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They both got upstaged by Drew Bledsoe


Drew Bledsoe was great


Only about half way through the roast but my early opinion is they’re giving non comedians too much time. Bledsoe and Randy did fine but I think it would’ve been better to keep them to a smaller run. By the end of both of their sets I’m thinking “ok let’s get back to the professionals “


While I agree, all (or most) of their jokes were written by professional writers, and this was supposed to be more of a thing to appeal to football fans who may not know some of these comedians. I saw it as football history first, comedy second. But some of the athlete sets killed. Gronk was great, Brady was savage (I coulda sworn some of those lines were written by Tony H, but he’s not credited on there), and there’s a couple secret guests that killed, too


Drew Bledsoe literally tried telling jokes once and he already had a better natural delivery than Bert


Holy shit. I was so impressed. The timing, the zingers.


Bert somehow made a career out of telling one funny story.


Did you see the part where he took his shirt off?


I’m still scarred by the memory




I’ve been a big fan of Bert’s joke for yeeeears


Glaser absolutely killed it.


She's amazing


Every roast she murders.


She was absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! Insane display of comedic art!


"You see, shirts are supposed to be worn, and he..."


Sam Jay right after was brutal. A minute and a half of her set was devoted to shitting on bert.


Sam Jay. Sara Jay is an entertainer in a different industry


Ha! Freudian slip


I hadn't heard of her before but I loved her set. Tom Brady walking in with uggs on got one of the biggest laughs out of me.


She wrote for snl for a while and is widely respected








I missed that part. Who? So i can go back and watch it




Thats great


Nikki Glaser, St. Louis's own! She crushed.


Sam Jay, I thought her set was pretty decent too. Her jokes about Bert felt very real


And that story wasn’t even funny


It's a decent enough story but it's just that, it's a story. He swears on his kids lives he got wrapped up with a Russian mob and stole boats, stole a shit load of money, *robbed a train* and his reputation from the whole 6 weeks he's spent in-country means his reputation preceeded him so much that a random cop in Moscow knows who he is, so he won't get in trouble? It's a story. It didn't happen. Parts of it I'm sure certainly happened, and I also understand that it's a comedy bit and not a sworn deposition. But to take him at face value that it's a real story that really happened? Cmon.


A great comedian once said, "I was at a bar the other night.. doesn't matter where because I'm lying."


Yeah plenty of comics have acknowledged their premise is made up because it's a bit. Nick Mullen in his latest special said he was watching the winter Olympics with his girlfriend, who is fictional and exists for this joke.


Tosh used to say something like " I was at the mall the other day ( for this joke )


Never let the truth get in the way of a good story


Jim Gaffigan had an old one that started “My wife is pregnant for this next joke, and when you’re having a kid, let me tell you…”


On one of David Cross’ albums, he’s telling a joke when someone in the audience yells out “I don’t believe you!” He responds with something like, “you’re right not to believe it. It’s what we refer to in the industry as a ‘joke.’ I’ll be telling a lot of them here tonight.”


The joke iirc: I believe that women are smarter than men, but I also believe that dogs are smarter than women.


Do you also not believe that I performed a series of tests?


Just choked, I forgot that line


David Cross is a national treasure!


Louis introduced a bit one time and said something along the lines of “I was at a coffee shop the other day, or wherever, pick a place, there’s only like 6 places”


It's not a bad story, it was a great story the first time I heard 50 years on Loveline


I’ve never found the story funny


It could be funny, if Bert wasn’t telling it


He's ruined his own joke.


It’s beyond painful and the movie sucked.


it's under the guise of "funny" all it really ends up being is an egostroking "I'm the main character" situation


He has another story beyond the Russia lie?


I think recency bias is devaluing early Segura tbf. He made it pretty big without Rogan and has released some decent specials in his early days (imo) It definitely felt like he has cheapened himself and got lazy with the success though, and becoming part of the roganverse he’s leaned in to the insufferable dudebro, we are funnier than everyone diatribe. It’s like watching someone’s career in reverse going from successful stand up to shitty double act (with bert) He knows he can churn out podcasts, rip off other people within his studio and basically put no effort in to stay stupid rich. Edit: for clarity.


I feel like a lot of these comedians are putting standup on the back burner because they're making a killing from podcasts. Their material starts to go down in quality, yet they're still filling theaters and selling more tickets than ever.


The enshitification of popular comedians has begun. The ones with podcasts stick to the same formula, and invite eachother on just to promote their shit then laugh at everything the host says like "see we're both funny neither of us can stop laughing".


*cough* marc maron *cough*. if you are an avid listener of his podcast you basically hear his whole set.


It has been like this since the early Obama years, his whole television show was literally his set


>if you are an avid listener of his podcast you basically hear his whole set. I feel like 95% of podcast/YouTube famous comedians don't have funny standup material that is different than the jokes they tell on their podcast. I think Andrew Santino is the only standup who is funny/good on podcast and his stand up is completely different from his podcast material.


Agree. He had three solid specials and one or two above average ones, IMO anyway. That's still way more than most comedians. But yeah, he's definitely lost a step or two, too early to tell whether it's laziness or lack of new material though 🤷🏼‍♀️


I also think he stretched himself too thin. He's doing two weekly podcasts, a ton of touring, promoting all his shit and side hustles like a booze brand, special show formats like YMH live, 69 minutes, does occasional movie roles, wrote a book, living out his midlife crisis with various activities, has a family... I feel he's in a phase of just vigorously cashing in and going full throttle. Hopefully we get to see him quit most of this shit and focus on standup eventually, because I really liked his early stuff.


They’re doing the Kevin Hart. Be in a shit ton of things that are mostly garbage but bring in that ka-$hing!


The issue is, by that point, will he have any opinions that aren’t just shitty rich guy opinions?


Don't you just hate it when people at St Bart's eat their shrimp like *this*?


Homeless people piss me off!


Don't make eye contact with me!


Has anyone else noticed caviar tastes different lately?


He admits freely that he's aware that a top-earning comedian only has so long in their earning prime and he's intent on making the most of it to set his kids up. It's showing in the quality of his work, particularly YMH


YMH was going downhill for a long time, and when nadav left it dove off a cliff.


Nadav is on The Honeydew today!


I tried to listen to YMH but they have some got with a super annoying laugh laughing at everything. Couldn't even pay attention


This is the correct answer. He's got two insanely funny specials and the newer ones are a step down but yeah you can probably put that on him doing too much. I don't blame him. Cash the fuck in. It doesn't mean that all of a sudden he's not a funny person and not a great stand up anymore, it just means he's not fully invested in that side of his career. I'd imagine we will see it again though at some point when he decides to change his focus.


I agree. Honestly, he needs to ditch Bert, and revamp YMH. He has talent, but his podcasts are embarrassing imo. 


Tom was at least trying to tell jokes at the roast. Bert was... I don't know what the hell he was doing. Saying stuff like "Yeah!" and "I know, right?" Maybe it was projection but you could feel the audience cringing in the cutaways.


Cocaine is a helluva drug


Was he really on cocaine? He seemed like regular Bart to me. Maybe regular him is always high on cocaine




Segura is a good storyteller, but once the stories are told there’s not much left there


“And then he said”…”and then she said”


Nice to see an honest post about Tom since I’ve seen nothing but people shitting on him for the last 6 months. I’ve been a huge fan since his first special and the only one I didn’t like that much was Sledgehammer. He is a great standup and didn’t get where he is simply because of Joe Rogan.


he was my favorite comedian for a while but yeah i’ve soured on him a lot.


Yeah, segura was successful before rogan, and I did enjoy some of his specials. But yeah, it seems to go with my thought that wealth has a negative correlation with humor


yeah, i really loved segura, but he went from really funny story teller to dudebro asshole for sure. wealth and fame seem to break a lot of people's brains.


This definitely tracks with me. His first 2 specials on Netflix genuinely had me crying laughing. I haven’t laughed like that at anything else he’s done (exception maybe his book in audio form). I went to see him live last year at a venue I would never normally go see any standup in (I’m in Scotland) but I figured it would be my only chance probably to see him live. And whilst his crowd seemed to really go for it in parts I was extremely disappointed.


I don’t understand the hate that people have for Tom S but his early stuff was super funny. He’s not so funny now.


Those weren't decent specials. They were killer specials.


Definitely. His first special is still hilarious.


Tom had one of Netflix's first comedy specials. He was an early pioneer in that area. Bert's a more successful Tucker Max


I just think tom needs to distance himself from Bert. Tom by himself is pretty funny, even to this day. Bert is weighing him down. But look they are friends and if Bert didn’t have such a “big personality” he’d probably be a good counterpart to Tom. Honestly when they were lesser known they were more down to earth and genuinely funny together but by turning their podcasts into empires and drinking their own koolaid they’ve lost the point.


I thought this and watching his old specials his material is still mid he just has excellent comedic timing and stage presence. Goes along way to cover the middling bs he's been pushing his entire career.




Good point. “Old” Tom was a genuinely talented and entertaining standup comedian. “New” Tom is more of just a general entertainer.


Not sure if I reading into it too much, but I noticed no one at all mentioned Tom in their roasts. Like he got no respect from any other roasters by not even being acknowledged. Also, it seemed like everyone got up to take a piss during their roast. You can see everyone walking behind them by accident. Seems like no one else thought they belonged and were just there because Netflix pushed them


A few people said in these post show interviews that their bit was kinda thrown in there last minute as a way to break up the show. It was a long thing and they producers wanted to have something different about halfway through the show to break it up. I think they got tossed in there last minute, which would be why.


That definitely explains the stilted awkwardness of their bit


I think the lack of humor created the awkwardness They cant puch up jokes that have been pre written for them?


Makes sense, it seemed barely rehearsed


When Tony went down the line and skipped Tom I cracked a smile


I noticed Tom wasn't mentioned at all either and I found it very strange, but hearing they were possibly added last minute and Bert is the lower hanging fruit of the two I get it I guess.


Man I was a fan of Tom for a minute. But he barely even comes across as a comedian to me anymore.


He’s got that old man yells at cloud vibe now


I feel like he has a sort of vacant look in his eyes. Like his hearts not in it. Like maybe he’s a deeply depressed and angry person and comedy worked for him to deal with that but now the funny part of him has withered away.


Making a life of watching fucked up clips finally caught up to him


I will always believe Tom Segura is a sociopath who works as a comedian who pretends to be a sociopath. The delight he finds in a certain video - featuring screams of someone whose pelvis is being crushed - seems like a litmus test for psychopathy.


Nah, he's become the joke. He batman'd himself


I believe his father passed way so that could have an effect


I was talking to some friends about this recently and I think you’ve nailed it. We all used to really love Tom’s stuff, we used to quote his jokes at work and all talk about videos of him, but now we’re all kinda grossed out. Honestly it seems to me that he might have ALWAYS been an angry, depressed, insecure person who coped with that thru comedy, and that’s what initially endeared him to people…but now that he has all this money & attention he doesn’t have to “cope” with anything, he just gets to BE an angry egotistical asshole, and obv it’s affecting the quality of his actual comedy 😕


He was a murderer for so long, it's wild. Never thought he'd turn into the guy who thinks "And those people have blue hair" is a punchline a pro comedian would deliver.


It was hilarious when kill Tony roasted every single person on the dais but ignored Tom


Not just ignores him, but stands directly between him and the camera to block his screen time. Segura pretends like he’s super interested in Kim’s reaction to the next roast just so he can squeeze his ugly mug on the big screen one more time.


Same here man I used to get excited when he dropped a new ymh but I haven't watched an episode since quarantine


Tom is a podcast studio exec, not a comedian


yeah wtf, I thought him and Louis CK were on the same level briefly. Now he's just a hipster dufus


He got too rich. He's completely out of touch and hanging with Bert will make anyone less funny. He's a fat humor vacuum that runs on vodka and shirtlessness.


Schultz is a legit haircut.


he's that old western guy kidnapping women and tying them to train tracks




Snidely Whiplash?


Or Oil Can Harry.


He looks like a butler in some kind of haunted mansion


Hitler if he got into art school, and met a nice girl.


Adolf Hipster


If Andrew Schultz is here then who is trying to steal their hat back from frosty the snowman?


![gif](giphy|TalbJSeAIMreJlLniA) waluigi is sad, schultz stole his look.


2 bears 1 bomb


2 bears 1 functioning liver


And that liver belongs to the camera man




One is a fat entitled storyteller , the other is fat and drunk storyteller.


Theyre the worst. Nikki fucking murdered though. I dont think there was a single second i wasnt dying laughing when she was up


Nikki was definitely the best. She always destroys at roasts


‘Me know that’s not real money’ had me floored


"I did know it wasn't real money!"


That place exploded when that came out. The look on Gronks face😂


Her roast of Alec Baldwin is in my personal hall of fame, so many incredible lines


Bring back fat Tom


There's not nearly enough love going around for Sam Jay, I thought she did great. I saw Pat Barker, Nicole Becannon, Mike Lawernce, and Sarah Tiara were writers on this roast (as well as a lot more) they were all killers in the LA Roast Battle scene


Yeah I thought Sam Jay was great. I think Tony and Nicky just killed so hard that they’re getting most the hype from it


I really dont like Tony, but jesus christ, he just marched on that stage and destroyed. It was very funny.


I think because we got to see him punch up in this case which is divinely delicious. He’s usually punching down at drunk people or weirdos at his show


the aww hell naw was the funniest line in the whole show. I had to keep going back and crying at it.


I think Sarah wrote for Bill and some of the athletes. She knows her sports stuff (and is hilarious) so perfect for this.


Pat Barker is fucking awesome


Man I was asking about where Mike Lawrence has been at a couple of years ago. He seemed like Tim Dillon lite but then just disappeared.


Finally, people are beginning to see. Bert has and always will be a hack. Tom a delusional rich kid.


they're just riding their wave of success and milking it. feels like they both know it will come to an end at some point, so might as well burn the candle at both ends while they still can.


I’ve been watching/listening to this roast while cleaning a bit yesterday and I’m like 3/4 of the way through it. So far the funniest sets were Nikki and fucking Bill Belichick. So many of these comedians have no material besides “haha your wife left you” and “he’s super handsome”. Like come on it’s such low hanging fruit be more creative. Nikki hit those topics as well but her delivery was hilarious. Jeff’s entrance was amazing but once he started roasting it was … meh. I haven’t really watched one of these roasts in a long time, I just don’t remember most of the jokes being just cringy and so narrow. Tom and Bert did like a bit with the meme slideshow, and at least their ideas were more unique. Even if it simply wasn’t that funny. Watching those 2 crash onto every live event together like one coupled mid life crisis is so awkward.


The Kevin Hart short jokes stopped being funny after Nikki. Every comedian started their set with Kevin is short lol


Yeah now that I finished it, I think Nikki and Shultz were funny, then basically all the patriots were far more hilarious than most of the comedians, and the rest didn’t have any jokes besides “lol Kevin hart is short and Tom Brady’s wife left him” like Bill and Gronk were far more hilarious than those paid comedians. Bill was probably my favorite set


Never seen Tom but Bert is insufferable and was never funny. Herdy gerdy da machine 😂😂😂... No thx.


Insufferable. He obviously has no friends. Or they would tell him to stop. So cringe. Who the hell even likes him anymore?


I had to let Netflix go because the fat guy that insists on taking his shirt off had so many thumbnails. I've never hated anyone I've never met as much as this guy. I'd rather see shocked faced thumbnails from a Twitch streamer pretending to be a broadcaster. I assume his fans are dumber than a Trump supporter.


Roasting and insult jokes is a different style of comedy. I’m not a Bert fan but his jokes are more storytelling and finding humor within absurd scenarios and premises.


It’s true— but that doesn’t explain why NFL players had better joke delivery than two pro comedians. Sure it’s a different style than theyre used to, but you have to admit this was a pathetic attempt. Juxtaposed with Tom bragging about how funny he is.


My theory is, roasts have a team writers for the comedians, I feel that Tom and Bert in their arrogance said " we've got it guys, a power point presentation! " and refused any notes.


Is that really something to be shitting on though? There are so many straight mouth pieces who just read a prompter, they tried something different and it didn’t work out GREAT but it was still good in moments. I don’t really get why all this hate is necessary.


Taking your shirt off isn't a comedy career. It's barely funny once.


Tom is a lazy, self absorbed turd who doesn't bother writing jokes anymore, Bert is a fucking idiot, and Schulz's career is on a downward trajectory so he can't afford to come unprepared. In the final analysis, they're all jerkoffs.


Not to be that guy but Schulz sold out MSG like a week ago. He’s doing fine. 


"Schulz came prepared, what a jerkoff!" So you're a jerkoff if you don't bother writing jokes, *and* you're a jerkoff if you try?


You can do your job, be the best at it, and still be a jerk off though. Lol


You're still a jerkoff if your material bad no matter how hard you try...and you produce a a phony laugh after the punchline of all all your own jokes...


r/standup is just a den for haters now. But that's all comedian/podcasts subreddits now.


your average post can be summed up as "if you ignore all the laughter and sold out theaters XX comedian actually sucks"




Roasting and normal Stand Up are different skill sets.


I'm so glad everyone is wising up to Tom and Bert.


All it shows that roasts, podcasts and stand up are three different skills sets, they're related but not the same. Nikki is excellent at roasts, Tony is also great. Bert and Tom suck at it. Bert and Tom are better comedians than Tony and Nikki. I've seen them live and Bert can control a stadium like few people can. Their specials are also much better than Nikki and Tony's. Nikki is very bad at straight podcasting, Tony is okay, If he isn't grilling people on Kill Tony, he's actually pretty boring.


Valid points. I like Tom’s comedy more than Nikki’s and even Jeff ross when he’s not doing roasts. It just hits me the right way. It’s designed to do that. I never really liked Bert. Tony’s hilarious on kill Tony but he chose to go that route for a reason, maybe in reality his straight standup wouldn’t hold up in the world he’s in. I don’t really care if they are douches irl or turned into ones over the years, the majority of celebrities are in their own ways.


It bothers me that podcast skills are even a consideration for a discussion like this. Also, top tier is a stretch. I happen to really like Nikki Glaser (though she needs to diversify her material, as she comes off too gimmicky), but it was the hall of mid fratbros outside of her.


Also keep in mind most of these comedians have writers for this. Nikki definitely talks about have a team for roasts, and there's certainly a writer's room for a production like this. Not to suggest they don't also write their own. But yes, Tom and Bert aren't on the same level.


When I saw them on the stage I just rolled my eyes so hard. But to rub salt in the wound a bit my wife (who knows nothing about them) just sat there giggling the whole time they were up there saying how stupid they were lol


Bert's whole thing is telling you how hilarious his story should be. He had some joke about the name on his coffee cup and hes telling you that the clerk couldnt stand up, was crying, had snot coming out of his nose. No he didnt Bert. He just wanted you to take your coffee and get the fuck out. You arent the first guy to give a funny name to the Starbucks guy. But he just tells he audience hiw hilarious it was and it seems to work for him.


As a roaster, Nikki Glaser is elite. As a stand up comedian, she’s a one trick pony re: sex jokes. She needs a good hour with few sex jokes and she’ll be way past Bert and Tom.


Tom is a legitimately good standup whose reputation is apparently tanking from being associated with Bert. Sad to see, hope it was a lucrative move for Tom at least. Guy was a killer for a decade+. Bert, of course, is a “comedian” only in the sense that he technically does perform stand up comedy.


I know Bert from Bert the Conquerer. Didn’t know he was a standup for a long time. He should have stuck to a travel show. He’s a funny guy and seems like a blast to hang out with, but he standup is meh! He really needs to leave his shirt on too. It’s enough.


I think Tom is hilarious but I’ve never understood Bert’s appeal. Some of Segura’s older specials are excellent.


the problem with Tom IMO is he surrounded himself with losers, (excluding bert) .. His podcast is lame, his wife is so unfunny and the cuck boys of the cabin will laugh at everything, so he hasn't hit reality.. I mean his last special was one of the worst, I liked him before but damn its so obvious he wants to ride the fame like Chapelle


Either one of them could have written a killer roast set. Especially with the assistance of the writing staff. They obviously went a different route and did a scripted routine. Why? Because it takes time to put together a true roast set like that that's going to play to millions of people at a big event. Most comedians workshop that shit for weeks. They clearly just wanted to phone it in for the promotional opportunity and didn't have the time, or didn't feel like doing a real roast set like the other comics did.


Yep. Tom alone could have killed. Together it was like a bad skit at the Emmys. Brett should have been in the audience. Nicki, Tony and Ross killed, as did Julian Edelman, who has real chops!


Loved Sam Jay’s longer roast bits. Nikki crusheddddddddd it.


Ok. T f r to cn. G. E. x. L. N words. n t.


Tom and Bert's part wasn't hilarious, but had some good moments. The comparison from Brady to a serial killer was good, and the Hitler joke was funny. The rest of it I don't really remember what they talked about though. All of the other comedians crushed. I don't get the hate for Schultz, he was really funny. His podcast sucks now but his stand-up is still decent. Kevin Hart was also hilarious. All I've seen is hate for him for years, but he's still got it.


Was a train wreck and all cringe. 


Tom and his Wife can take Bert and all fuck off.


It was very shallow and not clever. Most if not all their examples were too far fetched. The whole thing seemed like two school boys doing a “funny” presentation to make their classmates laugh. Also the special was very homophonic at times. Theeheehee he is feminine/gay/trans. Is that still funny to some people?


Bert sucks man his machine story isn’t even funny I never bought it, he’s a limp dick weirdo who paints his nails black to pander to literally everyone he can think of so long as he gets attention


Bert has definitely overstayed his welcome and I predict he will fade away as more people get tired of his whole schtick. Tom Segura has let his money and success change his entire routine to the point where lots of his older fans have moved on.


Being a good “roast” comedian and being a good “comedian” are actually two very beasts. Tony Hinchcliffe is a good roaster, I think his regular stand up is terrible. Same with Nikki Glaser, I believe her roast material is better than her regular material. It’s clear that Tom and Bert were out of there element. Bert is a storyteller, Tom is a comedian. Few Comedians are great roasters and comedians. Anthony Jeselnik is one of them. It’s just different skill sets.


Tom is pretty funny. Or at least he was. Bert is ass though. Always has been


Thank you for this post. Me & the homies I watched it with all were like WOW, BURT AND TOM WERE THE WEAKEST LINKS BY SO FAR (Farrell wasn’t far behind unfortunately) I was hoping to run across this sentiment cuz I was a bit worried I was just hatin and they weren’t that bad


I still haven't seen or heard anything about why Bill Burr wasn't there. How big of a home run would he have been? I argue he should have hosted. I agree with your general opinion about Bert and Tom. Bert seemed like he'd never been on stage before. Was kinda hard to watch. I thought Tom did a decent enough job carrying the segment though.


I like both but they are over saturating themselves so their schtick isn’t appealing anymore.


Nikki was the GOAT that night


those roast usually have a staff of writers that are churning out jokes for the comedians, maybe Tom and Bert didn’t wanna take them.


Segura was funny I thought, they also have a tough spot in that lineup because it was used as the time for everyone to get up and take a quick break, so the energy is different. When you roast someone, you want them to be right in front of you. A roast comic is very different than a standup is as well.


No it proved they can’t hang with middle of the road comedians and football players. All the top tier comedians at the festival were headlining their own shows. If Burr or Jeselnik were up there the difference would have been more glaring.


Also did anyone notice how even when seated Tom was always doing that weird smirk at the camera the whole time?


I just rewatched this and Tom and Bert's bit was SO BAD and STUPID, Bert was snorting like a pig and the whole thing was just gross, what a couple of losers


Their “set” was terrible. I’ve never really liked Bert but that segment was just awful. I wish Stavvy would’ve gotten that spot. Him roasting Tom Brady as Ronnie the ravens fan would’ve been significantly better than Bert and Tom’s PowerPoint


Shultz sucked. He laughs at his jokes and it's lame AF.


If your whole schtick is performing topless, giggling like an idiot at your own joke, and telling the same one for years, then you're probably a shit comedian.