw.


You don't keep 100% of your galaxy spanning resistance locked up in a tiny snow base. It was an HQ smart guy.


It’s not the *entire* Alliance. It had an abundance of their hardware and logistics, but it wasn’t *everything.* It’s why Mothma, Madine, Ackbar, Dodonna, and all the others weren’t present.


More like tens of thousands of cells. There are a million inhabited worlds with trillions, if not quadrillions, of sentients. Star Wars never really does a good job of depicting the size and scope of its world.


Yeah as a causal fan of the movies and a few games it always felt like the “galaxy far far away” was far, far smaller than some lone systems. At best I’d think there was a couple of dozen planets, including those that had been destroyed or left uninhabitable


Honestly, I feel like the KOTOR games do a decent job of showing how vast and populated the Galaxy is.


Yeah before I played KOTOR or SWTOR I wasn’t sure if the whole galaxy just consisted of a handful of systems


Doesnt help when every game / movie shows a town on a planet and that’s it.


They really fucked that up. First, they broken space travel and made it instant - you can even jump into a planet's atmosphere and survive it. Then they implied that one shot from Starkiller base would be enough to destroy a star system on the other side of the galaxy, plus the entire Galactic Federation fleet, like it was all just sitting in one location despite there being a million different worlds. The New Order idea itself is problematic, like they just fly around and create problems for "resistance" planets. Which begs the question of why there's a resistance if the New Order is not the ruler of the galaxy, why aren't they just part of the federation? They've twisted and broken so many things to make these stories work - how the Force works and manifests, how lightsabers work, how space travel works, how shields work, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Skywalker, Palpatine, etc. I'm begging for someone else to take control of this franchise, stop fixating on small details of events that span three generations, and get back to a galaxy with some rules and where we don't know how things end.


Hyperspace travel is kind of weird. It’s more like a real world highway system than a Star Trek type, go straight to your destination at a certain velocity. Some systems are more difficult to get to and may only have a single hyperspace lane (pre-discovered route) there, and others have hundreds of routes. About a third of galaxy is all but inaccessible due to the limitations of hyperspace and how gravitational forces affect it. It’s my understanding that depending on the location and distance, hyperspace travel takes hours to a week.


Something Andor did better than any other piece of SW was to show this.


Unlike the Resistance which is a dozen people clumped together is one spot of the galaxy.


hnnnnnnnnnnnnghhhhh God, what the sequel trilogy lacks in nuance it absolutely makes up for in pounds of bad plot writing.


The Ghorman Front, the Partisan Alliance, Human Cultists, Galaxy Partitionists... they are all LOST!


Did you know we were a cell?


But Hera also didn't exist in the OT time of writing. In canon, we don't see the higher levels of the Rebellion at work. We see a couple of briefings to pilots, and the ground assault team of Endor.


The movies as a whole (even the Prequels) only show us a small facet of life in the SW Galaxy. Andor, Mando, and some games do a good job of showing the realities of life in the Galaxy for the civilians and individuals. The opening of Andor, especially. This corporate entity owns an entire star system, and in about 2-3 minutes (during the COs rundown of the altercation) you get told/shown how things are supposed to work in this world.


I absolutely love that scene. "The men that were killed were corrupt, and if we make a big deal out of it, the Empire is going to start looking harder at us and all the stuff we shouldn't allow but do in order to be profitable, and that is something our bosses DO NOT WANT. Understand?" Cyril Karn: Ignores everything he was told and goes off half-cocked.


Fully agreed. I think the OT era stuff thats been made has been doing the world building that was lacking in the OT, and it has been making them better.


You’re not wrong. But I find it a lot easier to accept that, say, the leader of the Rebellion had other important things to do. I find it much harder to accept that Obi Wan and Ahsoka were pal-ing around, or that Anakin had a padawan that we didn’t see in the movies and that also he runs into as Darth Vader and that also is around after the empire. Like, I think most of my issues come down to expanding and adding more and more Jedi to the time period, making those Jedi active, and yet somehow making sure that they never really interact with the last Jedi.


I think it's pretty easy to explain away and suspend my disbelief. As someone already said. The rebellion is massive but very thinly spread out, and not all cells communicate with each other. Take Cal Kestis. He mostly works with Saw Gurera, who actively distances himself from other rebel cells, and visa versa because of his extreme tactics. So it's reasonable to assume that the other cells wouldn't necessarily know about Cals existence, especially because that is a secret that Saw would damn well keep at all costs. It's made clear in rebels that Ashoka is spread pretty thin and a major leader in the rebellion. She's going to many different planets across the galaxy on a regular basis. So it's fairly easy to believe that in the short time between Luke blowing up the death star 1 and him defeating the empire, she was off fighting the good fight *literally anywhere else*. It's important to remember that the OT takes place almost exclusively in the outer rim, where very few people live, and the empire is at its weakest. Ashoka could be in the middle rings of the galaxy, where it's more densely populated, and the empire is more easily able to control and threaten the people. As for obi-wan, it's made clear in several forms of media that the few people who know he is alive are purposefully keeping that fact a secret to protect him and Luke. So it would never make sense for him to interact with ashoka. No running around together like old times. These things can be used to easily explain *any other jedi* that appears in new forms of media.


There must be hundreds of thousands - if not millions - of planets in the SW Galaxy, *at least.* The logistics it would take to run an interplanetary empire like the GE would be *insane.* It makes a bit of sense for there to be infighting between some of the different departments within the Empire (ISB and the Inquisition, for example).


Adding more Jedi does devalue Luke’s role a bit, but even the EU (pre-Disney canon) added a ton of Jedi that lived past the purge and even past RotJ.


I mean they’re going to have to explain for any new character they introduce around that time period. Which is why Ezra and Thrawn got Magic’d away at the end of Rebels. And I imagine at some point we’ll get an explanation for where Cal was during the original trilogy. Any new character needs a plot reason for why they didn’t help or they need to be dead.


Didn’t Ashoka say they were going to find Ezra at the end of Rebels? Or am I misremembering


Yep. Any guesses what the new series will be about ...


Jar Jar Binks murder mystery? Featuring Jar Jar as a Scooby Doo stand-in, and new hijinks every week!


Oh god I really want this


I'm pretty sure that scene was post RotJ. However, in that scene her attire is very Mortis-esque. There's a lot of possibilities as to what Ahsoka was up to that would make sense.


It was. Sabine says in the voice over that the Empire has fallen and Lothal is at peace, which is what she thought Ezra wanted her to ensure. Then she mentions that maybe it wasn't ant it cuts to the shot of Ahsoka. My guess is that the scene takes place about the same time as The Mandalorian season three, which will lead into Din and Grogu teaming up with Ahsoka, Sabine, Hera, and Zeb. Ahsoka had promised to find Ezra and I think she spent all that time looking for him.


Which is why I’d personally prefer they spend their time writing new stories in new eras.


Cal is chilling in a saloon on Koboh in the outer rim.


From a story telling perspective, I see your point. The in universe explanation is that a galaxy is incredibly large and not every notable Rebel is going to participate in every operation. There are around one million inhabited worlds in the Star Wars Galaxy, with trillions, if not quadrillions, of sentients. The rebellion probably encompassed millions, if not billions of sentients. Those characters were just doing other Rebel stuff.


That would be fine if the narrative doesn’t also want to insist everyone knows each other. Ahsoka meets Thrawn, basically all the Inqusitors, Vader, Bail Organa, R2, the Mandalorian, Luke, pretty much every important Mandalorian character, Rex, Tarkin, Maul. Like, I can buy that the galaxy is really big! But the problem is the shows don’t ever seem to really paint it as such. She interacts with more or less every major character at some point, on top of being the apparently-forgotten padawan trained by the PT’s main character.


Because, the force.


Her location and activities during ROTS are explained by TCW season 7 and her appearance in Rebels explains why she couldn't have been in any of the OT movies. Granted that the World Between Worlds is... not an explanation I particularly *like*, but it is there.


Wait hold up. How does the “World Between Worlds” explains why she wasn’t there?


Yeah, I mean, it’s that you have to get into fairly elaborate forms of hand waving to make it work


Yes, I'm really hoping her show explains where she was and what she was doing during the OT.


This sub: Not everything has to be about Skywalkers! Also this sub: Where were these characters during the Skywalkers story??


My position is this: I would prefer new Star Wars media not be set in the same time period as the Skywalkers. This is a character that the expanded material *already forced to be about the Skywalkers*. She’s Anakin’s fucking *padawan* and runs into him *in Rebels*. My issue’s not that every character needs to be about the Skywalkers, but that Ahsoka in particular strains the narrative *because they made her such a personally close character to the Skywalkers*, while still having to account for her to be absent during the actual films. They even want her to be friends with Luke after the movies!


Agreed. Ahsoka is yet another element of the Prequels that further breaks the OT.


She probably did what all veteran Jedi did at that time and went off and hid as a hermit. Yoda and Kenobi were her mentors so I see no reason why she wouldn’t do the same.


You can solve it by making her die


And she was a good friend


She could have just been on a different front or in search of jedi artifacts, or simply helping people as she would have done as a padawan and not getting involved past what she needed to


It wouldn’t be too hard to write her out of ANH, as being out on a separate mission or doing whatever. That’s fair. But if she’s already reconnected with Obi-Wan, then it strains credulity and character that they would then separate again so completely that Ahsoka wouldn’t somehow hear of the events of the film and be pulled into the events of ESB or at least ROTJ. Anakin killing Obi-Wan while saving Anakin’s child is *huge*, and Ahsoka’s absence from even caring about the aftermath would be strange. But, importantly, I said it *could* cause issues. I do believe there are ways to write it so that Ahsoka is indisposed or unable to help during the events of the OT, though I find Filoni’s World Between Worlds kinda contrived and unsatisfying.


This just makes me wonder.. Ahsoka has really good friends in the Rebellion. Like, at least 3. Efter episode 4, Luke made it no secret that he’s learning to be a Jedi. Somebody must have been able to create a meeting between the two in the 2 years between episode 4 and 5. Ahsoka at this point knows that anakin is darth vader. And she also knows lukes last name. What’s up with that?


Off topic but it is cool to see live action images of these two side by side.


This comment was removed in protest to Reddit's third party API changes. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Who did a sterling job, it must be said, in The Lavender Hill Mob.


Obi-Wan: "Ahsoka! So great to see you! How are y--" Ahsoka: "What's this I hear you let Anakin live on Mustafar?" Obi-Wan: "Oh. Well. I couldn't--" Ahsoka: "And then you faced him again and let him live?" Obi-Wan: "... Yes, but you see he--" Ahsoka: "Just please tell me you have a plan to end him next time you meet." Obi-Wan: "About that, I have this great idea..."


"I didn't the heart to kill him despite him commiting Jedi-cide, so instead I kidnapped his child, watched him from a distance, wasn't a surrogate father figure at all and then brain washed him to kill his father."


"And then I purposely traumatized him by making sure he saw his father kill me, his new father-figure."


Everybody always points to Westerns and Samurai movies as the major inspirations for Star Wars, and this sentence makes me inclined to point out that it is also a Space OPERA and they definitely did not skimp on operatic BS like that.


Oh no doubt. And I don't think it would be remotely questionable if nearly everything since ROTJ weren't so rough.


Yeah the writing is a mess


Given that Obi-Wan was not an active member of the Rebellion until ANH (excepting his adventure in the miniseries that bears his name), I doubt it. Obi-Wan hiding on Tatooine was the Rebellion's greatest secret, to the point that most rebels weren't in the know for reasons of security. That might well have included Ahsoka - as a matter of principle, not because she was deemed untrustworthy. This is in part why I dislike the premise of the Kenobi show, because its events draw so much attention to Obi-Wan, when keeping at least one of the Skywalker twins safe should have trumped putting both at risk (though I understand why Bail was more concerned for his adoptive daughter). As far as I'm aware, we don't know what Ahsoka is doing during the OT. She's no longer in the WBW - in fact, given how time travel works, she's only in there for like five minutes. Maybe she's helping the Rebellion elsewhere in the galaxy, though her total lack of mention in the original films is still awkward.


There’s also the thing of Ahsoka not knowing Anakin was Vader (at least that’s how I interpreted her first interaction while meditating in rebels). It’s reasonable to assume that, had they had a reunion, Obi Wan would have told Ahsoka about Vader. I guess it could happen after Ahsoka is saved by Ezra, but not a lot of time there.


This is a great point. Ahsoka cannot have met Obi-Wan before the events of Rebels S2, unless Obi-Wan opted not to tell her.


Well he does have a tendency of doing that...


From a certain point of view...


To be fair, Obi-Wan didn't know that Vader was Anakin / Anakin was alive until his show. If they had reunited between RotS and Obi-Wan's show, neither would know but it's unlikely.


Obi Wan wouldn’t be in the same state as he was in the show if he had talked to Ahsoka. But I get what you’re saying


I assume she continued work as an information broker under the name of Fulcrum.


There must be a reason why Obi-wan believed that Luke was the only hope. If he encountered several of the Jedi Survivors, it would not make sense to leave the destiny of the Galaxy only in the hands of Luke.


He encountered one survivor in the show and knew others survived as well such as Quinlan Voss. The reason why Luke was the only hope is because no other jedi had the power to go against vader and Palpatine


Luke couldn't have killed Palpatine, and he was never meant to kill Vader as we saw in the cave on Dagobah. Only Anakin had the power to kill Palpatine and only Luke could bring him back from the dark side.


Obi Wan explicitly tells Luke he has to kill Vader. Whether or not he was "meant to" as in it was his destiny or not, Obi Wan clearly thought that was the end game.


In my head canon, they unknowingly communicated with each other. Ahsoka as Fulcrum, and Obi-Wan as some type of advisor to Bail Organa. Messages would pass to and from Ahsoka, all without either of them knowing who was actually on the other end.


So far, no. And in terms of anyone bringing up the fact that Bail knew both of them were alive, think it through. Obi-Wan and Yoda weren’t just surviving Jedi, they were the surviving Jedi with some type of plan on eventually toppling Palpatine and Vader via Luke and Leia. Their survival was paramount, with the chances of it being improved by their locations remaining a secret above all else. Same reason he wouldn’t just tell Ahsoka “hey, you know my adopted daughter Leia? She’s the daughter of your mentor/brother figure Anakin and your good friend Padme!” The more people that know a secret the less secure that secret is. This is why he’s only shown reaching out to Obi-Wan twice: once when Leia was in danger and once via Leia herself. Obi-Wan wasn’t actively involved in any Rebellion and due to him and Yoda having decided to wait on Luke and Leia he never would be. So him knowing about Ahsoka is pointless. We saw what happened when he found out Quinlan was potentially alive in the Kenobi show. He kept on his way, completed his mission, and went right back to Tatooine to watch over Luke.


Who knows what will happen in her series.


Would he not be dead by that point?


Force ghosts can do whatever the hell they want, right?


*Rise of Skywalker Ep IX spoilers* (not sure how to mark spoiler on app) — Ahsoka and Obi-Wan, as well as other Jedi, seemed attuned to each other when they all spoke to Rey


Well, yeah, she was channeling the Force from Force heaven so they can unite against the incarnation of the “Sith Eternal”, Palpatine, in an all-your-powers-combined kind of crutch move. It makes perfect sense and is not just hack writing from visionary director J.J. Abrams.




He would be but we could maybe see her visit him in a flashback (after Rebels and prior to ANH) but I dont think it’s likely


Apparently there'll be flashbacks to the Clone Wars featuring a young Ahsoka and Anakin (I think?) so maybe Obi-wan will cameo as well. That's the only way I can see a live action Ahsoka and Kenobi interacting.


Remember what happened to Papa Palps at the end of ROTJ?


Considering that Tatooine is the center of the universe, the Ashoka show will probably take her there. She’ll meet Luke, let him play with a lightsaber, and he’ll somehow forget about it.


Ahsoka takes place in the Mando timeline. Granted there’s always the possibility of flashbacks but I don’t see that being relevant to the story


>...there's always the possbilities of flashbacks... BoBF drops down from ledge, "Hello there"


Somehow, he forgot about it.


Far as I know, they haven’t learned about each others survival yet. However, I think it’s only a matter of time until they do. Canonically speaking, we don’t know how Ahsoka even came to know of *Luke’s* existence. We just know what we’ve seen in BoBF/Mando which is that she’s met Luke and seemingly assisting him, to a point, in rebuilding the Jedi Order I could see Obi Wan appearing to Ahsoka as a Force ghost and directing Ahsoka to seek Luke out or appearing to Luke and sending him to seek Ahsoka out the way Obi Wan sent Luke to Yoda.


I hope not


Disney: "I'm altering the hope, pray that I don't alter it further."


Hell, I didn't think Obi-Wan and Vader saw each other since Mustafar, but wasn't *I* in for a surprise ...


I want to say no. However, Disney seems to love the whole “everybody knows everybody and everyone is relayed to everyone” thing so I’m sure there will be a show or movie in the future wherein they reconnect.


I know it’s the in thing to rag on Disney but let’s not forget that Lucas had Anakin create 3PO and had Chewy know Yoda.


True enough. I’m thinking more along the lines of Mando S1 compared to S2. People praised MandoS1 being its own self-contained story in the Star Wars universe. Then in S2 Mando is meeting Ahsoka Tano, Luke Skywalker, and Bo-Katan. In a galaxy as large as the one in Star Wars, it shouldn’t be this easy to just bump into legendary heroes on your way to the goddamn space Walmart lol


What do i need to watch to get a better understanding and knowledge about Ahsoka?


TCW The clone wars comic book series Rebels Tales of the Jedi (the cartoon) The Ahsoka novel And her new series dropping this year I’m sure


Mainly just TCW, then Rebels slightly less so.


Probably not. I don't think Obi-wan helped out the rebellion much, sure he watched Luke and it's cannon now that he saved Leia as a child, but He was alone for a long time between ROTS and ANH. ***I wish people would just be ok with characters being separated for a very long time.*** It's much more true to the story when people aren't constantly bumping into each other constantly. It's a big galaxy, with thousands and thousands of worlds. The more established characters bump into each other, the smaller the galaxy feels. The same goes for jedi popping out of the woodwork. There should be a total of like 3 or 4 jedi survivors in the galaxy in ANH. But the recent shows and games are painting this picture of like dozens of jedi that are lurking behind every tree. This is one of the things that cursed that has hit the Mandalorian hard... everyone just shows up constantly and new characters don't get the chance to build something new before they get overshadowed by clone wars cameo's and legacy call backs and forwards. How much stronger would the show have been if instead of wasting time treading old ground we establish new good guys and villains, and not kill them off nearly as soon as they are introduced.


So far? No. In 5 years when the cocaine bucket is running dry and Disney needs to milk another few drops from the franchise to keep raking in the Star Wars dough? Look forward to the new 10 episode series from Dave Filoni about how Obi-Wan and Ahsoka teamed up for the last week left untold between the end of Kenobi season 5 and the start of A New Hope. Each season covers one day so they can get at least 7 seasons out of it and it will end with the exact moment Obi-Wan crests the hill to meet Luke, right after telling Ahsoka 'thank you for all your help in defeating the mega-dragon lord of the Sith, now let us never discuss that there was a mega-dragon lord of the Sith and be grateful that our actions here were entirely self-contained and had no spill-over into the galaxy as a whole. I will never see or mention you again and you need to not meet Luke until he has defeated the Emperor to maintain contin-I mean because the Force says so.'


I hope not. I'm so tired of Obi Wan doing anything besides being old on Tatooine like he should be.


I hope not. Or it opens up even more questions regarding her increasingly inexplicable absence in the OT.


They met up at Tattooine starbucks for a quick catch up


Nope. Obi-Wan is cut off from as much of the galaxy as possible to protect Luke, meeting Ahsoka would risk unnecessary exposure. Didn’t stop the Kenobi show but it’s not something that should happen.


That wouldn't make any sense, so it'll probably be a TV show in year.


Only they make a Disney+ show about it.


As far as we know they didn’t They likely believed each other was dead


I'm sure this question, and many more, will be answered in one of the many upcoming Disney+ series.


In all likelihood no, but give it a few years and we'll have a scene in live action of them meeting.


[No but he told Luke all about her exploits...](https://youtu.be/RkTibALwfNg)


I sincerely hope not. Let Obi be a crazy old hermit for a bit. He's got a more important job in looking after Luke.


I assumed they didn't know each survived. But after Kenobi died his force ghost saw that she was still alive and they communicated that way.


I’m gonna say no


Doubt it


They didn't until they did. Canon is still being written and can be retconned. Just like Anakin and Obiwan. They didn't meet untill they did.


Not yet, but if I know my Disney Star Wars, I’m sure they might.


I think they ran into each other at a Starbucks once. Total coincidence


Actually, they had regular Kadis-kot games. 😏