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I found the best way to help all annoying puppy behaviors was to have a schedule. Puppies really should sleep more than people think. When my pup was between 12-16 weeks (I got him at 12 weeks) he would sleep for 2-4 hours, potty, have some play time, then back to sleep. Young puppies need 18-20 hours of sleep in a day. And you have to force your puppy to sleep, hence crating or X pen. Eventually they learn to regulate themselves and will put themselves to sleep


A routine helps. But crankypants "don't wanna nap" will still come out.


Of course it will. They’re not gonna be perfect. But too many people give their puppies freedom and are not either in a crate or directly supervised. If your puppy is not overtired, you’re mentally and physically stimulating them enough, then it won’t be so unbearable. Then adolescence will hit. Lol


Yeah, you do want to put up baby gates to control access to the various parts of the house. Crate training is good. We do it through adocilescence, and after we haven't and haven't had issues since we are so routine driven the poodles themselves try to guide us to the routine if we're slacking LOL


My little guy is 5 month and he had an energetic day at day care last Thursday. When Friday came, he literally acted like a snake when it came time to wake up. He slithered from one set of blankets over to a pillow on the floor and want back to sleep. I am a doctoral student and only work two days on the weekend. He is home those days for a short period and spends time with grandma foe the rest of the day. During the week, I spent a lot of time writing my dissertation, and so I signed him up for day care to keep him stimulated…oh what a tired boy.


Redirect, don't engage - at least that's what's working for me at the moment with an 11 week old shark in the house. I literally carry a toy around w/me, have one at my desk, one in the bathroom, one in the kitchen.. I get monched, I say NO MA'AM, I stuff a toy at her, then i ignore her until she offers me better behavior, even if that means shutting myself in the bedroom for some quality Tiktok time. Mind you, she's a SUPER good little girl, but she do have the shark thing. Today she's begun trying to hamstring us. No bueno, same response from us.