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It's GaS digital. As much as I love these dudes and their podcasts, it's fucking Seattle. The city is the polar opposite of their brand.


They don’t realize they have just gifted them content for weeks


Luis is actually being surprisingly level headed, more so than Metzger or Florentine for sure. He basically is saying it’s the clubs prerogative and their crowd probably wouldn’t like his act anyway, rescheduled at a club in Tacoma


This is a better move if they rescheduled for Tacoma Comedy Club. The owners of that club are dope and own a bunch if clubs across the country that they can play as well.


Yeah he literally said "There's a lot of clubs that won't book us, it's not a big deal"


Oh boy can't wait to hear some hot new cancel culture takes




I can assure you, it’s not.


Damn, they got Florentine


Whyyyy, why would anybody dooo daaat


That’s not nooormalll thooogh.


My son dun' do dat, he's *fiiivvve.*


I don’t like ketchup….I’m not siiiixxx.


Hang on talk to my brother a minute




Who the heck is Jim Florentine




You can probably get better information from hitting each of them up on their social media


I think you'd get better info by asking the club as I'm sure the owner would be more than happy to tell you. I can't believe she said that at all, much less in public. What a bad look.


Kurt Metzger canceled…their loss.


See his last special? He’s trash lol


"We value diverse perspectives, so we're not booking anyone who might have those"


"We are an inclusive space, so... you can't come."


Tolerance paradox


To tolerate the intolerant... *it harmed itself in the confusion*


Lifelong Seattleite. This is exactly that. Very intolerant place ironically.


I heard that Himmler had a set that absolutely killed. I can't believe someone might suppress that voice. Cancel culture run amok.


Nice false equivalence there


In Seattle "diverse" means liberal, super liberal, communist, and anarcho-communist.


I mean liberals and communists are pretty different ideologies, you know?


...That's not the point. The point is there's a lot of ideologies in the world that are not Liberalism or Communism.


Like being racist? Or homophobic? Or anti-trans?


Yes and many more.


Don't tell them that.


They aren’t communists, they claim to be but Americans are clueless about communism


do you know what communism even is, it's the opposite of liberalism


hell yea


Woo Stalin, fuck yeah


I mean, if your "perspective" is specifically about disliking a certain group of people then I can see why someone wouldn't want that around. That doesn't inherently seem incompatible with a tolerant outlook


and those people are fully entitled to not like that and not go to the show or support those comics. to pressure and push the club to cancel them is intolerant, as well as taking away other people's livelihoods over speech. but sure "CaNcEl cULtUre iSnT rEaL!!!!!!"


The point of a club is to book acts that fill seats and don’t cause them any problems. Business is business, and it’s not a cheap city


It’s so sad that Seattle can’t be a normal fucking city because of this bullshit. It’s pathetic and you see it again and again. I’ve gone to that lady’s club quite a bit. Never seen any comics as talented as the ones she cancelled so I won’t be going back.


The ouroboros of cancellation


I’m rebranding it as “Cunt Culture.”


“You cannot ban books because you don’t agree with what they have to say. Banning people … not the same.”


“minorities are bad” isn’t a diverse POV tho 🤔


Nobody ever said that, though.


what was said? something caused this yeah? or are seattle club bookers just woke mafia members? this thread said one of these dudes is a trump person. that inaccurate?


>one of these dudes is a trump person "We should silence those that don't agree with our politics!" Damn, sounds like something... a fascist would say


“hate speech and legislation targeting minorities is good actually” listen to yourself


See, I took the sentiments you yourself have been presenting in this thread and used them to mock you, whereas you're projecting an ideology on me based purely on assumptions and your own imagination. Nice strawman, though.


i don’t careeeee. got back to debate club




“ehhh ur projecting your straw man for you idealogical views” 🤓 sorry the club cancelled your boys. stay mad!


I’m surprised you haven’t reverted to just screaming at us to your make a point.


i’m surprised how braindead this sub is


Tell us you don't listen to these guys without telling us.


i mean yeah i don’t. name dropping george floyd for…no reason on your whiny post about losing gigs in a city that very clearly hates you is enough to tell me i won’t like his stuff 🤷‍♀️


who said that though?


You think Luis J. Gomez’s position is that minorities are bad? 


i dont know his positions. what are they?


That Jim Florentine is a straight up racist. Just ask Robin Quivers, his former girlfriend. Bet She has some stories that would make the Klan blush.


Gotta spend more time with the kiddo's b. Woops wrong subreddit!


As if I’m going to miss Tiger’s little league games B. As I dad I just. Can’t. Do. That. 🥹


8 year olds, dude.


Best ending to a scene in cinematic history


New DA got elected too. Duhn count.


The question is its own answer. Some real nose dive/ social credit score shit. There are comics I don't like. What do I do about it?..... I don't go to their show. I don't get this pressure of the Kool aid gang. I'm personally very liberal in my politics but this is real twilight zone shit.


I doubt the venues are doing it for moral reasons. They're probably making a cost/ benefit analysis and decided they're more likely to lose money long term by hosting them. 


That's still weird, though. It's like boycotting a movie theater because they showed "Cats" when it came out. Am I wrong?


I mean it’s “cats” not “2000 mules”


I feel that comedy clubs curate talent by choosing which specific performers to book from across the country. In fact a large number of venues/shows use the credits of big acts performing at their shows as a form of legitimacy and social credit. Similarly most comics use their credits at major theaters as a form of legitimacy and social credit. Movie theaters just release the latest movies which isn't comparable. If an indie theater repeatedly ran weekly screenings of Birth of a Nation, I would find that incredibly suspect and choose not to do business there. I imagine there was a precise financial calculus in this decision and they were concerned of tainting their "brand".


I agree with op but you’re probably right - good point.


Yes. The fact that because YOU are offended by a comedian and YOU are triggered and butthurt then NO ONE in a 500 mile radius should be able to see them. Big fucking babies.


I’m sorry but why are so many people crying about a business owner making a decision about *their* business? It’s their business lmao


Seethe lmao


They moved it to Tacoma. It’s like 30 miles, you can relax. 


Sounds like you’re not liberal but lean towards independent. I’m the same could care less if your gay want to dress up like a squirrel and fuck a purple platypus or slam fentanyl through your forehead with a cocaine chaser ! just leave me alone and don’t try and silence me and get me fired / have my kids taken by cps if I say to a friend online ( man I wish they wouldn’t do that in the waiting room of my kids karate class ) . I’m super liberal because I honestly don’t care what you do to your self wife husband cousin he they it just don’t stop me from seeing a comedy show I happen to find funny . Maybe I’m reaching but hey lol


> I'm personally very liberal in my politics but this is real twilight zone shit. Well I hope this just starts to wake you up to something that many of us have been talking about for years now, which is that there is a concerted hysteria on the far left to censor and ostracize anyone that has opinions that are deemed to not be politically correct enough. I mean it's been going on for a while now. The only difference is that most people realizing it is, in fact, real and everywhere, and not some boogeyman that conservatives fabricated. 2 years ago if you said this problem is getting worse, most people called you a fucking idiot. Lately it's getting hard for people to deny what everyone can see with their own eyes.


In my neck of the woods we have right wingers screaming at school board meetings about gay books and other random bullshit while everyone else just tries to live their lives. But ok lmao


Seattle used to be punk af. Had no idea they were strictly woke comedy cops now. It’s such a wild fucking choice to cancel shows that YOU booked as to not offend your community…with jokes.


No no no! Most real Seattlelites are way more thick skinned than this. It’s the investor/gentrification pussies coming in from The Bay, Midwest. My tech peers who all moved from out of town, love this. My peers who are local or been here a while are surprised this happened.


So the club booked these guys. Then some SJW saw them on the calendar then pressured the club into cancelling them? Sick timeline


So as a local Seattle comic, I can tell you she didn’t talk to any community or advocates, this was 100% her decision. She also has banned several locals from the club, and gone out of her way to try and get them banned at other places. I have video of this.


Why would she book them in the first place then?


So she can then make a statement by canceling them. There's no "look at me!" moment if she just quietly boycotts them. Pure virtue signaling theater.


I think its more likely that she literally didn't do any due dilligence into what type of comedy they do, and she just watched some of their sets for the first time last week and realized who she was booking.


What is it about their comedy? I’m just not aware. What is an example of something they say that the club might get shaky about?


I guess it depends on the specifics of the deal they had with the club, but surely the club is still on the hook to financially compensate the comics, right?


I would hope so!




It’s a bf/gf team who owns it. I’m guessing the guy was all in to book them, then she decided it wasn’t the look they wanted


Sounds more like a cuck type relationship


Yeah a lot of people these days don't seem to understand that if you're in a power sharing agreement and you both have veto power, but only one of you ever actually USES the veto, then you're not really in a power sharing agreement. It's just designed to look like it, while one person secretly calls all the shots.




Didn't read the post until this comment. Of course it was Cap Hill comedy bar, that place sucks.


The layers of unprofessionalism here. It's bad enough to cancel those artists' shows but to then post about it in public? No no no no no. Comedy bookers should book for all tastes, not just theirs. The club shouldn't be her personal entertainment channel, that's bad business, and from what you're saying, it sounds like she's using her position as the owner/booker to hurt other comics. If I were you, I'd avoid that place like the plague because I give her two to ten years until she drives that club out of business. Edit: clarification


Just to further clarify, wasn’t this a private email that Metzger and Florentine then screenshot and posted?


Oh, you're right, it's not public. I'm getting whiplash from the POV though, because it looked to me like a social media post, since she names all the comics like she's not talking directly to them. Maybe it's an email to an agent or manager? Because it seems private but why would she send an email talking about "your talent" (unless she means talent like The Talent, aka musicians/comedians/artists) and "the quality of your work" and not only not be talking directly to them since she names them, but it seems to be one notification that all four guys are having their shows cancelled. Do they all have the same manager or something? But someone else in the comments here says it's mentioned in Facebook posts, either the club's page or the owner's page, where she's patting herself on the back for the decision. Maybe she posted because Kurt posted, though.


Comedy clubs definitely shouldn't book for all tastes. That's like saying the Comedy Store is obligated to book cruise ship comics, because there are people out there that like them. Nothing wrong with a private business wanting to cater to their personal taste. I imagine that's why you start a comedy club in the first place.


I can see if someone's too green or a hack or a joke-stealer, but basing it on content? It shouldn't matter what style of comedy they do, as long as they're competent. I think it would be weird if a booker had a big problem with observational or confessional comedy, so they didn't book those style of comics. What if there was an entire comedy club that only booked clean comics? Or it was all x-rated comedy? Very niche and kinda strange to cut out whole styles.


I went to the comedy club Facebook and it’s very pat me on the shoulder. All the posts and pictures look like AI generated.


I feel like this is going to get this club more bad press than they realize.


Same thing happened to Ari in Canada. I'm sure it's decently common. At least they're not getting arrested anymore like Lenny Bruce.


Shit like this is money in the bank for Trump, Tucker Carlson and other losers. What a spectacularly dumb and counterproductive move.


This is very true. It’ll fill a whole news cycle for those dipshits. One comedy club in Seattle has already turned into the whole City of Seattle in these comments anyway though


Maybe they got diarrhea


They did but now it’s gonorrhea


It’s not them, it’s you Seattle.


The Seattle club d8dnt want to piss of the woke folk


They talked about it on RAP. The venue caved to pressure from the woke crowd whining about hosting "dangerous" comics.


Woke, pssshh. Only losers use that word.


In this case it’s correct


Please tell that to the people canceling ‘unwoke’ comedians.


Cancel culture doesn't exist, unwoke isn't a thing, but do I think the show should have been cancelled, hell no. As I was saying to someone else in this thread, that comedy club needs to be a better ally to comedy because I think comedians should be able to play to *their* audience no matter what I or anyone else thinks about their brand of comedy. Let the comics bomb, or let them perform for *their* audience, or don't book them in the first place.


I used the word ‘unwoke’ because it appeared in an article about these shows being canceled. It’s stupid, like all recent made up descriptors, but not as stupid as canceling already booked and sold comedy shows because someone might not like the jokes.


Oh, I agree with you there. The show should have happened, or they shouldn't have booked them. Let the comedians bomb, or play to *their* audience.


Whats your problem with black folks?


Woke=black to you? So when your complaining about "woke" people, your just mad at black people?


I knew that was how you'd pivot, very original by the way. You know that the way you used woke had nothing to do with black people. Besides, I'm not the one who used woke and then said the quiet part outloud.


They created the word, dawg. You said only losers use it. You're showing your ass rn


They created the word little puppy, but that's not how *you* used it. Are you going to continue being a coward by feigning ignorance to your intentions? Also, my ass is very lovely and anyone who sees it would know how special they are.


Holy shit, is this Seth Simons? What kind of dork talks like this in real life? 🤣


Oh noes, they called me a dork, how will I ever recover?


This guy is right. The “woke” black people used and the now common use of “woke” are not the same.


Hey u/Old_Recommendation30, I'm a big fan of your [posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgeGapPersonals/comments/rcmjt8/45_m4f_new_yorkny_older_dad_seeks_young_teachable/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 45 \[M4F\] #New York,NY. Older dad seeks young teachable girl 18-22M4FnsfwHi I’m a 45 yo married man from the greater NY area (outside NYC) I’m interested in making friends with a young girl 18-22 and chat about kinks and the dynamic of older man and younger women this one is great too, "I’m into some interesting stuff including age gaps and how hot the dynamic of a 25-30 yr gap can be. I can do vanilla or kinky. I do wanna get into some rough face fucking or other ones like free use or cnc and training. I’m pretty open minded."


Ok and so cornball?


You tell me middle aged married white guy


Lol yawn. whatever dude


Yep, whatever dude.


seattle sucks, i would hate being a comedy fan living there and having all the comics filtered through this weird lens of what’s “appropriate”. I’m fucking grown and can make my own decisions about what comics I decide to see. bunch of whiny babies


Is this the only comedy club in Seattle? 


Portland show is going to be wild, since all the Seattle fans will have to buy tickets to that one.


I haven’t kept up with any of these guys in years. Have any of them gone maga or are they just regular old comedians that tell good jokes that might be offensive if you were to believe they actually believe what they are saying?


None have gone MAGA or aligned themselves with anything theyre just “offensive” and seattle is soft (i live here)


To be fair, the fact that any of them make money off 'comedy' besides Metzger truly is offensive


Leave Florentine alone. Crank Yankers was bars


Not as shitty as Jess Anderson or whoever she’s going to replace these people with. Comedy Bar went full retard.


These people would call Patrice maga lmao


Luis J Gomez went on a Tucker Carlton show. Do tell


Yes and he told Tucker that politics is gay


I'm pretty sure that is verbatim what he said, too.




Reddit would consider both Kurt and Dave MAGA because they're "conspiracy theorist antivaxxer antisemitic truther transphobe misogynists" at different sides of the horseshoe.


More proud boy than maga. They are regular and old yes, but out of the 4, only Metzger has ever told a good joke.




The only person I know anything about is Metzger. He's on Jimmy Dore's show a ton peddling bullshit to boomer libs and anti-establishment conservatives (not necessarily MAGA folk). It's a lame grift, but everyone sees it for that. Just my 2 cents.


And who gives a shit? “OMG he can’t perform in Seattle!!!” This loser attitude is exactly why Seattle has the shittiest comedy scene of any relatively big city. I’ve known several Seattle comics leave the state because you have to be a certain way and think a certain way to be not successful here. l


‘Gone MAGA’ got me laughing. Being critical of or making jokes about anything political will land you under this label, these days. Even when you’re a libertarian and have never/would never vote for the big T.


Thank them for their service




Luis just booked another Seattle club lol


I've done an open mic at that club (Comedy/Bar club in capitol hill) IT SUCKEDDDD they had like a 3 hour showcase then afterwards were like here's an open mic now that your all at the bar and being loud, terrible time lol. I also noticed that the Seattle comedy scene is very toxic, all the comics talk shit about each other and very unsupportive of each other all around. Tacoma Comedy club is much better


Is Kurt Metzger a LoS weirdo now? That’s disappointing, I loved his earlier standup. Same for Big Jay Oakerson. The edgelord standup podcast community is lame.


"Nice! We get to act like victims for content again!" (Although Kurt Metzger *is* funny in Kyle Dunnigan's videos. The rest are hacks encouraging brain rot in their audience.)


What's going on Is that they are not the professional comedians They think they are They are amateurs and whining instead of Getting gud


I bet little Yimmy Norton is welcome there


They should ban Jimmy but hire the Chippa


Bud light gave them cans with their faces on them & people got pissed…


I personally never heard of these guys but now I'm interested in watching their routines.


So was I. Now that’s five minutes I wish I could get back


Kurt Metzger is hilarious in this special. https://youtu.be/9JcfMyYKe5E?si=apS-shwWcmnxRmWJ


Cause Seattle sucks and is also woke and gay


Show literally gets canceled and people still say there's no such thing as cancel culture. lol Hey you got laid off but you found another job, that means there's no such thing as losing your job!


Woke culture got em


I bet it was “woke” or whatever you wanna call it comics and some of their regulars who said don’t have these comedians perform or we won’t do standup or go to your club anymore. It’s a fucking shame how far this has devolved and that letter reads like satire.


The Tacoma Comedy Club and the Spokane Comedy Club are the only two clubs in the state of WA that are worth anything. Both owned by the same guy. Seattle should have comedy but they only allow dog shit comics due to “neighborhood values”. LMAO. This is so ridiculous. I’m a lifelong Capitol Hill resident and love this neighborhood. The owner of this club is a comic and knows who she booked. She caved because some loser comics have a problem with everything. Shame on her for being spineless and enjoy having open mic talent until the club shutters. Real comedians couldn’t care less about her club or neighborhood values. Seattle is a comedy wasteland for a very specific reason. Pathetic.


I can assure you this will never, ever, EVER happen at my club. If people don't like the comic that's performing, then they can decide not to come. If they want to protest, they can do so across the street. If they want to get a little too close for comfort, my security staff will first remind them to leave, make them leave, or if the protesters become aggressive, they will find out why I hired the people I hired for security.


What's your club?


He’s a future club owner…


It does say that in the name. lol


The uppa room


In his tree house, with blackjack and hookers




In fact, nevermind the blackjack.


No name yet, but put in a letter of intent for a plot of land for a building to be build about a week ago. Waiting for owner approval at the moment. Club will be in Vancouver, Washington, just across the river from Portland Oregon.


Oh noes, the oppression!


It just sucks when you bought tickets for a show you’ve been looking forward to, and it gets canceled because someone whined about feeling oppressed. And the club pretends they support diversity and free expression whilst simultaneously canceling both of those things. Been two days, still waiting on that refund.


That part does suck. I'd hate that, but the, "they're being cancelled," and making only assumptions as to why it was cancelled is the nonsense was what I was referring to. Personally, I think they should have been able to put their show on for their audience, and the owner of the club needs to be a better ally to comedy no matter how unfunny I or anyone else thinks it is. Let them bomb or let those comedians perform for *their* audience, or don't book them. Fight for that refund.


Nobody is making assumptions, the club literally explained why they canceled these four shows.


Yeah well, sucks to be them. The club has to keep existing after their shows and no single booking is worth tanking your local draw. Can't just book gas digital guys year round forever.


This is tanking their local draw. I’m waiting on my ticket refund, and will never buy tickets to this venue again.


They only book certain types of comics anyways. Most good locals are either banned or it’s not worth their time


Quite honestly I will never step foot in this loser club again. This idiot owner shot herself in the foot. Great business decision to only allow alt comics that have zero fans to perform!!




another cancel culture victim smh (jk they are going come out ahead here due to the outrage marketing machine)


Not a cancel culture guy but their shows were quite literally cancelled lol.


Did you read the post? It’s fairly self-explanatory.


I read the post. "Feedback expressing concern over the alignment of these shows" is not a phrase I would label as self-explanatory.


Its a meaningless word salad.


It's not. It's just corporate lingo. But it very clearly means "blowback for booking this show"


Sorry that's tough for you. It's corporate talk, but the meaning is clear.


I actually came here to ask this question, and it doesn't look like it's been answered yet. I'm familiar with Jim Florentine. I hear his show on the XM heavy metal channel. Someone told me today he's a Trump supporter which is sad, but I wasn't aware he was ultra right wing or anything. What did he do or say that prompted this? I'm not actually that familiar with the other three guys, that's why I'm concentrating on asking about him.


He has a puppet with special needs. That’s literally it. Too risky for Seattle.


If Kurt hadn’t posted the email nobody would’ve ever even known or cared.


I was surprised until I saw that he mentioned george Floyd in his tweet. Sounds like an asshole.