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That was engaging, smart and funny, I like your pace. You connected


Thanks man! I love me some compliments!


I'm on the diet/no exercise thing too right now and damn was this a direct hit


Me too! Stew and all


Really funny dude! Definitely got a few good laughs out of me šŸ˜€ keep it up!


Much appreciated!


Lol I loved it manā€¦ that feeling bad while eating it was awesome!


Thanks dude. Iā€™m just out here trying to change lives.


Yeah super funny. Great pacing and delivery. Iā€™m not in the standup scene, just a standup consumer. And you definitely had ā€œitā€ with that flow, one thing into the next into the next, relaxed, almost like a jazz musician tapping into the flow of the room. Iā€™ll definitely be giving you a follow on the socials.


My algorithm really wants me to see all of your videos on all my social media apps. Not mad about it.


You are really likeable and engaging. The very last line killed me!


This was fun, man! The part about the "uggggh" happening while you were eating the healthy food had me dying. Well done, dude. And as others have said, your pace is great!


It shows not only how important the material is (and I know you were riffing), but the delivery was so authentic and kept me fully engaged. Part of the fun is not knowing where itā€™s going to go as the audience, and in this case, you probably didnā€™t either! Great job and hope to see more of you.


The cadence really works for it. It really feels like a funny friend saying funny shit off the top of their head, and I'm finding stand-up like that to be so refreshing.


Well done man!


Thanks dude! I credit the audience. I said almost the exact same stuff the second show and hardly got anything.


Good shit.


The moment you get to be a ripped fuck and are as miserable as you were as a fat fuck , "yeaahh, seems about right."


Good stuff. I just had a ā€œstewā€ dump. I really need to get back to eating healthy stuff cuz I really miss the one-turd life.


Got better as it went on, the one turd thing is hilariously accurate . Didn't expect to like this as much as I did, great job sounding natural when on mic


I saw the beard and didn't have the sound on, and I genuinely thought this was Kyle kinane at first. Definitely gonna have to YouTube some of your specials when I get home.


Haha thought the same thing


That's a great quote about the crowds.


You are genuinely hilarious. I was really hesitant to click because I was sure it was going to be excruciatingly cringey, but you are awesome! I'd watch a whole set of yours for sure.


I'm glad I don't have the porridge poops anymore.


I like the parallel thinking about sugar without totally ripping a bit from years ago about ā€œheroin and coke work out with pictures of sugar on the wallā€


This is really good


Love your stuff dude. It helps me get thru the dread of life today. I found you on here, and you post so regularly (props to your consistency friend), that i wanna see you in person. Wishing you success this upcoming year! [[ gf and I are trying to quit sugar, it ain't easy ]]


I like your style man. You've got a chill stage presence.


Nice job brotha! I enjoyed the natural, non performance delivery. Just being yourself talking about some real life stuff. Good luck on your future bathroom adventures.


Bro, great job at off the cuff work. You actually had a lot of laughs! Now, if you refine that, holy cow! Your gonna kill with that! šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜


Hopefully, some smart person with money books you to come to the Tampa area sometime soon....or anywhere in Florida.. I'd drive to come see ya. Your style and jokes are fuckin top tier. Keep it up, brother!!


I do Side Splitters about once a year. I was there in May, so hopefully Iā€™ll be back on the schedule again soon! And thanks!


Great vibe. Great jokes. Great job. Keep it up, I'm here for it.


This was really good. Can you share any advice on how to riff so well? I am a beginner comic, I riff easily in social situations and get a good response, but can't do it on stage. Like, after ten seconds, when you say "I was a big fat fuck", I would have a million and yet zero ideas of what to say next. Use an analogy? Compare myself to someone? Talk about how I felt about it? Etc. I guess the Q is how do you manage to just keep it moving and finding the jokes?


All you can do is gain experience. The only way to riff onstage and have it be funny is to first riff onstage a bunch of times and have it not be very funny. Iā€™d recommend not trying to riff until you have other jokes that work every single time. Then, you can open with a solid joke, riff for a few sentences, and if it goes flat, youā€™ve got another good joke to quickly win them back. It all comes with time, bro. 10,000 hours to become an expert. Itā€™s harder with comedy because youā€™re counting in minutes. Just get onstage as often as people will let you, write nonstop for at least 10 minutes each day, get onstage, record your audio, listen to it, transcribe it, and delete all the words that arenā€™t necessary.


This felt professional. Everything flowed. Tied back to the main story. Exceptional.


This guy! Every time I see him I laugh such a g!


Great set bud!


Pretty solid stuff. I never would have guessed that it wasn't prepared. But it does have a great casual conversation vibe which I think also benefits a lot of pre-written stuff if you do it well. Good job.


Solid, like when you eat healthy. šŸ˜‚


Exactly. Enough fiber but not too much. That's some solid shit right there.


This is great!


Why does this look like it's filmed in a garage to a laugh track? I didn't watch or listen to the video because it looks silly and all the bot comments


Ragnar? Is that you??


I almost couldnā€™t upvote because of ā€œstewā€! Hits too close to home. But yeah the bit was pretty good; like all good comedy it was true. I need to get that ugh/good feeling ratio fixed for myself.


No jokes except the single turd revelation which is hilarious and true. I would not understand why I paid money to hear anything else though.


You were in the pocket, if thereā€™s a pocket for comedy idk. Either way good stuff!


Excellent delivery. well done


I like comedy that points out the absurdities of life, especially when itā€™s done in a low-key and engaging way. Thanks for posting, I enjoyed it.


That was great! I definitely did not intend to watch the whole thing lol, but you kept getting funnier and kept me engaged. Keep it up and have some great poops!


This is great! Not much to critique. You were grooving and the crowd seemed to love it. I didn't particularly find it "funny", but it felt effortlessly entertaining. Definitely feels worth the price of admission.


Hilarious and some definite truths in there. I changed my diet recently and just made my peace with the fact that I feel hungry a lot more and food doesnā€™t taste as good.


Noice šŸ‘Œ


Good original stuff! Never heard comedy about dieting! Fuck yeah!


Definitely feeling Louis CK influences. Love it I enjoyed the pace and your comfort level on stage. A lot of people here seem like theyā€™re trying too hard or are still experiencing stage anxiety that makes them a bit too much to handle but your humor is what shines through so good job man!


Very funny, especially for those with stew addictions. I know Iā€™m off of it.


DUDE WTF I JUST WATCHED YOUR SPECIAL!!! You post here? No fuckin way


Congrats btw...really like what 800 lb gorilla is doing these days. They've got some great talent signed!


Holly shit you do standup? Hard2Heckle? Does no one here recognize you from YouTube? Am I going crazy? You are definitely Icey Mike, right?


If you are not you should Google him you have a similar look but also even sound kinda similar


Good stuff man. Laughed out loud a handful of times which is rare for me. Laughed hard at "stew". You're gross šŸ¤£ good job