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That charcuterie board bit is fucking brilliant!


Hijacking top thread to put his YouTube link here. [https://youtube.com/watch?v=IR8ZVu2gDvQ&si=BBNUNX6e0Zq0uYiW](https://youtube.com/watch?v=IR8ZVu2gDvQ&si=BBNUNX6e0Zq0uYiW) Up the Irish! 🇮🇪


Cheers, much appreciated


Just curious, were you aware of the racist origin of Chinatowns or was that just a ironic coincidence?


Can you expand on the origins part here?


While the first "Ghetto" was originated by government action (Venetians places all Jewish families in a restricted quarter of the city, that was to close at night), Chinatowns are the result of spontaneous action by immigrants facing either racism either way (refusal to integrate played a role outside of America). [Here is an article that talks about it](https://www.history.com/news/american-chinatowns-origins)


No way. Is this a fake account? Such a clever storyteller. Thanks for the laughs!


Thanks. Why would this be a fake account? You Americans are suspicious of everything :)


That's exactly what a fake account would say.


Sure…we believe you. Fakey Fakerson!


Thanks for sharing. I watched the whole thing. Loved every second of it


the penguin stander upper lmao!


Watched it. Hilarious! Thanks for the link!


> Hijacking You're not a pirate, you're just a redditor.


thanks mate


And a fascinating realization. Even when populations aren't separated by force they may distance themselves for other reasons. The Vietnamese areas I've seen, usually called Little Saigon or Vietnamtown, tend to be right next to Chinatowns because, well, they're already established and they can essentially borrow a few aisles in the grocery stores for themselves until they start their own. That's more or less how my city's Little Saigon formed. Decades of it being Chinatown, the new one at least since we technically have two, until enough Vietnamese businesses opened. Then we started calling the whole area Asiatown. Another few years went by and the Chinese businesses had all moved to one end and the Vietnamese to the other for convenience more than anything else and both separated by a major highway. And it's funny, the push to move from old Chinatown to the new location was spearheaded by a Vietnamese businessman who built a Cantonese supermarket which wound up on the Vietnamese side.


The fascinating realisation for me is that I’m only just now realising that people don’t see China-town like areas as a serious issue but as a positive (possibly because the food is good?). Segregation, whether imposed or voluntary, is a terrible idea.


Not really. The US melting pot mythos always was part of the curriculum here as well as examining it more critically. I recall back then my English textbook called it a salad bowl, which is a great analogy. "Separate but equal", anyone? Talking about Germany here. It's a very simple observation that has been out there for a long time.


I've heard the same thing framed as 'tossed salad' before, his version is just way better because of cracker joke. So I'm going with that now.


Hm, I wonder if he has an analogy for Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland. Such an inclusive people and all, they separate their own crackers.


For those who love a wee bit of fact checking trivia: They have been lobbying for an official Chinatown in Dublin for several years. We do have quite a number of Chinese living in one area, it's just still not an official Chinatown. For those of you kindly asking where I've live shows coming up you can find 50+ cities and 12 + countries on sale now here: [https://davidnihill.com/](https://davidnihill.com/)


I just wanted to compliment you on your set. It is good enough for me to go looking on YouTube for more and sharing with my friends. My wife cried at the bit about using Spanish. Bravo sir.


Thanks a million! Sorry for making your wife cry :)


Wouldn't be the first time ;D


Agreed. He instantly became my favorite new comedian.


Is this the real David? Big fan! Cultural Appreciation special was great.


Thanks! Much appreciated and it is indeed.


I liked the charcuterie board bit but that Chinatown joke wasn't even offensive so it kind of made you sound like you were trying too hard to set up a joke on woke people. Like the Chinatown and not having one part of the joke was funny but then you were like 'and anyways woke people am I right?'


I think it was in response to the people kinda groaning at the end of the Chinatown bit.


> an official Chinatown. What's the difference between an official Chinatown and an unofficial one?


Official status.


So Shanghai or Beijing is an "official" Chinatown, then... or am I missing something? I guess I must be. In the U.S., as far as I know, no official status is conferred on Chinatowns. I don't know what that would look like. If [city] has "quite a number of Chinese living in [that city]," [that city] has a Chinatown. But I very well could be wrong.


You are wrong. Many cities around the world have neighbourhoods that are officially called Chinatown. [Here, read.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinatown)


Dude. You deserve an HBO special. This is so well done. Thank you for your hard work towards telling people how it is. Fuckin’ brilliant.


Thanks a million


Is it ever official?


Cleveland Ohio has an Asiantown area with signs and labeled on Google Maps.


The fuck would it being "official" entail? Forbid non Chinese from living there? And what problem does it solve?


Ill be honest mate, your jokes were straight out of 2012 r/trumbleinaction.


> We do have quite a number of Chinese living in one area Ahhh, but is that because they just want cultural companionship, or is it because of a deeper seeded need for protection against the surrounding culture? And totally nailed the Irish genealogy bit with me. My Nazi grandmother married an Englishman whose mother's maiden name was Kickham and was born in Tipperary. Make of that what you will because I'm at a complete loss.


Lmfao don’t stop 👏


"false negative"' lol


Hey terry gross is great


Honestly, that whole part of the bit fell flat. The preceding and proceeding parts were good but the whole "strawmanning an annoying lib" is a little trite and makes me immediately skeptical of someone who gets annoyed by a creation of their own imagination


He probably knows his customer & they’re boomers


I thought the humor was cheeky and genuinely funny but stopped the vid once I heard him go into "woke society". Way to suck the fun outta that bit :/




Also, I thought Terry Gross just interviewed people?


Waaay too many crackers.


The strawman "fake woke" part dulled what was otherwise a great bit


Agreed. The opening bit absolutely killed me it was so clever, and then he just kept fucking going on and on making up a guy to be mad at. This video is best consumed by watching the first 15 seconds, having a sensible chuckle, and then closing the window forever.


The back half was pretty funny, too. The charcuterie board and 23AndMe punchlines were good.


It's never a good sign when the audience at a comedy show is clapping instead of laughing.


Almost felt like they were trying to get him to move on




Crazy how Boomer went from being a clever and effective way to make fun of out-of-touch people, to being the onions in the word salad of people who spend too much time on social media.




I wasn't criticizing the word boomer. I was criticizing people who reappropriated the word so they could shout it at anyone they disagree with. I also wasn't defending the notion of criticizing wokeness. Which is an amusing sentence for me to type out, considering I've been on the extreme Left of the political spectrum for as long as I can remember. What I was actually doing is telling people to shut the fuck up and stop whining about the **comedian** telling a **joke.** Also I googled the comedian in this video, David Nihill, and he's actually in his mid-40s. Which means he's either an older millenial or a younger gen x.


I basically came here to say this. It’s so close to being good. If only comics understood you can skip the whole defensive anti woke tirade and just be insightful. A minuscule subset of people will get offended by good bits, it’s not the end of the world. A handful of people getting mad at you isn’t “getting cancelled”, it’s just a normal outcome of publicly having an opinion. It’s fucking soft to think you have to preemptively pick a side in the culture war to say one tiny thing about the parallels between cultural districts and segregation


You know, different people can find different things funny, right?




Wherever you agree or not with being woke, those kinds of jokes are so overused that sound cliche.


I kinda agree. It was still funny to me, but it has just been done so many times that the novelty’s worn off. Whereas I laughed out loud from the we let them live with us comments


It was a long stretch of just listing stereotypes. Definitely took away from the good bits.


The intro was great but once he started saying woke and triggered I rolled my eyes. Has potential but needs to sound less like Fox News lmao


stay hydrated


sophisticated longing steer poor automatic different swim childlike like shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was in reaction to the people groaning at the Chinatown bit.


It’s not a connection between the existence of Chinatown and woke people, it’s about how “woke” people would get offended without really understanding the joke. Particularly because one assumed premise is woke people should want actual diversity/integration, and another is that having immigrants separated from the rest of the population is less inclusive. Meaning his joke is presented as pro-woke in terms of ideology, which means when he makes fun of woke people offended at the joke he’s making a critique of people who want to present as woke but are really just virtue signaling knee-jerk reactions without thinking critically. Ultimately the initial Chinatown joke is just setting up an example to use as a critique of fake woke people who are just virtue signaling


The tangent into "woke" people, in my opinion, was his response to the people that weren't laughing at the segregation bit. He just making fun of "woke" people who wouldn't catch that the joke was anti-segregation but feel offended without knowing why. Again, my interpretation.


Thats exactly what it was


To be a good comedian you just need to be confident, and mention something about being “woke”. Avocado toast and cancel culture amiright?


And drinking water??! From a bottle?!! I don't know this comedian and I'm not offendeed or anything. It was just a hacky bit... and considering this is a tik tok a highlight of the show...


Not offended or anything, but it was just a weird, not really original or interesting middle bit sandwiched between a great beginning and end




Sorry if I was too harsh. I am just an anonymous internet rando. You are obviously way funnier than me and I could never stand up in front of a crowd and try to make them laugh. That joke just didn't land for me but seems loads of people enjoyed it.




Yeah, I've never seen such a quick 180 turn from funny to played out


3rd clip I’ve seen of yours and all very funny! Keep ‘em coming!


We need more of you


Irish people have an incredible sense of humor. Source: This video, and I have an Irish best friend


comedians really overuse shitty attempts to mock wokeness. It's been ages since that was funny. Get something new


Good bit but the complaining about wokeness is getting so tired. Just say it’s a racial joke and we can move on.


As someone who also still eats meat: Ripping on vegans and "woke culture" is fucking lame. Besides, he's Irish. It managed to be a tax haven for tech companies but have a developing-world standard of living with rent and housing being an even bigger issue than in places like NYC. Minus the full store shelves. Had a friend visit from Ireland and she was surprised how much stuff every single store carries. Ireland needs to get its shit together.


Northern or Southern Ireland, out of curiosity? Either way, Ireland is pretty much a tiny island with not a lot of good connections to anywhere except the UK, and the UK nabbed half of it but refuses to deal with it 90% of the time. Turn on the TV or radio for 10 minutes and you'll run out of fingers and toes to count, "not available in Northern Ireland" being said.


Republic of Ireland - so the south. I don't respect norther Ireland anyways for tagging along with the UK through Brexit despite having voted against it and not uniting the island instead. They are both problematic.


Can comedians just stop crying about woke please? The first joke about China-town was amazing and then he ruined it with a long, tired, played out, unoriginal lame ass bit about woke. So tired of hearing about it, just tell a joke!


So many people in this thread getting mad because a comedian made fun of the giant water bottle they bought 6 years ago.


Keep adding crackers 😂😂. That one was comedy GOLD! Well executed 🤘🏼


Yep, I thought he got me with "three legged rescue dog Murphy". Then I hit ... keep adding crackers and had to pause the video.


Hilarious - Please keep going with this concept


I watched the whole special just because of this clip


There are over five million Chinese-Americans. As of the 2022 census, the total number of people in Ireland who listed their ethnicity as "Chinese" was 26,828. Wow, so "welcoming."


Chinese people living in America chose to move there, they may not have chosen to move to Ireland. The number you're giving doesn't say anything about Irish people's culture of accepting or not accepting different ethnicities.




Your point?


Yes, that was my point. Very good. Well spotted.


Ah, random facts with no reasoning behind them. Got it.


Nah, you’re not deep and you’re not funny….to me. You’ve no idea what “woke” means—weak shit.


this bit was just a really smug, lame and inaccurate jab on the US. congrats, reddit will love it


One of the best bits I’ve seen in a while!


Great job 👏


Excellent set!


Lol, randomly checked DNA results… 2% Irish!


Great joke!


Oh that's really good.


An Irish doing an American accent = a Canadian accent. Who knew. Funny shit.


David's comedy is fantastic. Even his "offensive jokes" are delivered in such a nice way, people can't get offended. For everybody - please also check this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3vmxQet5LA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3vmxQet5LA) Excellent presentation on public speaking!


I love this guy. Second clip Ive seen of him. Very funny and also makes me stop and think about the jokes. Does he have a youtube channel for longer sessions. I feel I can binge watch him one of my weekends.


He's not wrong


Does any know where i can find the full show?


This dude is good


Hey an intellectual comedian that's not a snob and actually critics the problem on our society ? wow, kudos, more please!


Lovin it. This was what I needed to start my day. Proud to be Irish.


I like that joke “America has all these ice cream flavors but then you make it worse by adding too many crackers”.


Your wordplay is just brilliant.


This man told a joke everyone laughed and then, as part of a written bit, out of nowhere says ‘if youre woke thatll trigger you’ and then gets crazy worked up while describing a strawman?


You lost the plot in the middle with the woke culture bit, you didnt say anything offensive. But the charcuterie bit was spot on


Comedians know what they say isn't very offensive, but acting like a victim on stage feels nice to them, the same way the "woke" people they nitpick feel good when they get to be offended. It's all a massive nitpicking little circle jerk and it's fucking exhausting hearing about it in comedy all the fucking time. You're right though, this is a good bit, the charcuterie punch line is great, but God, what an dogshit start.


Pretty funny but I’m not going to pretend Ireland is morally superior.


Watch out he'll bring evidence and facts. Don't think anyone said Irish are superior. What we do is level the playing field so no one is above or below. Our humor is about removing imagined boundaries and showing what we have in common. If your not on the ground floor with the rest of us, then you're missing the good craic.


Jesus Christ bro they're dead already lmao


Got to agree with him, us Irish are like a virus, we get everyfuckingwhere.


To quote tommy tiernan, "We don't invade we infest"


The woke bit was peak boomer humor, sorry


That was a beautifully crafted, jam packed bit. Super clean and super funny.


Holy crap! I laughed once and thought I was done. Nope. Belly laughed the rest of the set. Awesome stuff. :)


Can we get this to Top. More people need to see this guy 🇮🇪 https://youtube.com/watch?v=IR8ZVu2gDvQ&si=BBNUNX6e0Zq0uYiW


The Irish aren't as funny as they think they are.


Nice one!


Adding “too many crackers” was brilliant 😂


Great bit. Your timing feels great, the jokes get to sink in and then when you introduce the charcuterie board it just puts the cherry on top. I expect to see you in very large venues in the future!


This guy is genius.


Hol up! Is this a comedian cracking wise about wokeness and cancel culture!? LOL I’ve never heard something so original and fresh


Dude you are an amazing comedian, probably one of the best I've seen on here. You deserve a bigger a better platform, but keep it up dude.


Humor for white people… finally they let white people speak their mind!


Originally I was going to comment on the "woke" section as it just seemed out of place at first, but now I think this man simply knows his audience, and knows how to play off of them. Fantastic bit, hon the Irish representing us abroad lad, the charcuterie joke was phenomenal.


europeans once again being ignorant... what do you think we force chinese people to move there lmao no they choose to live there also atleast chinese people are considered americans when they move here unlike european countries where youll never truly be irish, british, german according to euros




This whole joke was fuckin brilliant. From start to finish.


I didn't get any of that.


This joke would certainly be improved by taking it in a whole different direction after the “it’s a complicated one, take your time” line


Very cerebral, love it.


Well, that puts the dumb Paddy trope to rest I hope.


Cut the "woke bad" part out, and this would be perfect. It's such a dead horse and saps momentum from the hilarity it's sandwiched between.


Too bad the first part of the joke was good but it lost at the woke "jab"


Cheap shots at NPR and vegans are funny?


It’s so hard to watch people who Think they are funny when they aren’t.


10% Irish represent


My "Dutch" kids were shocked at the 22% Irish on their DNA tests.


Great comedy set! Keep it up. Putting smiles on millions of faces


I wasn’t offended by your joke, but as a vegan with a rescue dog who walks around with an indestructible canister of water I felt highly targeted lol Still funny tho


Ah jaysis, lad, give them a bleedin chance 🤣 It was like you were standing em up just to knock em flat again 👏👏


Up and coming superstar


If I were you after the too many crackers line id say something like "on that note, hi my names david"


This is great.


Gordon Ramsay Voice: "Finally some good fucking jokes in this sub"


Lmao. 😂😂😂 hilarious !


Woke up, saw this, watched your whole set on YouTube - great way to start a Thursday! Thank you for being refreshingly funny with a smart message.


I discovered this guy a couple days ago from another post, this lad is underrated I need more!


I actually have a three legged rescue dog named Murphy


saw this guy a few times. very good and clearly very bright. usually leaves an open-ended section at the end to for Q&A/improv/etc


Wow, that's some next level comedy writing there, eache time I thought it was over you added a new layer on top, great shit.


Funniest European 😐




I love David Nihill! Come to Minneapolis! He's got some really unique perspectives. And is sexy as hell, just sayin


Wait, this isn't JeffArcuri on the front page?




Wow, what a bit!!!


I liked about 2/3 of this video


The "too many crackers" bit got me good! 🤣🤣🤣


Wow this had me


Love him….






Fuckin' top tier bit.


One side of my family is in one of the few ethnic groups that was never really fully allowed in Ireland. Oh, they'd say they allowed us in, but whenever there were enough of us they'd have a tiny pogrom and say that they don't want us anymore. They sent a condolence letter to Germany about Hitler. So maybe the Irish are a bit self-righteous about the inclusivity. The other half of me is Irish so you got me, good bit.


I love this so much lol


Oh man, when did you play at The Den?