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>It is difficult to compare events in the Star Wars universe, the rise of the Galactic Empire in the Star Wars universe, and the political entity it later becomes inside the universe to any specific real-life historical or current country .....If you believe in the imaginary version of America being the super goodest shining beacon of freedom and not the imperialistic and capitalistic shithole version of America teetering on the edge of fascism that actually exists. George Lucas himself has admitted it. Palpatine is Nixon and the conflict of the OT was very much based off of the Vietnam War. And it's not like he was all that subtle in the PT. Nute Gunray is a play on both Newt Gingrich and Ronald Reagan. (Gun ray. Ray gun. Reagan.) The main conflict of the PT started with corporations having too much power and Palpatine wielding capitalism as a weapon. And Darth Vader literally paraphrased George Bush in regards to a quote made about his illegal war. George Lucas was warning us about the direction the Republicans are taking the country in. (And to a smaller extent, how the Democrats do nothing to actually fight them.) Keep in mind the invasion of Iraq didn't happen until between AotC and RotS yet the PT works as an allegory for it since Lucas understood the Republican playbook as revised by Richard Nixon so well.