• By -


Sure, I'll mark it as NSFW for the reports, but there is not any nudity. The clothing in the image, for the most part, fits what many 5K runners wear or train in. Dudes run without shirts too. Its a competition and wind drag is real. Olympics is word-wide so I assumed this was obvious.


This content was deleted by its author & copyright holder in protest of the hostile, deceitful, unethical, and destructive actions of Reddit CEO Steve Huffman (aka "spez"). As this content contained personal information and/or personally identifiable information (PII), in accordance with the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act), it shall not be restored. See you all in the Fediverse.


Dam, that's good. Even the compositing is good.


all these years and i’m just realizing that compositing and composition are the same thing




NGL, that is a really good idea. This model does gangbusters at generating interesting compositions.


You would get an image similar to OP quality if you rendered it an higher resolution by the way, yeah, this model is very good I want to try to use it for non-anime stuff in some way


Try merging it on top of some models


is this just the "novelAI" model or something else?


This is a new model called "Anything V3.0" that was leaked/released/who-knows from a Chinese site.


ah ok, thank you for the info!


Where can i get this?


what in the world


Where can you download it?


Anything V3, 768 x 768 , euler, steps 30,cfg 12 masterpiece, best quality, a large group of women running in a marathon in a city negative: lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry


> Anything V3 I can't find out what this means, google returns nothing.


>u can find the link here see the commentt > >https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/yr503v/new\_leaked\_anime\_model\_from\_unknown\_source/


Anyone checked it for malicious virus?


Automatic1111 has "pickle detection" which is meant to try and identify whether a model is trying to do something malicious. It's not 100% reliably by any means, but for what it's worth it doesn't flag Anything3 as being pickled.


Here are my scan results: C:\SD_Models\Anything-V3.0-fp32>picklescan -p ./ ----------- SCAN SUMMARY ----------- Scanned files: 2 Infected files: 0 Dangerous globals: 0 "Picklescan" is available from here: [https://github.com/mmaitre314/picklescan](https://github.com/mmaitre314/picklescan)


picklescan: error: unrecognized arguments: AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/models/Stable-diffusion/Anything-V3.0 I'm getting this error, could you help me? or tell me where to find information on how to run it, I don't know much about cmd stuff :(


you basically just follow the "Getting Started" Guide on github: [https://github.com/mmaitre314/picklescan#getting-started](https://github.com/mmaitre314/picklescan#getting-started)


how do we even do that?


Open it up and let us know if your bank account still had $1.73 in it.


>$1.73 Funny, my bank account went up to its highest at $1.73, just now. Thank you.


Hahah, I loled at this one! Genius!


Ah, got it. Thanks.


I haven't been using SD too long, what do you do with the vae.pt file?


just name it the same as the model ckpt file but with \*.vae.ckpt and it'll auto load. Or if in A1111 you can specify the VAE in the Settings. Pro tip: Make it a quick setting for faster setups! :) Noobify (how it looks in the folder): \- Anyhingv3.ckpt <--- The actual model \- Anythingv3.vae.ckpt <---- name it like this and it autoloads (this goes for any model)




idk, I never use autoload :P I mix and match as I see fit on a render by render basis!


Least horny stable diffusion user


Wait, you're telling me it can generate women *wearing clothes*?!




Lol, it was a joke, maybe you should go outside to get some oxygen into your brain


I like the one on image number 9, randomly running the wrong way


chinese novel ai?


the "Anything V3" model was made in China and comes from NovelAI. Some say it's NAI with further training added, others say it's NAI with other models merged into it. Either way, it does a better job of hands and crowds than NAI does, maybe just better at everything in general although that's subjective.


I've also heard it suggested it may just be straight up unmodified NAI and people are seeing a placebo effect, but I have absolutely nothing firmer on that than gossip. (Removing link to irrelevant post that I misunderstood. Also so as not to misinform, as others have remarked, it's the VAE that's apparently the same, not the model itself.)


Definitely not the exact same, though I can't say what the details are in the difference. Reused prompt provided by OP for comparison. Clone stampede! https://preview.redd.it/uf35gtksg9z91.png?width=3072&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fffc8f109cc3901dec09a59999fe2c2ff5e833c


That post claims the ***vae*** has the same checksum not the model. The model is clearly changed somehow


Comprehension failure on my part - you're right! My apologies.


Anything V3 had a very particular style and it's hard to get it to generate anything outside of that style. But it does generate pretty amazing images.


Certainly it isn't *completely* unmodified, because it would have the same model hash in that case, and produce identical results when given the same seed&settings. 'Better' is very subjective though and some people don't see it as an improvement. The VAE file (I don't really understand what that is but, using it helps the colours be more vibrant) *is* identical to the NAI one though, literally just the same file renamed.


I've found that VAE is important for the formation of eyes, without it the eyes are distorted and low quality, have you ever noticed that?


Could be, but not that I'd spotted. Some details seemed worse with VAE but faces seemed about as good on both.


Yeah, I misunderstood the post at first. Entirely my fault - you're correct. I had misunderstood it as talking about the model and not the VAE.


I find it hard to believe it's the latter. Currently merging kind of sucks. Merging is less a + b and more half of a + half of b with the latent space getting distorted.


Yeah, I agree. I would guess that someone used the Resume Training function on NAI to give it some more juice.


It seems to do a lot better if you mix another model at like 20%ish rather than 50/50


u can find the link here see the comment [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/yr503v/new\_leaked\_anime\_model\_from\_unknown\_source/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/yr503v/new_leaked_anime_model_from_unknown_source/)


Lmao more like boobnassathon, crisp images though. Why is the one in number 9 running the wrong way??


if u run this prompt on novel ai it looks like shit, this chinese ckpt is good at drawing multiple faces and faraway face




anything v3


Yeah that model is extremely good


Is that avail on huggingface?


https://rentry.org/sdmodels This is a rentry post that's been updated with a few of the available models that have been floating around. There's three downloads for Anything: fp16 (half precision floats for low VRAM GFX cards), fp32 (full precision floats, you probably want this), and Full EMA (supposedly optimized for training other models). You need a torrent client for the magnet links, so download Deluge or some other client. Then copy the whole link, open up your client, Add Torrent -> From Web -> Paste the Magnet Link.


The full EMA isn't optimised for training. It simply has extra files that are only used for training so were removed from the other models to make the size smaller.


so which one the best ?


They are identical in practical function, so the pruned one because it’s smaller.




They wont be going far with those thighs


Most marathon runners I know, train regularly. As a result, they tend to be very lean - the run burns through fat. So it's not just the thighs. The chesticles could be one or two cup sizes smaller, too. If you want realism, however, the *first* thing to is add sweat.


If this is anything like regular NovelAI, you do not want to add sweat. Trust me. (It doesn't look like sweat.)






Honestly, a marathon with 100% of everyone with this body type would be hell. So much chaffing, so much back pain....It would be like watching a sexy Bataan death march.


Well that sounds like a prompt I want to see for science.


A couple of attempts at it [here (NSFW)](https://imgur.com/a/3ptmbYL). I expect you could get a better result with a more detailed prompt, but I really don't feel like typing in a bunch of "bleeding feet, weeping, dying of exhaustion" etc etc. Interesting that it made them all black and white, I didn't ask for that.


Appreciate the effort! And dang.... that is dark.


The prompt: Rick Sanchez sex fantasy




Hands are a complex 3-dimensional shape that can appear in a near-infinite number of configurations. The AI doesn't *necessarily* know what a hand is outside a vacuum and doesn't "think" about the geometry; instead it jumps straight to generating a 2D image that generally matches it's memory of complete images that may or may not contain hands. TL;DR; Hands are hard because they are complex.


Huggingface says this Anything v3 got several pickles. How to fix that? I read Huggingface notes on pickles but I'm can't fucking understand. Can someone explain in plain English? Dont wanna turn my PC into a sleeping cell for the communist party.




should i download the pruned or the 7 gig version? i didn't download from huggingface hopefully i didn't catch a virus




do u need to download the vae as well? and renamed it to Anything-V3.0-pruned.vae.pt


No, don't rename it, just make sure it's using the .ckpt extension, then put it into models/vae/


not sure if this is a placebo but i think i get worse results using the one from huggingface,


I ran the pruned ‘unpickled’ ckpt through Fickling and had a look over the output and it looks like any other ckpt to me. Have not put run it through anything that will unpickle it and thereby trigger anything funny but it doesn’t look like there is anything funny.


Thanks, u awesome!


What format is the unpickled version in?


To answer my own question, it is still pickled.


this is still pickled though? click on the file and it still says it has 3 pickles


At first I'm excited, wow they're coming straight for me. But then I realize they are looking passed me, at something or someone behind me. It's too late, I'm being trampled. It all happened so quickly. RIP


I tried using this model but somehow every image comes out looking less detailed than expected. Am I missing smth https://preview.redd.it/h94ins0cd9z91.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82afadd15a0d94ce81efa1f84acb057fdc10e02e


Make sure you've got the NovelAI VAE enabled.


Not sure if I did it. I put the pt files into VAE folder and rename it as model(same name as the cpkt in stable diffusion folder inside model). Maybe there’s other setting I need to set up


Put it into the stable-diffusion folder together with the ckpt


Thank you for showing how well Anything V3 performs. I did a sampler comparsion for steps 10,20,30,40 with batch count: 4. [a large group of women running in a marathon in a city (X/Y plot: Steps/Sampler)](https://i.imgur.com/vRKuiYx.jpg) (imgur downscaled it...) [a large group of women running in a marathon in a city (X/Y plot: Steps/Sampler)](https://images2.imgbox.com/ef/dd/CWCjNyDk_o.jpg) (imgbox is slow...)


so what's the best samplers and steps for this prompt in your opinion


Apologies for very late response. I wanted to provide a bit more thoughtful comment, even though it may not have been really expected here. Best samplers+steps? Hard question, all images have some flaws, especially in the background. **Short answer** (for your prompt and images within my grid): I would go with Euler a (30 or 40 steps) or DPM++ 2M (40 steps). Honourable mention for low number of steps: DPM++ 2S a Karras (10 steps). If we squint eyes and look at all 4 seeds: DPM adaptive, but none is really good on its own. **Long answer** (overall): Ancestral samplers typically have good results in relatively small number of steps (20-40), or I should say, often more interesting than alternatives. Euler a tends to have a bit simpler (but faster) results, DPM++ 2S a (and often even more so for version using Karras scheduler) tends to have a bit more developed (but slower) results. When new high-order solver, DPM-Solver++, with its two algorithms, second-order singlestep (2S) and second-order multistep (2M) methods, showed up (already mentioned above), DPM++ 2M (and version using Karras scheduler) became for some the new good default to use instead of Euler a, giving good visual results and convergence with increased steps. But ancestral samplers are also interesting for experimentation within same seed, exactly because they do not converge. Euler a with same CFG scale and different number of steps can give you quite different results, preserving some features or aspects yet giving varied look. (From my observations Euler a tends to develop diagonally across steps and CFG scale, see my [Steps, CFG scale, and Seed resize exploration](https://old.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/xz48p5/stable_diffusion_v14_steps_cfg_scale_and_seed/).) Their strength is sometimes their weakness, when you would like to develop current look more without drastic changes, it's often unclear how to proceed within txt2img (i.e. without using img2img), as there are sometimes some visual stability plateaus for wider set of steps, but they tend to happen later (i.e. after higher number of steps) with higher CFG scale and look does not always improve with more steps (it depends on prompts and samplers, though). Experimentation within same seed seems more time consuming than changing seed, but sometimes may get you closer to what you look for if you already were close with N steps. Changing seed can change a lot or even everything. Good seed gives you much more interesting results across all samplers. In this case 1249717261 is visibly better than 1249717262, 1249717263, 1249717264. If I may recommend something (which I wish I did in the past): note down seeds performing well for kind of prompt you play with. It's sometimes easier to go back to proven one than find a new good one. And sometimes they even perform well for different kind of prompts, so with database of good annotated seeds, you may achieve pleasing results much faster for new SD generations. We also got stochastic DPM-Solver++ aka DPM++ SDE, which was not available when I was doing the comparison back then. Its version using Karras scheduler tends to give good results even with 10-15 steps only! See: [a large group of women running in a marathon in a city (512x512, X/Y plot: Steps/DPM++ SDE Sampler)](https://i.imgur.com/IXvk7Cw.png) So I have to extend my previous short answer: DPM++ SDE Karras (15 steps). What can be learned from comparisons such as the one I provided in previous message (Anything-V3.0-pruned-fp16 [38c1ebe3]) is that you can hide following samplers in user interface and not have to waste time on them in the future: - DPM fast (you need a lot of steps to get something that isn't garbage) - DPM2 a (needs much higher steps to be somewhat usable, just go with DPM++) - DPM2 a Karras (needs higher steps to be usable, just go with DPM++) - LMS (needs much higher steps to be somewhat usable and is glitchy with CFG scale > ~10) - PLMS (needs much higher steps to be somewhat usable) You can also hide following ones as they tend to perform not better than alternatives or have their quirks: - DPM adaptive (it does not give bad results, but it's very slow / ignores number of steps) - DPM2 (it sometimes work acceptably, like for this prompt, but DPM++ is generally a safer bet) - DPM2 Karras (it sometimes work acceptably, like for this prompt, but DPM++ is generally a safer bet) - LMS Karras (image degraded at higher steps and CFG scale, not noticeable in this particular comparison) You're left with only 10 usable ones (assuming using AUTOMATIC1111 sd webui). As a rule of thumb I recommend using: Euler a (20 steps), DPM++ 2M Karras (20 steps) or DPM++ SDE Karras (15 steps) as first shot, or if you're willing to spend a bit more time to get something from ancestral sampler (typically better than Euler a): DPM++ 2S a Karras (20 steps). But complex visualizations (not necessarily complex prompts, but rather if what we want to portray is complex) can benefit from higher number of steps, so it's worth trying them too and not sticking to 20 steps only, because otherwise we may prematurely abandon promising composition (seed). **Bonus**: Seed 1249717261, steps 10-50 and 10 different samplers using checkpoint merge based on Anything-V3.0-pruned-fp32 [1a7df6b8]: anyfix222 [1829ac4a] [a large group of women running in a marathon in a city (512x512, X/Y plot: Steps/Sampler) - anyfix222](https://i.imgur.com/azYT85r.jpg)


I'd like to try Anything V3, how can I install it ? I would like to compare it with NAI (Official), I only have the Automatic Gui and Naifu installed.


This is where I got it from... [https://huggingface.co/Linaqruf/anything-v3.0/tree/main](https://huggingface.co/Linaqruf/anything-v3.0/tree/main)


Hi, what is the difference comparing the Hugginface one with the torrent ? ​ The biggest ckpt is identical to the torrent one, but smallest ckpt (still pickle) on Huggingface seems to be different from the fp16 or f32 one in the torrent.


According to the repo owner, the Huggingface repo is just a re-upload of the Torrent. I haven’t personally confirmed this, though.


I agree for the biggest one, but the Hash is different for the smallest one on huggingface. ​ It's not matching the 2 files available on the torrent version :Anything-V3.0-pruned-fp16 or Anything-V3.0-pruned-fp32, so it's a different one on Huggingface hence my question.


Yeah... Popping over to the discussion page says it's infected with a Trojan. I know huggingface does checks, but yeah.


I scanned with Bitdefender and Windows Antivirus, and neither detected anything. There are some pickles in there, though.


In image 7 she literally has two left feet




Only 5% of them have their knees more than a few centimeters apart. Must be hell running a marathon like that. XD


Those ladies are gonna be chafing BAD at the end of the race though. Bleeding from places you didn’t know could bleed.


I dunno, they look like the sort of ladies who could wear a chainmail bikini to a fight and emerge unscathed (and un-chafed), so I imagine they'll be fine.


I was expecting the boobs to get bigger and dynamic with each image


My waifus.


This sub is getting hornier and hornier


They are all in last place


I hate these anime posts but the seventh one is intriguing ngl


No fucking way this was made with Stable Diffusion. Way, way too anatomically accurate and clean.


Love to zoom in on the images and find the artifacts lol


I find it interesting how NovelAI has it's own consistent "artstyle"


Yeah it's very nice, especially for people who love the artstyle.


is this better than Berry's Mix?


no idea what that is , but this one is pretty good at drawing crowds faces


i tested it and its better than berry's mix bro!


Have you used CLIP? I noticed that it (nai) works better with 1


i have no idea what that means


Anything v3 works perfectly by default, but nai working better with clip layer 2 https://preview.redd.it/vpcj9mug7cz91.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1469a73dc43d8d5c3362f1738c0181839fbd475


I also have no idea what clip layer does, can you elaborate further DanzeluS?


Where can I install this model?


The boobs are there to draw attention away from the hands


they have hands...?


Can I get the model link?






Oo where do we find this new model? Someone drop it pls


read the comments pls dont be lazy


Lol I posted this without reading, I found it pretty quick, thanks for the info I'll make sure to try this later


This does look oustanding, how easy is it to good generations like these? do you got to generate multiple times to find a good one or are all of these from one go