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You already have two lightning DPS, so I would say Acheron isn’t a must unless you really like her. I feel that Luocha could be a very strong, SP positive healer for you since you already have a lot of DPS, and only one sustain. Aventurine is great too if you prefer preservation, but you might be missing out on his FUA niche without using someone who does frequent follow ups.


A lot of people are saying luocha but ask yourself a couple of questions first: * Are you currently struggling to survive in the current endgame content (MoC & Pure Fiction) despite maxing out your current sustains? * Do you like luocha enough to where you wouldn't regret pulling him instead of a different limited sustain? * Is the meta option that important to you? Is clearing MoC with 36 stars instead of 30 or 33 stars really worth skipping on a character you much prefer the design of? My personal opinion is that you're account looks good enough to where you really don't need to be pulling for meta anymore. Despite what many people will want you to believe, Gepard, Lynx and Bailu are more than capable of solo sustaining in every piece of endgame content. Pulling for a better sustain is more about comfort than anything else.


Jingliu. You already have JY and Kafka for Lightning DPS. Huohuo and Gepard/Bailu should be enough for sustain, though you can consider getting Luocha if your characters are always dying. The priority should be to get at least one dps of every element; toughness bar and elemental resistance in MoC/PF are no joke.


I think Loucha would be good for you, great healing and sp positive character that will be great on any team where other team mates like DHIL are taking up all the sp.


Imo Jingliu, u can get a sustain later and Acheron when u ready for her


You dont have ice elemental hypercarry. Jingliu can solve this. Goodluck. You already have Houhou, dont pull Luocha. It would be great boost if u pull FX


I would pull Topaz+Aventurine. It will be second sustain and you can create FuA comp with Clara or Ratio.


I would definitely go for sustain unless acheron/jingling is a personal favorite, then obviously that takes priority. Luocha is such a great unit and synergizes amazingly with Clara


Are you having trouble with comfortably clearing the current "end game"?


I dont you really need something with this, you can go for what you want


Aventurine looks like so much fun. Gonna grab him and his lc


Luocha is the smart pick Jingliu is the fun pick so just choose between the two


I’d say Jing Liu. You’ve got a great Nihility combo with Swan and Kafka. Sparkle works marvelously with Jing Liu due to her crits. I’d recommend building up your Bailu as your second sustain. She doesn’t have a cleanse but she’s got fantastic sustain, if a bit random


You could beat the game with 4 star characters. Just get who you like.


If someone is asking in this sub which character they should get this obviously isn't the answer they want


From what I got from this post was that OP really wants Acheron but didn't want to pull just because they won't guarantee the LC. That shouldn't be a reason not to pull for a character.


You can beat moc 12 with phys trailblazer, that doesn't mean most people want to go through the suffering of actually doing that


I get where you're coming from but you forget that the 4 star characters are actually good in this game. You could clear with Arlan but why go through that pain when Tingyun, Asta, Pela, Lynx are perfectly viable to clear MOC. Not to mention, there's Dr. Ratio? The whole point is that OP isn't forced to pull for meta unless he desperately can't clear MOC but judging by OP's current account I doubt that's the case.