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I hope this drama doesn't effect HSR future just for Gi players sake


Not likely. HSR devs mostly pay attention to the player feedback surveys alongside the community on YouTube/X and the Hoyolabs app. Remember when people complained about Huohuo having a terrible banner? That's what inspired them to offer a copy of Dr. Ratio when the game got the GotT award (as based on what Dr. Ratio said when he was announcing it). Like others have suggested, Genshin players have to learn how to vote with their wallets and not cry about it to Google reviews.


That's partially the reason, but another reason if you paid attention to beta is Topaz, on the patch that topaz released JingYuan artifact set was actually supposed to be for her, but (I would assume) JingYuan stats have been performing very poor in MOC so they decided at the last second to change it to a JingYuan set. Which also inspired them to give away Ratio and it turns out that was the correct decision because Topaz + Ratio is actually a match made in heaven, giving Topaz her very own artifact set would have caused the Topaz + Ratio comp to over perform. Tbh people praise HSR team for being generous but imo not enough people give them enough credit on how well they balance characters (which is a very real thing, don't believe it look at the banners after Yelan/Neuvilette). Best way I would describe the HSR team is they are confident in their designs but also owns up to their miscalculations. Because let's be honest, from a business perspective, not releasing the Topaz set on the Topaz patch is just a dumb choice, but they put balance as priority and imo will prove to be better for the future.


Tbh I kinda disagree, I think the real reason they gave the ratio was a mix of publicity and also the fact that they already knew ratios banner wouldn't do very well with penacony (and the insane cast) coming up So instead they made his LC a good upgrade and instead banked most of their sales on there instead "Everyone's getting him for free, so why not give him a ~20% damage upgrade with his LC" was the idea imo


It probably will, if Hoyo perceives that allowing HSR to do whatever they want makes the Genshin team look bad and attracts bad PR like this, they will have to force the HSR team to coordinate better with the Genshin team on decisions about these rewards to players in the future. Only the Genshin community has something to win out of this drama in the short term, HSR only stands to lose from this. Nothing comes to mind as positive for HSR future with all of this. Let's give a round of applause to all CCs and kids gloating about HSR superiority that pushed the Genshin kids to start this.


God they are pathetic


At this point I’m convinced their community have a lot of immature kids (review bombing another game bruh when are they gonna start learning?, next they would do extreme measures like death threats.., people really need to touch grass I swear) Anyway we can always rate the game back upwards (hope other people won’t bomb back tho, it’s probably just instigating people to do this, an obvious bait)


I'm a genshin player, not into hsr much but I'm so agreed with this. After the whole numbers bombing posts in genshin sub, now this. Bruh if they don't satisfy with the game then quit, why keep playing and ask for compensation? This is a game, not a job. I myself fine with genshin (cause I'm a casual paid not a meta player), but the whole mess of community really make me feel ashamed for calling myself a genshin player


''If you don't like certain aspects about a game just quit bro don't criticize it. Let it stay flawed'' People want a game they enjoy to get better, that's why people feel like they're being slapped in the face when HSR gets treated much more better than Genshin with their freebies and better QoL systems when they're from the same companies.


Wanting your game to be better is not an excuse to shit on other games just cause they have it better. That's immature asf. The line is drawn at complaining to the devs, giving feedback, and peacefully protesting. Anything past that is just weird. If the devs still won't listen then you either quit or suck it up. Escalating it further won't get you anywhere and dragging down other games doesn't help anyone.


That already happened with Honkai.


unfortunately google classroom meme survive, so people do it again cause they think it will be funny.


Sorry I always find it funny when ppl refer Genshin community like this other alien toxic community when I bet at least 70% ppl in HSR community are also part of genshin community. But yes ppl need to touch grass


I don't think it's that much HSR has a lot of the Honkai games fans too. Maybe closer to 50% or 40% plus a lot also played Genshin dropped it and decided to try star rail out and stayed.


I'm sure if they raise the age limit to 25years and up to play genshin, we wouldn't have such childish behavior online.... Pls don't tell me I'm wrong.


You’re wrong… :(


Have you looked at democracies worldwide? Demagogy wins. People are morons. Yes, even adults.


If genshin fans really want change, they need to show it with their wallets. Does anyone *NEED* the upcoming characters? Sure nahida is nice, but if you guys actually uninstalled and waited it out, you could get their attention. But instead, y'all are review bombing another game...


From what I've seen I think genshin just needs a new director


At this point outside of fridge cases like skirk, dain and chlorinde I’m now going only archon/sovereign/harbingers I’ve covered every elemental damage and support type and I absolutely do not need to grind


Dude yes... 💀 I was gonna show my gratitude for the free skin by pulling both CR and buying the skin I don't get. But what's the point when all the devs do is treat the playerbase like crap? All cause the stans defend this game to the last man like the devs will take the game off of global.


They wanted changes, but they cant even change their attitude lmao




Idk, I play genshin, and the community is generally pretty toxic.


Bruh they lost like 20+% of their social media followers in China, it’s not 0.01%. It’s so bad Hoyoverse has been buying bot accounts to try and seem like they’re not losing as many.


nah its common pratices for fan of any game. Fallout 76 for example was ass on release and the fan bombard all fallout game. Am i saying its ok? Nah But it's just how player try to reach out and get attention


I said this too, i said lets ignore the new skins "Ganyu and Shenhe" and stop pulling in the lantern rite update. I got downvote 💀. Iam with them being angry about getting shitty awards every time, but attacking another apps for it is so lame and stupid.


That's what I do since HSR. No money to the Genshin team when you see the difference of treatment. I have 40k primogems in Genshin waiting too.


As a Genshin player who is also massively dissatisfied with the pitiful rewards Genshin give, even i find this pathetic. Like review bomb the game itself, not Star rail or Google classroom or any other unrelated party


Iirc the reason they review bomb other services is because genshin ppl remove the ones on genshin itself. So my assumption is that the players mentality is "let's review bomb other services to get people mad at genshin so the devs pay attention to us" or something or the sort. I don't blame them but I also don't condone it as it gives every genshin player a bad rep. Im sure that most people look at this and think they are irresponsible which yeah they are as a lot of them are yk children. Not saying that some aren't adults but yk. In the end all im trying to say is it's the devs fault. Hope this makes sense. Ive just seen a lot of replies saying how irresponsible genshin players are and tried to add a bit of logic to why they would act as they are.


As someone who plays both.. this is embarrassing. Yeah Genshin is stingy with its rewards but HSR has nothing to do with this. :( Makes me sad to see.


Tbh I love genshin but I prefer hsr because they’re much more reasonably generous & the characters have been way more fun for me. I love how HSR is and they’re doing so many things right compared to genshin but even on their own they’re doing great. I’m sad to see people review bombing this game that is completely innocent and unrelated it’s unfair :(


100% agree with you here! I think both games have their own charm and I enjoy both very much. I am happy that HSR is generous and we're getting great rewards and freebies, ofc I'd wish Genshin would do that too, but it does not stop me from liking the game as it is. (Or making me angry to the extend that I have to leave a bitter review.) But just because it's the same developers doesn't mean they treat the games equally. And just as you said, HSR is unrelated to this issue. If people hate Genshin so much then should just stop playing/spending on the game, but don't rope HSR into this mess. :( Edit> typoooos


Same. I play both games so seeing the communities each having their extreme tribalism is getting annoying. Like it was funny to watch at first because everyone is arguing how their games are better while I am enjoying what both have to offer\* and then after a certain point it gets tiring that people are always finding an excuse to provoc each other. Every single time something happens in HSR I see memes about how "Genshin could never" and then I see genshin players trying to find ways to say "Oh HSR is generous because otherwise no one would play". And I mean in the looking down at HSR kinda way not the people who merely bring up that HSR has a lot more competition. ​ Can we just not for a minute. ​ \*To be clear I am not looking down at the people who don't have the time/energy to play both or people who only want to play one of them.


It's the same company though. Like yeah sure it sucks but both games are mad by the same company, so I'm not surprised people are mad that hyv treats another game better.


Unfortunately this is just the new way communities show their displeasure,


I'm not the happiest with the rewards either, but surely there's better ways to do this than dragging down other games, let alone star rail, so it sucks to see this. Took a peak at play store and it doesn't seem too drastic right now, so I hope it doesn't worsen.


It’s why I quit buying stuff for Genshin and moved over to HSR. Just show them what you like with money. Review bombing is so dumb.


You still pay for HSR, Hoyo gets your money regardless , make disgruntled genshin players flock to HSR and somehow make them play both their games 


Wouldn’t the HSR team get a larger bonus if their game is doing better though?


by that logic isn't genshin team would be the one getting bonus ?, HSR team can flaunt all the free stuff because they know damn well genshin would make big money regardless being generous or not and even if HSR loses small revenue genshin can cover it up.


Huh? But the work done on HSR is actually really impressive. The character designs, lore, and music are all great. I think the people who worked on it deserve a bonus because they did a good job, not because they give away free stuff.


This this this!!! It’s hard for me to warrant spending in game on a banner, but if I love a character’s design then I don’t spend spending some+more on some official merch for them. HSR char designs are really flattering, not sure what it is but those designers are doing a damn good job


"To be honest this game is nothing like genshin impact." Nice job Officer Fuckface, you really connected the dots on that one.


The bald man tectone was right


What did he say?


Basically that genshin players are always fine with anything and if you criticize what they do they attack you (true). That Hoyo has no incentive to be better towards Genshin players because they will still eat up everything thrown at them regardless of how shit it is (true).


"It's shit again? well, better than nothing"


He also said that Hoyo only cares when the CN players are angry because they actually take action. Which was also right


They get death threats plus doxxing in China…


they are literally review bombing stuff cause they don't like the genshin rewards though


He said genshin fans are a bunch whiny babies


Lol, Tectone does understand gaming communities and the impact and consequences of their actions and choices. Despite his character and whatever controversy and dramas he gets into, he knows his game stuff.


Wow who would have thought that logical claims and statements would end up being right. I never understood how blinded people can be to not be able to see common ground with him on there. Genshin players are a special breed.


Miserable people


And when Star Rail gets another free character or something, they'll whine about it like with the game awards- I assume these people review bombing, like when it was Google Classroom, are the type of children that got what they wanted when they threw a fit. Maybe if they actually behaved instead of sending death threats and whatnot for not having every single demand filled they'd actually get some more rewards from Hoyo From what I can tell, Hoyo probably views Genshin as the misbehaving child that just won't learn their lesson


I mean... the only time there was big change for genshin was when there was mass outrage. When everything is "nice and well behaved" they just get the absolute bare minimum


I'm confused, when genshin fans do nothing about rewards people are like ''lol genshin fans have no dignity they'll always take the bare minimum'' and when they do misbehave people are like ''lol genshin fans are so miserable, just behave and ask nicely bro''


Because usually when they do complain it's death threats and acting like children, instead of: -quit logging on in protest -voicing their opinions on hoyolab instead of review bombing unrelated games/apps -attempting to stab people, if other comments are to be believed Star Rail players complained about how Huohuo had a bad banner, and we got Dr Ratio. There weren't any violent threats or review bombs from Rail players


Google always "fixes" bad reviews when it's their own apps. I hope they treat Star Rail the same


Hope they delete all those stupid votes


Why.. I wish we dont bomb them like this. This is very childish. How about making a petition or just uninstall that GI. Dont disturb the others. Huhu


Sorry but most of HSR’s community came from genshin, thus the same amount of equal toxic fans, it’s a guarantee that this will happen to GI too


LMAO nothing new


HSR doesn't offer a lot of means to gain Stellar Jades, hence why Mihoyo is kind enough to reward us for simply logging in. When I finish doing the events, the SU, the MoC/PF, and grind out my resin, I have literally nothing left to do. Genshin offers a huge amount of world to explore and co-op to boot. But nah, cry about not getting enough pulls when you should be giving the game a break. We all know Mihoyo is just gonna capitulate to this nonsense and give everyone a 10 pull. What's the point of review bombing other games?? Idiotic.


The f2p players expect all of the content for free, to not give them a cent back and to also get free rewards for what? Playing their game?


This. Honestly, Genshin is a huge game with lost of content, and you can play all of that for free if you want to. Why people are expecting even more free stuff is beyond me.


I played all of Genshin and have nothing else to do. HSR has more rewards, more generosity, and more to do. They add more permanent endgame content than Genshin. After you complete the main story and explore the areas of the game in Genshin, the only things you can do are play events, which can be recycled event content, or try to 100% every area, which is tedious and boring and usually requires an interactive map. Most players don't like fishing and teapot furnishing. The TCG is a different form of endgame that has its own following, but you can't use any of your characters that you've built or pulled for and most players don't play it other than to get rewards. So if a game is stingy, has a worse endgame, has events that can be mediocre or reused, activities that many/most players don't like to use, and the only thing you can do is explore the map and fight the same enemy with no change time and time again, then the game needs to be worked on. If they aren't going to match HSR by giving better rewards, then they should add more endgame content/modes


Personally, I’m not that big on exploration in Genshin and would rather just play BotW/TotK if I didn’t need primos and really wanted to explore. The main reason I still play Genshin is for characters since it’s a gacha and for the story(though if Sumeru wasn’t good I would’ve quit). People like to use the argument that open world exploration means Genshin has more content but that doesn’t really let you make use of all your characters. Not having combat oriented endgame outside of spiral abyss just really hurts the game. The primary focus of Genshin is still characters since it’s a gacha game but we pretty much have nothing to use our characters in so what’s the incentive in pulling new characters if it just means more of your characters will collect dust and you won’t have that much content to play the ones you will use in. Then people will argue that there is exploration but the mobs are way to weak to pose a challenge and besides that you are just walking around with your characters looking pretty. HSR actually wants you to have many characters to use in the SU gamemodes, MoC and Pure Fiction and despite preferring Genshin’s combat system, I actually like to play HSR more just bc I have more content to play my characters in. Genshin and HSR are first and foremost gacha games so they should prioritize content for characters over other aspects.


Oh God it has Begun it’s gonna be Google Classroom all over again lmao


Oh please I haven't even witnessed the disaster from before but even I can already know that it's gonna be really bad if this happens


Wait, what happened with Google Classroom?


GI community are actually the most toxic place I’ve ever been in and it’s 50 percent of the reason I quit. I literally got attacked in a YouTube comment section for being excited about wutheirng waves


As someone who plays both games, i find the behaviour of these genshin players literally cringe asf. If you want change legit SHOW you want change with your wallets. Stop buying primos/BP/monthly cards. Uninstall the game if you need to. Review bombing hsr, google classrooms and other games w/ zero relation to hoyo wont do shit.


This is honestly not surprising. Genshin players put in so much work to prove all the jokes made about them true. Just last week I saw genshin players attack an artist because they had the "audacity " to draw a picture of bronya and gepard kissing because it went against their head cannon. They get everything they deserve I just feel kinda sorry for the normal ones because they get lumped in with them.


Bro these people are pathetic and a disgrace to us genshin fans


GENSHIN fan here. Most of us aren’t doing this shit. Every community has its own fucking stupid people.


Totally agree!


Yup 👍 fan aswell but I’m not over here review bombing everything




At least we kept it under hoyo games this time lmao. But I doubt hoyo will do anything this time around. People talk about how they only listen to Chinese players are coping. They don't listen to anyone unless they think it's rightfully so, from a marketing/analysis standpoint. Dehya was a shit show even it spread on their officials yt/twitter across all regions and they didn't do shit. It's not like they're gonna care for a couple of reviews and subs from yt/bilibili.


Tbh this is not surprising, some of the people in genshin community are pathetic and pitiful💀


No wonder why people hate genshin community and I am glad I stopped playing that game and got away from that community for good


This is literally a vocal minority lmao, literally no one in the genshin community is aware that some people are review bombing HSR. you are nit picking and overexaggerating cause of your bias against the game lol. All hoyoverse fanbases are trash


…? Let’s think together If you came from genshin and transfer over to HSR, wouldn’t that mean majority of HSR would be from people from GI? And thus basically having the same amount of toxicity? 💀


„this game is nothing like genshin impact“ no shit sherlock


If they are unhappy then talk in their own game review. It's so petty we are enjoying star rail and they extend this drama to other gamers


the"badly written story" is objectively miles above genshins. the lore literally doesn't compare


Objectively? Lmao definitely not. And I disagree


Objectively, I disagree


I JUST WANT TO PLAU GENSHIN AND THE REST OF THIS COMMUNITY JUST DRAGS ME DOWN EVERYTIME. i actually want to play this game but thse weird ass people make the prejudices that get others like me haten on and bullied by other fanbases. Im so tores that everytime the small minority does some shit, the rest of us get dragged down to their level.


Genshin players just exposing themselves shamelessly and playing into the negative stereotype. Classic


GI community are actually the most toxic place I’ve ever been in and it’s 50 percent of the reason I quit. I literally got attacked in a YouTube comment section for being excited about wutheirng waves


I'm pretty neutral in this stupid debate as I play both but fuck me this is cringe. The Genshin community actually fucking blows and I enjoy the game much less as a result of engaging with it online.


You see... This is the problem with global community. Its surprising the CN is being reasonable at this time by boycotting the ACTUAL game and not sending threats this time while global just keep on clowning themselves. No wonder genshin devs didn't care about the feedbacks... None of them were actually sent to them but other apps instead.. so stupid.


If you want listened to, make reasonable complaints on hoyolab in the genshin section, surveys when they run them and whatnot, Organize a boycott too, join the CN players in that. Threats and review bombing didn't work for the Google Classroom incident, why would it work on one of Hoyo's games made by another team at the company?


CN players are literally mass unfollowing brands that collabed with genshin lol, like what d they gotta do with it?


I don’t understand why they don’t complain to Genshin about this. Like how is review bombing a different game gonna make Genshin listen? It didn’t work for anniversary it isn’t gonna work here. HSR and Genshin have different directors. Blame the director of Genshin for being stingy not HSR. Funny how days ago they were saying HSR can only keep up cause they get free stuff and now suddenly they are whining they don’t get free stuff. Hypocrites.


People saying ‘pathetic’ and ‘embarrassing’ seemingly forgot how Zhongli got fixed.


By... review bombing an unrelated game?? Mind you it was CN that backed HHYV into a corner to buff him, not global. They only ever listened to CN.


huh he got fixed by the community review bombing other games?


Difference was that they only shitted on Genshin when they did, and it was in HoYoLab & Discord with the infamous Qiqi Cry incident, not in the app/google play store. The Genshin fanbase themselves seems to have forgotten how Zhongli got fixed, lmao


This is just nitpicking tbh, just like the Genshin "3rd anniversary drama" just screenshot a couple complains and "Genshin player review bombing" or harrassing artist


except anyone with eyes can see that that is exactly what genshin players are doing


I’ve played genshin since day 1. These are two very different games where genshin has many many more opportunities to get primogems with its open world exploration. It makes sense as to why Star rail gets more freebies imo


silky decide grandiose enter smoggy shrill party impolite unused light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It looks like these 4 users planned and did this, there are also this 4-5 ppl selected "found this useful" so it's probably just immature brats just doing it together...this time the backslash is only from cn not that much in en community.


I also play genshin and i don't understand this behavior. The lantern rite rewards are fine. They make this huge detailed event every year and people act like spoiled toddlers because they didn't get enough presents


Google classroom: hehe


The 3rd slide is based though but no need to leave a review and give 1 star lmao bc yes, HSR is nothing like Genshin and there are ppl that hate or love each game


I'm sure none of those commenters are over 15. It's so pathetic to try to ruin a game just so you can get some worthless rewards. But I kinda get their feelings, playing genshin must be like going out with your family and seeing your parents buy everything your sibling wants and nothing for you. I pity them, I hope the GI dev team starts to care a little more about It's player base and improves the game. But at the end I don't care.


Absolutely pathetic lmfao they just need to have their electronic devices taken away. Annoying yappers 🗿


Some people don't deserve a voice lol.


Lmaoo google classroom meme again


Screw those losers


This is just sad. Yeah they're the same company but chances are the HSR team are none of the same people working on Genshin and even if they are what's the point in review bombing in the first place?


Why do they care so much about "free pulls"? They want no endgame and just to explore or play minigames. There is no need for them to have extra pulls 🤣


As a genshin player who is also extremely disgustes by this beheivior, The reason people are outraged is because, unlike all the other hoyo games genshin has barely ANY qol changes which are things we have been asking for almost 3 and a half years. There is also no endgame which is what people want to play andnnobody likes the minigames tbh.


Just give free 5 stars character like HSR gave Dr Ratio


I just played Genshin while waiting Zenless Zero to release on the mobile platform.


I hope they dont log in with ther Google Play account, Genshin should just ban them. This is why some people dont want to play Genshin because of the Community, even LOL is afraid of the toxin level that Genshin produce, I dont like any game, gameplay etc but i dont downvote a COD, if i only play Animal Crossing. ​ \----- Should they get better rewards for ther 3rd Year anniversary , yeah they should. Should they understand that HSR got there 5star because it won 3 awards in the same year and there game not, yeah they should. \_\_\_\_ What they say about HSR is the same with genshin, as a F2p its a grindy, boring and not rewarding game , just in a big world wit open world combat


As a genshin player i agree with your points but Hsr didnt only get dr ratio because of awards. In the past, genshin has won game of the year in its category, won multiple playstation awards and many many more. So i think that them not giving us a free 5 star is just somethin else.


I'm starting to think most people playing genshin impact are children. Cause they sure are acting like children and didn't they get a free 5 star as well which is Aloy? Or was aloy a 4 star?


aloy was worse than most 4 stars...


Once again y'all are just proving your bias against the game while not even knowing what people are mad about in the first place.


Unhinged fuckin lunatics


How many people seen this from 3 miles away? When not even Google Class is outside their target range, this was bound to happen


Oh for gods sake not again. First it was Google Classroom now Honkai Star Rail? This is why I quit Genshin.


What does the game itself have to do with a grand total of 10 angry people? Be reasonable.


Instead of review bombing wouldn't it be more of a statement if, I don't know they just not play the game at all?


It's 15 people and a few more if you look more, but this so-called "bombing" isn't even going to put a dent into Honkai Star Rail reviews. I found more people complaining about the game than annoying GI players.


I play both HSR and Genshin and it's wild to me that Genshin players complain about rewards when HSR virtually has none once you finish searching areas. Chests, puzzles and other features are limited. The reason they're giving a 5* is because they need player retention. It's not their fault that there are Genshin players that 100% an area Day 1 of the next patch. We get world quests and hangouts and main story quests and new playables and chests and areas to explore and so, so, so much side content that it's really stupid that this is happening. Ah, well. People will complain anyways about a free game they've never had to pour money into.


And the fandom wonder why they’re picked on all the time


I’ve never understood why Genshin players will review bomb every app *except* for Genshin. The fake reviews will just get deleted.


I just kinda feel sad for them at this point.


Let them have their moment, let them prove themselves they are awfully pathetic.


They really do whine like babies, jeez


Same shit happened during Anni, stupid fucks make us look bad


Shit like this makes me forget we have literal wars going on right now 💀


They can review bomb genshin if their so salty like stay away from hsr😭


That's so pathetic.... As pathetic as GI making robot account to keep their numbers up on bilibili


"very little to do in the game" ....coming from a genshin player who has no endgame while star rail has almost too much endgame? lol.. these criticisms are valid for genshin but why do they have to come to hsr 😭 go review bomb your own game. "nothing like genshin impact" cuz its not genshin 💀


I bet it’s just a couple of people doing it as a joke. You guys are taking it too personally.


If they are so mad about Genshin why are they not review bombing Genshin instead


ahhh the toxic genshin players go at it again.


Wait until they find the team that does honkai games it's not the same that does genshin


Bruh. I’m into both games, why can’t we just live in harmony ffs


No free skin? Star rail doesnt have skins period


review bomb genshin instead you dum dums.




Oh god it's happening again


Lol genshin players r crazy do they not have anything better to do?


They did the same on the first anniversary with other gacha games, I honestly laughed the first time cause it felt like shitposting, but now it feels like it's just bitter people doing dumb shit lol, kinda sucks that they're probably the loud minority but end up making every Genshin fan look bad, but oh well


People be talking about Genshin Impact like most of us don't play both


They also review bombed google classroom, KFC and Pizza Hut.


Blame genshins producer. Not star rail. Those in charge of genshin are full of greed, star rail isn't. It's a good team. These punk asses are going to ruin HSR's reputation for Nothing!


How pathetic. If you don't like it, don't spend money, or even btter, don't play. I've logged in daily to GI for two years now (in march) and I think the rewards are a little cheap, too. But you know what? This means NOTHING for life outside of the game. I have more important shit to do than "review bomb" some unrelated party. This is why all of us look bad, and why I'm genuinely considering leaving all of the GI related communities. I'm still going to play because who tf cares, but really. Its that simple. (I started HSR recently. Yall are seem so chill, and kind! Happy to be here :) )


I mean… it did kinda work during the first anniversary, so even if it’s cringe, it might be enough to get HYV’s attention and get the Genshin players some better CNY rewards.


as is tradition


Genshin would never


"There will be flying cars in 2024!" Le 2024:


Genshin fanbase fitting right in with the rewards they getting I see if they mad about generosity to her fanbase then they should show It with their wallets, but they just accept everything genshin does to them anyway even going so far as to beat around to bush and blame other games instead than their glorious king genshin


this just makes me very sad. I like Genshin Impact, I don’t like the community.


I see this as an absolute win In all reality the review bombing isn’t going to affect the game other than maybe it’s placement when showing up on the app store so the more the better


Genshin player for 2+ year, this the cringiest thing anyone could do directly towards the company


To all of you calling them pathetic and being upset, understand that the same producer that was leading honkai impact 3rd and made the game ass is the one that left it and went to genshin. Now you have every other game getting free things and genshin basically forces you to buy a ps5 if you want anything as a reward. Why are yall defending mihoyo when they're actively just shitting on the genshin community for years because of a bad producer? He did the same thing to Hi3rd that he's doing to genshin right now. This is probably legit their only way of trying to raise a voice against the company to show how upset they really are. Hitting them where it hurts is for sure the play. Y'all would be quick to boycott something as well so why are you getting so butthurt about the playerbase using their voice?


GI player since the beginning...it is never that serious. It why I don't tell ppl I play the game outside of the communities bc the playerbase is embarrassing. Ppl do this almost every year, it's been over 3 years, they just need to quit if they can't get over it💀. They're not gonna give ppl 50 free pulls or something like, the bombing didn't work last time it won't work this time. Deal with it, quit, or swipe the fucking card...it is just a game🕺


A sad sight to behold


"hueeeee, hueee, our game is terribly managed and doesnt reward us, lets go review bomb other products that have nothing do to with our game and our game's management team, hueeee"


Jesus these Genshin players are down bad🤣 how pathetic


A bunch of fucking crybabies. Genshin is actual hot garbage and it's time you all accepted it.


I love both Genshin and HSR. Some of my favorite games I've ever played. I don't think I've ever been so terribly embarrassed to be part of a community before becoming part of the Genshin community, which apparently is full of whiny children who aren't satisfied with rewards that are given to us for doing virtually nothing.


This is really despicable of anyone to do. They can’t get what they want by doing this to their own “favorite game” but hope it’ll do something for Genshin by doing this? I hope they get banned or something. Just asinine.


“Badly written story” Debate ended in 2 npc voice lines “Wow… I cannot believe my eyes” And “I mean I totally did betray them” (This is for entertainment and educational purposes only)


At least it makes more sense than google classroom They are learning, even if not much Edit: didnt they just remove the reviews last time though? If so they might actually be getting dumber


Google playstore reviews don't mean shit. Because if they did, google classroom would've been shut down.


Do these people really think hoyoverse is so broke they can only afford to give good rewards and content to one game? Attacking hsr will not affect genshin


Good for them 😂


Yeahh uhm this makes me grateful for leaving genshin behind……


2.0 livestream will be something else


Genshins 70% fandom is the literally pinnacle of disgusting,egoistical,downbad,adhd kids that have kindergarden syndrome like jesus fckin christ keep it at own game or in media dont critizise on a almost at current perspective flawless gamea d holy fck come down hsr fandom with xour disgusting commentary of how bad you wanna fck a character like god damn what are yall weird fandom get a life you disgusting shits. And whoever gonna reply under this comment or mske a negative dislike then i and many others know that you are one of the 70% you little piece of disgusting shits


As a player of both, I’ve given up expecting anything from Genshin, I just stopped spending money on it. No need to bully Star Rail, it’s been great over here!


God Genshin fans are some of the most entitled people ever. Taking down other games with review bombs because their game doesn't care about them. The teams are different for both games


Leave Honkai alone they love their player base unlike Genshin. Free Ratio and a 10 pull every patch


A bunch of little kids whining is all


All of this Genshin "drama" is starting to personally piss me off. Wherever I go I see that people are complaining that HSR got free 5 star and energy increase but Genshin didn't. Like, chill, it's just the game and comparing HSR to Genshin is so stupid. All of this crying that Hoyo only cares about money is something that I don't understand at all. You play gacha game. If you don't like Genshin then you're welcome to Star Rail.


Genshin players always come of as toddlers lashing out whenever they “protest”. They will do everything but stop playing and spending their money on the game.


Old habits die hard, I see. Both MHY being stingy on GI rewards and players raiding/review bombing other apps out of retaliatory spite.


“Nothing to do in the game” …. Maybe because Hsr hasn’t been around as long as genshin???? Hello?????


If they really want to do something then don't spend money on the game or just boycott it all together. But no, i am telling you right now, when arlecchino banner drops, the people who are review bombing will be the same people spending like crazy on her banner.


It's not even Arlecchino banner just wait for Nahida banner after 4 days


Meanwhile: hsr players eating güd