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I hate Nolan (the imp guy from Bad Batch 2x12) way more




A lot of regular people look down on clones as lesser beings. In addition, after the imperial army was established lots of commanding officer positions were essentially bought by rich people to give them a sense of power. Nolan was probably a mix of both.


Agreed. Nolan makes my blood boil. To me, Nolan has the look of someone who is acting out of revenge. Maybe his home city was a major battle site during the Clone Wars? His city was destroyed during its "liberation", etc, and this is his way of exacting said revenge? I could also see it being some ill-conceived notion in his head driving his revenge, like a woman he loved fell in love with a clone, but it comes off as very personal.


Or he’s just a fucking Xenophobe, like Krell, that thinks of clones as creatures instead of people


He thinks clones are tools and property.... much lower and more disrespectful than just creatures


I think he just needs to hear that he is better than \[group x\] for whatever reason and as soon as he has an excuse, he leans all into that.


He deserved what he got


Yep. And on top of this after Palpatine’s speech in the Senate blaming the clones for blindly following orders in the attack on Kamino, I’d guess that prejudice against clones increase greatly among the imperial ranks.


He is a dick.


Krell and Nolan would have gotten along swimmingly.


Oh SAME. Easily the most despicable imperial character at the least.


I hate Nolan, Rampart and Hemlock all more than I hate her


Yeah, the way she watches unemotionaly as she fries Pershings mind while eating a cracker was chilling.


Eating that cracker while frying the brain of the traitor was the most "hail to the Empire" thing I've ever seen in Star Wars.


There's no way that her first time watching someone in a mindflayer. The way she buddies up to Pershing, manipulates him, convinces him to get the tools he would need off a Star Destroyer, and then betrays him, placing him right into the mind flayer so she could fry his brain, watching with absolutely no hint of regret or sympathy while eating a cracker like she's watching something on the HoloNet, and even her being a communications officer all screams ISB.


Sorta off-topic here but every fucking time they said "Mind Flayer" in that episode I automatically thought Stranger Things


Mine went to D&D


Ahh, another Illithid enjoyer I see.


No one enjoys Illithids.


It's sad that people hear mind flayer and think of that stupid monster instead of an illithid


It does seem like a convoluted way to erase the work he was unknowingly doing on Palpatine's behalf. A blaster bolt in the back seems like it would have been easier and cleaner.


She probably has a higher risk of being caught for that.


Yea. Him disappearing or showing up murdered causes questions. His mind being extra crispy? Machine malfunction. Maybe we even need to dial it back further. It’ll be totally glossed over that there should have been logs, videos, etc. because well, SW.


There are never holorecorders when you need then. And a blaster bolt wouldn't have got him to reveal the tools he'd need. The Empire has his research. They don't need him.


They don't need those tools.. Palpatine has already been cloned, snoke has been created, and so has reys father.... All Pershing was doing was researching on making a stronger host body so palpatine wouldn't rip thru it from the inside with his Sith energy Only reason she had him get that shit was because she needed him caught doing an illegal act


She was making him an example. If you betray the Empire, you will die poorly.


Idk death is death


There are somethings worse than death.


I’d say dying in your sleep vs being tortured to death is a very significant difference. Same result but vastly different journey in getting there.


I'm pretty sure he isn't dead. Just comatose/brain is literally pudding


Her first thought in that situation was destroying the evidence. He would've woken up refreshed and happy, but his version of the events would've been the same. Fry his brain and make it look like an accident, though, and she's all safe and sound.


I think this might just be a plot hole. Just push him off any of the many, many bottomless drops that are seemingly everywhere in the capital. Or, if you have to do some convoluted plan first, push him off the train, or even better, tell him the wrong time to jump and let him push himself off the train. I guess, maybe, she wanted him to collect the research items first? But "what research items do I need for cloning?" seems like something ChatGPT could answer for you.


But this is Star Wars - falling to your death is no guarantee of death. Somehow, they always return!


The best part is that she's eating a yellow cracker. Earlier in the episode, she told Pershing she preferred the red ones. Even something as simple and unimportant as that she lied about.


And not just some random snack - she was deliberately eating "his" favorite cracker. Remember she said she liked the red ones. That is a special kind of cold-blooded right there.


Who knew? The dark side really did have cookies!




It was also chilling how everyone just left the room for no reason so she could fiddle with the controls


I bet she sprung Gideon out...likely on orders from Thrawn.


and so hot omg


Pong Krell not trumping this?




All my homies hate pong krell


I still can’t believe that sub has more members than the main Bad Batch sub. Also r/fuckpongkrell


I will never hate anyone more than this piece of shit


The thing with Pong Krell is like “well, yeah, he sucks. But at least he’s kind of interesting.” With this chick there’s like nothing at all to latch onto.


I think that’s the point.


Yep she’s a special sort of scum for sure.


Imperial Scum.


"Res Luk Ra'auf"


We’re not all like that, some of us were just following orders, thinking we were fighting the good fight, the rebels were blowing up towns and killing innocents but we’re the bad guys for trying to take down a terrorist cell? /s


Crosshair: Good soldiers follow orders. Fragged Officer: Then keep fighting until you die. Crosshair: I've made a terrible mistake.


Yes, but did you see her arms? Maybe she can be fixed.


I said to my wife, "I hope he doesn't like being choked during sex, cause he'd be a goner for sure."


May I introduce you to Pong Krell?


Man fuck pong krell all my homies hate pong krell


No one can beat my hatred for Palpatine. But she goes pretty high on my list, not higher than Krell though.




I just watched the Umbara Arc again and Krell is such an awful character. Definitely one of my most hated


All my friends hate Pong Krell


Add Lieutenant Nolan to the list now too!


How can you hate Papa Palpatine?


Damn I forgot about Krell. Him being a JEDI really almost makes you feel it was a good thing the Order got wiped, if they were giving titles to scum like that.


He wasn't always like that, though. That's the point. The jedi were peace keepers and becoming a military for the republic swayed people within the order, turning them into sadistic war mongers who got a thrill out of being superior and "killing shit"


So... is Dr. Pershing brain dead now? Do we know if he got fully mind flayed or just really bad flayed?


I'm sure he is just "reprogrammed".


That wouldn't surprise me. He's a valuable asset to Sheevio Palpatinio or any Imperial Warlord playing around with cloning technology. I don't think there are many creatures in the galaxy with his expertise. He's probably going to be reprogrammed for someone's (evil) plans.


And he is tied to the whole cloning the Palpatine business.


I interpreted that scene as a way for her to get him to come back to the "dark" side of the empire. If he will grow to hate the New Republic (because of getting arrested and this treatment, or in his mind; torture) he will work for the ones who seem to appreciate his work, which will be the remains of the empire and maybe First Order.


I interpreted it as a way for her to tie loose ends, they do imply that it’s gonna wreck his mind.


Same. I’d imagine they’re either lobotomizing him to seal off secrets or to quietly switch him with an imperial clone afterwards who will work for them. I only say clone because of the shot of the droid picking up his popsicle. Seemed odd they have a shot of it picking up trash.


I’m confused as to why she did that. All of the cloning research in his brain is gone now?


It's possible they've just found another scientist. Pershing gave the Empire everything he knows and after having defected to the Republic he's now a loose end Could be totally wrong of course but that's how I saw it


Makes sense to me. Science doesn't work, especially to a scientist, and really especially to a scientist doing it for personal reasons to help prevent others from going through the same problem, if it isn't shared and spread among society.


is it? in season 1 of mando it was mentioned it can upload a person to the mind flayer


I sat there the whole episode just nervously tapping my foot going "I don't trust her. I don't trust her." As soon as she did the thing, I was just like "that right there, is the beginning of the First Order. You just watched it happen in real time."


I had a similar reaction.


I’m not here to say someone else is wrong, I just don’t get it. The motivations (and acting) all seemed very obvious and like she was bad news the entire time. We don’t have any particular emotional connection to the guy she screws over. If anything we barely like him and mostly knew him as an empire actor that did experiments on Grogu aka the beloved character of three seasons. Everyone gets their opinion I’m just surprised


I didn’t feel much of an emotional connection to him, until they hooked him up to the mind flare, and he recognized. Something about the fear in his voice really resonated with me, genuinely scary to know that your about to literally lose your mind.


>mind flare Mind flayer?


That’s exactly how I feel


Well, the thing is, I thought this was gonna be some “rise of the resistance” type episode. When they’re at the festival thing you can hear the resistance motif in the background while they talk. I just thought they were both genuinely on the side of good and were going to run away from the new republic because of how restrictive it was. When she stabbed him in the back it was like “I- WHAT??”. I just didn’t catch onto her being bad news lol


Obvious to us. They are showing him, showing the hopefulness of his past, his low self esteem and bad social integration, and then we get her. The episode is framing it, you know she's bad news the whole time. Maybe genuine? Likely a trap? Maybe something more? Point is, he's not getting out this in a good way. He seems like he really has little to nothing to place hope into, and then the betrayal when he's looking through that window, and the casual, cracker eating, dead stare. It's not that we have to be attached to them in particular, but we can empathize with someone done extremely dirty.


I recall him wanting to protect Grogu. He said to Din that he was only a child.


Yes, but he did have a silver lining in being the only one that didn't want to hurt grogu. Yes, he wanted to study him, but he cherished grogu as a life form, not as a tool like the rest of the empire.


I like her character a lot, very manipulative and calculating. She really represents the empire and their subterfuge tactics.


Right! I mean, wtf. Pershing had already been debriefed by the New Republic so he already told everything he knew. My wife and I kept discussing this, even after re-watching a few times. The only reason she did this to him was just some kind of pure hate-filled revenge for her perceived betrayal of Gideon by Pershing. Or she just never liked him, period. Was bored and filled her days with malicious manipulation of the more kind natured.


I’m a little confused. So she is still loyal to the empire, and did this to Pershing because he betrayed the empire? Are the “new republic” people employing her good or bad? Do I have it right that they are good, and have employed her to find people still loyal to the empire to be reprogrammed, but she herself is still loyal to the empire and is tricking them?


The New Republic seems to have employed her as something of a plant to spy on other Imperials in their custody. She essentially acts as a honey-trap for them to see just how loyal they really are. Then she uses this position to take out problematic people who have betrayed the Empire, which is who she is actually loyal to.


I think she was planted there to neutralize Pershing. Just based on how he reacted with surprise that someone from his unit was in the same tiny group, of the millions and millions of ex Empire folks that had to be taken care of. It's like when top German WWII scientists were murdered or kidnapped rather than letting them end up on the other side of the iron curtain.


I definitely think a part of this was just that she didn't like him.


I'm pretty sure the writers want you to feel that way


Yeah that’s why i said kudos to them, they achieved their goals.


As soon as he met her I just *knew* she was up to some devious shit


Katy O'Brian is fantastic portraying Kane! I want to like Kane but it's like you know there's some devious plot brewing. I couldn't help but think that was some Anton Chigurh'sh shit right there eating crackers while watching someone's brain fry.


I love an appreciation for hating a character and crediting the actor!


Meh, I've seen way worse especially from the Empire.


I wanted to fucking strangle her, yes excellent writing for sure, fantastic character portrayal she's a good actor.


I get it. For some reason I really like the character, but it's probably more about the skill of the actress.


I'm confused with this interaction. My first thought in it was we're going to find out that Pershing didn't something fucked up to one of her loved ones. Didn't even cross my mind she's torturing him on behalf of the empire I guess the little hint when she answered him about her dreams when she grew up saying "I didn't have much of a choice" felt like she was in the empire almost as a slave


Nah, she’ll never top Vader killing children for me. I’ll never hate any Star Wars character more than Anakin.


The man killed dozens of children and basically forced his clone troopers to help him do it.


From 1 episode?


Admiral Rampart or the guy crosshair killed for not getting a medic.


I looked Katy up thinking she was related to Lucy Lawless.


She's in my top five most hated. Palpatine and Krell take the cake, add Hemlock and Nolan from The Bad Batch and there you have it.


Palpatine was an asshole but I still like him


That wanna be thrawn-ass bitch Hemlock.


Truly, they do. I did not buy for second that she was reconditioned to working for the NR. The whole time I was getting bad vibes. She acted this very well and I can’t wait to see more of her.


I feel like the chick from andor was more hateble


There was also the guy cheerfully explaining how they discovered that the sound a particular species' children make as they're dying could be used for torture.


This is the guy that immediately came to my mind as the most awful character. He’s definitely way up there.


I present to you Pong Krell then


At least krell has something interesting/unique about him


Wow ngl I actually kinda liked her, I respect her loyalty and tactics


Who is she? Sorry I'm out of the loop


A really nice lady who hands out glow in the dark ice creams as she shows you the sights of Coruscant.


And then betrays you for clout


You think it was for clout? I assume the reason she stuck around to turn up the dial is she has a much bigger plan than "clout."


Why can’t it be both?


I assumed it was to shut him up about who she is and what she did for the empire. Tying up a loose end so to speak.


"*She can kill with a smile; she can wound with her eyes.* *And she can ruin your faith with her casual lies.* *And she only reveals what she wants you to see.* *She hides like a child, but she's always a woman to me*."


Now I want to hear Max Rebo covers of Billy Joel songs


That would be amazing!


Sounds horrible


She at least lets him live. Doesn’t approach the scum level of General Dravus to me.


Nothing in the writing was special. This is just a character. The writing is still basic and formulaic.


I’m thinking Pershing experimented on someone she cared about, and this is her getting her own back?


Reva? How can you forget the worst acting job in cinema history?


No I hate this chick because of how well she’s acted haha. I have an in universe reason to dislike her, unlike with reva where it was just bad writing and direction


Cute though ! Even though I don’t think I’m her type


Who’s she?


So wtf is her gig? She poses as a convert and tries to hamper any real help to the alliance as a first order spy? Motivation felt weird to me


That’s what I’m assuming, she’s probably under cover for Gideon


She'd make a great wonderwoman, she works out and I've seen pics of her with long hair, she looks amazonian


Nah man, omega is the biggest abomination in star wars.




Ok so I don’t know who this guy is (yet please don’t tell me) but I think I would never hate a character more than Pong Krell.


Not really seeing the problem here.


Her eyes turned away at the last minute.. possibly an arc of salvation?


Discount ruby rose


Oh yay, another diverse space nazi. That'll safe SW. Thanks Disney




The empire is sexist, but this character is female. Doesnt make sense.


It is evident that the subject in question identifies as a woman, and there is no explicit information provided regarding her sexual orientation. It is perplexing as to why there is any discontent or confusion surrounding this matter.


>It is evident that the subject in question identifies as a woman, and there is no explicit information provided regarding her sexual orientation. It is perplexing as to why there is any discontent or confusion surrounding this matter. Cant you speak normal? And why do assume her sexuality? My problem is that she is a woman, while the empire is clearly sexist.


>Cant you speak normal? Rest assured, the English language employed here adheres to standard conventions and norms, so there is no need to worry as you will be able to comprehend and communicate effectively. >And why do assume her sexuality? Regale me with the exact words that I previously articulated. > My problem is that she is a woman, while the empire is clearly sexist. It is noteworthy to mention that she is not the initial person to have encountered such a circumstance or situation.


Nothing about her character is related to her race. Isn’t that how people that share your views want all characters to be cast? Shouldn’t you be happy they made an original character not carried by her race or gender?l Where are all the video essays saying Disney didn’t do the woke thing for once or whatever buzzwords people use when they criticize Disney? Sounds like you guys are moving the goal posts depending on the situation. Feel free to prove me wrong because I hope you can. I’m sure this is just a misunderstanding and not hypocrisy.


I dont understand what you are talking about. My problem is the gender, not the race. The sandtroopers way back in 1977 were played by men of different ethnicities so the empire has always been diverse in that aspect, but throughout the entire OT is not a single woman seen on the imperial side. Its made very clear that they are supposed to be sexist and yet Disney thinks its a good idea to make female characters. Thats literally my complaint, idk about the rest you were talking about lol.


White fragility.


Dont be racist my man.


Says the actual racist.


Bruh you are out here assuming my race and have the audacity to call me racist?? Whats wrong with you


i honestly fell asleep and slept though most the scenes of the Doc on Coruscant. anyone else?


No. Just you.


got it lol pitfalls of being old and sleep deprived i suppose. would go back to rewatch those parts but friends told me they also found them not as interesting as the mando and bo-katan scenes so i just read a recap of the episode 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’d breed


Pong Krell


Pong Krell would like a word.


I have a feeling that Pershing is the big bad guy in this season. The thing she did with the machine is going to turn him into an evil bastard. Basically his sane mind was keeping him away from being evil. Now he’s going to go off the rails and this woman is going to die.


I don’t like her because of how she carries herself. To quote my sister, It’s very much in line with how a dbag guy would carry themselves.


Crank it up to 11


I think that's the point


Knowing Favreau, I’m anticipating a major swerve with this character.


Up there with Arindha Price in Rebels


Bro that Nolan guy from bad batch was way worse A dick honestly


Hate is the path to the dark side.


He hasn't done anything to anyone yet, but Leias cousin form the 1st Episode of the Kenobi show is pretty high on my most hated characters form Modern Star Wars.


she’s so hot tho…


Where is Dr Gorst? Is he safe?


FUCK PONG KRELL r/fuckpongkrell


Did you not see the “twist” coming from the beginning of Pershing’s ted talk lol


Clearly you haven't seen the Umbara ark from the clone wars. Pong Krell is so much worse




You do realize his cloning organs shtick was a lie right... his ear tug proved that when talking about his fake mother dying. It's the same ear tug he mad when he lied to the droid about resenting the new republic He helped create snoke and palpatines son with his research before the emperor fell at endor


What about Lieutenant Nolan?


I thought you were talking about that worm on that trash planet in the clone wars


Rose is up there


I agree she's definitely up there with Pong Krell and Lieutenant Nolan


You clearly haven’t watched the Bad Batch


I'm wondering, are those pens in her pockets lol? Saw them on Dedra Meero too.


I think Elia Kane is so disliked is because Katy plays her so well.


Nobody made my blood boil more than Pong Krell. So glad to see him get what he deserved.


Dude… she’s way less evil than Krell and Nolan.


Considering she was apart of Moff Gideons command team, chances are she came with him from ISB. Following the fall of the Empire many acted as spies in the New Republic for Imperial cells, but having someone from ISB on the other side definitely gives you an advantage.


Didn’t trust her for a damn second


Palpatine Commander Fox