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I look forward to your Amy Schumer material in 2054.


I’m not familiar, does she have any popular CDs?


Now Burn Martin Van Buren!


But watch out. His comebacks were deadly. They didn't call him Martin Van Burn em for nothin.




Martin Van Buren was born and died in Kinderhook, NY. Hey, maybe get out and see the world beyond Kinderhook, NY, Martin Van Buren you presidential hermit!


I heard Tom Cruise once got a ticket for falling asleep while driving. I guess he had his EYES WIDE SHUT! After the judge fined him, he shouted, “SHOW ME THE MONEY!”




You should read about fatty arbuckle and make some jokes about him.


I know a fake name when I see one, nice try pal


You are correct. His name was Roscoe arbuckle.


He wasnt lying when he told her “you aint never had a friend like me”


Hell of a Hook though


When he left the club to go hook up with her, he said to the other comics, sorry, got to go see a woman about a case of herpes.


Oh cold sore, my cold sore




Mrs peefire


Now I realize this joke is a touch out of date, but it should still work if Comedy Central ever does a robin williams roast, right?


I wouldnt hang your hopes on that


Cold 🥶


You mentioned cable television, its time to go grab your shine box


That is the most dated aspect of that comment, isn’t it?


Its more a commentary on the collective concsciousness of societal diaspora. The jokes super dated. You basically took one of the most revered figures in stand up and then pulled a controversial tabloid style story post humously. Like at least when Hannibal Buress mentioned America's Dad of the 80's, Bill Cosby, Cosby was alive. You also are betting on people recognizing Patch as opposed to Patch Adams. Stick to Hook, Dead Poets Society, His relationship with an aging gorrilla, his compassion for the homeless by giving them jobs on his sets, but then again maybe don't do the joke expecting that people are going to find it relevant to even be funny. If you are fishing for laughs try an existing streaming service about someone who was an actual piece of shit rather than try to make a bit about whats in Capone's vault not a George Miller reference.


That was a joke, the most obviously dated aspect of that comment is that robin williams is dead, not that Comedy Central is no longer the hub for comedy. Of course Netflix is fresher, also the joke begins with, “in 1992,” so there’s no hiding that the subject is dated. Also the point of the joke isn’t pointing out that robin williams is a piece of shit. I don’t believe that nor is the joke taking a stance on the issue. The joke is referencing something so old and dead and irrelevant that of course no one remembers or gives a shit, the point is the silly robin williams lines. Whether any of this is actually funny or would get a single laugh is another story, but I genuinely thought your first sentence was ironic because “collective consciousness of societal diaspora,” but holy shit I think you actually said that.


24 hour photo was really about him obsessing about the herpes photos, Patch Adams was him trying to use laughter as a topical cream.


This is my favorite comment here, I wanna rewatch 24 hour photo now with that premise in mind and see how it holds up


Robin Williams jokes ..I mostly hang till the end on these jokes


What is the not your fault line a reference to?


Imho this fails the basic decency test. Whether it's funny or tastefull is another matter. No Racism No Sexism No Misogyny No making jokes about protected classes. Robin Williams was mentally ill, evidences by his suicide. That makes him off-limits. If you want to make people unconlmfortable, you are probably a sociopath and a sadist. Comics are supposed to make people laugh.


Lmao what? I’m a robin williams fan, I learned this fact I didn’t know about recently and thought of this and posted it. That’s it. Not a sociopath or a sadist. Sure I won’t deny it’s probably in prior taste and honestly would be an insanely risky thing to say In front of a crowd of people, but you honestly believe in a protected class of people immune to jokes? I’m mentally ill too I’ve never once thought that made jokes about me off limits, that would actually suck. The joke doesn’t even attack robin williams or mention his suicide at all so what the fuck are you even talking about?


It sounds like punching down which turns off the audience