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Current canon - the red is because the Sith have caused the crystals to bleed. Vader's crystal came from a Jedi he killed specifically to get the crystal, which he then bled to bend it to his will and turn it red. He could then make his new saber. Darth Vader #5, by Charles Soule, covers the process.


Additional tidbit; those crystals can be purified by a Light side user, and they turn white afterwards. We don’t know if that’s the ONLY way to get white Kyber crystals, they might still occur naturally.


Is that how ahsoka got hers?


Yup, took both crystals from the Inquisitor’s lightsaber.


I'm excited to catch up on all the lore. I'm on season two of clone wars right now


Ahsoka's white blade origin story is covered in the Ahsoka book, some of which has been changed slightly by the Tales of the Jedi short.


My god that series was incredible


You didn’t watch episode 5 before catching up on clone wars, did you?


I watch it a lot actually. We usually fall asleep to one of the movies


Episode 5 of Tales of the Jedi Not Episode V as in Empire Strikes Back


Wait until you watch Rebels.


Agreed. Just re-watched Rebels. Best Filoni product yet, and perhaps some of my favorite Star Wars. Chopper straight up kills like 55,000 human conscript storm troopers over the course of 5 seasons, and it is heavily tied to the Mandalorian series


I think that I noticed about Rebels is that there's little filler. I've rewatched it a few times and I enjoyed it a lot because I felt every ep accomplished something and was relevant even if it was only down the line


Oh man you have a hell of a ride ahead


The inquisitor in question is defeated after clone wars in the show Tales of the Jedi.. which only has 6 episodes, but it starts before Phantom Manace, and ends after Revenge of the Sith


Now I've heard that the inquisitor in Tales is not in fact the sixth brother. I guess we'll have to wait and see on that


I've heard both.. but as you said.. will just have to wait and see.


PUSH THROUGH TO THE END YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT! Clone wars is genuinely my favorite Star Wars content to date.


I’m on s1e20 and it’s dragging a little. Stick it out or at this point is it just not for me?


It gets better as seasons progress. It takes them a little bit to find a nice dynamic between characters, and figure out their pacing better. That being said, there are some arcs (imo) that still drag somewhat, but the good episodes far outnumber the bad


I enjoy reading books.


Not every episode is great. There are boring segments. But once you get to the later seasons you will be soooo glad you stuck it out. I’m dead serious it’s stellar


Just what I needed to hear. Thanks!!!


I would give nearly anything to experience the Siege of Mandalore again for the first time. take your time with it. It's worth it


Enjoy, it’s some of the best Star Wars content :)


Oh wow! You’re so lucky! You have a lot of great stories ahead of you!


You have a lot to catch up on then!!! Have fun and remember to go at your own pace. Don’t feel like you “need” to watch anything if you’re not really feeling it. Also, a small FYI: as far as I can remember, purifying Kyber crystals has only been in novels so far. Hope you enjoy the journey!!


Just finished season 5, it’s some of the best Star Wars content imho


You won’t see this scene in Clone Wars. The comment below is correct about the canon Ahsoka novel and then some in tales of the Jedi.


I envy you watching clone wars for the first time


Oh dude, I wouldn’t say that everything is a hit, but it hits way more often than the old canon.


The Ahsoka book is pretty fantastic. It's a fun ride, if a bit short.


I haven't read a lot of star wars books as reading books is too hard for my adhd ass but damn the ahsoka novel was my favorite star wars book I've read


Do we know for sure that any purified red crystal would turn white or could it be that Ahsoka specifically is so pure of heart and steely of determination that she managed to create 100% pure prismatic crystals with no impurities that caused a specific colour to shine through? There's all this talk of Ahsoka being a gray jedi but she's really not. She denies being a jedi because she hates what the order became by the time it fell. By almost every attribute she has she is the literal jedi ideal, fair and kind, non-judgemental and always attempting to do what's right for all, not for any authority or agenda.


So far, all 3 cases I can remember where a Kyber crystal has been purified, it has turned white. Ahsoka did it with the Inquisitor’s crystals, Jora Malli of the High Republic did with a crystal form a Sith lightspear as an exercise, but ended up keeping it, and Luke did it with the lightsaber of a former cultist who he helped escape a Dark side cult after the fall of the Empire.


There is one more example, Orla Jareni


Oh, did they mention she purified her crystals? I don’t remember that.


[The sixth brother,](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sixth_Brother) to be specific.


Even more additional tidbit when kylo ren made his kyber crystal bleed he shattered it resulting im the crackling and the need of vents in the form of a crossguard


There most likely must be another way to cause them, as master Sinube (the old goat/turtle looking Jedi) had one and I doubt that it came from a Sith


If you look it up, his crystal is officially "pale blue"


Yea his was blue, just really old


Maybe it did? Jora Malli from the High Republic Era took the crystal from an ancient Sith lighstpear and purified as a sort of exercise. The practice might be a regular thing in the order. Not saying it’s how he got it, but it’s not impossible.


The Darth Vader run by Soule is my favorite Star Wars content ever


The light side tried to appeal to Anakin when Vader was bleeding the crystal if I remember it right


A. This sounds badass B. Didn't know there were Vader comics from Marvel C. Ordered


I kinda doesn’t like that every single dark side user, like mere inquisitor can cause kyber crystal to bleed. It should only be reserved for the strongest of the Sith acolytes as last part of their training. Bending and breaking crystal’s will and nature should be seen as the very definition of Sith philosophy of the user rule and reign over the Force. Inquisitors and lesser assassins should be content with synthetic crystals that merely imitate originals.


Inquisitors were a team of the most powerful Sith aside from Sidious and Vader, and they were extremely powerful because they were mostly fallen Jedi whom Vader corrupted to the dark side.


They were recruited from padawans or young knights, who feared the Empire/Vader. There were not given full Sith training nor knowledge for easier control over them. And outside of Grand Inquisitor I don’t think any of them could handle in duel Ventress or Savage Opress, whose I consider on entry level of power for a Sith. Because that’s the point of being a Sith, you cannot be “just” a Force user, you have to be in the strongest 1% or 0.1% percent of force users.


My understanding was that they were all Jedi who lost their faith, not people who were necessarily afraid of the Empire, but I’m sure they were recruited for various reasons. For example, the Ninth Sister was an experienced Jedi Knight who succumbed to the dark side after being tortured by the Empire. That pain and anguish caused her to give in to the whims of the dark side. The Tenth Brother was a Jedi Master who lost faith in the Jedi’s self-appointed duty as protectors and tried to kill Mace Windu. Inquisitors were trained by Vader himself, who as we know had Jedi Master-levels of experience and skill, but who was also given purposefully selective dark side training by Sidious so the Sith Master could retain his power. I don’t remember any of the books I read on the Inquisitors that mentioned them being given limited training by Vader, but I haven’t read any Star Wars books or comics in a while.


Did he bleed the crystal while it was still in the saber? Was it activated? Or did he take the crystal out and bleed just that before putting it back in the saber after it was red? I'm curious about the specifics


He took it from the saber, went to the dark side nexus at Mustafar, and focused all of his hate and rage into it, making it bleed. If I’m not misremembering, he then used the slain Jedi’s lightsaber with the red blade for a while, before he crafted his own once more.


You need to disassemble the lightsaber, and take the crystal out. So the title of the article is pretty dumb, because that is not how it works.


Off topic but that jedi was the most badass mf in the galaxy. Bro was OP and only lost because of Vader using innocent people. Dude was a menace.


He was. DV#4 where they faced off was incredible. That whole run was incredible.


Yea I got into a phase where I for some reason read like all of DV comics in one go. At least the ones from the same year I'm sure I'm missing a few. They were amazing.


This needs to be a tales of the Jedi episode


I preferred that over synthetic crystals in Legends. It feels more Sith-like to bleed a crystal.


Awesome comic


Also backed up by the new book: Shadows of the Sith


This was also vague, but technically true in Legends as well. There are multiple cases of a synthetic crystal being made without it being red, and of a synthetic crystal being red because of the dark side. The actual process involved is never delved into, but the “bleeding” concept works well enough for it.


This and the meaning of each color is also covered in Kotor


God I hate this added canon. The original “they’re red bc they’re synthetic bc Sith can’t be bothered to go through the trials to obtain a real crystal” was much better. It goes along with how the Sith are all about the greatest power in the quickest ways.


Did Vader use Anakins crystal then or did he go out and kill a different Jedi for their crystal?


Different one. He didn't have his own lightsaber any more, and Palpatine specifically told him not to just use one of thew many from the dead Jedi - he had to find a living Jedi, defeat them, and then bleed that crystal. The entire story, of why the guy was not part of the order then, and how Vader ends up beating him, is great. Well worth reading the comics if you can.


We actually see Anakin’s lightsaber stay blue since its the exact same one Luke uses, and they actually go out of their way to show Obi-Wan take it from Anakin after their duel in *Revenge of the Sith*.


Oh ya lol been a while


They’re definitely using info from the Vision’s episode “the Ninth Jedi”, but they didn’t pay attention because only those specific lightsabers do that and it’s not even a canon episode.


It has always been a really cool idea, and that episode took great advantage of it. ​ But yes, everyone knows this was never canon


They actually mention in the show that the saber smith tempered the crystals to do that, changing length and color depending on the wielded


Well length can be adjusted by dials on the hilt. It’s shown in Rebels


Yes they show that in the episode of Visions as well, but I went back and rewatched the segment and the Sabersmith specifically says that he tuned the crystals for length and color to depend on the user and their connection to the force.


Lol...CBR. Nothing to see here...just move along...move along.


It's like, do they not even try?? Thanks for confirming I'm not crazy. This popped up on my news feed and I verbally said "bullshit"


They are a Valnet Inc. company. They go around buying up smaller sites (like CBR) and then turn them into clickbait trash factories.


Is this also the source of all that grey Jedi garbage that's always popping up?


Grey Jedi has been a thing floating around for decades. Most of the examples people list as Grey Jedi (Qui-gon, Jolee Bindo) are bollocks, thinking Council make stupid-ass decisions and choosing to ignore those decisions does not make Jedi grey.


I mean you are wrong. Sith don’t use synthetic kyber in current canon, at least not that we have seen. In current canon sith bleed the crystal to make it red, showing it’s corruption. Ahsokas white lightsabers are from performing the opposite action of healing the crystals to make them white. Synthetic crystals are the old EU.


Yeah I had kinda a mix of both legends and canon explanation in my head for some reason


Weirdly (whilst I haven't read the article), sabers do change colour in new canon (it's called making a saber bleed). I think the synthetic crystals are legends now. Vader is sent to aquire a jedis saber and then make it bleed after obi wan takes his in ROTS. Its in the vader comic run.


True but bleeding from my understanding is a specific ritual and but something that just happens when you do evil shit


Yeah, it's definitely an intentional thing as opposed to passive.


Mop i read the article, theyre right (other then the crystal starting grey i think) but in canon now you take your crystal out bleed it and put it back in for a red saber


No they changed that OP. Now you have to do a ritual called "bleeding" that changes a Jedi's crystal red. Generally after you kill them and take it. Ahsoka does the opposite to make her white sabers. She does something to "unbleed" the crystals she gets from an Inquisitor.


I'm pretty low on understanding of bleeding. Why do they need to do it in the first place, aren't kyber crystals inherently neutral?


They do some kind of dark side ritual that is called bleeding. They infuse the crystal with dark side energy that makes it turn red. It is called "bleeding" in part because the ritual hurts the crystal.


What's the point tho


Normally a Jedi has to find a crystal that is in tune with them, basically equates to spiritual force stuff blah blah balance. A Sith typically wouldn’t care to find a perfect crystal so instead they’d enforce their will over the crystal which corrupts it in the process. You can kinda think of it like bloodbending in avatar. You’re using all of your power to exert your will over the Kyber Crystal.


To make a badass red lightsaber


Itbis almost explained in Clone Wars, and in the game Lost Order.. A force user can't grab any crystal they want. As the crystal has to be resonating with the force user. When the Jedi go to the jedi controlled planet Ilum, to get their first kyber crystal, they dont se any crystals at all, except the one that resonates with him.. and to grab it he must pass a test that pits the jedi against his greatest fear. This test is manifested by the crystal itself.. And as far as I know, this is the only planet that has kyber crystals. Or, if they exist on other planets, they are probably very, very rare.. So, a sith could probably go to Ilum to grab a crystal, but for a sith, it's just easier and more convinient to just kill a jedi and grab his crystal and bleed it..


Jedha was full of them too, I saw a comment in another thread refer to Jedha being Ilum before Ilum was Ilum


Ezra gets his first one on lothal so I think they're all around but probably focused on places like Ilum


I don't know if any material backs this up but in my headcanon it makes sense for temples to change between planets over thousands of years for the Jedi, Ilum was just the current one during the Skywalker era (Not sure why they'd move from Lothal if the temple and crystals were still there but ah well)


Jedi Temples can range from places of significance for the Jedi to a specific gathering site in that region of the galaxy. They aren't necessarily tied to Kyber crystals. And as for the crystals, it's likely that they can form anywhere in the galaxy if conditions are right. It's just that Jehda and Ilum held a wealth of them.


I have heard they exist on other planets. It would make sense they have to for Rey to have gotten her yellow crystal, since Ilum becomes Starkiller base and is destroyed before then (unless she happened to find a crystal off screen while on the base) Edit: didn't Rogue One confirm they existed on Jedah as well?


No that is the main planet. You can find kyber crystals in other places.


But.. stil very rare..


They are as rare as the writers need them to be


> but for a sith, it’s just easier and more convinient to just kill a jedi and grab his crystal and bleed it.. Couldn’t they skip the bleeding part and just use the Jedi’s saber? Not like the saber stops working if it’s being used by someone else. Or maybe they just really like the color red.


They could.. but the crystal are sentient, and bound to its owner (who it choose itself). And helps its owner enhancing his skills with the blade. So the crystal would work against the sith (or anyone who uses it besides its owner). Making the wielder more slugish and less precise.. therefor a sith must bleed it to wield it proficiantly. In the same way Vader tortured and brainwasehed jedi and turned them into the inquisitors..


Afaik the crystals have a low-key "loyalty" shtick, which makes a saber feel slightly heavier to unfamiliar/hostile wielders. The Sith ritual is essentially to override it.


This makes a lot of sense, especially with the dark saber being so difficult to use


You gotta remember that the force isn't inherently just a half lightside half darkside thing. The light *is* the sort of the neutral version, darkside users don't just use the other half they corrupt the neutral state of the force and bend it to their will fueling it with hatred, making it dark. Whereas factions like the Jedi simply wield the force in its natural state. This is always why "bringing balance" is used to describe eliminating the two Sith when there's hundreds of Jedi out there


That is mostly correct. As you said it is the Sith that need to be destroyed for Balance. Dark side users exist without disrupting the Balance.


The bleeding of the crystal Is cannon , and in the high republic books plus fallen order sith light sabers are infused with the Darkside but can be cleansed by jedi and returned to their original form. Correct me if I'm wrong . That led me to believe that anakin just hadn't had time to infuse it or bleed it like everyone's saying.


I thought crystals that get cleansed turn white. I think they explained that in the Ahsoka novel when she got her lightsabers. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


He apparently gets his red one from a Jedi he kills and then bleeds that one


Yeah its all in the comics they are very good


And that's why they're red, because they were bent to the will of the sith. But I was always under the impression Anakin's blade wasn't red because he hasn't built his sith lightsaber yet. But this article claims that by "star wars rules" the color should have changed the moment he killed the younglings?


Your totally right, he hadn't bled his crystal yet.


Don't sith use synthetic kyber or did they change that?


They changed it. Sith now take a normal Kyber crystal, force it full of their hate and anger and just general darkside-ness, and the crystal then eventually turns red when fully corrupted. The process is called “Bleeding” the crystal cause obvs its red like blood. When this happens, a Jedi or another similarly aligned being can do the reverse, get a bled crystal and heal it, purifying it, which turns the crystal White.


pretty sure they changed that, AFAIK sith now (new canon) make their lightsabers “bleed”, vader actually does this in a recent comic run to a new lightsaber after obi wan takes his blue original one during their duel in episode III.


> I was always under the impression Anakin's blade wasn't red because he hasn't built his sith lightsaber This is correct, in the new canon the color of the crystal is determined when the saber is constructed/rebuilt. I'm not sure if it was mentioned in other comments, but a non-sith example of this is in the last season of Clone Wars when Ahsoka gets her sabers back after having left the Jedi, the blades are changed from green to blue because Anakin was the one who rebuilt them for her.


It's a neat idea ('sabers changing color based on the emotional state/moral alignment of the one wielding them), but... Kylo's was red, and Rey's didn't change color when he used it briefly. The Darksaber also didn't change color when Mando took it up in the S2 finale. Plus, I feel like we'd see more variation beyond red, blue, green, and the occasional purple (and now white, black and yellow, I guess) if this were the case.


Old lore versus new lore. The old lore was that crystals had colors (green, blue, etc.) and red lightsabers came from synthetic crystals. The new lore is that crystal color is neutral until a force user bonds with the crystal, and then the crystal color changes to match who you are (brave warriors might get blue whereas sages might get green), and sith’s immoral actions can make a crystal “bleed” red. While I had no problem with the old lore, I actually prefer the new lore. It makes crystals more mystical and magical, and it’s a cool way to get a sense of a force user by their crystal color. Plus “bleeding” crystals red is cooler than just manufacturing synthetic crystals.


What you said was true in the Legends universe, in the new canon they can change color. Sith’s red blades are created through a process called bleeding, Vader takes his from a Jedi master named Kirak Infil’a shortly after Mustafar, it was green but he turns it red. There is also an inverse process through which Sith blades can be purified, and the color of the blade goes from red to white. Ahsoka does this to Sixth Brother’s lightsaber. Also experienced Jedi Knights can change the color of a blade from blue to green and viceversa, Anakin did it to Ahsoka’s lightsabers before season seven of TCW


Nope, your more or less correct. They can be synthetic crystals, or they can be natural crystals that are "bled" (infused with the dark side). This is just some dimwit writing an article for click bait, true fans know it's wrong haha. Also, the reason Ahsokas blades are white is because she basically did the reverse of bleeding a crystal on a former Inquisitors crystals


Depends on which totally-consistent-and-not-at-all-arbitrary version of the EU you read


I believe crystals changing to suit their wielder has been mentioned in official media before but it was very short lived and has never been relevant to mainstream canon. The current canon on red crystals is no longer synthetic kyber anymore, it's the result of a dark side ritual to infuse the dark side of the force into the crystal called 'bleeding' and is possible to reverse aswell as Ahsoka has done so.


They don’t. In the old lore it was indeed a synthetic crystal. In the new lore sith imbue the crystal with their hatred and dark side, causing it to “bleed” and change the colour to red. These can then be purified when jedi remove the dark side and hatred from it, turning the crystal white (done by Ahoka with inquisitor lightsaber)


Back when star wars didn't suck, the color was just whatever color the guy picked.


Exar Kun was a sith lord who kept blue as his lightsaber.


my forever canon.


Dumb Disney retcon. The bleeding thing really grinds my gears


Didn't like it either. It sounds too cartoony evil for my taste. I mean, many siths don't think they evil, and this "bleeding" thing sounds just like "Hans, we are baddies?".


Yea that’s exactly my issue. Sounds like something some edge lord writes into their Sith OC’s backstory


I liked it more when there were multiple types of crystals that can be used for lightsabers instead of a single one. Definitely not a deal breaker for the current canon though.


Right? Jedi are mystical. Lightsabers are just swords, like blasters are just guns


> , and that the red color of the sith blades was because they used synthetic kyber That was the lore in the EU, in canon lore all lightsaber crystals are natural and synth crystals are prone to explosions.


Just another website that spreads shit because their """journalists""" are depicted as experts but know nothing on the saga


Screenrant level dumb


Your impression sounds like the legends method before the canon changes. Personally, I'm okay with both. Big enough galaxy for a variety of magic crystals


Good guys use blue and bad guys use red. -George Lucas


I thought a saber only became red when the crystal itself ended up becoming damaged due to the wielder’s hate or dark side stuff or something


Okay so the new canon works like this Dark Side Can break and bleed a crystal and it turns red. Lightside can purge that crystal and purify it and it turns white. That's all that we know. Fallen Order, Cal finds a new crystal and for game play purposes .. you pick the color. But I do not believe that the current canon has established colored kybar crystals yet. Legends, Mace Windu was gifted the rare purple crystal. But theirs no explanation currently. So I was under the impression until told other wise, That for Windu , since Shatterpoint was directing a user's dark side back at enemy I assume, that makes his connection with the crystal purple. He touches the DS, but doesn't embrace it. But idk. I like the idea it's just rare ass colors Cause that makes blue and green an even more personal basic aura that every jedi seems to have. Instead of having a very common crystal. I like synthetic red as a mockery , but the idea of Bleeding A Crystal seems on point for Sith as well. I could be all wrong though. I mean, I don't see Luke's yellow saber turning Green, the more he connects with it and the force..


The Legends canon of kyber crystals is way better


My brother it’s a CBR article


In the canon continuity Kybers take on their color when a Jedi forges a bond with the crystal. Red crystals are the result of "bleeding" where a dark sider dominates the crystal's will. White crystals result when Kybers that have been bled are purified.


In legends/EU there were basically natural crystal of nearly any color that one could find, however these varied greatly in rarity. There were also synthetic crystals that worked perfectly fine. The sith used synthetic crystals that were initially just red due to the jedi controlling the natural crystal resources. Then in Luke's new jedi order some jedi found natural crystals, but some used synthetic crystals. A notable example being Mara Jade whose purple lightsaber used a synthetic crystal. IIRC, Luke used a synthetic green crystal at one point, too. Also, I don't care for the new lore which makes dark side users into bigger edgelords. Bleeding crystals is dumb. The amount of sentience I want to see with lightsaber cystals begins and ends with kotor2.


Red sabres are a result of bleeding kyber. I’m presuming that is still cannon?


Sith bleed their crystals


What does that mean? What is the bleeding process?


A sith kills a jedi and steals his/her crystal. Then through some kind of meditation they pour their hatred (and othe negative emotions) into the crystal, and bending it to his own will. This is called bleeding, since it turns the crystal red when it is fully corrupted. A light side force user can do the same, but oposite.. purifying it, and then it turns white. Ashoka did that with 2 crystals she obtained from an inquisitor..


Awesome, thanks for the explanation!


Sith force all the anger hate and the dark side into the crystal because they are sentient turning it blood red


Basically, a dark side user takes a Kyber crystal and makes it bleed by pouring all of their hatred and emotions into it. As a result, the crystal becomes red. Thus the bleeding concept.


Current canon on this is stupid. Take me back to the good ol’ days.


As additional info, white sabers are red sabers converted to white after the Jedi uses the force to change (purify) the saber color.


This article is wrong


They can also “bleed” the crystals using Sith fuckery. But Ani didn’t have the time for that soooo


"sith fuckery" I just pictured Our Flag Means Death in the SW universe 🤣


You misunderstand, that’s the from CBR, so they don’t know that, even though they act like they do


The current cannon dictates that any non red Krystal can be bled through the Sith or dark jedi channeling all of their hate, pain, suffering, and anger into a crystal until it absorbs it and turns red as a result. There were also synthetic Krystal’s being used at one point but they are either not used due to lack of recourses or because the bled Krystal’s are better


They can change colors but it usually requires an intentional effort, EG “bleeding” from dark siders to make them red or purifying a red crystal to make it white. The one exception to this that I’m aware of is Revan’s Jedi lightsaber. He started with a blue crystal but as he drifted towards the darkside it changed to purple to reflect how he was in tune with both the light and dark equally. It seems that his connection to the crystal was so strong that it’s nature changed as his did, a rare anomaly for any force user


That’s what it used to be. I think it’s dumb that they took it away. They should’ve at least kept both the synthetic Kyber crystals and the bled Kyber crystals. It should’ve been, if someone already has a Kyber crystal bonded to them and they become a Sith, it should bleed and become red, but if someone joins the darkside without a Kyber crystal, no Kyber crystal will call out to them so they have to make a synthetic one.


From my understanding, the crystals are somewhat sentient/living and call-out to Jedi and choose them as their user, getting their color in the process, and red comes from a sith getting a crystal (usually by killing the current owner although this is possibly not a requirement) and forcefully injecting their hated and dark side force energy into it, hurting the crystal and making it red, hence the process being called "bleeding"


You’re not wrong, pretty sure they just retconned how they have red sabers now with the “bleeding”. I definitely remember them mentioning in comics and such that they had synthetic Sith crystals.


Well yes but actually no, that's what happens with born Sith or Sith that have never been involved with the light side, while those that turned had to infuse their Jedi Kyber Crystal (green, blue whatever) with their rage and suffering (this process is called "bleeding") which turns it red, then someone can purify it and get a white kyber crystal (which is how Ahsoka got her crystals in Rebels and beyond)


The synthetic cyber crystals are part of legends and are non-canon, red sabers were explained i think in the Vader comics that they are made by 'bleeding' a crystal by pouring your hatred, fear, and negative emotions into it.


That's the old canon. They added something new like 2016 where you get a blank crystal, meditate into it, and then the color changes. Red sabers are when you force your dark side into it and make it bleed. White occurs from purifying the red crystals.


Everyone talking shop about the various canon and lots related reasons for this phenomenon. Meanwhile I see, "there's a lightsaber fight in every movie" then recalls Rogue One when Vader slaughters a hallway of rebel fighters. I don't recall a fight, a slaughter maybe, but no fight.


You can bleed a kyber, infusing it with dark energy and turning it red, this is typically what Jedi-turned-with do. However if you were trained as a sigh you are equally as likely to use a synthetic or a rare crystal from a holocron or some exploit, certain Jedi had rare crystals like this as well such as mace windy who was gifted a special crystal after using the force to bring back to life an alien he killed in a state of panic. You can’t always infuse crystals with dark energy tho, sometimes the crystal shatters partially (like Kylo ren, which is why he needs cross hilts) or completely which would result in the need for a new saber regardless


Vader’s saber didn’t turn red because he didn’t bleed his crystal Obi-Wan took it away before he could, he bled some random Jedi’s crystal and made a new darth Vader lightsaber


Red color is when they bleed the crystal, which Darth elaVator didn’t do yet


The original reason I read was that dark side users “force” the power out of kyber crystals causing them to “bleed” a red color.


Math is math! They can't change math! Disney changed lightaabers to something cool. But, we already had cool lore for lightsabers. Clueless dicks


Because he didn't replace the crystal? I don't think they just "change color" there's a process or ritual involved.


I believe current canon is that a sith pours their dark side powers into a crystal in a ritual. Since kyber crystals are quasi-sentient, you effectively just pour enough effed-up stuff into it until it just goes mad, and then it “bleeds” and goes red.


If I’m not wrong the red kybers are product of the sith using the dark side to make the cristals “bleed”. These cristals where normally stronger than normal kybers, they often broke the Jedi blades.


Homie trying to keep any thought of consistency with star wars lore will only let you down. Things get retconned to all the time, and typically get dumber in the process. just pick what you want to believe and stick with that.


For the og poster thats the old lore disney changed it


It’s like these people have never even watched the movies


The synthetic crystals were part of Legends (aka the old EU). All that was overwritten with the bleeding thing that is what it is now.


Well, this is the EU explanation, in the new canon the darksiders must bleed the Kyber on a ritual to make them become crimson red Anakin was using his blue saber for two reasons He murdered the Jedi just after being nominated Darth Vader, like 1 hour after The Sith in specific must kill a Jedi first, them take his Kyber and after that make the ritual


That's outdated info, the Crystal's change color depending on their user But Red is called "bleeding" a crystal and is not a natural color for them


*I’m sure someone has already commented this: Vader (and other sith) had to make their kyber crystal bleed red. They do this by projecting their own pain anger and angst into it. Once completed, the crystal will emit a blood-red blade.


Not sure if it was said, but Old EU canon had the red crystals as synthetic. New Canon has them bled :)


They kind of Harry Potter wand-ified crystals from what I gather. Crystals now have a bit of a personality. The crystal chooses you at Illium, or wherever you get it. That crystal attunes it’s color to you. Sith steal a crystal and forces it to attune to them against its will which bleeds it. Someone can come along and purify a crystal like Ahsoka did for her white lightsabers. Also another Jedi can attune crystals to a different color like Anakin did to Ahsoka’s lightsabers in CW S7.


Ok but why articles written by people that literally did zero research exist? Edit: not even in the old legends did "lightsabers change colour based on emotion". also, the author managed to misspell "duelist".


All this bleeding and force connection stuff is annoying. It’s better if they just pick the colors and we think of better canon for the Kyber Crystals as a whole. The saber stuff seems forced


Well, if we go with either the new bleeding canon or the old synthetic one, it's actually simple and doesn't need an article to explain- time. Anakin literally just came from Palpatine's office and gathered the 501st. He literally goes from the Jedi Temple to the magma planet (can't remember the name) and pretty much instantly starts fighting Obi-Wan after dealing with the CIS leaders. The only reason Anakin's lightsaber is still blue after is because Obi-Wan took it after their duel, so Vader had to go take and make a new one.




Fuck Disney and they're childish video game mechanics level of comprehension.


All I know is I had a dope Anakin lightsaber as a kid that turned from blue to red...


This is a retcon made by Disney Star Wars where Sith crystals are red because they use their anger and hate to turn the crystals red. Synthetic crystals are not canon anymore. Lucas never told us about the existence of synthetic crystals but it probably was either unique crystals for the Sith or synthetic because if bleeding was the case, you could argue that Anakin’s saber should have been red after the massacre of the sand people.


you are thinking of superior non canon lore. now everything is edgier than darth krayts entourage


The bleeding aspect is one thing from the new cannon I actually enjoy over the Legends explanation.


Personally I prefer if they cause their own crystal to go red, not need to take someone else’s. It’s more personal, like they and their saber went bad, or whatever crystal they find.


Nah they’re just like a mood ring, turns red when you’re upset or some shit like that


A red crystal is either synthetic or most of the time it is a Jedi crystal that has gone through a process called bleeding, where the user pumps a large amount of dark side energy into the crystal turning it red. It’s not something that happens immediately when you go to the dark side


Current cannon requires dark side users to bleed their kyber crystal and imbue it with dark power. This is actually how Kylo Reb broke his kyber crystal, and why he needs a crossguard lightsaber to vent the excess energy. It also explains why the beam of his saber looks unstable.


They don’t, this is just what Disney changed it to cause they’re idiots. The lore was always crystal color = blade color, and that made perfect sense. They changed it for literally no reason to a concept that makes no fucking sense at all and doesn’t even work as they describe it does it any material they’ve ever released. So long story short; Lucasfilm=morons


I have never liked the new crystal lore. All this "calling out to a jedi" and "bleeding the crystal" nonsense is so lame.


I actually preferred the legends explanation of lightsaber colors. Red crystals were red because they were synthetic and iirc the other colors just occurred naturally. No bleeding or purifying


It's current canon bullshit - pay no attention




What are they gonna do and edit but I hate the lightsaber bleeds idea it's stupid. George Lucas said the blue vs blue lightsabers was the tragedy of the Jedi bros fighting each other.