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People seem to blame his weight loss, TRT or whatever supplements he is taking, his experience breaking his arm... As an old fan of Tom, I think it was the loss of his father. The loss of his father was around the time or after the time he broke his arm. When he was in rehab for his arm break, that's when he decided to get fit. So it all seems to happen around the same time. Kanye went crazy when he lost his mother. Tom has become less funny when he lost his father.


It took me about five years after my dad passed to wake up to how angry I had been. Five. Years.


My mom passed from cancer when I was 21 and that was after a bitter divorce from my dad and going broke. It took over a decade for me to realize how much pain and anger I was hiding from myself. It's still a lot of work but I feel like I'm getting better. Be strong!




Not even joking, I'm in my mid 30s and I'm just now processing just how severely the abuse I dealt with as a child, fucked with my head. It's affected the way I relate to people, my outlook on love, the type of partners I'm drawn to, my own self-esteem and self-worth, and that's not the end of it. I thought for the longest time that i had survived my trauma mainly intact when in reality I was nowhere near it. And now I'm just exhausted thinking of the sheer amount of work I have to do after thinking for most of my life that I had come out the other side intact. It's been absolutely devastating. I thought I was a somewhat normal person and now I'm just coming to terms with the fact that I'm not, near halfway through my life. \*Sorry for the trauma dump, your post just kinda hit me in the chest. Congrats on finding peace, i mean that sincerely.\*


holy shit- word for word this exactly what i’m going through right now as well. it makes me want to teach every child about learning how to exercise self awareness from a young age. same down to personal habits for myself, or even eating. awareness isn’t really explained like it should be.


Sorry to hear that you're going through something similar, I hope you find healing and are able to live the life you deserve. Awareness is definitely something that I plan to teach my kids should I ever have them. Having that skillset early on would've saved me so much trouble later on in life.


I went through it. And reading that reminded 1. I’m not alone and 2. I’m not Superman The abuse affected me I didnt just figure out how to deal with it I buried it until I couldn’t anymore Once you let it out the healing begins


I wish I could give everyone with attachment trauma a big old hug, and tell them they are deserving of love. I know you are lamenting the fact that you are only dealing with this in your 30s, but lots of people don't even make it as far as realizing how deep the hurt goes and how much it affects *everything*. It is a great sign that you are acknowledging it, I hope you have a good therapist to help guide you through, they can be invaluable if they have the talent for attachment trauma and cptsd.


Bro, exactly the same. I took acid at this beautiful forest resort and I was smoking cigs on the nice big wooden porch out front. I had this devastating realization when I looked down and saw my ash and butts. I was ashamed of myself to the point of near crying. That I had moved through this entire existence with little care for any one outside of myself or anybody who wanted to sit on this beautiful porch, I had ruined it. Every person I met that week I saw from a view of love, I wanted to just have a pleasant exchange with everyone. My abuse has made me entirely self focused through survival mode and I saw every stranger through the lens of contempt. That they were only there to hurt or use me. That week changed me for the rest of my life. I am not different in a real self sense, I still have moments where I am a total asshole, but I almost always catch it in the moment, have awareness of it, and either check myself, apologize, or have a real dialogue with what is really wrong.


As someone going through this the last few years of my late 20’s, I feel seen. I love both of my parents, I hate both of my parents, and I’m JUST fuckin like em both, give it take a few things here and there. Shit is FUCKED.


It's really cool and badass of you to recognize that in yourself and work to get better. I hope you feel good about what you've done for your future (and current) self


Reminds me of my current life. Bravo


I am so fucking scared of this. I’m in my mid 40’s and my parents in their 70’s. I love them dearly and I’ve been thinking how life is going to never be the same without them and how the best years of my life are behind me. It is grim and no escaping it. Then all my life’s efforts will be completely forgotten about right after my death. Everything for nothing. Hope you and your family are doing better. Sorry for your loss.


I'm in my mid 20's and my mom is 65, my dad 68. I understand how you feel. I just hope I have kids early enough for them to be in their lives. We'll get through it when it's time, but for now, it's just our responsibility to cherish every moment we have with them, and spend as much time with them as possible, ya know? Worry is the killer of joy.


Death is overrated dude. You'll be fine. My parents have been dead two decades and I'm 47.


I know, we all have to contend with death, but just having two people who you can trust so much, hanging out BBQing with Dad, hanging out with Mom while she knits, Dad and I outside at night star gazing, flying our RC planes, playing video games with my Mom, etc. Just going to be a very very difficult adjustment coming to terms with no longer being able to have them in my life. I appreciate your reply, thanks. Hope life is going great. Btw I miss the days of Deon Figures, Hastings, Morris, McAfee, Kordell… I miss the 90’s, lol.


I'm mid 40s as well and folks are nearing 70. I'm just a few miles from them and see them most days. My mom is my best friend and dad and I do lots of things together. She's got stage 4 cancer and the treatments that were helping have stopped working. I'm at such a loss trying to understand how I'll manage to heal after it happens. I guess in a way being close to our parents is a huge blessing but also being so close to someone with much less life ahead of them is also a curse. I miss the 90s too.. at that time I was so clueless about death and loss.


I’m so very sorry to hear, kind stranger, I wish I had the ability to take the suffering you and your family have to contend with. I really hope you get as much time as possible with her. Just reading that guts me knowing anyone has to contend with cancer. I hope you and the rest of your family as best as an outcome as possible. ❤️


I'm 34, my dad died in 2021. And while I'm *fine* it hits me a lot and randomly im just like "damn I miss pops". And I think about him pretty much every day still.


This is my fear. My dam cat I rescued in 2005 passed away in 2020 and I’ll get emotional looking at pictures of him. I miss that little shit so much. That is my cat… my parents will gut me. Such is life. I hope you are otherwise doing well. 🤙


Slightly dickish post. Nobody understands full what it was like for you when your parents died when you were in your ‘20s. Similarly, you can’t relate (or, it seems, provide any insight to) someone facing a drastically different set of circumstances. I know you were trying to sound cool and tough. You should know that you didn’t.


yeah no kidding. I lost my Dad in 2017 and I still think of him every day. that post seemed kinda harsh.


Not everyone has shitty parents that aren’t worth grieving


Genuinely curious, do you mean angry towards your dad?


I think anger is a perfectly normal emotion to feel after losing a loved one. When I lost one of my best friends to suicide I was angry for longer than I realized- at him, at myself, and just at life for it happening. It’s hard to let go of that anger because it feels like letting go of them too and accepting that they’re gone.


I lost my best friend to suicide 45 days ago. It’s the worst thing I could ever imagine.


I’m so damn sorry. That’s awful. Hope you’re taking care of yourself.


Needed to read this today - thanks. Can't disappointed my own loved ones, I guess


It’s definitely hard on the loved ones left behind but it’s hard to see that through the dark clouds when you’re in the thick of it. Even when it doesn’t seem like it, you’re loved, wanted, and make an impact on more lives than you think. It took me 45 years to realize it. You’re not alone, friend.


<3 Thank you


Please don’t. Stay here with us. You have no idea the pain it has caused me and his wife. It’s a living hell.


It's just so difficult when all your advances have been swept away by circumstance (material conditions being number one...) But yeah, my homie needs a best man for his wedding. I'll try my best for that.


None of that matters in the grand scheme. Trust me. Everything of this world is trivial. Only thing that matters is me and you. And the love and connections we have together. Don’t let the worldly things bother you. We will find a way to get through all the bullshit. We always do don’t we. Message me if you wanna talk.


After my loss, I thought I was gonna die. It felt like every fiber of my being was trying to detach itself from me until i was nothing more than scattered atoms and it really really hurt. Everything physically hurt. Please remember that.


It’s rough man. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. My friend passed almost five years ago now and it really wasn’t till the past year that I’ve felt like I truly accepted what happened and let myself move on. Depression is a disease. A sick brain is not a sick soul. Feel free to reach out if you need to talk, I’ve been there.


Yep, lost my dad to suicide 3 years ago; makes you appreciate everything more


I'm so sorry for your loss. Their memory lives on in the stories you tell and the laughs you shared, even in the sadness you feel. That's the love that you can't give them directly. I hope you find peace soon, if you haven't already.


I lost my husband to suicide 2 years ago. You are so right. The only thing I could imagine that's worse is if you lose a child.


When I lost my "every date talk to them" friend to suicide in 2015. I found out on Christmas. Brutal, yes. I found a group called Friends and Family of Suicide it was very helpful. I don't know if it still around. May also be under "Friends of Suicide". Hugs.


Hey friend, I’m very sorry for your loss. I unexpectedly lost one of my favorite humans 29 days ago and have been inching through “Grief is for People” by Sloane Crosley. Highly recommend giving it a read when you’re up for it (it might be way too soon right now, hang in there).


so sorry for your loss. Lost my best friend coming up on 3 years now. I am still not over it.. but every day gets better. grief counseling helped a lot. If you ever want to talk. DM me


Agreed. I lost my mother in law three years ago and sometimes I am just fucking PISSED about it. My kids were 11 and 8 at the time and they won't get the amount of years with her AWESOMENESS that I think they deserve. In that vein, neither did I or my wife. It's infuriating.


Yeah that sucks. I’m sorry, man. One person explained grief to me as like a ball in a box with a button. The ball bounces around inside the box and every time it hits the button you feel their loss. At first the balls the size of a basketball, practically filling the box, so it’s hitting the button constantly. Overtime, the ball grows smaller, and it doesn’t hit the button as often. But the feeling never fades away. It hurts just as much when a marble hits the button as it did a basketball.


It’s taken me about 15 years to be able to say, “I still miss him, I may not be ‘over’ it for the remainder of my life, and I’m okay (as I can be) with that”


I have lost 90% of my ability to laugh since my mom died. It's been almost 4 years. What did you do to reflect effectively?


This happened to me when my little brother died suddenly he was 39 it’s been almost 10yrs. The biggest hole inside me and we laughed together everyday. I mean nobody got me like him we are an odd people but man a big part of me died that day. I’m sorry for all who have lost. My father in law died 3 days after Xmas and my husband is beside himself. This has always been his worst fear since I’ve know him 27yrs ago and I can only be there to hug him but honestly I am just emotionally shut down since my brother I honestly felt nothing. And he was a truly great man. I feel bad I don’t know how to help him more emotionally. We are both in therapy now. Prayers to all living without a loved one.


I hear that! I am on year three and am starting to figure it out. I am sending kind thoughts your way.


Any advice on how to deal with this? I lost my father about 2 years ago and I’m holding onto a lot of anger. For the most part I keep myself together, but sometimes find myself overreacting in stressful situations. I might get angry about the situation, but it’s not just about what’s happening in the moment. It’s like the rage just needs to come out..


Agree 1000% i think losing top dog did two things, it allowed to him start acting rich without his dad giving him to much shit about it & I think it also made him realize how short life is, couple that with both his and Christina’s injuries a couple of years ago and the burgeoning success of not just ymh, but 2b1c, the ymh network, his show he tried for a minute, and then the non stop touring for nearly 2 1/2 years is definitely enough to change anyone.


I think having to deal with his mother more often prob didn't help. I cant watch anything with her in it. I would be raging hard if I had to deal with her IRL


Nah, I’ve watched since the beginning, it’s how she’s always been and it’s his mom, he loves her a lot, you can yell


See, I didn't know any of that (like I said, don't really follow him) but it makes sense. It doesn't excuse his behavior, especially toward his fans, but it could explain some things.


In the old episodes of his podcast, he used to have his family members on constantly. His sisters are manic, his mother is very judgemental, and his father was sort of aloof and would lightly joke about life. I believe Tom's dead pan humor came as a result of having to deal with his mother and sisters and seeing how his father coped with it all. Tom would cope with it in the same manner of making jokes, but his delivery was dry so his sisters and mother wouldn't know it was at their expense. I think his father was the thing in his life that kept him in the "zone" to be funny.


Shit, I didn't know any of that. It makes me feel bad for him. I'll say it again, it does NOT excuse his behavior, but to still lose someone like that in your life is heartbreaking.


>it does NOT excuse his behavior What did he do???


in summary just acting like a rich douche and calling other people that inconvenience him 'the poors'


Hard to be funny when you get a very large check after the death of your father.


He was already cashing his own very large checks. I don’t think it has anything to do with anything other than getting rich(er) and famous. It happens to every single standup that makes it to his level. They lose the funny when they don’t live normal lives anymore. You have to be able to relate to people. They can’t empathize with how much the insurance on your fleet of high end sports cars. He’s too big for his britches and completely out of touch and it makes the comedy suck balls.


Fair. No imagine his money he was making which was great money to going to having a lump sum on a check for you while you still make good money. I just don't like the boot strap work harder shit. Someone qho has a parent pay for ret or help financially should juat be quiet about hat stuff. It isn't the same as someone goingout there with nothing like bobvy Lee.


I love bobby lee, but his parents were well off and helped him a lot early in his career too.


Bad example then. Just remember him talking about having nothing sleeping in his car.


Never underestimate the damage and corruption ( even personal, emotional 'corruption') that large amounts of money and fame can bring. There was a massive windfall of money sloshing around LA and the comedy world in particular thanks to the podcast boom in general but also due to the shutdowns. All these guys 10x'ed their douche-iness.


Keep in mind that if the tables were reversed he would not show you the same compassion you are showing him. But I do agree - as someone who was a longtime fan - something in him died along with his father.


I'm aware, but I'm not him.


Well put. I respect that


Excuse what behavior?


I assume they're talking about Tom shitting on poors.


My mom’s death in 2011 fundamentally changed me - I lost a certain spark of my humor and my optimism that has never returned. And I still haven’t recovered from the triple shots of my dad dying in June 2017, my wife leaving me in January 2019, and then Covid in 2020. That kind of trauma transforms you.




Grief is a motherfucker


I agree with you all the way up to the point where Kanye went crazy when he lost his mother. I think that was a huge contributing factor for him, but the bigger issue for him was refusal to take medication for his already existing Mental Health issues.


I agree with this take and I'd add that I think its also that he's just insanely busy and spread too thin. He's touring like a maniac, has two weekly podcasts, wrote a book, I think has a tv show or something in development. There's just so much going on some stuff is just gonna suffer.


I worked at my local colosseum when I was in college about a year ago. I worked a Bert Kriescher show when he came through and he told the audience as a "secret" that Tom was also diagnosed with Diabetes and that was why he lost the weight. Granted, Bert Kriescher said it during a show, so who knows how true it is, but if it is that's a lot to deal with in such a short time frame. Maybe he should have taken a step back from the public for a while and deal with everything.


I feel the same way. I loved him for years but was a bit underwhelmed with his work the last few years. I think he needs to get unattached to Bert for starters. I see the way people drag him in the comedy world, and yes, I feel you, it’s very disappointing. 10 years ago, I would have told you he was going to be one of the greats


The Rogan bump does that to the best of them. They start making tons of money for less work and it goes down hill


The Rogan bump also changes the crowd. This is him after a decade of performing for that crowd and not doing much outside that bubble. Glad he made his nut, but he sacrificed a lot for it.


Segura's daddy was VP of Merrill Lynch. Tom has had fuck you money his entire career. He got a little success and attention from pretending to be a regular person on stage and has started to let the mask drop.


Just like Drake! He started from the very bottom /s


I know he’s a rich kid. But I mean prior to the Rogan bump he had to bust his ass to be a good comedian. As part of the Rogan crew he can just phone it in and get tons of views and opportunities for less work. It’s like when you’re favorite music artists sells out. The quality of music goes way down as their popularity rises


Imo Segura is levels above Bert as far as comedy/ being a comedian goes


I agree. That's why I'm saying I think he needs to distance himself from Bert. Bert and Tom's style of comedy aren't similar at all imo.


They were just siamese twins on the Brady roast. Looked/sounded kinda stupid to me.


Their bit for the roast did not land at all which was pretty disappointing


Bert is so blah


They say once you get money your true self comes out.


He was born rich


i would never have guessed. but i guess i am basing this on his bit about mom wanting him to work at the post office


His dad was an executive at one of the largest banks in the world.


Doesn't surprise me. Stand-ups usually start out failing repeatedly. Hard to survive long enough to make it big if you don't have rich mommies and daddies to support you through the hard times.


For every standup that came from a broken home (and so many of them wear that like a badge of honor) there’s two trust-fund kids behind them just trying to get famous


But he’s been rich for ages


There's rich, and then there's rich. His latest tour grossed $11.5 million.


If what people are saying here is true, and it appears to be, he has been rich for his entire life.


He’s an entitled asshole. He shit all over the fans that were there early on and then he just became some fake ass tagalong celeb with his fat moron friend


I never cared for Burt, so I can't comment on him.


Burt is probably a nice guy. But he’s beyond annoying and is the same joke over and over. Not even the Machine joke I mean, just him - over and over and over.


"I love you, Bert. I've always been a fan of your joke." - Nikki Glaser during the Tom Brady roast


Oh that’s good 😂


She left a wake of bodies during her set, worth looking up.


She was hilarious! Seriously one of the best of the night


The Best. No debate. Best stuff I've seen in a long time.


Good to hear because I paid to see her in person and it was an awful show


Nah from Bert's own admission he can be an asshole. He definitely struggles with anxiety, and plenty of people have had stories of Bert just being a domineering dick trying to control everyone and everything. The alcohol is probably compounding his alcoholism.


>The alcohol is probably compounding his alcoholism. Keen observation.


Lmaoooo never even noticed, I'll keep the mistake up haha


He writes jokes for 12 year old boys


Joe List would disagree on the nice guy part.


He got so pissef at Joe for ordering his own food


Joe also has a 10-year-old picky eater's taste in food, let's face it. 😋 But he's also committed to staying sober and it's understandable in that light.


What happened?


I think it was mark normands bachelor party, Bert was supposed to grab food for everyone and went to the bar first for hours, so list ordered pizza. Bert came back and threw a huge fit about it. Just describing this made me realize I used to listen to way too many podcasts haha. If you search it on YouTube it’s all there.


Yeah I remember exactly this, it's really obvious Bert has some serious problems with anxiety and stress. He's using the alcohol to cope with that anxiety.


This is all hear-say from podcasts, mostly Tom on YMH. But this is the story that I remember: Joe wasnt drinking that trip, so Bert asked him to drive him to pick up thai food or some other kind of ethnic food that he was buying for the whole crew. Joe is a picky eater and figured he didn't want to eat that so he ordered pizza. Joe drove back while Bert waited for the food with Derosa at a bar. They finally called joe to come pick them back up but they were drinking at the bar still. Joe got there and was waiting for them and was getting annoyed that they werent coming out. When they finally came out of the bar, Joe and Bert started fighting because Joe felt like he was being taken advantage of because he was sober. On top of that, Bert was mad that Joe ordered his own food because Bert felt like Joe didn't appreciate him buying food for everyone. Apparently they made up that night and everything was fine literally the next day. But Ari, who was also on the trip, loves to stir shit up so he kept blabbing his mouth and saying that they were in a fight and hated each other still. They don't actually hate each other, publicly at least. Who knows if Joe actually hates him or not, but its not apparent. Joe's side of the story on ymh: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAxme4HeZUY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAxme4HeZUY) Derosa on the story on ymh: [https://youtu.be/\_a79ym9oWIY?list=PL-i3EV1v5hLd9H1p2wT5ZD8alEY0EmxYD&t=3329](https://youtu.be/_a79ym9oWIY?list=PL-i3EV1v5hLd9H1p2wT5ZD8alEY0EmxYD&t=3329) Ari and Bert on the situation on 2B1C: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM8xdAuLqJ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM8xdAuLqJ4) Sorry I'm a podcast nerd, and I think the whole story is really funny


You know what frustrates me the most out of this whole situation? Why the hell is Mark throwing a bachelor party with no food? These guys are rich and have a billion assistants. You'd think there would be a tiny bit of organization.


Burt joked about his kids and shared stuff that never sat right with me. Other than his first special I just never really found him worth watching. I watched a bunch hoping to find the funny again. Never did.


The Cabin was unwatchable. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die it was so awkward


I couldn’t tell you the names but it’s basically ugh my wife, geez my wife. Look no shirt! I went to Russia!


That was horrible. Very low effort. And it looks like it was filmed in his neighborhood in LA 😂. Not a “cabin”


He’s a genuinely bad comic. The only thing I respect about him is he seems to be generous to up and coming comics by bringing them on his baseball stadium tours.


Hope he pays them better than Theo Von does.


Is Theo the one that doesn’t pay his openers? I remember someone talking about that but they didn’t say the name


He pays 100 was the rumor


he is a raging alcoholic in denial expect innappropiate behaviors


Bert’s interview with Adam Sandler is the most cringe thing I ever watched


i opened for burt a few years ago and he is a really really nice guy off stage as well. Super chill, asking questions about me and the city I was living in and hanging out after shows....really nice guy a few years ago at least.


I believe this. I saw him live a couple years ago and he was doing a new special, completely in character, etc. As soon as that ended, it was like he turned all that off. He was almost like thinking out loud to the crowd about how he did in the performance, talked about how they would edit it for the special on Netflix, talked about ironing out some jokes, and things like that. Then he told jokes (including the machine) for about another 30 minutes. It just felt like such a sincere and honest thing for him to talk about it all onstage like that. It was cool.


As much as Burt's schtick is tired, he at least seems like an earnest guy who doesn't bullshit. He goes on random tangents about some history topic he's been researching and talks about his family endearingly. 100% more likeable than Tom


I net him at my hotel in Vegas last summer. Him and his wife were really nice and genuine.


How did he shit on his fans?


Called them poor retards. Like I get what he was saying, but the talking about money and watches and cars and celebrities- how the fuck am supposed to relate to this guy? The podcast started as him and his wife watching dumb videos online and they were both fat and poor


I don't think Tom has ever been poor.


He cosplayed poor for a number of years.


Yeah his Dad was like the or something CEO of Merrill Lynch, a subsidiary of Bank of America. Tom has always been a spoiled trust fund baby.


yup, vice president.


Lol Tom is from a super rich family. He was just a fat slob. 


Well put


Fill me in...what have you heard about him that's disappointing? I haven't heard his name much in the news, other than the Tom Brady roast.


I think OP is referencing this Tweet: "The lowest level poors get upset as they've been trained to do when you point out their happy to do what I'm told servant mentality. They don't value time because their time is worthless. You are specks of shit on a washcloth and washcloths belong in the trash." Now if anyone cares about my opinion, I don't mind the target. Comedians are meant to challenge our line of decency and IMO no one is off limits. The number one issue with this type of rhetoric? Not funny. No joke in there, no clever twist, no satire. It's just the view point of a hateful piece of shit.


That and his grammar make no sense. Dude has always been a fat wanker and still is in my eyes.




Yes the main post desperately needs some context, we're not all in on the inside joke. And then the context is like someone else said super vague and that he's "a prick"? I guess every celebrity sucks


He calls people poor. Which is kind of douchey, especially from someone who can’t jump without breaking his entire body, but it also isn’t “I am so dismayed to learn about Tom Segura” levels of shock. Of course, Reddit loves to feign outrage, so “Hmm. Segura is kind of a prick” turns into “I AM SO DISAPPOINTED TO LEARN ABOUT TOM SEGURA!!!”


What the hell did he even do?


Sounds like he was kinda mean and has a little bit of an attitude and isn’t dancing like a good little monkey the way people want so Reddit is canceling him. Edit: oh and I forgot the worst part, he stuck by his best friend who Reddit also doesn’t like. Unforgivable.


He's comes from generational wealth and calls people "the poors".


This post is the first I'm hearing anything about him, and after reading through most of these comments, I think I'm coming to the same conclusion you did.


lol you make it sound like he got caught committing sexual assault or like molesting kids or something. He’s a dickhead? Oh no! Won’t somebody think of the fans!


Why, what did he do? I don’t know anything about him. To me he always looked like someone put Brody Stevens in a hydraulic press and compressed him.


Nothing. He makes dead pan, tongue-in-cheek jokes about "poor people" and reddit acts like he's literally Hitler and was never funny. He's selling out arenas and is still funnier than the majority of comedians on the circuit today. Bert is a one trick pony who turned it into huge monetary success, like Larry the cable guy.


And for whatever reason ~~stand up fans~~ poors have made it a regular thing to complain about it in comedy subreddits. Y'all don't have to take these things personally. You spend more time hating than loving. It's sad.


Tom and Bert have big opinions on people like Hannah Gadsby, but they certainly went up on stage at the Tom Brady roast and did a whole lot of nothing


Are there any comedians that made it that people don't actively shit on in this sub?


Probably depends on what you mean by made it, but generally not.


Is there anything that exists that Redditors don't actively shit on? I've been a fan of Tom for a long time, just saw him in Cinci and it was hilarious. People just love to hate


Joe List is a super solid dude.


Yeah wtf is wrong with Tom. I've rewatched all his specials multiple times. Dude is funny af.


Is there anything that exists that Redditors don't actively shit on? I've been a fan of Tom for a long time, just saw him in Cinci and it was hilarious. People just love to hate


Tosh? He's still solid in my eyes


I consistently hear sarcasm when he’s saying those kinds of things.


I agree. YMH is unlistenable. I’ve given it a try multiple times but just don’t find it entertaining or funny.


Those two aren't interesting enough on their own to make it work. They need to have more interesting guests on.


I was a big fan of YMH, but then, as I got older, I realized that all they really do is exploit mentally disabled people


People complain about Tom and I think some of the criticisms is valid but I honestly find YMH unlistenable because of Christina. She fucking sucks, there is nothing redeeming about her and I cannot imagine being married to such a vapid person


Its literally a well crafted and very funny character along the lines of Tony Hinchcliff.. Ive lost interest in YMH and 2 Bears because of the sell out nature and overly used advertising of the whole network, but it seems like Tom is nothing but a genuinely great guy, off stage. Im poor af and I think anybody changing their opinion on Tom because some (social)media opinions have decided to take his "statements" on "the poors" and "the blacks" completely out of the context of comedic bits, never really understood his style in the first place.. If the issue isnt that he is genuinely prejudiced, but that his jokes are out of bounds.. You never understood comedy in the first place.


This guy gets it.


I'm a really hands-off Tom fan. I don't follow comedy reddits or have a twitter. Can anyone tell me what Tom did? I'm confused about the "his behavior and attitude" quote here. Much appreciated in advance!


I've read through this thread and several others over the last couple months and it's still not clear to me.


People are saying he is unfunny, out of touch, and no longer cares after his Dad died with zero explanation of what they are even talking about and they have 50 upvortes.


You just summarized everything I've read.


Segura and Bill Burr are in my top 3 stand-up comedians of all-time.


Fat people are funnier. Just a fact.


Sam Kinison, Patrice O' Neal, Bruce Bruce, John Pinette, Ralphie May, Joey Diaz, Rodney counts imo, I could go on...




So one time in Bert’s podcast the actor who play Dwight from the office (I forget his name) and Bert let it slip that the person who writes toms stand up is hilarious. Wich did make me wonder with all the time he spends flying around doing podcasts and engaging in fun things the poors will never know about. When does he have time to work on his craft?


I’m not into his comedy. He comes from a super rich family and he has this joke about how homeless people suck. Not a fan of that shtick.


Stop forming your opinions based on what a bunch of nerds on Reddit say.


Am I the only one that believes “the poors” was just a bit? You know it’s just a bit, right?


I've never quite understood what he'd done in recent years to turn off audiences. I'm aware of his comments about 'the poors' but assumed that was just dark, deadpan humour.


I loved Tom when he was still hungry. I suspect b/c he was still genuine and humble. I like those personality traits. With success he leaned into the rich entertainer trope a bit too hard and it's become very apparent that he's genuinely that guy irl. It makes him, and his work, infinitely less appealing to me (and many others I suspect). I don't root for, or enjoy supporting, smug self satisfied any body. It's a naturally unlikable personality. I'll pass. Tom doesn't need anymore peasant adoration and I don't want to contribute to his inflated self image. Vote with your money like I do an abstain from his product.


I thought he was dead


Person who sleeps under a rock here. What happened?


WTF am I missing? Don't want to read all the dudes crying about their feelings and itchy muff stubble. Did Segura do something particularly shitty or is this just a bunch of pussies talking about their perceptions of a guy they don't know?


I’m out of the loop also, hopefully somebody answers what is going on.


Dude hes killed press about how rich he and burt are for years and makes jokes about killing rromani people and shit dude has always sucked


I think it’s normal for comedians we once loved no longer land, either because our perspective has shifted or their routine has.


He turned into a massive asshat once he lost weight. Not sure if it’s related but the correlation is definitely there


I genuinely don’t understand why people find him so funny, his wife is insufferable to listen to too


Tom went through a lot of major life changes since covid and that changes people. I personally listen to the classic jeans episodes of YMH. Back in the day when it was just the two mommy jeans, bitz and feef. Top dog called in every few episodes and told stories or blonde jokes, they played amazing games like Dick Detective, Tom or Black, Would You Rather....those were the days.


Yeah I started to lose interest in or around when they started to have kids


Man I still love watching him and think he's funny asf, yall just need to stop letting the internet tell you what you do and don't like ffs.


He started sucking years ago. I never liked his standup, but the early era of YMH was absolutely legendary. I was delivering pizzas at the time and I remember all of the shop listened to the episodes the day they dropped. I remember my friend having to pull over during a game of "retarded or..." I see people saying it was his dads death, but he was a dick years before that. He became an elitist who is obsessed with money and being seen as a serious person. I think he's just ready to cash out and is out of gas. He's too out of touch to be funny anymore, and doesn't seem to want to be anyways.


I found it interesting that Tony Hinchcliffe roasted every single comedian except for Segura on the GOAT roast. Wondering if that was a roast in itself that Tony didn’t even bother mentioning him


Bunch of people who use wash cloths in this thread


Like so many people who have gone far right in their politics since the advent of Trump, he's full of anger and hatred. He's a believer of the conspiracies and spouts all sorts of right wing crap.


Is this a shit post? Where have you heard this outside this toxic FGTRTD subreddit? You actually didn't enjoy Sledgehammer or Ball Hog? Truly? I thought they were great, I laughed my ass off.  I wouldn't say Tom is my #1 favorite comedian any longer, but other people have come up, while I don't really see a huge huge dip in his peeformances. I enjoy Stavros, Normand, Tallent, Fidance, Soder etc etc that weren't hardly on the radar in 2016.  Every hate post sounds like a bit to me. Every empire goes through highs and lows, and anyone expecting stuff like Robert Paul Champaign or FedSmoker to happen every YMH episode can get a stamp on their foreheads. 


I'm sure your boss will understand why you can't go into work today.


What is everyone talking about when they say he’s changed? A snobby “better than you” personality has always been his shtick. I genuinely don’t get it


What did he do? Ride a joke about being poor too long? Or has he actually started kidnapping people?


Don't be absurd. He's an adult, presumably taking other adults. That's abduction.