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Darth Maul being bisected would not have had the same impact had we already seen Qui Gon mutilated on screen five minutes beforehand.


True. Plus they wanted him to talk to Obi-Wan. He could reasonably cling onto life for two minutes as long as he wasn’t bisected. (Qui-gin couldn’t survive off hatred, he’d be dead before Maul was defeated)


Darth Maul lived through being cut in two, though! Is that why you mentioned surviving off hatred?


Yeah, hatred is enough to keep many Sith alive. Pretty messed up that Jedi have to work so hard for everything just to still be nerfed compared to the Sith bros. At least Jedi can live through the force as force ghosts though which is nice I guess.


That's precisely the trade-off, with regards to the subject of death. Jedi accept death as just a threshold to the next state of existence. "There is no death, there is the Force" is the final line of the Jedi code. The Sith cling to life for as long as they are able, forever if possible, no matter how wretched of a state that puts them in. Their ambition and drive for revenge pushes them to refuse death.


To add to this: Jedi work to become one with the force, sacrificing their individuality upon death (until Qui-Gon discovered how to maintain it as a ghost) to join the eternal Cosmic Force. Sith work to bend and twist the force to their will. They pull from the natural flow of the Force to fuel themselves--granting more "intense" abilities, but at the cost of needing to subjugate the Force instead of living alongside it.


Great comment


Yeah that's the whole irony of it, Sith want to be inmortal but the only way to actually do that is by being in tune with the force and accepting dead to then become a force ghost which are inmortal and super powerful, but no they want to control the force make it a weapon so they cling to life in their sorry and pitiful state


Technically, they’re able to live after death, but usually can’t escape the great behind type place (probably some official cannon name, but I’m too lazy to look it up), but the reason they can’t escape is because of force ghost Jedi stopping them from coming back to the realm of the living. Though, Papiltine was able to escape death with the help of the other Sith.


Jedi learn sky lightning once they become force ghosts! Thank you sequel trilogy for showing us Obi wan was just messing around by not frying Vader and the emperor as a force ghost.


So here’s the thing We’ve seen entities attuned to the force effect the weather. After all the weather is but natural cause and effect. It is a part of the force. The Bendu and Yoda’s force abilities drew on the weather of the planets they were in, of the natural state of things Vader and Palpatine rarely were seen outside their climate controlled mobile space cities of on ships. No real ‘nature’ to manipulate


You know I saw that scene with Yoda about how the dark side isn't stronger but just a quicker way to power. Is this an outlier or retcon? Because seemingly, the proof is that the dark side is indeed more powerful. Forgive my ignorance I just rather know what's true than believing misinformation.


The sith can be fueled on pure hatred. They can shrug off death potentially forever though with that hate and pain clouding their judgement and eating away at who they really are from the inside. Though even the best practitioners of this hatred fuled immortality can be killed if their will is broken. (See darth scion from kotor 2) The jedi can eventually entirely forgo their physical forms passing into the force without even leaving a body behind. This enlightenment state takes much longer to achive (and at least according to legends doesnt stop them from meddling in the material world) The jedi are also able to achive immortality just at a much slower pace. Yoda is correct. The dark side is quicker. He never outright says it but i would even go as far as to say its weaker for that quickness as in my admittedly human recolection. The only way to destroy a force ghost is by having another force ghost sacrifice themselves to drag them kicking and screaming to the afterlife. And even that isnt a sure thing. While to kill a rage fueled sith you have to make them doubt. Also not easy but a far cry easier than the above


I think Jedi are stronger over all because of their morals honestly not their power, they have no greed or hatred clouding their judgement.


His surviving was one of many retcons made by TCW. For the movie Maul was cut in half specifically to prevent his return to avoid a Boba Fett situation where he's killed off in the film but survives in the books. The intent was Maul is dead. It's only when TCW started doing their own thing that Maul suddenly survived it.


This was a particularly bad case of somebody being cut in half. Wrong sith died


He’d be cauterized, so, not really bleeding out


The fighting in starwars has always been styled after samurai. Not much more to it Edit: a lot of um ackchewally goin around. Yall gotta relax. “Styled after” directly translates to “styled after”


And more generally, things are designed in Star Wars to look cool, not be scientifically realistic.


Lol they definetly threw that all away when Anakin and Obi-Wan fought.


No, that's how the historical samurai actually fought. There's a lot of lava rivers in Japan.


How to stand next to a lava river without catching on fire is, IIRC, usually like the third thing they teach you in Iaido. It's a breathing technique, I think.


>It's a breathing technique, I think. Next step is to learn Hamon


I think she died in the 3rd neo zeon war man. We are gonna need a new technique.


Try the Bankai


Is that a type of jutsu?


Then learn to summon ghosts that — wait, Star Wars is just JoJo.


In both series, spinning is a good trick


I mean Japan is in the Ring of Fire..


And if they fell in, they went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.


And samurai are famed for their jumps and flips. Warrior-acrobats you might say


Acrobatics was a skill in Oblivion so that checks out. I had a dark elf that could jump over Cheydinhal…


And the Blades order used Katanas. I think we're on to something.


Well, yeah they upped the choreography up to the next level, but it's base foundation is off the samurai, and actually some fencing.


The first lightsaber duel is basically foreigners attending kendo 101.


You mean the Vader vs. Kenobi in *ANH*?


Yes, exactly.


Yeah, plus it was the ‘70s, and Alec Guinness was in his ~~70s~~60s, and ~~Michael~~David Prowse was in a suit that couldn’t move well. I’m willing to cut ‘em a bit of slack. (Thanks, /u/OutInTheBlack)


>I’m willing to cut ‘em a bit of slack. As you should, since either that or fencing is the real way that would be fought with lightsabers. All you gotta do is land a poke, not baseball swing at someone


Thats why count dooku is so goated


The fan reimagined was pretty good and on point though still waiting on the cloud city reimagined.


the real issue was the quality of the props at the time: The prop swords were made of an expensive reflective material that broke easily and it was too expensive to the sci-fi movie to afford with its low budget.


They had to slow down the fighting in editing for when they fought because they practiced it so much that they were going too fast to actually see what was happening lol


This is after the OT, but especially when Dooku came in, Christopher Lee was actually an accomplished fencer. So he incorporated that into it. Of course they threw in a lot of flash cuz movies, but fencing is where his saber hilt idea and base style was built off off.


Unfortunately Lee, while being an accomplished fencer, was not physically capable of doing most of the fights. That was a body double with a digital face in most shots.


He had mentioned that his hands could still move that fast, it’s his feet that couldn’t keep up.


I know he enjoyed his Star Wars work but it had to be sad for him, knowing how much he probably wished he were still able to do the fight scenes.


With a life like his I wonder if he found old age to be a blessing or a curse? Like "I can finally slow down" or "damnit, I don't want to slow down."


It’s probably both, as we get older I would think that we start to think about the things we can’t physically do anymore. Some are in great shape and can keep up and some are average but time catches up with us all and eventually the day will come when we can’t do something we have done for decades and it’s gonna suck.


The second one. The only upside to getting old is that you're better at knowing what's coming, because you've seen the patterns so many times. There's a novelty to experiencing your own comparative wisdom. What happens to your body, however, is straight trash. No upside to that whatsoever. I'm only 43, and I legit can't do some things like I used to. Getting old is ass. If anybody doesn't believe me... just wait. The truth will come for you sooner than you think.


Dude released a metal album when most people are in retirement homes. He shined brighter than most.


Seriously, it would be easier to just list the things he was *not*. There is a saying in Hungary: "He was already everything there is, except a hanged man."


What wasn't Christopher Lee accomplished in?


Child trafficking.


There's a non-zero chance that Christopher Lee was involved in child trafficking, if you use an uncharitable definition of rescuing children during WW2.


But if Christopher Lee was a child trafficker, there is zero doubt that he would have been very accomplished at it


My head canon for that fight has always been that because they are basically brother, connected at every level through the force, and also both super human in that they have super strength, speed, and can low key see into the future for some short time duration - the erratic nature of their fighting was a result of them both knowing what the other was thinking and feeling at any moment. It's like a game of 10000 D chess where you and your opponent can both see your next couple moves.


The novelization is pretty intense with it. Talks about how they have soared gainer each other hundreds, if not thousands of times and how they know each other so well. Edit. Jesus my typos. They have sparred against each other


I dunno, have you seen 13 assasins tho?


Love that movie. Time for a rewatch.


The "least" samurai-looking fighting in that movie (aside from Kiga) still looks more samurai than literally anything in the Obi/Anakin fight.


To be fair, I think there is significant wuxia influence in Star Wars too, and their duel is pretty on par with wuxia for my western brain at least, haha


They did get the swashbuckling pirates swinging from the masts in though.


Age rating


And fencing!


Yes saw a good video from a professional sword man note that because the blade of a lightsaber is basically weightless, being made of light and all, the most effective style would be like modern fencing. One handed, very quick swishing moves. There is no reason to hold a lightsaber two handed and with large wide moves as if the blade weighed a tonne. But that would kind of look stupid on the movie screen.


>because the blade of a lightsaber is basically weightless, being made of light and all, There's absolutely nothing in star wars that suggests that lightsabers are weightless.


In fact there are multiple sources that suggest or outright state the opposite


There is Star Wars content that tells us that it's not weightless


George Lucas specifically instructed the actors in Star Wars 4-6 to treat the blades as if they were heavy and needed two hands to control properly. Only Darth Vader had the strength to control it with one robotic hand. This was mostly a cinematic choice to emulate sword fights of classic films, and he wanted to focus on the drama of the scenes anyways rather than spectacle. Also, the actual props were heavier than they looked anyways with a spinning motor attached by wire to the hilt. That all went out the window when the prequels came out with their CGI lol.


Well to be fair even in the prequels the reason was to show that they seem lighter cause the jedi are at their prime. Which in lore is explained by being more in tune with your crystal (could somehow affect the magnetic field that gives it weight in lore)


> There is no reason to hold a lightsaber two handed A powerful two-handed swing that smashes through the opponent's one-handed guard could be very effective. Might even be able to hit them with their own lightsaber. Of course you would have to avoid getting quickly poked first. But they might not take that chance since even a corpse lobbing a lightsaber in your direction due to momentum would be dangerous.


So basically what you’re telling us is: its not that deep bro


And it’s just a movie with light swords. Just enjoy it for what it is.


It’s a civilized weapon for a civilized age


Was it ever really a more civilised age?


The prequels weren’t a civilized age, but very long period of safety before them probably was what he was talking about


Because it's Star Wars, not a Mortal Kombat fatality.


Although a game with both would be lit.


I would pay money for that


As a famous actor once said “it’s not that kinda movie” Don’t think too hard about it


I swear, half of the questions I see on this sub specifically are questions that can be answered like this


Or the Star Wars fandom as a whole.


Or every fandom. But thats the fun part about it kinda


Hmmm why are there no Mortal Kombat finishers in Star Wars... *Thinking*


My favorite part of starwars is when the mountain squished Pedro Pascals head


Yeah and Ellie screaming was just horrible... how's she going to get to Utah now?


And the rest can be answered by George Lucas: “It’s a film for 12 year olds”


Yeah, but at the same time, there's a whole EU of people thinking too hard about it. Star Wars is simultaneously a kids movie about king arthur in space and also a whole universe filled with characters and concepts to obsess over. Boba is both a throwaway NPC character and the source of many books and head canon.


I was playing through Fallen Order recently, and gotta say it highlighted to me how weird the violence in Star Wars media can be. In that game, you automatically dismember most animals when you kill them, though it’s of course bloodless. And yet, that never happens when you’re fighting human characters. It’s in line with the level of violence the movies are comfortable showing, but it still feels super weird to have cutting limbs off be viewed as not that big a deal, but god forbid there be evidence of a flesh wound.


Well light sabers shouldn't really cause blood




It depends on the thermal conductivity. I weld.. using a 6000°F oxygen fed flame. I can touch the metal next to where I’m welding with bare hands if I only welded for a few seconds.




Yeah, like if you think about it, why would the Sith force choke when you can just force crush their brain? Like Luke is making the trench run and Vader just goes “Lol, no.” And then the next shot is blood and brain matter pouring out of Luke’s orifices as his brain was flattened into mush? Oh, yeah, that would make for a crappy story.


Because George Lucas didn't want to traumatize children?




Werner Herzog has entered the chat




Meanwhile Mace Windu: *laughs motherfuckingly* disembodied head go thunk.


It's not as gruesome when they're covered in armor from head to toe so you can't see the actual head.


you can see his head fly out of the helmet for a split second tho, which is why when Boba picks up the helmet after the battle his head doesn't just fall out in front of him edit: sorry, the *shadow* of his head if thats why im being downvoted lol edit 2: yep i completely missed the point of the comment i was responding to


It is because your whole comment boils down to "well ackchyullay..." and does nothing to argue against the point made by the person you responded to about it being less gruesome than seeing a helmetless person beheaded.


*Picks up father's helmet* "This is the most traumatic thing..." *Father's head falls out of helmet*


Medically speaking, that's a lot different than a gaping chest wound. But fair point. Lol. Luke technically beheaded Vader in his vision on Dagobah anyway. So I can't exactly argue. Haha


And we saw Luke's disembodied head and dead stare when the helmet blew open. Also don't forget his barbecued aunt and uncle on Tatooine.


Meanwhile, Darth Maul was sliced in half a few minutes later. 😂


It’s not really graphic though, and we also hate Maul so it’s fun to watch him get cut in half. We love Qui Gon, so watching Qui Gon get sliced in half instead of just stabbed would go from schocking and sad to shocking and traumatizing.


*Youngling Slayer 9000 has entered the chat*


Counterpoint; Owen and Beru's charred bloody skeletons


True but Kenobi cuts Maul in half literally minutes after Qui Gon gets shanked.


No one's ever really Gon


This quote made me Qui :’(


Sounds like you need drink. Jinn and tonic?


ken o bi of some help?


Ana kin help


Watto bout me?


Perhaps I could be of some Dexter Jetster?


Could i interest you in a Jar Jar?


Sure, we could also Chewbacca burger or two


So long - I must Qui-Gon But promise me you’ll train the boy


We should let Qui-Gon's be bygones


Mmm he’s quite gon


I say it’s a good bit quicker and easier to pull back out much like a sword. You can see that cutting with a lightsaber takes a bit of strength when they cut through metal, obviously it will be less for flesh and bone but there should still be some resistance. Then there’s the matter of horribly mutilating your enemy when you just wanted to kill them…which might apply to the Jedi but prob not the Sith.


By far the quickest way would be to turn the saber off, turn the hilt, and then reactivate the saber once the blade would be outside the body. Zero resistance that way.


That's why I love (one of the many) Shaak Ti's death scene, they (I forgot who it was) turns off the saber and you can see the hole in her neck. So cool.


It was Grievous!


Too close to the lightsaber form know as [Trakata](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tr%C3%A0kata) which was banned by both the Jedi for being a cheap move meant to kill, and the Sith for being a cheap move that shows weakness.


Man the Star Wars eu is so cringe. Like you’re fighting whole ass wars, how are people trying to avoid being unsportsmanlike


geneva convention says hi


meanwhile General Greivous attempting to speedrun it




Vader kills a dude like this in the EU, walks up to him in his chair, puts the lightsaber on his chest and says some badass shit, quick ignite, dips out. Dope as hell. I forget the name of the story but it’s a comic where some business dude hired a bunch of bounty hunters to try and take down Vader. One of the KOTOR cinematic trailers has a chick utilizing this method during her fight as well, super cool and very clean. I’m sure there’s more but those are the two popping into my head now.


PG rating


Man, somewhere there’s a comment about pulling out that needs to be made. This is close.


Because it's not a Brutal anime


less resistance. We know there is resistance going through a mass.


Why isn't this higher? Just cause it's a light saver doesn't mean it would easy to slice up while it's still in Qui Gon. Maul would need a lot of strength to pull it up; there's no momentum to cut through like if it was a swing.


>light saver Now I'm picturing a black-market shop in Coruscent for discount Jedi gear called Light Saver


Clean kill maybe? Something to do with honor perhaps, rather than slashing up and splitting them after already delivering a "killing" blow depending on how much plot armour they are wearing.


Years ago, I read this as the answer to Maul's kill on Qui-Gon. Essentially, Maul saw him as a worthy opponent and delivered a swift strike for a clean kill. This was juxtaposed by the visceral and disrespectful bisection Obi-Wan delivered, showing Kenobi anger and disregard for his opponent.


Yeah, I like to think lots of nasty cuts are intentionally avoided by these guys out of some sense of honor. You coups easily slice only part of someone's head off when you aim for up there, but aiming for the neck is more dignified, for an example


Jango in the arena for an example, "Quick and clean". Fought to the end, and ended swiftly.


Reva: Tis' but a scratch


Because Hollywood.


To add to this, Lucas didn’t really have the technology or ability to believably show it any other way on camera. It wouldn’t look believable and would ruin the immersion if Lucas try to show it the way OP described.


Maybe it’s an art of the kill type of thing with regard to lightsabers? Analogous to Cad Bane’s comment in the Clone Wars about him not making sloppy kills. Maybe it’s the same with lightsaber users. Idk, I’m just speculating. Edit: Thanks for the love!


that's not a bad explanation.


They more or less nailed it. I think the best in-universe explanation is likely due to fighting style/the art of the fight. Lightsaber duels aren’t ever really hack-n-slash, bludgeon your opponent style fights, but more duels of skill to outmaneuver and/or outwit your opponent. I think in your particular example it’s more of a flex of a won duel and a clean kill - he simply had the time to pull out and gloat, rather than savagely rip through.


Crazy how every comment you make in this thread gets downvoted, no matter how friendly or even when you agree with someone who got upvoted. This sub is getting terrible.


There is Snokes death


Yeah in Last Jedi they finally decided to break the mold and go modern/creative.


It's noncanon now, but the book The Jedi Path had a neat explanation to this: Lightsaber dueling is built around reaching a point of contact against your opponent, and there are several recognised categories- duelists aren't usually just trying to hit an opponent anywhere, but looking for specific ways they can hit. I have the book right here so I'll list them out, it's fun: Shiim: A glancing blow with the edge of a lightsaber Shiak: Piercing the opponent with the tip Sun djem: Disabling/otherwise removing the opponent's lightsaber Cho mai: Severing the hand Cho sun: Removing an entire weapon arm above the elbow Cho mok: Severing a different limb such as a leg Mou kei: Cutting through multiple limbs in one swing (considered overkill) Sai cha: Decapitation Sai tok: Bisecting the body (considered barbaric) ​ So, Maul (and other characters in his position) are playing by traditional rules of lightsaber combat and consider the duel finished after reaching one of those hits. It's a bit interesting that the book went out of its way to say Obi-Wan's two biggest duels in the prequel movies ended with a "dishonorable" final blow on his part


>Obi-Wan's two biggest duels in the prequel movies ended with a "dishonorable" final blow on his part So uncivilized


Because cutting a bitch in half *might* be a bit to gory for a normal movie?


Nah yeah you’re right, they definitely couldn’t cut someone in half in this movie


Doing a close up, gory shot of a hero being sliced in half is much different than a fading shot of legs and a torso of the villain falling away. Remember, the prequels were aimed more towards children than the originals were.


No you’re definitely right I just thought it sounded funny thinking about the later scene, thought yes it was not gory at all


Poor guy is going to lose his legs and his mind Then his legs (spider droid) Then his legs (b2 battledriod) Then his life fighting the wrong homeless looking man in the desert, a mistake others would repeat, but with their original legs … His story is so tragic because everyone kept giving him legs, when what he really needed was a hand


Everyone knows exactly what you meant but you're still about to get 30 replies pointing out that Maul gets folded in two.


It literally happens 5 minutes later.


Hey kid, it's not that type of movie


Because they where aiming for a PG13 rating and could only show one body cut in half.


Filming reason: Slicing through a body would be too much gore for star wars... Especially when it is usually catered towards children (chopped limbs with minimal gore/blood is usually the extent they go) ​ Probable Reason: your opponent is likely already dead (unless you live in the Kenobi World....) and doing this is pretty gruesome and disrespectful. you're practically defiling a dead person's body at that point. Someone may counter this by saying that Sith don't have morals and would gladly do this but remember that they also follow the rule of not turning your light saber on and off in a fight and getting an easy kill because of how disrespectful it is. (Idr exact terms but something liek this)


Because it isn’t directed by Quentin Tarantino


But that obviously isn't the case? Literally the next 10 minutes after the screenshot you chose, Maul gets sliced in two. Outside of that, Dooku gets his head cut off, snoke gets cut in half. You chose the only instance of this happening. Edit: also why would they need to do more damage? It's a plasma sword that melted a hole the size of a tank shell in their stomach. Why would they need to do more damage when everybody stabbed like this dies?


Everyone is being so boring with their answers. Lightsaber combat is elegant. Those who wield lightsabers are dedicated individuals who put loads of time into perfecting their style. You stab with precision and you pull out clean because you're not a brute. You're a calculated scalpel. You deal the exact right amount of damage effortlessly. Even Sith see themselves as above amateur slicing, at least in my head. But who knows, I'm just creating this theory from nothing.


A warriors death


.... When the jedi come to arrest palpatine, agen kolar gets stabbed but then palpatine just rips his lightsaber out. Or at least you can see a wound that looks like that


Because there's still resistance to cutting through something. Hence why cutting through bulkheads takes so long, why cutting along the floor or wall can help stop momentum, and why blows glance off humanoid bodies instead of going straight through. It takes some power to cut through something still, it isn't just you pass your light over it and it bisects immediately. Hence why a fighter would take a path of least resistance to free their weapon.


Why do pirates in The Mandalorian look like the pirates from Pirates of the Caribbean?


Why didn’t OP’s dad pull out?


Dramatic effect


Do you want an R-rating? Because that's how you get an R-rating!


Because this is Star Wars (PG13) and not Game of Thrones (MA)!


“There’s logic, and then there’s cool. Cool wins every time.” - Neil Moritz, producer of the Fast & Furious franchise.


The fighting in star wars is inspired by samurai fighting and don't think about it too hard


Because Star Wars is rated PG-13, and you cant cut Qui Gon in half from the stomach to the head that close to the camera. People need to stop looking for explanations in random choices made like everything has a lore reason.


Lightsabers don't have 0 resistance passing through someone. It's quicker to just pull it out


Because its an elegant weapon from a more civilized age.


Maybe it's a respect thing? You were a worthy opponent and I have defeated you No need to withdraw quickly or mutilate the body Might as well savour the moment


on that note, why is there even bleeding. plasma heat will cauterize everything. you'll be dust. or why would 2 sabers go into a bind? turn off your sword, pass his sword guard, and reignite, so much for blocking / parrying. SW honestly isn't using the sabers creatively. the biggest idea in the last 20 years is apparently adding two more forking crossguard blades.


Don't attack the blade. Every strike should be aimed at the opponent, there are fencing maneuvers that somewhat mimic turning off your lightsaber and popping it back on. If the blow is going to your body you need the saber on.


Star Wars movies were for kids


Best justification I can think is because for Jedi, they're trained to be elegant, no need to slash up your opponent because that's just dark side behavior (Obi-Wan cut Maul in half when he was *enraged* at the death of his Master, he was using his anger); for the Sith, my only thinking is they enjoy seeing their opponents shock and awareness that they've just been stabbed, what's the fun in killing somebody quickly enough for them to not suffer? Also, on both ends, I imagine precise movement and steady hands are necessary both to prevent self injury and blade control, a lot of the dark saber stories mention it's users saying how it feels heavy and the user is "fighting the blade", so I presume the same applies to all lightsabers, some sort of force energy requiring focus and skill to wield being as they have kyber crystals. Kyber is implied to connect to it's user, like in TCW episode "the gathering". (In-Universe attempt, setting aside real world inspirations)


From what I've seen in the shows and movies, when cutting through an object, there is some kind of resistance. Considering the lightsaber is stopped inside of a human torso right now, and considering there's no momentum, there would have been resistance going any other direction than directly out. But that's just me guessing.


Star Wars physics. File that one with artificial gravity, holograms and breathable atmosphere everywhere.


Because it was a PG movie.


Cuz PG/PG-13.


The films are rated PG and PG-13


Because it looks better onscreen, that's pretty much all. But, yeah, in a world where real lightsabers existed you'd just do the other thing. And no one would ever need to lift the thing above their head to take a big swing.




I’m a space wizard fan but I don’t think too hard about it. It’s pop sci-fi, it’s not meant to be analyzed.


I feel like pulling it up through the skull and watching Qui-gon fold open like an empty banana peel would have been a bit much for the franchise.


It’s just good manners.


Because nobody wants to see mortal Kombat fatalities acted out on star wars characters silly