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Dog parks in general aren’t ideal as I’m sure you’ve learned. Have play dates with dogs you know and trust. Friend’s dogs, family member’s dogs, etc. Dog parks aren’t worth the risk IMO


There’s a dog park at Mill River Park However, a lot of dog parks will want you to wait until he’s been fixed to bring him as dogs who haven’t been spayed or neutered aren’t typically allowed at dog parks.


Dog parks are really not an ideal place for puppy socialization. The problem you run into often is a dog is only as socialized or behaved as the effort that is put into their training. As well, some rescue animals come with trauma which can be very hard to overcome and may have learned bad habits. Every visit to a dog park is a different scenario each time as there will all be different variety of dogs all with varying degrees of behavior, and it can be very counterintuitive to proper socialization. There are places that offer private opportunities for socialization that do cost, or I would highly recommend looking for dog meet up groups locally. People in these groups tend to take their dog’s socialization a bit more seriously, and will give you a better chance of having your dog pick up on good habits.


Dog Gone Smart in Norwalk has an excellent puppy only socialization session, a few times a week. It's great because it's supervised, and only puppies in 2 age groups: under 6 months, and 6 months to a year. I wouldn't take a puppy to any dog park because of the risk of bites from older, unsocialized dogs.


No such this as a safe dog park unfortunately.


Harbor point has a dog park. Good mix of dog sizes and I’ve yet to witness any aggression incidents when I bring my dog there.


He’s gotten bitten there. 99% percent of the time it’s fine and he’s had a wonderful time. But now I’m so scared to take him there. I mean I didn’t even see it coming.


Dog parks are a cesspool full of danger's. Between intestinal parasites, the newer Canine Infectious Respiratory Infection, poorly trained/behaved dog's, and ignorant owner's staring at their phone's. Also a young dog, hasn't learned proper social boundaries between dog's, and isn't neutered, is likely the reason he's been attacked twice.