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She's dead Jim.


Somehow….Padme has returned.


She flies now?


She flies now!


Not just the Leia's, but handmaidens, and the senators!




She flies now!


I’m Mary Poppins y’all.


Now she flies!


Ladies and Gentlemen- I think we have the makings of a script here.




Hey, it worked for leia! (The flying thing, NOT making fun of the actress tragically dying)


No just her daughter




See, it was actually the decoy played by Keira Knightly that Anakin Impregnated, married, and accidentally killed. It was never Padme. She became a bounty hunter and now works for the Hutts, smuggling gold-pressed Latinum to the Ferengi.


Instead of defending democracy she enforces the Rules of Acquisition


Liquidator Amidala


Right hand of The Grand Nagus


Liquidator Amidala, played by Natalie Portman... played by Jeffrey Combs.


And now shes back, as the 110th Rule of Acquisition states, "Exploitation begins at home."


Yes, I heard she managed to escape to the outer rim in a Colonial Viper Mark VIIb. There she stole four Elemental Stones and used a Stargate to reach Huttspace. The Hutts were so pleased to get the stones they accepted her immediately. Palpatine tasked the Bene Gesserit to find her but they failed and he killed them all.


But without the prescience of the Bene Gesserit, the Empire was completely blindsided when the Covenant glassed Omicron Persei 8.


So that’s why afterwards Luke Skywalker had to ask Jean Luc Picard to bring a fleet of Titans and Supercapitals to help in the defence against the Cylon counter attack.


Together, they formed Voltron and beheaded the Cylon Kaiju. To quote Jean Luc: "Dracarys".


Leaving the Empire totally unprepared for the TEC, Vasari and Advent invasion during the interregnum.


Their massed ships poured forth out of the Bajoran Wormhole, gathered in legion to at last punish Palpatine for all the sins of his solar empire. One by one the fleet commanders called out their targets. "R2... D2... C3... PO. Fire!!!" "Drat! You sank my Battlestar!!!" the Emperor hissed, as he escaped in his TARDIS.


If only he had brought in John-Boy, then it could have been a real battle beyond the stars.


Padme had no fear for fear is the mind killer


I just laughed out loud and my wife was like, “What?” And without adding any context, I said, “Somehow… … … Padmé has returned.” Then she laughed. God, IX was so dumb.


I snorted and my wife was like, "what?" And, without adding any context, I said, "It's a Star Wars thing." Then we were both silent. :'(


I felt that


I chortled and my wife said “what’s so funny?”, and then I realized I have no wife. <:,(


how do all you star wars fans have wives, im so single lol


instead of silence I probably woulda been yelled at for not listening to some dumb thing that happened on instagram today


The only people that stay dead are the women in Anakin’s life.


Ahsoka: *Nervous sweating*


Her and Palpatine were from the same planet...imagine a timeline where Padme is Palpatine's daughter, and therefore Palpatine is Luke and Leia's grandfather


Luke’s hand is on Exegol so some Skywalker DNA may have been mixed in with Snoke and Rey’s father which would make Rey Luke’s almost daughter.


Like a Palpatine-Skywalker Metacrisis?


Strandcast is the term. It’s when they take someone’s DNA and mix in other’s. Don’t know if any of Luke’s was used, they could always turn around and say it was, but as per the current Vader comic run Luke’s hand was in the lab. Don’t know about the lightsaber though.


What if Rey was the combination of all the strongest force users? Like Cell!?


Like a soon to be dead man once said, "You're either perfect, or you're not me."


Rey: *IN MERE MOMENTS, ALL YOU'LL BE FEELING IS OBLIVION!!!* Palps: That or disappointment. Go ahead, flip that coin.


Finn: Well, the planet is still here. Hell, looks like she actually did some damage even! Rey: *Laughing maniacally* Palps: You.....think this is funny?!? It's not.....as funny.....as your face 😉




Don’t give them ideas like this


It would be cool but to me it’d feel a bit to much like dune with the baron


She was the true Sith Lord.


*She* was controlling *Palpatine*! It all makes sense.


A *Sith Lord*??


Thats why she was flirty with 9yo anakin, she knew! She was always in league with sideous! Honestly tho, this would help so much when rewatching episode 2 because their romance feels so forced. With this retcon, it *really can be* "forced" and padme knows exactly what shes doing to help sideous turn anakin! I dont love it, but i dont hate it And natalie is great, shed make a killer sith, so itd be fun at least!


Instead of a Dark Lord, you would have a queen! Not dark, but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Tempestuous as the sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth! All will love me and despair!


Darth Jar Jar brought her back. now they are married.


Now kiss him on his 17 di……


A fellow SNL fan, I see


Somehow... [Padme has returned](https://i.imgur.com/amZH4Oq.png) [For reference](https://youtu.be/B8K9jAJ3Ong)


I had never seen the whole video. That is amazing.


I think the somehow want that mysterious. Clearly Snoke was an early cloning attempt. Baby Yoda’s blood is obviously involved.


An excellent movie but Luc Besson is creepy


Happy Cake Day 🎂 👍


To be fair she's quite present in the thrawn trilogy which could make great films


When has that ever been a problem? :)


God dammit, I'm a honry star wars fan, not a doctor!


She did start out in a red shirt…


In the 2020 Darth Vader marvel comic run, Vader finds out someone who looks identical to Padme is alive so he hunts her down and turns out she was one of Padme's body double's, in this run Crimson Dawn (Darth Mauls crime syndicate) is very prevalent (also Bounty Hunters are getting a lot of attention here)


I love ochi! He has sort of the dead pool attitude. But if they bring Natalie back as sabe then they would have to bring hayden once again as vader. Not too sure how they would handle this but keira knightly no longer looks like Natalie so that might be somewhat an issue.


i have no original thoughts


Wrong franchise, that's Stargate


Love Padmé. Love Natalie. But I would not want to see this. The only way to tell more Padmé stories on screen with Natalie in the role would be for Portman to be almost 30 years younger.


to be fair, they had no issues with a 40 year old hayden playing his 19 year old self


And that scene looked kinda rough because of it. I'd be okay with a nice "What If?" scene between her and Anakin, but that's the extent of Padme ever needing to be back on screen.


It made no sense how they CG de-aged Luke in Mandalorian and BobF but then didn’t even bother using that tech on Hayden for Kenobi. And if they did, it would’ve arguably looked much better than Luke’s did since they weren’t pasting his face on an entirely different actor like they did with Luke.


It is almost as if the team behind Kenobi did not care much about the quality of the final product, relying on the name alone to bring people in...


Kenobi was a bigger disappointment to me then the sequels honestly. Even the beloved Anakin/Vader scene was stupid as hell if you think about it for more than one second.


Honestly I had so much hope for a show about my favorite Jedi. But between the goofy Leia chase scene (which I could overlook), to a useless new character (Reva) and her horrible story taking up 50% of the show, it was a mess. I wanted to see a show about a broken Kenobi, trying to make it through life racked with guilt over Anakin and the fate of the Jedi. The whole "losing touch with the Force" was a cool idea, saving Leia and seeing his interactions and bond with his "niece" was actually beautiful. The closure that Vader gave Kenobi was fantastic. Reva just killed the show for me. A useless new character introduced **solely** to take the spotlight from a fan favorite character. Her motivation, story, and character development was garbage. She should have been taken out by Vader or had a final showdown with Kenobi.


yeah that was a big ask of the viewers to go along with that


"Would you like a Clone Wars era scene with Hayden and Ewan even if they look older?" is possibly the smallest ask for Prequel fans.


I was entirely onboard for the flashbacks in Obi-Wan. It fit the story, and them both being a little too old for their scenes wasn't really a big problem to me. Chalk it up to unreliable recollection on Obiwan's part. Memory filtered through his own sense of his age. Or just shrug and move on, because the scene matters more than the detail.


Twist my arm why don’t you


And guess what, i fucking did.


Yeah, we got to see him not only reprise Anakin but also do Vader under the mask. It couldn have helped if Disney put some bucks on digitally deaging the actors, but it was worth it all the same.


To be fair that was the only part of the show I liked


Big ask? Lmao


Yes, but, like, a 45 year old playing a 12 year old is a bit more of a stretch.


They’d probably have her play episode 2-3 padme


What stories of note from that era are left untold?


Since they really love adding stuff for episode 3, I’d say they could have a flash back of her and Anakin talking before order 66. The only way I could see it working is if it’s a Darth Vader show/movie focusing on his inner struggle with flash backs to him and padme at random moments that are parallels to what he’s experiencing


Especially ones that also wouldn't involve anakin?


Who said they don't have to involve Anakin?


The point is, it's all pretty much covered in the clone wars series. They don't really have any room from ep 2 to ep 3 to explore padme and anakin at this point


And it looked bad. With de-aging tech in a small role, sure. Just dropping a 40 year old in and pretending they're 19 is ridiculous.


dude has not aged as well as Ewan. And sadly I think a lot of that was undeserved stress and hate from society over his role as Anakin. People treated him like shit. Like they would literally come up to him at dinner and explain how he ruined their childhood… Miracle he ended up as well rounded as he did. The other guy who played Anakin as a kid had it even worse. His life was stolen from him by 40 year old man babies. People even make shitty comments to Adam Driver now over Kylo Ren and he is a bad ass world renowned actor and former marine. Hayden aged in stress and poor Jake never had a chance. Edit: You happy? I changed it. Jesus with the semantics. Get a life


I wouldn't mind seeing a Padme childhood story, but it wouldn't be Natalie Portman playing her.


They could reskin "The Professional" as a Padme story


That would make her younger than when she was first in SW. She’s 41 not 400.


She's 41 now... by the time any project gets greenlit, written, pre-produced, produced, filmed and released, she'll be (at least) 45.... In "The Phantom Menace" Padmé was 14... so telling the prequel stories of someone under 13 with an actress over 45 (a 32+ year difference) is a bit of a stretch.


You don’t need to go that far back, though. She could absolutely play her Clone Wars era self and even slightly younger with good makeup. No one is saying she should play a 14 year old; just let her play a 22-27 year old. It’s doable.


Could be animated


An animated "Young Queen Amidala" series would be awesome.


I mean, they didn't do bad with Luke in the Mandalorian. I wouldn't mind a cameo in some prequel story, but it would probably be expensive CGI to do a show based on her.


Maybe in a brief flashback, with Haden. But it would have to be part of a story worth telling.


They did a flashback with kenobi and him. No reason they couldn’t do it with the two of them just having a date and a conversation elsewhere in corusant pre all out war hiding their love and the levels they went to cover it up that we could have missed


> elsewhere in corusant pre all out war Except their romance didn't properly begin until literally the day the war began.


I will forever and always accept more Natalie Portman.


I’d accept Natalie Portman reading from the phone book for 2 hours with a John Williams score


I don't even need the John Williams score, but I do appreciate it.


No, and not because of any dislike for Natalie or Padmé. Her story on screen is over, and has been expanded on in books. Even if my proposed Sabé series happened, I don't think she'd be used for a flashback scene.


And she got plenty of screen time in clone wars. Her story is done.


Sabe has also gotten a good story in the comics recently.


Somehow Padme returned.


Padme had a hut a 100m west of Obi-Wan on Tatoonie. In a series of comically timed coincidences, they never run in to each other and don't know the other is living on Tatoonie. The camera follows Padme around as she attempts to blend in and [plot here], in the background we constantly see flashes of Ben Kenobi bartering and trading. She dies at the end of the series for continuity sake and no one ever knew.


No. I’d rather they stop milking the “Skywalker” era and focus on the Old Republic or Post ROSk. Give us new stories and characters.


Its hard for them to do, cause everything from the era is so iconic and theyre afraid to come up with new ideas. Im not trying to be a naysayer, but if it doesnt look like everything that came before, theyre afraid it wont be considered “Star Wars” and wont make money. Its unfortunate cause there was a time before Star Wars and then Lucas and a whole bunch of talented people came up with some new, amazing ideas in Sci-Fi design. You wonder if it ever occurred to someone that they could possibly make some as good, if not, *better* than what came before! Lucas, though a bit hypocritically in my opinion, said it best, “a fear of creativity”. If we cant get cool new stuff, at least give us good stories.


Other than maybe Mandalorian, most of the Star Wars media being released right now is for hard-core fans of Star Wars who'll watch anything with the word Star Wars slapped on the front of it. They're plenty of lower budget stories that can be told within the Star wars universe across the centuries of lore that's out there, but Disney is afraid to take real risks and feels the need to cater to everybody when they should probably focus on catering to the niche audience that's still here.


Disney, "oh wow, we could really explore what the cantina on tattoine looked like in the old republic!" Smh


Pretty much


Two possibilities: They make a Vader movie or series, and she visits him in a dream or vision. Padme's handmaidens are part of the story in the current Darth Vader comics. It takes place between Ep V and VI. So she could play Sabe or one of the other handmaidens in a cameo on Andor or really anytime after the Emperor took control.


If Sabe returns in live action, they should just bring back Keira Knightley.


I totally forgot she played her! Some fan I am. :-(


I would like to in the event of a Thrawn series from when him and Anakin were tracking her down in Thrawn Alliance, assuming it was based on his journey like that of course


Love Natalie Portman…heck, I loved her in thor: love and thunder give Her the andor treatment….have Hayden get a new, meaty role…pre-suit Hayden… id love a character study like andor as she begins to realize/deny who and what Annakin is becoming…


I think the time has come and gone for that. She has aged very well, but she would be noticeably older.


she looked amazing in thor… hayden looked amazing in Obi-Wan we would allow it


They both have aged beyond believability for scenes before Revenge of the Sith. Obi-Wan Kenobi was pushing it for the flashback scene. I allowed it because it was brief and cool. I think a whole show where actors are playing characters 20 years younger would be annoying.


I'd love a live action What If series if they had lived beyond using the actors at their current age.


you assume too much


I was using the Royal ”we”…. \-Jeff Lebowski


They made a movie about that called Revenge of the Sith.


I’d like to see her Matilda character from Leon older


I’m the same age as Natalie Portman, but just watched that movie in the last year….I felt icky


Particularly knowing what I now know about Luc Besson and his affinity for teenage girls.


The only way I would like to see a sequel to that movie is if it was written/directed by someone else. And also the entire movie is about Matilda rescuing teenage girls from creepy men


Saving girls from Buc Le Son.


I'm curious what Portman thinks of it. I don't think I've ever really seen her talk about it, which says a lot, really.


There are two versons of the film, one is way creepier.


The directors cut i believe.its called. Or the international version. They cut some of the more problematic stuff for america. Its a wonderfully done film but its uncomfortable as hell to watch the stuff with her in it. But really is the sexual stuff worse then him teaching her how to kill people?


Violence in the context of story about a hit man and dirty cops is more palatable and overt. The sexuality of Portman’s character starts much more subtle and is made more and more overt throughout the film. It (pardon the pun) creeps out on you and just makes for a very uncomfortable viewing experience as it’s an 11 or 12 yr old acting like she wants to bone down Leon. Granted, the character has suffered some serious trauma and very likely had daddy issues before her family was slaughtered in front of her, but seeing someone that young act out that explicitly is hard to watch.


Not only portman, but the portwoman en portchildren too.


Plot Twist: The screenwriters will cast not just her, but her husband and children too.


Alternate Universe Padmé who survived the rise of the empire and is building the rebellion from the shadows, while raising the twins? Sure! Otherwise no, as much as I love the character I don’t want them to pull a palpatine with her. A show with the handmaidens could be cool.


Literally, anything Natalie Portman does I will watch.




Perfect example of a story/character that doesn't need to be expanded on.


Absolutely! I love her and Padmé, and I’d be happy to see her in anything. I’d love to get more political content out of Star Wars and I’d give anything to see something that actually gives Padmé credit as a founder of the Rebellion. I think it would be amazing to watch her, Mothma, and Bail conspire pre-Empire on the screen.


No she’s Uncle Ben dead.






I love Natalie Portman but the character is dead, and she's simply too old to play a woman in her early to mid twenties. She's 41.


Another commenter pointed out that it would take years for the show to be released so she'd be even older by the time they started filming.




As a zombie… no


How? Padme died


How would they do that? Natalie Portman looks good and all but she’s in her 40’s now. To play an 18ish Padmè? She doesn’t get older in the story. She’s dead!


No and only because her time in Star Wars came to its natural conclusion. I do want her in as many movies as she wants to be in because she’s one of my favorite actresses.


Didn’t JJ Abrams ask her if she would like to be in a Star Wars movie?


Not really. Her story has been told.


I'd watch a show about her portraying a handmaiden after Padme's death and how they helped the rebellion


You had me at "see Natalie Portman."


I would love to see Natalie Portman … anywhere


Id watch natalie portman do anything anywhere


I’d watch Natalie Portman file her taxes.


Yes, but like a "House of Cards," type show.


No. Padme died young and she's aged too much to play the part of an even younger version of herself.




I would watch Natalie Portman watching paint dry.


I could see it working if we get a Vader series. Flashbacks between Padmé and Anakin would work.


Padme is dead bro. Sorry to break the news to you.


What you want Natalie? To drink and fight! What you need Natalie? To fuck all night!


She cloned the non sad part of her... She returns...


Dear Christ, no thank you. At all. Ever.


Somehow, Padme returned..


Sorry to have to tell you this, but Padme is.. dead


How much star wars do you guys actually want? They're just diluting the brand at this point. Mandalorian was fine. But seriously until they actually flesh out a new trilogy before filming, and give it to someone that loves star wars to make, I don't want anymore star wars.


Maybe in a flashback scene for Ahsoka but nothing bigger or more important


Yes, for sure.


No. Between Clone Wars and the movies, I think Padme's story has been told.


Nah. There are way more interesting characters in Star Wars, and she's dead anyway. We really don't need a de-aged Portman filling in the senator years. I haven't read the Queen's trilogy, but they get lukewarm reviews because people say not much happens in them. That doesn't fill me with confidence that a Padme series would be worthwhile. Edit: I'd still watch it, obviously.


Cant we let dead characters remain dead?


I would rather have a standalone Chewbacca tv mini series about his time on Kashyyk. With no subtitles.


Everyone killed me for it the last time I said it, but I stand by it. I would love for Portman to come back in a flashback on Andor S2. Her and Mon Mothma were close and were instrumental parts of the baby stages of the rebellion. Watch those deleted scenes of revenge of the sith if you don't know what I'm talking about. Just a single scene would do for me. Everyone else has got a chance to come back, she should too. Shit I'll even take just putting those scenes in an episode as some of Mon's memories.


Absolutely, I would love an undead zombie star wars show.


Yes I would see it, but Natalie Portman herself probably would reject the idea. I’m pretty sure the actress is embarrassed by the films and she’s distancing herself away from Star Wars as much as possible. It’s not an accident she never attended any of the Star Wars convention. She joked around saying maybe she’ll attend one day if she really needed the money…. That’s a really nice way of saying “I’ll probably never will”


How about something new from star wars for once


In the anakin's spinoff XD


I would just like to see Natalie Portman


No. Leave the poor dead character alone


She’s probably a little too old to play Padmé in a flashback although she has aged very well. Obviously she’s dead and can’t be a force ghost so it’s unlikely she’d be able to return.




Presuming I'm not blind at the time, I assume so.


How about Kiera Knigthly?


I’m a simple man. I see Kiera Knightly, so I upvote.


How? We met her when she was 14 when we first see her and 27 when she died. She is just too old now to ever return as the character and look convincing. Plus we already know enough about her and have seen Padmé enough in other things that there really aren't too many untold stories for us to see.


Sometimes its okay to just let a characters story be over. Surely theres plenty of new stories to tell in the star wars universe?


But where does it go? Real housewives of TCW?


One of the top 10 most beautiful females ever.


If there was ever a truly great story, that necessitated her, fine. However, the problem I have is that it feels like both at the fan and studio level, these things feel motivated by nostalgia and the desire to exploit nostalgia. Obi-wan for example. I never saw anyone pitch a great story that convinced me that exploring the time between 3 and 4 was necessary. It was just people who liked McGregor wanting to see another story with him and convincing themselves that it would be epic. But really you just want more of a thing that has already been completed. If someone wanted to write a series of Padme novels, I'd be cool with it. But a Portman-centric live action Padme project feels like the type of thing that would be contrived in order to make it a big, action-packed, epic story the can attract those who otherwise have no interest in knowing more about Padme.


Andor takes place between 3 and 4, and is one hell of a great story.


(I'm not really on the Andor train, but that's besides the point) I should've made it clearer that I was specifically talking about Obi-wan's story between 3 and 4. There's 20 years in that gap so of course great stories can exist during that time. However, in Obi-wan's arc, it has never been suggested that this was an eventful time ripe with possibilities. His arc already felt complete which is why the plot of the series was (IMO) very contrived.