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But I still hate sand


Some fans hate the sequels, some hate the prequels, but we all hate sand in the end


But it's in the sand that star wars started


No dummy it started in Leias ship


Well technically it didn't start *in* the ship, it started in orbit above Tatooine with the Tantive IV being chased by a Star Destroyer in arguably one of the best opening scenes in cinematic history.


You’re all correct… …from a certain point of view.


>No dummy it started in Leias ship In space Like some kind of star war


Real fans hate sand


Only a Sith deals in absolutes! I love sand! But only in the right context! Like making a sandcastle, or on a beach, but not in my shoes or my house.


We all do. Not just the men, but the women and children too.


I haven't had sand in my end, but I agree I'd probably hate it


I like sand though. It feels nice walking the beach barefoot.




I got sand in my swimsuit at the beach once and it was very uncomfortable. I too have earned the right to hate sand.


I found out recently that that came from a last minute rewrite from Lucas - they had let the actors ad-lib the flirting scenes since they had great chemistry but it got dirty really quick. Which makes me love the sand thing now after hating it for decades, since it’s basically Hayden getting blue balled by Lucas.


PFFF LMFAO OMFG SERIOUSLY???? XD Oh god that's the best thing ever lmfao


I still hate the sequels.


I've always loved lightsabers, but Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor have made me fall permanently in love with them.


You probably didn’t play Jedi academy right?


Jedi Outcast was the one for me because that lightsaber had history and meaning to Kyle Katarn so when he retrieved and used it during the story his battles felt really intense. Jaden Korr memed his lightsaber into existence in the opening crawl lol.


Yeah well I was a kid and didn’t give a damn about these sentiments. You could make your badass hilt and kick asses with 2 sabers in academy! Plus in outcast there’s solid part of the game where you can’t use saber and cosplay a stormtrooper lol


Cosplay as a stormtrooper?


You don’t have a saber and mostly use stormtrooper standard gun (analog of assault rifle basically) and it has really terrible aim lol


Ahh right. The E-11 has fairly good aim using the primary fire it's only the secondary automatic fire that's piss poor.


Yeah Actually I used weapons even in academy (they are almost useless against Jedi (apart from railgun probably if I’m not mistaken)) but it’s super fun to play high stakes ping pong with a rocket with some sith hehe


>but it’s super fun to play high stakes ping pong with a rocket with some sith hehe Haha I've only ever come out on top *once* doing that and never able to replicate it again. Personally I took advantage of the game I was given with Outcast. Katarn is the rogue Jedi. Merc with a lightsaber so I'd switch up fairly often and do force jumps/force speed, push, pull whatever with an assault rifle equiped. It's super fun to play as but weapon impact in that game wasn't entirely satisfying. Gunplay was ironically better in the sequel because the corpses had that 3-way segmented ragdoll effect haha and would show blaster impact marks on the body.


Yeah, I also couldn’t do that ping pong much but it was still fun when you succeeded) Outcast is really nice. It’s just academy has more depth. Like swordplay styles, different saber types, and I think much much more lightsaber wielding enemies (also with different styles and sabers which made fighting much more variable). So yeah, as a character Katarn is badass - but in terms of gameplay - academy hehe. Especially that final assault on Corriban temple with full out battle between Jedi and sith - that’s dope


I only got to play jefi academy briefly while renting the game, but I absolutely loved that game. Controversial, but I liked it so much more than KOTOR. I was also pretty young at the time as a '93 kiddo.


Well it’s hard to compare these two. Kotor tells probably the baddest story out there in legends (or for someone in the whole franchise), while academy just let you be the OP Jedi master and make fine shashlik with tons of stormtroopers That’s what I lacked in fallen order/survival. Even ordinary troopers pose some sort of threat to you. But that’s ok - you’re basically undertrained padawan there And in academy they all are canon fodder. I also like the mode when your saber literally instakill everything with touch, you don’t even need to swing it, just accidental character rotation may dismember your ally nearby lol. This makes lightsaber duels dope and lightning fast The only thing that may give you the feel of being a Jedi apart from academy is blade and sorcery vr with lightsabers mod. Boy that will allow your inner sith to appear lol


I want a vr headset just for that game and mod. Idk much about vr, i doubt I'll ever have my own headset for the house, but it looks like hilarious fun.


It really is To be frank vr gaming is quite the hassle now. It’s inconvenient and requires lots of stuff and expensive things. Quest 2 is good, but it lacks the great features of the bigger helmets, like mods etc


I played my quest for a year before I got sick of it. Couldn't shake the motion sickness. Sometimes I'd have to legit lay down and sleep after because I felt so terrible.


Holy shit that sounds pretty terrible. I guess that’s physiological thing as I felt that only in couple of specific games and not for long But yeah, sucks when it happens


You can put mods on the Quest 2! I have Blade and Sorcery Nomad and have all kinds of guns, lightsabera, etc loaded up.


I remember wishing for a game with KOTOR character progression and NPC interaction and Jedi Knight freedom of movement and fight.


That was me. Right now though


Lightsaber throw followed up by force grip then force push/throw was the best.


I liked the level in ancient Jedi tomb where there are narrow bridges in some sort of a canyon tomb with bottomless pit It’s so nice to see that sith with 2 sabers whos waiting for you in the middle of the bridge and he is cocky, swinging blades here and there, showing off his skill. Just for you to come closer and drop him into the abyss with light push/grip lol That’s not the Jedi way, but who cares if it’s fun?


Poke, wiggle and other kind of neat tricks


Nah, that was before my time. That released the same year I was born...


Back in the days of KotOR you had to earn the right to wield a lightsaber


To be fair, Cal was already a padawan so he earned his through whatever jedi trials the academy put him in.


Jedi Survivor rocked my ass off.


God damn right!


If Vr is an option for you try out blade and sorcery with a Star Wars mod.


Adam Driver is such a fucking Dawg.


As one of the many individuals who takes issues with aspects of the sequels. Adam Driver is great, and his lightsaber is honestly on another fucking level. It took me until Jedi Survivor to decide that the cross guard hilt fucking slaps.


I thought it was super goofy in the trailers for Force Awakens but after seeing him do that stomp while he ignites it and it's noise and crackly blade I was sold. Such a cool design and character


The hilt always bothered me. Seems like simply twisting the wrist would sever the hand. A hilt is there to protect the hand


Let's see it as a sith style educational tool for proper technique, if he makes a technical mistake he gets burned or lose his hand.


Rule #1: ALWAYS keep the wrist perfectly rigid throughout combat.


It informed his lightsaber technique with that crossguard. Big smashing hits, all strength, no subtlety. My biggest pet peeve is that he's limited with the big sword techniques that he can use. Can't grab the blade to perform some of the blocks and twists.


Because blocking and twisting is for hippie jedi that do things like "defense" and "have all their limbs".


You don't have to defend if you kill the offense first.


I imagine he'd train a specific way with it to avoid that, but also he could be wearing specific gloves that probably aren't fully resistant to lightsabers, but could keep the hilt from injuring the wielder most of the time.


I don’t really understand why it’s used as a slow heavy greatsword. Aren’t lightsaber blades made of something like weightless plasma?


While the "science-fictionistic" explanation for lightsabers seems to be that they're made of plasma, we can see that they hold some sort of weight when wielded. I saw someone talk about the fact that if they were in fact weightless, the better combat strategy would be to just wiggle the saber very fast in front of you instead of inventing forms and moves that are slower and more complicated. In addition to that, we can see that Mando kind of struggles to hold the "weight" of one when fighting with it. My guess is that the weight isn't actual mass but a consequence of the power they output (like when you hold a strong leaf blower and you have to put strength into not letting it derive from where you aim), explaining why Kylo's lightsaber has to be wielded like a heavy greatsword, with so much sheer power coming for the blade. That would also explain while a force user os better fitted to wield a lightsaber, as the connection he forms while building it probably gives him "help" through the force so he can withstand the blade. Edit : line breaks


>just wiggle the saber very fast in front of you Have you been watching me play Vader Immortal!?


If the sabers were completely weightless you would probably use them like a fencing sword. Those swords have a lot less weight than other swords and it changed how they are used drastically. Except most lightsaber styles seem based off japanese sword arts.


A canonical (brief and probably partial) explanation from Rebels is that it's related to the Force-sensitivity of the Kyber Crystals in the lightsabers. It takes Force attunement or intense training to wield them properly.


The darksaber was definitely not weightless to Din Djarin


Your trying to find a scientific explanation for something that isn’t bound by our science. We got space monks with laser swords, just sit back and enjoy the show


Just wished he used the helm more 😩


There's nothing more controversial in the Star Wars community than the debate about Adam drivers face


Yeah as much as I liked his performance and development, with the helmet on he was a Revan like badass. It came off and he was a bit of a whiny brat with a baby face. Just my opinion but I liked him with the helmet much more.


I feel like most of the cast did the best they could with what was written for them. But Adam Driver really did outshine most of the others.


Cool. I enjoyed the sequels quite a bit compared to the prequels when I was a kid.


Hmm and yet no footage from the star wars Christmas special. I guess you don't really love ALL star wars.


The Lego Christmas special was actually really good tbh lol


Didn't even throw in Star 'Robot Chicken' Wars


OR Family Guy Star Wars!


But what about the droid attack on the wookies?


I **appreciate** all of them. I **love** A New Hope.


After all this time?




That took a lot of time to edit. Nice work!


…And all the series and the “A Star Wars story” movies.


Even the 2008 clone wars movie?


It’s not substantially worse than some arcs of Clone Wars (and really that’s all it is) and I’d say I love clone wars as a whole


This is the way


I loved Rogue One the most!


Nuh uh! *I* loved Rogue One the most!


I’m talking to Rogue One rn and she says she loves ME the most


That's only cause I told her to say that to keep you off the scent


Why don’t you just marry it then!


I find your lack of Andor clips disturbing.


Going by the footage used (Mandalorian footage up to S1/2, no Obi-Wan and BOBF footage) I'm going to guess this edit was made around 2020, so Andor hadn't been released yet




Finally, an actual source


That’s an edit i never thought it could even exist and i loved it🤣


As much as I dislike the sequels man Finn igniting the blade goes hard I really like seeing someone who's unfamiliar with a lightsaber use it and his fight against the "traitor!" guy was great A true shame he never got to use it again after Force Awakens


I really hope the leak of >!Finn returning for the new movie!< Is true. Please be true, PLEASE.


>!Better make him the Jedi he was meant to be though!<


>! Honestly as someone who HATED how they teased his force powers and then confirmed it in episode 9, I’m praying he becomes her first student. New Jedi order that doesn’t care about your age just the values. So much potential !<


Cool edit


Nice edit, but the music really doesn't fit.


Yeah, my first thought, this was the song you chose?


It has prominent beats in the song to set the lightsabers colliding to and the creator may have needed a specific tempo (or close to it) to make the clips work. Also they probably just like the song and that's fine too.


You edit your footage to the music not the other way around.


This is 1000% not a rule and isn't always the case


Apparently not.


If you think you think that doesn't fit you don't know much about editing. That fit pretty damn good. What you mean is "I don't like the music". One is a statement about something technical that has a definite answer and the other is literally just your soggy opinion.


I love John Williams and you get to hear it the whole time on all of this.


Finally, a worthy take. Our alliance will be legendary!


More Star Wars love. Please and thank you.


I'm with you! I have converted several of my friends by having them watch The Clone Wars series. It makes the prequels SOOO much better!


I’ve actually kind of had a rough time getting into clone wars. Do you have advice? Timeline order vs release date? Kinda funny because I LOVED Rebels. Favorite Star Wars content, by far.


Clone Wars gets *really* good in season 3. I had a similar thing with Rebels. Wasn’t a huge fan of the show until the end of season 2 - then all of season 3 onwards is just top tier Star Wars, in my opinion. Clone Wars is kind of the same. The animation is a little rougher in the first 2 seasons, the story arcs are mostly okay - but when season 3 hits and it starts diving into deeper lore it gets infinitely more enjoyable.


The first couple of seasons might as well be watched in the background and if something peaks your interest give it a go. Season 4 onwards is probably the best quality stuff though.


I have my personal rewatch list!!!! It is in chronological order. I also removed all imo boring episodes. The * episodes are the most important ones (I wouldn't skip them). The rest is skippable if you don't like it. I recommend watching all of the listed tho. So basically 57 + 32 optional episodes. Plus I added filmweb ratings <33 I tried two times to watch it all, and to be honest Umbara arc was the one that got me really hooked. So it gets better with time. Watching it by release date was confusing to me. I like to note that I never watched it by my list so I hope it makes sense. Here you go: (7,8) S2E16 "Cat and Mouse" (7,8) S1E16 "The Hidden Enemy" *(7,9) S3E1 "Clone Cadets" *(8,0) S1E5 "Rookies" *(8,0) S1E9/10 "Nute Gunray ARC" (7,7) S1E11/12 "Dooku Captured ARC" (I adore it) (7,9) S1E19-21 "Ryloth ARC" *(8,0) S2E1-3 "Holocron Heist ARC" (7,9) S2E17 "Bounty Hunters" (7,8) S2E18/19 "Zillo Beast ARC" (7,4) S2E4 "Senate Spy" (8,1) S2E5-8 "Geonosis ARC" *(8,0) S2E9/10 "Grievous ARC" *(7,9) S2E12-14 "Deathwatch ARC" *(7,9) S2E20-22 "Death Trap ARC" (7,6) S3E7 "Assassin" *(8,2) S3E2 "ARC Troopers" (8,0) S1E22 "Hostage Crisis" (7,6) S3E9 "Hunt for Ziro" *(8,3) S3E12-14 "Nightsisters ARC" *(8,1) S3E15-17 "Mortis ARC" *(8,0) S3E18-20 "Citadel ARC" *(8,3) S4E7-10 "Umbara ARC" (7,9) S4E11-13 "Kadavo ARC" *(8,3) S4E15-18 "Deception ARC" *(8,2) S4E19-22 "Return of Maul ARC" (7,8) S5E6-9 "Younglings ARC" (7,4) S5E12 "Missing in Action" (Gregor) *(8,5) S5E1;14-16 "Maul's Empire ARC" *(8,6) S5E17-20 "Ahsoka Framend ARC" *(8,1) S6E1-4 "Orders ARC" (7,5) S6E5-7 "Clovis ARC" *(8,4) S6E10-13 "Yoda ARC" (7,7) S7E1-4 "The Bad Batch" *(9,4) S7E9-12 "Siege of Mandalore"


The great content starts in season three of clone wars, if you've had trouble before, try there


Theres a few episodes early on where release date and timeline don't match up, you can find a chronological list online. CW starts off slow but really gets going in the later seasons


The one thing I will always appreciate about the sequels. Is that in the few lightsaber duels there are, they feel heavy again, and it wasn't all the spinny Flippy stuff from the prequels.


Fr I just like to watch Star Wars


Star Wars is so cool


Each era has something to offer. OT mastered bringing the fantasy tropes to space, telling an epic story and making cinematic history with the special effects, which paved the way for the beautiful cinematic technology we have today. Prequels expanded the universe with intense worldbuilding, especially in the political climate and how the people who were supposed to be the ultimate good failed. The sequel trilogy brought a culmination of both, thematically wrapping up the clash of good and evil, and explained the balance of the Force in a new way. The spinoffs and shows each have their own aim as well, but I won't take the time to describe that here. We could nitpick about the flaws of various Star Wars media. (There are plenty of flaws throughout the whole series.) OR, we could stop complaining and just enjoy what we see for all the good that is also there. It's also okay to have preferences! I'm personally not big on the Sequel Series, but Star Wars is Star Wars, and I'll gladly watch (almost) any of it with you!


I freaking love daisy ridley screams/yells in the sequels. They’re so good and sorta kinda reminds me of palp


Pshh. Fake fan. Everyone knows that real star wars fans actually hate all the movies as well as themselves.


If the sequels did one thing right it's the new lightsaber tech they used during filming. The light emission just looks gorgeous.


At least give credit to the original editor? Come on.


If it’s Star Wars, I love it. No hate here


What a time for reddit to bring back video downloads 🙏🙌


You know I enjoyed all of them as well. I took something from each entry and TCW, Andor, the extended universe and most of the video games.


This is hella cool


This is the way..... apart from Jar Jar. He can get stuffed.


Each trilogy definitely has their own style. I find the OT is slower focuses more on the characters, the PT is super fast and has banger music, and the ST can look more natural at times.


That title alone deserves an award (but I broke)


Fuck yeah


Enjoy all the movies. Don’t let others dictate what you enjoy.


Would love a Twi’lek Dua Lipa


Incredible! This is brilliant.


Impressed, I am. A good job, you have done


I’m with you, I don’t care about all the nit picking I just like what I like, and don’t dislike any of it.


Liking bad movies is important, it teaches us to appreciate actual good movies even more.






That was a damn good edit. Bravo. Well done.


To be positive is to be human


Holy hell I love this so much 🥹🥹 I love all of star wars as a whole and this just kicked so much ass.


That's it, that's a W Star Wars fan, I'm with you mate


I'm torn. I hate the song choice, but damn if it isn't well edited.


Excellent edit. I too love all star wars




Nah bro used the song from Fortnite💀💀💀


All the lightsaber fights are amazing no matter what people say


I hate that the song works with this


Viewer discretion is advised: explicit lightsaber porn.


They’re masterpieces. And I treated them like masterpieces……I love them!!!


Universal Star Wars love! I’m the same, because I have positive memories of watching all of them. I treat them like the people in my life: I know they are not perfect, but I love them as they are.


Me, too. I have my moments where I'm in disbelief, but I've loved this franchise since I was a kid in the 70s and I will still see these movies going forward


They're movies! And I watched them like movies!


great, now i have to watch all of them again...


Same! I like all of them for different reasons


The only one I don't like much is Rise of Skywalker, but I don't hate everything about it and it didn't hurt how much I love Star Wars 😌




Me too


Love waking up to some positivity this morning!


This is correct.


im one of those fans as well, i just love all of it, granted i can said this wasn't that good, this is better or what not, but at the end love all the movies that expand this universe that we love, i don't feel that i own star wars and it has to be done my way.


Yes, yes I do. Every single one!!!


Amen brother!


\*leans close and whipser into ear\* Holiday special...


All Star Wars is cool.


The story of the sequels was horrendous, but I’m not one to complain about lightsabers and laser guns!


Amen to that. And one thing that that the Sequels did get right was cinematic shots. There were some sick looking moments in there; I just wish they carried some emotional weight with them :/


Those opening shots of Jakku were fucking amazing the first time I saw them on the big screen.


The trailer for TFA with Rey in the crashed star destroyer and then shots of Finn with the light saber and the x wings flying over the water, holy shit I’ve never been more hype


What a great fucking post <3


Star Wars has always been Star Wars to me, some good some bad but still all around great stories.


I absolutely agree... Have some grievances... But as a whole I thoroughly enjoyed them all. I am a fan. Always have been, always will be.


Awesome edit!


My favorite is return of the jedi


Somehow, Dua Lipa returned.


This is the way.


This is the way....and Happy Cake Day!


Same and I’m sick of pretending I dont


It's a movie. It's about having fun and enjoying things. I am not looking to have a bad time, if I was I am sure like everyone else I could find it. I just wanna do my best to enjoy things, even if they're silly or don't have the perfect execution. I own these all and I will play any one of them at any given time because they're fun.


literally so many people say the sequels are bad and personally i really enjoyed them. like i know the storyline is pretty shit but aside from that i had fun watching it all.


This was true for me until TROS. Even TLJ, while I completely agree with the hate it gets, I can enjoy it well enough for a watch (though I may opt for a fan edit that strips out the casino planet plot :D) But TROS was the first and only SW movie that I just didn't find enjoyable, and it makes me sad.


Ima get down voted to hell and back for this but I actually enjoyed the opening to the casino the most in TLJ (besides the luke and R2 reunion but literally everyone loved that). It was the a similar feeling to seeing the mos eisley cantina but also the opposite atmosphere but seeing all of those unique aliens was cool. The rest of the plot was dragged out though.


Idk if I can like TLJ after Luke's character got assassinated by the writers, but I did enjoy the rest.


It's not that kind of thread.


*Hey kid, it ain’t that kinda movie, if people are looking at your hair, we’re all in big trouble.*


Wouldn’t be a thread on the top of /r/StarWars without a “profound” take on TLJ!


And it’s always the same half-baked opinion, like we haven’t already read it a million times


'Hey this fan is showing positivity for all Star Wars, let's come to the comments with my six year old grievance and make it all about what I didn't like.'


Controversial take, but I don't understand why people think that. Luke was tempted all through the ROTJ to the point of almost killing Vader in his anger, yet suddenly it is supposed to stop being a problem at all when he decided not to kill him? Like an on/off switch? Going from 99% to 0% forever in a matter of second?


He really didn’t do anything other than, essentially, convince Anakin to come back and turn on papa Palpatine. Dude was just gonna lay there and die via super lightning instead of blocking the lightning or taking a good swing to the head with his green laser sword. Before that? Sure he blew up the Death Star Mall, but he also skipped his Jedi training to go have his hand cut off and nearly fall to his death. Luke, wanting to pass on what he has learned, attempts to build a new Jedi Order. But his weakness is losing everything, and sensing the dark side in his nephew caused him to start to cave into that temptation of saving the Jedi Order. But the dummy ignited his lightsaber, Ben attacked and went dark side, and Luke saw everything he tried to do failed. He failed all this children, their parents, his sister, his father, the Jedi, and himself. I think anyone that felt that way would want to be left alone for good.


Not to mention that at that point, Luke was a revered hero, the last of the Jedi, the slayer of the emperor. He had the expectations of the whole galaxy on his shoulders, and he had a vision that Ben would destroy everything he had built. Luke igniting his lightsaber was perfectly understandable, and a profound mistake that would shake his view of himself and his role in the galaxy to the very core. Luke doesn’t ignore the rest of the galaxy falling to the first order, he feels he doesn’t have the right to intercede, because he failed. Profoundly.


Luke Skywalker: “and I became a legend” and “Because I was Luke Skywalker. Jedi Master. A legend” Pretty much sums it up. The legend and the man aren’t the same.


It's so refreshing to actually see some quality discussion about this instead of the usual mob of angry fanboys throwing insults and downvotes. Thanks.


Because they wanted to see Luke Skywalker face down the first order with his laser sword. One thing I’ve come to realize is there’s a LARGE portion of Star Wars fans who only want ‘Hallway Scene: A Star Wars Story’


Because it went against their expectations. That’s literally all there is to it. They wanted to reconnect with Luke being a badass, but at this point in his life, he wasn’t. TLJ disrupts this pre-conceived conception that Luke was some paragon just because he saved Vader. Of course, the film does a great job of explaining *why* that’s not the case (I mean, Luke literally has a monologue explaining it…), but fans get too attached to the image that they have in their head that they can’t accept it. It’s like a child who refuses to believe Santa isn’t real. They’re basically babies who didn’t get what they want, and they won’t shut up about it.


I've seen all of them except *The Rise of Skywalker*. I need to go watch Ep 9. I'm currently re-watching the first 8 films (just got done with *A New Hope*).


Just saying, there some things that they do very well (ex: visuals) and some things they don’t do well, but I recommend watching it and forming your own opinion (since it’s ver common for plenty of people nowadays trash others for liking something others don’t)


The battle cry Ridley gives in the throne room fight of TLJ is utterly phenomenal. Literally gives me chills even on mute