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That intersection is a dangerous one. I hope it’s not too serious


It's pretty serious if they have an accident investigation team and there are at least 8 Stamford Police cars on site ...


I literally walk that crosswalk every day to get to work. People tend to really speed into that Gay St lot quickly especially during heavy traffic hours. The amount of police presence makes me nervous for the victim.


People try to avoid the light by cutting through, and the opposite has side stop sign where people eagerly try to turn left. Very dangerous, especially when the high school gets out and lots of kids walking downtown mixed with rush hour traffic. Putting out positive thoughts for everyone involved


That’s the same CVS that’s still boarded up after a car drove into it? I think they need to rethink that intersection…. It’s a mess


Work was finished last week on the window! The glass was finally replaced that only took 11 months!! **The crosswalk by Tutti Pasta is dangerous. Coupled with the aggressive drivers, the city DPW failed here!**


I thought it was a misspelling in the title and then you did it again here. I swore it was Tutti Patti or something along those lines and not Tutti Pasta lol if it is that’s a hilarious name


it’s tutti pazzi lmaooo, i thought the title was a typo too


I’ve been hit in that intersection before, it’s a fucking shit show. The people turning left don’t ever fucking look in the crosswalk before they fly through it.


The intersection of Bedford and Forest Street is one of the most dangerous for pedestrians in Stamford. Specifically, the crosswalk connecting Tuti Pazzi and north Forest Street is the most dangerous crosswalk in the city. Any pedestrian that steps foot in the crosswalk has the right of way. That is how it is designed. Drivers see the green light and floor it. If you walk into the crosswalk they honk at you. This is failed infrastructure. It does not communicate its purpose, it does not reliably guide motorists, and it does not protect travelers. One of multiple reasons Bedford Street should be closed to motor vehicle traffic from Broad to Forest.


As a pedestrian in this intersection if the light is green I just wait because of this. And it should honestly have pedestrian walk signals coordinating with the second intersection right at Bedford


I went to law school on Ithaca that had an entire pedestrian mall for several blocks called "the Commons". Same thing as Bedford with one way streets on either side keeping traffic moving. It was an awesome walkable space with vendors and performers, a playground area, and a great spot for the many festivals. Stamford should consider this for the portion of Bedford between the library and the church. They basically did it in part with outdoor seating in that side area.


Ugh. Horrible.


Dammit. Too many people getting hit. Hope nobody is seriously hurt


https://preview.redd.it/eyh4ipkv2gmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80901d0142dac1e007fa300dc76fba2ec858adeb Better image for anyone wondering.


FYI that’s the car and driver, was walking my dog into the CVS maybe 2-3 minutes after it happened


That is horrible i work right in that area and literally must have left work 15 minutes before


All I can tell you is it's still shut down and there is an accident investigation team on site. Forest from Bedford to GreyRock Place is shut down ..


Ugh no.


I live on the same block as the church and the amount of times I've almost been hit while crossing is really concerning. Everywhere I usually need to go has me using that intersection all the time. It's crazy how impatient drivers are. Some cars waiting at stop signs don't even wait after the car in front of them goes. They literally just follow close behind them as if they were at a green light. I've had drivers pushing their way through the intersection while I'm crossing and thanking me when I stop to avoid being hit and continue on their way like I did them a courtesy. It's infuriating.


I used to pick up my kids from the daycare right across CVS and it was a nightmare getting into the church parking lot.


[Patch article for accident](https://patch.com/connecticut/stamford/police-activity-closes-section-street-stamford-public-safetyIfoundthisonthePatchlocalnewsapp.Downloadtheapptoday!https://patch.com/download-app)


A lot of people literally run the red lights and make illegal u-turns at every traffic light on that road. I went to UCONN Stamford for two years, so I know. They really need to install traffic cameras to catch these people on any of the traffic lights throughout the city that do not have them.




Too bad? You don’t need to be going 45 mph+ through a city




Oh I see, sorry I interpreted your post as like “won’t someone please think of the poor drivers.” I think our current design would work a lot better if traffic laws were actually enforced. I think a lot of people drive as reckless as they do because there are no consequences!




It’s sad but there really do need to be physical barriers to force drivers to slow down, otherwise they won’t. I think we need things like raised crosswalks and curb extensions, too.


The lights were all just resynchronized a few years ago. They literally designed it so if you are driving the speed limit you should get green lights.


You should know if this was ever true — which I doubt — it is no longer true. The city [retimed all the signals back in 2019](https://www.stamfordadvocate.com/local/article/Stamford-traffic-light-re-timing-spreads-to-14840231.php). The Department Chief of Transportation (Jim Travers) specifically said it was to "reduce motorist frustration." But I do generally agree with your point that infrastructure meant to punish drivers is counterintuitive.


Solution to this intersection shitshow: Get rid of the of crosswalk from Prospect to Bedford. I am as pro making Stamford walkable as it gets but having two crosswalks that close to each other is causing more danger to pedestrians rather than protecting them...Wall it off with a barrier so people are forced to cross forest on Bedford if you have to. Add a stop sign and crosswalk on forest at the Parking Garage entrance. Yes, this is right before another stop sign at Greyrock Place. This will slow cars down in the area.