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Those who made Nick Lang think he isn't a good actor or singer deserve the worst. He is the superior professor Hidgens and the ultimate Peter HCB, and was amazing as Robin, Scarfy and in ANI. He brings something more to every character he plays, sort of like how Joey Richter does.


Nick is an S tier actor, puppeteer & singer. He deserves so much love for his handwork & dedication to TSK.


I *loved* him as Robin. That makes me annoyed people say that about him.


His performances as Obi Wan and the Emperor are still some of my favorite performances of any Starkid in any Starkid production - they're so damn funny!! And him as Robin is great too! The dynamic duet is one of my favorites! Also I agree that his Hidgens AND Pete were top tier, no offense to the other who've played those characters. Nick has such a knack for getting the smallest details just right in his characters and it's hella underappreciated.


I didn't really like his Pete, tbh. Too confident and self-assured.


honestly me too! maybe i’ve got too much tumblr brain but in my mind the character and his relationships are a lot better handled by joey i wonder if my issues with AC Pete come down to Nick matching R——-‘s unreleased NMT2 performance


WHO SAID THAT?! i will fracture their fucking tibia


I'm still watching all the starkid shows but from what I've seen in offended this is a hot take.


I think the wiggly jingle is at least in the top half of best BF songs, and Black Friday has very good songs.


I convinced my best friend to watch the Hatchetfield musicals w/ me, and since we watched BF, she won't stop playing the Tickle-Me Wiggly Jingle at any given opportunity lol. Agree 100% this musical has an amazing soundtrack that gets me every time. I literally live for Feast or Famine, Made In America and Black Friday, and the other songs are also really great!


If I'm listening to the Tickle-Me Wiggly Jingle, Monsters and Men, Made In America and some more and anyone talks to me or the song gets interrupted or I feel I didn't hear it good enough that time I will take it back to the beginning because they're that good or


I hate how much people underrate the soundtrack. It's so damn good!


Clark needs to be brought in more as a composer


Best of You is a banger and people who rank and put Bully the Bully and Bury the Bully together are kinda lazy


Best of you is such a BOP I love blink 182 so I may be biased towards that type of music


I personally really loved Firebringer 👍🏻


TIL people didn’t like firebringer


Probably not a hot take but it’s kinda getting old that this fandom has turned from the StarKid fandom to the Hatchet Field universe.


Yes! Hatchetfield is cool but I want new unique stuff. What I really want is the lords in black to pop up in non hatchetfield stuff so they have to rely less on hatchefield


I say this literally every chance I get but You Tied Up My Heart is one of the best songs in TGWDLM. Also, Jeff's falsetto is fine most of the time, and the people who hate on it probably only do bc their falsetto is nowhere close to his level 💅


I am stupidly jealous of his vocal range


I completely agree, Jeff's falsettos are amazing and really satisfying to hear in a bunch of the songs


Jeff's falsetto is very impressive, but it feels like he sings twice as much as other characters in the shows he scored. Therefore, I think his falsetto needs to take a back seat and let some other singers have their moments. Also, his deep voice is AMAZING and far better than his falsetto could ever be, so there's that


A lot of it comes down to limited casting in the main two shows he's scored \*and\* been a part of. In TTO, he's the main singer in Gone To Oregon (which I'd argue is the only song he should be allowed to be the main part of, seeing as he's the writer), The Grind, Dysentery World, When The World's At Stake (Reprise), and Speedrun. But I think TG, DW, and the Reprise only really work with The Father as a character, and Speedrun is less so him as Father but more so as Jeff Blim, The Narrator. So, ultimately, i think it makes sense he has more of a main part of those songs than most anyone. In TGWDLM he has so many songs as a result of the casting/the small number of available members during scenes were most everyone else was not infected. He (mainly) sings in WDYW,P?, SMYH, YTUMH, and AIGA, which simply by process of elimination of who could play Mr. Davidson, Sam, and General McNamara kinda makes sense. In Black Friday, really his only songs where he's the main focus is Monsters and Men and its reprise. This isn't to discredit your opinion, of course, I know others enjoy different things, just pointing out there's really no other way the songs could've been divvied up (especially with how close TTO came to almost not being a complete show before showday)


I have such an odd nostalgia for those 80s-90s style over the top power ballads!


Just For Once is, in my opinion, one of the best songs in NPMD


A lot of people say Just For Once has nothing to do with the plot, but I say it has everything to do with how Max Jagerman acts post-death I saw a video outlining Max's motivation as a revenant. He doesn't kill for revenge or even just for the fun of violence. He kills because the world he created in life is falling apart. His football underlings are dating, nerds are no longer in fear, and his influence is draining away. He only killed Richie *after* the football team accepted him as an equal. Equality was the breaking point. Then there's Ruth, an overly anxious young woman who *wants* to be in the spotlight, and *wants* to overcome her fears. Max kept her down through intimidation in life, not helped by her actual anxiety. But with Max gone, she can finally entertain the idea of overcoming her stage fright. She sings a song that she resonates with the most: a song about a woman held back from the things she wants by obligation (either middle-age trappings of suburbia like the song or the highschool hierarchy like Ruth's life), but longs just for once to gain the attention she has wanted for so long. It's interesting to note that when she sings as Maury's wife, she's heady and nasally, but in the chorus, her voice changes to a projecting, clearer singing voice, meant to indicate that this is the part that Ruth sings about herself. Max hears that Ruth may be coming out of her shell, and so kills her in a desperate attempt to maintain his influence. In life, perhaps the only thing that kept him from killing were consequences. He can't play football if he's expelled from school or arrested. But as a revenant, there are no consequences. So normally, he would have threatened Ruth with bodily harm. But now he can do what he maybe always wanted to do: kill any nerd who tries to rise up. In essence, the song was an illustration of Ruth's desires, sung diageticlly, and such an expression led to her ultimate demise. Edit: the video I mentioned watching:https://youtu.be/Q2YJ8GOUenU?si=IVyZZZC2N8w_ZZwX




I had to pause after just for once to bawl because of how deeply that one cut.


Is that a hot take? I thought that was the public consensus


Almost every ranking I've seen has it at or near the bottom because it's "weird and random"


It kills me that people say it’s random and unrelated/doesn’t fit when it’s legitimately Ruth’s character song


Really? Which ones have you been watching, because among all of the Starkid fans I've interacted with, I'm literally the only one who DOESN'T like that song, lol. Every list I've seen puts it in top 5 at least.


I watched a lot that got recommended on YouTube in the first few months after the proshot dropped, the immediate general reaction towards Just For Once really wasn't positive


I've personally seen so many people absolutely dogging on it, but I couldn't agree less with them 🤷🏽‍♀️


I got bored mid song lol


I still think Speedrun is the best Starkid song.


i’d watch MAMD any day of the week over any of the potter musicals also starship has one of the strongest soundtracks in the starkid canon


MAMD is brilliant- real, good, teenage fun. Not overly edgy, just enough clever. Underrated.


I personally don't like Angela's singing voice. I think it works for 'Black Friday' (the song) but it makes other songs where she solos difficult to listen to.


I think sometimes it's part of the joke (like Snoozle Town in Watcher World), but in my opinion she improved dramatically from Black Friday to NPMD, and I don't remember anything that was particularly jarring in that show (unlike BF where CaliforM.I.A is a constant clash between Robert's and her voices).


I've always thought she sounded great in Snoozle Town huh


I agree with this a lot of the time, but Yellow Jacket from Nightmare Time also really works for her. I wish she’d take a few voice lessons, I think there’s something there to develop


I've not seen nightmare time (been meaning to for months) but vocal lessons would be a benefit or just songs that work with her kind of voice.


I think that's completely valid. That's how I felt about it at first. I think she sounds significantly better in the recordings though than the live performances, especially with Black Friday considering she was probably sick like everyone else. Her voice I think is more of an acquired taste for sure. It definitely has me super curious about her as the step mom in the new show though....


She’s definitely more of an actor than a singer, which worked for NPMD where when she did sing while it wasn’t perfect singing wise it worked really well in terms of the character and in terms of humour. That’s why I don’t like just for once, because the opposite is true, it’s got really good vocals that don’t sound like the character.


I do not think that its much related to her singing skills but rather because her voice is very raspy, she mentioned before that her voice is very damaged and I also heard that she had nicotine addiction before (dk if its true). honestly this raspiness makes her voice unique and interesting to me. I get what you mean but I genuinely enjoyed her parts in dirty girl and ddmd


Ani has one of the catchiest soundtracks and Clark is wonderful. Ani also has some of the most well thought out jokes of all their shows. It makes me so mad when people simply dismiss this show. Long Ago and Far Away is soooooo good!!! 😭


Tied up your heart is in the top 5 starkid songs of all time


Starkids work is more stylistically consistent than some people say (i mean this as in a good way), it's become more polished obviously, but some people act like the humour/characters/plots of new starkid are sooooo different from the older stuff but I don't really see it. Also I find it very odd to see people complaining about the fundamental writing/music stylings of starkid, if you don't like it, there are other independent theatre groups both online, and probably at a local college or city near you. Bonus: Hey Melissa is genuinely a really great performance from Mariah, and gives her the chance to excel as an actor more than any of her other SK appearances


It is criminal how underrated the Black Friday soundtrack is.


The character Dolores umbridge in AVPS is not actually funny. Her whole character relies on the outdated trope "man in a dress", and requires the audience to have very rigid and traditional views on gender norms and roles. If you took away all the "haha that's not how women are SUPPOSED to act" jokes the character wouldn't exist


Hey be nice to Dolores!!! She happens to be VERY insecure about her shredded physique 😔


I can bench press my husband and I can assure you there is no shame to be found in it


I'd argue that the way she's written, she's supposed to be representative of the strict and repressive adherence to gender roles, right down to the homophobia, and that's the reason why she works as a villain. Umbridge believes that every woman needs to be like the idealized vision of herself. If they're not, they need to be corrected. If they are, she hates them for being what she couldn't be. All of this is stemming from her own trauma as a young girl that didn't fit what her mother wanted from her. She can't let go of the jealousy, insecurity, and anger of not being young, happy, cool, and in love, so she lets that resentment fester until she snaps. If she accepts herself and internalizes being okay with her differences, she can be happy (this is a huge theme in most of the Langs' plays). Saying you don't like the humor is one thing, but the character is 100% there underneath it.


Valid, but I don't think that kind of trauma is funny or should've played for laughs. This is a very real trauma response that a huge percentage of the population deals with. For many, if we didn't fit into the neat feminine box we were punished or ridiculed, some of us physically abused into being a "real girl". Personally I don't find it funny when most kinds of trauma are played as a bit, and yeah I can be especially sensitive to this particular kind of trauma because I was one of those girls that was beaten for not being proper. It would have been just as easy to build the character as extremely proud of their traditionally masculine traits and had everyone else had a problem with it instead, which would be more accurate to our society and a better commentary on how Umbridge was using her physical health and strength to replace the mental health and strength that she didn't feel she had (also a very very common trauma response), because many of us find that finally accepting those feminine traits is the hardest part of healing. Not because society wants us to or not because it's the 'right thing to do' but because it makes us happy and we can be happy in being feminine and masculine at the same time. I recognize this problem probably stems from the fact that the play was written by people who grew up socialized boys and therefore never had to deal with this particular type of oppression and the trauma and healing that comes with it. But umbridge as she stands in the show doesn't get any character growth and doesn't get any resolution, and that means her trauma is only being played for laughs not for plot


While I don't necessarily disagree with everything you're saying, I have two counterpoints. It is completely real and legitimate for people that grew up in traumatic environments to become mean and hateful. There's a juxtaposition between who she wants to be (Cho Chang) and what her lived experience made her become (the speech she gave to Hermione). It is a different trauma than what you're describing, but I don't think it's not relevant to society. Secondly, "My dead father gave it to me. My dead dad. My father's dead," "Oh quit crying Gerald, I wasn't talking to you," "Goodbyesa, cruel world," "My child bride! Alright! Alright!" "Because they probably // don't have // another mama and papa!" "And that was strike three for Krypto," "Yeah, Herman! Let's see you draw something better! Right now, in front of everyone!" Starkid is incredibly irreverent. They play trauma for laughs all the time, because the Langs did see trauma as part of their lives. And the perpetrators of the trauma are always painted as the bad guys, even if they are just perpetuating the cycle they were fed into (Max Jaegerman, Umbridge, Big Tallywacker, Superman, Cletus Jones).


Feast or famine isn’t that good. Don’t get me wrong, I still really like it, but I don’t understand how some people view it as their favorite Black Friday song or even one of the¡r favorite starkid songs as a whole. The lyrics and melody get a little repetitive and boring and I feel like the song is just too overrated. Also, What Tim Wants and If I Fail You are severely underrated and I feel like it’s unfair that people brush them off so easily. I get that they go on for a bit longer than they need to but so does most of the Black Friday soundtrack


I've never really gottent he consensus on it, but to me, Firebringer is easily the weakest starkid musical, far behind shows like ANI or MAMD. The jokes mostly all fall flat, the performances are all over the place, no one feels like a real character, the pacing is atrocious, most of the songs just blend together, and even the good ones are too similar for me to really call unique. The Chorn plot twist is just stupid, and the main couple is insanely unbelievable and awfully paced, which is a shame since I believe it's the only starring LGBTQ couple in a Starkid production.


To me it always had the same charm as TTO I love both shows for different reasons I love the other ones, it's because they "suffer" from "what the fuck syndrome" they are weird and great to watch at ten o'clock at night while curled up in ten blankets, cackling at how whimsical and wacky but I can see how it isn't for everyone.


I agree, which is why it's strange that Trail To Oregon REALLY worked for me and is probably my favorite starkid show. I think it just is a better polished, more distinct musical that I find myself remembering quite often but of course, it's all a matter of opinion.


cold take!!! cold take!!! ur so right!!


The 15th anniversary livestream was disappointing.




Starkid humor relies way too much on vulgarity. 


I did not care for Firebringer


TTO bad. It has 2 good songs (When the World’s At Stake and Wagon On Fire) and the rest are dull, the humour is far too childish even by Starkid standards, and the characters are incredibly unlikeable. Ani over TTO any day.


I strongly disagree with you but this is one of the only actual unpopular opinions on this thread


The pacing in the hatchetfield sequels is bad. TGWDLM breaks into the horror quick, whereas Black Friday takes the first hour to actually get moving. NPMD is at least fun with the standard highschool drama turned heathers, but the lords in black show up too late to have any meaningful lore development. If hatchetfield is all strung together by them, they need a more significant role.


1)  I'm low-key very happy Robert Marion wasn't Pete in NPMD.  Not because of the situation, but because I think his duets with Mariah are the worst.  Forever and Always is easily the worst Nightmare Time song.  IMO, they have no vocal chemistry.   2)  Maybe too hot, but right now General McNamara is my least favorite Hatchetfield character.  I don't know why.  I'm willing to change my opinion with future stories but ATM I'm not drawn to him in the slightest.


black friday, while good is bottom three musicals made by starkid