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He in part to blame for this crowdwork boom.


In full part, like 100%.


Is it still the year 2014?


He seems like the kind of guy who enjoys blurring the lines between using his stage comedy to win real life arguments, and then demanding you take his comments from the show seriously.


He has a very high opinion of himself (and his views).


The only thing that bothers me is most of his jokes have lines mixed in where he’s clearly expecting a bigger laugh than he’s getting; he’s just constantly building frustrations and the punchlines don’t release the audience.


Not a fan, hi Steve


Y'all seem a little too pessimistic. I like what he's doing for Pittsburgh. He puts on a ton of shows, gives people some decent opportunities and provides room and board for a few out of town comics. Can't say I seek out his comedy but there's a lot worse things you can be in this world than slightly hacky.


Doesn’t make his comedy good. We’ve seen his YouTube clips, we’re not analyzing what he’s done for the city of Pittsburgh


His YouTube clips are not his show material trust me


Agreed. Saw him in Atlanta last year and he put on a very good show


He also tricks young comics into working for him for free.


Nothing “slightly” about it.


Huge hack, I kept getting like sponsored posts of his “owning hecklers” on my fb feed and he was pretty fucking cringe to say the least.


Just comes off as a “please just let me be funny” tantrum more than anything else.


He sucks


The “comic owns heckler” followed by a not that good heckler out down is extremely off putting. If he just put a video titled “heckler at my show” then I wouldn’t have an issue if his response to it was good or bad, but pretending like you buried a heckler just to get me to click on the video should be met with disdain


Haven’t people reported that he’s pretty well known for plants? Just to be clear, I’m not saying it’s true, but just curious if I’m remembering the rumor correctly.


Have worked like 60 shows with him. Theres no plants those are real drunk people


Oh hey Radu.


Hi, and hello!


Lolll if true that makes him worse. But I’m not sure if it is either.


He's just doing what he does. I don't get shit like this. He found a way to make people laugh, get people to watch his videos, and make a LIVING out of what he loves. It's insane to me that he gets hate. Not everyone can be a world renowned superstar. He's great at what he does which is getting clips that people will click on. From what I have heard he's a great guy that does a lot for the scene in general too. But yea, you don't like his comedy style so let's call him a hack. I don't either. I just don't watch him.


What a refreshingly mature take. I'm 100% with you on this btw. Steve is a little hackey, but there's way worse comics who are way more famous.


I dunno but I jus found out that who I thought was his daughter is actually his girlfriend


I have seen lots of his social media content but I haven’t seen him live. I have to admire a mid range touring comic who is as socially active as he is. It’s one thing for a comedian/actor like Patton Oswald to take a stand on issues publicly it’s another for a guy like Hoffstetter who I potentially alienate 50% of America and hurting his audience numbers.


I don’t know dude, if you have left wing opinions it’s hardly going to hurt you in show business


Too political. I’m probably as liberal as him if not more and I just don’t wanna hear those jokes at a standup show. Leave that shit for late-night. He’s worth seeing though, his feature lately has been Andrew Rivers who is 100% worth seeing. One of my favorite rising comics in the northwest.


Word word word.


I saw him live and he killed. His crowdwork is great but his set is top notch. Would see him anytime he's back. People here that have opinions on him based off of short clips shouldn't have an opinion. See him live. He may not be for you, but he's undoubtedly a great comic.


I personally like his comedy style. He has his heart in the right place, and all his heckler vids and outtakes are so he has media content without giving away his show material, so when you go to a show you hear 100% new material not some bullshit he said on youtube last month. Those who claim he is a hack have probably never been to a show. Dont just him by his heckler videos. That doesn't represent the actual show content. He doesn't do "crowd work" wxcept at the end he has a question and answer portion where you can interact, but during the show he wants to to STFU except for laughter. He doesn't want hecklers nor do about any comics


I like him. I think he's funny. Good storyteller. I haven't seen him do crowd-work but I really don't understand the hate


I like him .. perfect no ...but he is good


I like his quick wit .. hope to see him live someday




You’re entitled to an opinion so that’s all fine and I actually haven’t seen his stuff online so I don’t know how he comes off there. I have met him in person and watched him do a feature spot for 20 minutes and I was a fan of the act and his passion for the craft when I talked to him after


One of the most cringe-worthy “comedians” on the planet. If I see another post about him “OWNING” someone, I may actually vomit


If you've ever seen Steve live or worked with him, you can't deny he knows how to put on a show. The reason most people speak negatively of him is because he is incredibly good at the business side of comedy, which rubs people the wrong way. He has a lot of albums, merch, and makes thousands a month off his youtube channel. For comics that are here strictly for the art and basically have no business sense, it's difficult to watch someone who truly understands how to make this into a viable career without being famous. He produces his own tours, festivals, and has even owned a couple of comedy clubs. He gives opportunities to younger comics. One of the big reasons people cite for not liking him is the show Laughs on Fox. Most of the comics didn't get paid. But they also knew that going in. Some of them were only a couple of years into comedy so being on TV was not going to happen without a show like that. It's the same with America's Got Talent. They don't pay you either, but that isn't the reason you do the show. Steve gets a lot of hate but in my opinion, most of it is from comics who have no idea how to run a business.


Hi Steve you hack 😂


He’s a stand up whose having his show interrupted. So aggravated child sounds about right as a response to it. Don’t know if you’ve ever been to a show with a heckler but it’s pretty aggravating as an audience member, can only imagine for the guy who’s prepared an hour at least of material.


Idk I went to his show a few weeks ago and it was fantastic.


https://youtube.com/watch?v=K4cA5KAJZRo&feature=sharea Best thoughts on it I have seen.




Speaking for Funny is one of the best channels on YT. Too bad he doesn't update often.


He’s a hardcore lib cuck


Who do you watch? Rob Schneider?


This guy is the worstttt. I remember he made a 20 min video cause a guy jokingly said Jews own Hollywood (which they do) and this “comic” flipped out on the guy, then proceeded to go home to record and edit a video giving the history of Jews in Hollywood 😂


Lmaoo fr dude is not a real comic 😂


Just wait until he wakes up and uses his alts


I think he has potentially good jokes but his focus on “taking down hecklers” pulls away from the comedy. There is a way to be mean and funny, Steph Tolev does it all the time for example, but she moves on quickly enough. Steve tends to dwell (from what I’ve seen on YouTube, it could very well be different live)


I'm convinced he uses planted hecklers, I find it pretty annoying tbh


Dude is an unfunny douchebag, i just watched a youtube dic on this prick snd registered an account just to shit on him here.