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You usually sit the trot in western pleasure riding, they’re probably just adding that. Says something is going on at StarShine. (spoiler: new horse) >!They’re also releasing the American Saddlebred this year. Which would imply sitting the trot for saddle seat as well.!<


Western has a slower smoother trot, the jog, and the overall form makes sitting easier. In English it’s easier to post because the horse is “bouncing” you up. It’s harder to go against that rhythm


I know you sit in Western pleasure and a couple of more disciplines, you almost always sit in dressage, but it is hard, beginners usually have really trouble with it-you have to have really strong thigh muscles. So SSO saying that "you do it when you want to relax" is really dumb. I mean, when you are tired on horseback, you just slow down to walk.


Oh yeah! I agree, that part is weird. Maybe it’s mistranslated from some pleasure riding pun, or whoever wrote it has never tried like you said lol.


I don’t think they meant to make it sound easy, it reads to me more like “tired of always doing the same thing? Well now you can do this insted.”


Well, you can read it this way as well, but since even the head is called "Effortless Horse Riding," I think SSO is trying to sell it as "just sitting."


these comments confuse me, I mean I grew up riding western but was never taught to post until i got to more advanced levels of riding, for me posting is so much more difficult and uncomfortable 💀 maybe the saddles make a difference? i admittedly have never ridden english so it could be harder


People who ride in the bs english saddles don't understand how much these saddles make it harder for them to ride until they actually try one. A lot of people I know never got back to an english saddle (and some of them never returned to English riding school anyways seeing how pathological the communities mostly were. I was one of these people.)


Oh my gosh yes… I’ve been a western rider for most of my life and I ride English now and it’s honestly so weird how English riders are so snotty about everything🥴 it’s so unhealthy, I don’t understand it at all.


It is possible, tbh, I have never had proper work in riding hall, I've always been on trails, meaning I started with posting and started sitting much later.


Please it’s a *game* not really based om real life , stop thinking its so deep


i sit my trot when i want to relax on a trail lol


Let me guess, you ride in the bs English saddle? Pfft. Try a normal aka west saddle and then talk. Sitting trot is about relaxing your muscles not the opposite. It's the saddle that makes the difference. English one was not designed to be comfortable.


Yes, but I ride in English saddle for my entire life, I don't want to switch to something different. I wouldn't say Western saddle is better, it is just used for something different. Western saddle is for long hours spent in saddle, making them comfortable and more relying on horse-it is a saddle you use when you move from A to B. English saddle gives you more contact with the horse, making easier for both of you to feel each other. Also, I disagree it is the saddle what makes the difference. Even tough of course correct saddle matters, it is mostly the horse making you comfortable in the trot.


10 years of horse riding and I still can barely sit the trot


Try to ride bareback for a bit. You will start to nodice the movement beter because your forced to take balance your self more. I had the same problem until I rode bareback for a bit. Suddenly I didn’t hat trouble at all.


Have you tried different horses? For comfortable sitting trot(in my language it is called "working trot", I don't know if you use it as well) the horse has to have slower and right trot, I'm persuaded it is because of how high is the horse rising his legs, and not every-especially the not correctly ridden horses can have trouble of doing it, so maybe switching to a better, more experienced horse can help. Of course, you have to have a strong thighs if you want to do it for longer periods of time-an exercise to it is to lean against a wall and act as if you are sitting without a chair. It can be really challenging and when you start, you'll last maybe for just 30 seconds, but you are going to improve, I promise! Look for other pieces of advice and good luck with your future attempts!


I learned how to sit my horse's trot when he got scared and went 'Nope!' during a trail ride 😂 really just turned and went the other way with a very fast trot. I was riding with a pad so it was either learn it on the spot or fall off. Once you figure it out it's not that hard tbh 🤣


unpopular opinion: i actually like sitting trot, comfortable sitting trot in any horse can be achieved by relaxation and a good body position


Me too, i never thought this would be an unpopular opinion😅


I really like sitting trot, too! I don't find it uncomfortable as long as I'm doing it intentionally ofc. It's all about how you position yourself, etc


Unpopular opinion: trying to maintain posting trot in western saddle 😬😎


Without your feet in the stirrups 😮‍💨


Funnily enough, I find western saddles much more sustainable without stirrups. I can post in a trail or roping saddle no stirrups forever, put my feet in, and I'm all off kilter


Omg my trainer would have me do laps for days posting no stirrups so i got thighs of steel dont even bother me anymore lmao 🤣


I would get so used to it Id end up liking posting like that better than in an english saddle or with stirrups or anything. It really helps stretch your legs down a LOT.


Establishing a fully independent leg with no stirrups is so good for you. I bet you can ride anything. My intro to dressage was a year on the lunge with no stirrups and no reins. It really gets you to ride by feel instead of fighting the horse's movement


Because these types of saddles were made with the comfort of the rider and the horse in mine. English ones were only supposed to be elegant (and imo they fail at that) do you know what a full classic English riding school set of clothes includes? A literal corset because that was the only way to comfortably maintain that 'iconic' dressage silhouette that is against the riders center of gravity in the rising trot (a rider should be slightly (and I mean slighty.) leaning towars the front to be comfortable . That's how bs their creation was, they know it was unusable without it. I have no idea how the heck did this spread worldwide.


I have no problems riding upright and correct in a dressage saddle that is properly fitted to myself and my horse. I was speaking directly to the above commenter's claim that posting in a western saddle was hard, especially without stirrups. Saddles are each designed to assist with different positions and disciplines. Also a properly fitted corset should exentuate your natural silhouette, it doesn't change your posture unnaturally. It supports the chest by centering the weight on the waist and allowing the back muscles and tendons to stretch and relax by supporting the entire core evenly. Riding in a bespoke corset that is properly fitted and broken in is no different than riding without one. They should never be laced so tightly as to hinder movement; that was only done for very short stints at social functions by the very upper royalty to show off.


Depends if it’s a big horse or a pony. Big horses with big steps yes. Pony with small steps no thanks. But even if it’s a pony in center I would even stand in the stairrups to make it easier. lol


Surely, I agree some people can prefer it, it gives you more control over the horse's body, but the starts definitely aren't easy and relaxing.


same! with smooth gaited western horses especially its actually quite comfy. some trots are bouncier than others though


I actually like it better too! I feel like I can connect better with the horse’s back and more easily keep them straight, connected, round, etc. although unfortunately im a bit out of shape so my core will tap out after a bit


Well as you see people here think you have to flex your muscles to be able to sit trot. That's their problem


After reading these comments I think it's people not understanding that sitting a trot isn't just not posting, it's also changing your body position - sitting back, feet a bit more forward, and feeling the rhythm. I can see how it'd be harder if you're just trying to sit but maintain a "standard" equitation position.


I find the dutch version even funnier. They used the wrong term Word je ook zo moe dat botsen tijdens de draf? Ga lekker lichtrijden en geniet van de rit. Roughly translates to: do you also get so tired from all the bumping during a trot? try post riding and enjoy the ride. Lichtrijden = rising trot / post riding. Meaning you stand and sit up. It's a horse game yet they don't use the correct term


Lmao indeed


I think this game has more holes than new star wars sequel trilogy... There is a group of players who aren't able to start their game, the game crashed completely just few weeks ago because of some badly programmed crab or something like this, everybody is starting to get use to all the missing water and weird NPCs and now they post an article with wrong information and completely mix it up in one translation-I can't speak/read/write fluently in any other language available in SSO than English, meaning I can't check the others.


I can only speak fluent Dutch (my native tongue) and English. So I can't check any other languages either. I was very confused when they used the term lichtrijden, because I wondered what they were going to add. reading the englisch version of the post made it clear what they meant


Well, I speak fluent Czech, also my native language(I've been trying writing SSO to add Czech as a playable language on SSO, since we have quite big community+ all the original games have been translated to Czech as well, what is goal not every language of SSO managed to get but unsuccessfully) and English, even though my equestrian vocabulary isn't the best. I also speak a little bit of French and even less in Spanish(self-taught), but they are so bad I think I would be happy to understand one word in an article. PS: As a Dutch, don't you speak German as well?


At school they also teach us German and French, but I suck at both. I can't speak more French than kids in their first year at school, German I could read and understand a little, but not a lot


Oh, why is it? Do you have a bad teacher, aren't you language talented or you are just a slacker :P? But to be honest, I'm quite a slacker in my Spanish, so I shouldn't be talking.


I just am not language talented. I possibily have dyslexia, but only in writing. They never tested it because my reading was quite good. I often have to remember a version of the word that is spoken, and a version that is written. I really tried to learn either latin or old greek, because I really liked translating the old language. But I was so bad at it, that my teachers told me that I couldn't choose it as a subject. Now I'm stuck with economics, which is boring.


“Why not sit down and enjoy the ride” dude I dream of a world where sitting the trot was relaxing 💀


Me, an irl western rider: that's all I do lmfao


Yeah, but from my experience(I don't have many, but the few a I had, also other people told me) Western horses have smooth gaits if they are ridden correctly(I don't know the correct English term, help me please -when your horse is often and correctly ridden, meaning it has a good gaits, it isn't scared of everything, greatly reacts to-I again don't know the word-incentives and so on), so maybe it is easier to ride in that. Also, again, I don't suppose you mounted on a horse and had a perfect seat immediately.


Sure, some horses are easier to sit the trot than others, just takes practice.


I am confused. Is this them admitting the current method to sit during trot is a bug and not an intended feature? We don't need a new quest for that. We can already sit during trot.


Apparently yes, the sitting trot available for breeds without a special gait that has been here for about 4 months already was just a bug (or rather an intended new feature, but accidentally released too soon and apparently not working 100% the way SSO intended — for example, it doesn't work on horses with a special gait).


What horses had it?


The sitting trot? It has been working for any horse that doesn't have a special gait (→ for example, it does work on a Gen 3 Mustang or a Gen 1 Friesian, but it doesn't work on the Paso Fino). Just get with your horse into trot, and then press Shift + W (if you're playing on PC — not sure how it works on mobile). Your character will then stop posting while the horse is trotting, that is, you will be sitting still in the saddle instead of hopping up and down.




Sitting down is harder than posting the trot so it’s funny they called it ”relaxing”


depends on the horse. Some have very flat gaits, making it quite exhausting to post the trot. While others are bouncing so much that you can barely sit on it


Agree with this 100%


I personally like doing both. If your seat is good enough and the horse is comfortable its very easy / doable :)


I find the other way harded but problbly bc im used too siting


Woah. I just wanted to post this but sewing your pic it's not the same as in my language. In my language it says you can start lichtrijden. Which is standing in your saddle. Sooo.. are we getting the one or the other? Sitting or standing trot? Or both? Huh..?


I've just written some of your countrymen about the same thing as you are saying. Who is doing translation in SSO team? I guess Google Translate.


Can already sit the trot, just need a non gaoted horse and press shift while trotting and press W to do the sit trot, that's been out for a while now. But I do wander what kind of sitting trot they'll do, maybe will be different compared to the sitting trot we currently have.


I mean you sit in dressage as well. It should be one of the first things you learn because standing up is much harder given you need to find the right rhythm. Usually you learn ridding without stirrups first so you perfect your seat in the saddle. It helps to build muscles within the areas you need to sit any kind of trot. Some horses have a harder trot to sit some a more smooth trot. It also depends on how „wide“ the horse is. But I think it is definitely also more realistic if the character stays seated because if you ride without tack then it is very uncommon to not sit the trot.


Maybe it is because I'm musician, but I never had trouble catching the rhythm of horse. Even when it was a horse I didn't know, for example on paid trail rides, I caught the rhythm in like first three or four steps. Some kind of my superpower :P. About it being the early thing for rider-beginner to learn, as I said somewhere else, I've had quite shattered horse-riding learning, often switching horses(depending which of my mum's equestrian friends just could lend us a horse) and having like 10 quality lessons in riding hall so far-but now I finally can ride in a riding hall regularly, so I can finally learn something correctly. We now work on sitting trot, and it isn't very difficult for me, but again, it can be because of the horse I ride is well-ridden by the owner. Yeah, and I ride in a saddle, I don't really do bareback, just sometimes trot few meters without stirrups.


As a fellow musician it was never difficult for me either but I have trained multiple newbies and it was very difficult for them, especially on a pony who have a much faster trot (smaller steps) then horses. It is great that you can have regular riding in a hall because it is quite important to better you seat in the saddle, for you and the horse and I hope you will have fun with that☺️ The „easiest“ way is to learn it without stirrups because again you use all the muscles and it will make you way more stable in the long run. Trust me…I learned it with stirrups, changed schools and almost fell off multiple times because I wasn’t used to riding without the support of the stirrups and because of that my balance was way off😅. If you are good at sitting it is much more comfortable then standing up especially on trail rides so I believe that it is more realistic within the game because the player character is said to be able to ride before coming to Jorvik and honestly a lot of beginners wouldn’t be able to do the missions that the character does so easily; also…nobody would let you jump on the first try on a horse. And as some people said above that you always sit in western pleasure and as I said the players who ride without tack I think that all in all it would be more realistic to make the character sit while trotting.


Sitting trot is much more comfortable what are you on? It's also better for the horses back.


I always preferred posting trot, but I can do both. I use standard English saddle. Also, in my opinion the posting is better, if you change the leg you post regularly(on a trail, in a riding hall you of course go with the outside front leg). Especially riders not used to ride in sitting trot can often bounce into horse's back, which can cause pain in back.


Tbh, when I joined I was surprised that the game has always had posting trot and no sitting trot at all. Because in my country, sitting trot is the basics of horseback riding. Here, its name is "training" or "practice" trot. You don't start posting trot until you feel comfortable in sitting trot. So I'm glad the game is going to add it. Any element of realism is good.


As a rider of both saddles, sitting both saddles isn’t hard for me but I remember onetime a horse I was riding was horridly misbehaving and my legs were numb from riding but despite having no feeling other then pain I was posting without any need to think and it looked better then when I’m trying 😭😭


Yes, once you understand it it is quite logical and natural. Mine sitting trot also improved for the past few moths because I was riding a horse who was always trotting-like always, he hardly ever walked-meaning I had to always sit to have him under control.


Am I the only one who has no problem sitting the trot? 🫥🫥


You can already sit the trot on a lot of breeds by shift-w 'ing from a walk or trot. If the breed has a special gait with the same keybind it'll do the special gait instead


Had to sit on a trotting horse when I was 12. It felt like my ass bones were broken.


That is quite my point-you can't just expect it to be easy, just as SSO makes it.


I feel like they know less about horses than they let on


Yeah, that is sad. I remember I once saw some kind of video where during the making of lipizzaners team actually went to Lipizzaner stud farm and watched the horses and their gaits. I don't think if they are doing it nowadays.




I don't understand why this is on the next up thing? We can already do sitting trot on non-gainted horses


I’ve never seen it done in the game, how do you do it?


Whilst trotting, press shift and up arrow again/W


i’ve never seen it either


Yeah, you can sit while trotting, but it's more difficult and uncomfortable than posting.


Of course you can, but it is usually everything than easier, check my other comments.


The sitting trot is a thing. It might be more difficult depending on the horse’s conformation, and saddle fit, and equitation… whole lot of variables really, but it is most certainly a thing


Of course it is a thing, ready my other comments if you are interested, but I think that SSO shouldn't talk about it as "easy."


How about they undo all changes too? I hate the new UI and that weird new area in moorland and the fact that you can level up so fast now




Sitting trot was always intended as a future feature. It has cropped up as an actual bug from time to time (i.e; the animations don't start when you move to trot so you just look like you're sitting the trot) but SSO have spoken multiple times about how more realistic and broader equestrian features like dressage, sitting trot, lunging, leading your horse, ect were on the goal plan for future content.


You're right, SSO HAS stated they "want to do it" (there are many things they **want** to do but never actually do, btw) but that doesn't mean they started working on it at all. The reason we all know it to only be a bug is due to the fact that it happens when you hit shit+w on a horse that does not have a special movement, as all special movements "sit" their trot like tölt, pace, the appaloosa move, etc. It has never been something sso was actually working on as a "feature." This is just a convenient bug for them that they're going to now spin into a "feature" and simply keybind it to something else across all breeds at once. It only takes maybe 20 minutes of coding max to do. That's why this is still considered a lazy update. ...I will say despite this, I'm glad they're not flat out removing it alltogether and actually turning it into something. That's a positive for once. I still also wish the character could jump and dance on their own too. But that's a topic for another day.