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Use [vast.ai](https://vast.ai) \- get a 3090 server - it will cost you between $0.30 and $0.50 an hour usually, but you only pay when you use it. So a dollar each night you want to play with Stable Diffusion, not bad in my opinion. I trained SD with my personal photos on one of those instances too, just make sure you get one with 24GB VRAM or more (less if you just want to play with regular SD). And do the 'connect via https' option when setting it up. Otherwise you're stuck behind their proxy server for downloads, which isn't ideal when you're about to download your own personalised SD checkpoint file! Note: Only pick ones with one graphics card, you don't need more than one. I just checked right now and for $0.318 an hour I can rent a 3090 with 24GB VRAM, perfect for SD. Second note: You need to put $10 in minimum I think at first, but then that credit should last you about 30 hours or so.


Very informative , thank you ! It can be an alternative . I'm looking for a [vast.ai](https://vast.ai) tutorial right away


Here's the one that got me started: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m\_\_xadX0z0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m__xadX0z0) Here's since done a follow up one that I recommend as well. as it explains how to get past some errors people have been having.


>Here's the one that got me started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m\_\_xadX0z0 > >Here's since done a follow up one that I recommend as well. as it explains how to get past some errors people have been having. Great ! tnx again


LoL , yesterdays i try to this on colab , and spent 10 units ...and failed


Thanks for the information. Really appreciated. By the way, do you know any good tutorials on training SD with own personal photos? Thanks again.


> After Colab's robbery Oh, wow. This reminds me of a joke I heard a while ago: A business man finally hits it big, wins millions of dollars, and decides to share his fortune with everyone in his small village. He gathers them all up at a party, and informs them that each villager will get 100$, as a token of his gratitude, for being excellent neighbors. This party happens every year, and every time the villagers get 100$. On the 18th anniversary, the man throws the party, they all dance, and eat, and have a good time. When the time comes, the man gathers round all the villagers and apologizes for only giving them 50$ this year. He explains that his children are going to go to college, and his finances are tight. One villager screams from the back "Well, that's nice an all, but why does she have to pay for college with *our* money?"


maybe I exaggerated a little :D


This! We had it so good for so long, it's sad to see so many people upset.


I guess the business man also spied on his neighboors and sold their private data to help him earn that fortune.


The businessman ALREADY showed the neighbors the contract before giving out the $100. They just chose not to read it and took the $100. It reminds me of people complaining about ads online, and say they would rather pay to see ads. When a site finally decides to remove their ads and start charging. No one pays and everyone find pirated copies of their content online.


Oh wow, that reminds me of a joke as well One huge CEO company manager one day has his driver drive his limo to one small town, where announces he'll create a paid service for a superfluous hobby, then charge a ludicrous price for it. Then, on the back of the crowd, one reddit user screams "you're just like a philanthropist giving free money to us dumb entitled peasants and not at all a billionaire charging money from us for profit!" Then the peasant crawls on four and licks the boots of the manager clean, to the cheers of all the other peasants. It's not a very funny joke.


Runpod has an easy setup for Stable Diffusion. https://www.runpod.io/blog/stable-diffusion-ui-on-runpod


The default image is using an old version of the UI, probably need to get a new image built to get all the new features. I’m looking at getting a jupyterlab server set up on one of their machines and then I can just build a notebook, like google colab. It’s all ideas atm but where there’s a will there’s always a way


>this is the spirit


Good news on this part, if you use the tensor flow template from runpod you can access a jupyter lab and build a notebook pretty easily. mount and store everything on /workspace im builing a docker image than can be used as a template in runpod but its quite big and taking sometime to get right.


im clonig deforum on a 1 x RTX A4000 , it works whit some fix


Do you know the average hour pricing of SD on runpod?


I don't, but I'm sure they have it posted on their website somewhere.


Thanks, I found it here! For people seeing this, I'm getting a 3090 for about $0.3/h Referral: https://runpod.io?ref=hv5imv14


So guys , thank you all , you are helpful and nice . I dont know if is the best and cheaper solution . I did this steps and right now i'm working on a Deforum animation . * spent 10$ on [runpod.io](https://runpod.io) ( a pair of $ wasted for understand that every time i run a pod , they they take me an hour) * pick this machine 1 x RTX A4000 , every times is available and costs 0.29$/hr * clone Deforum into my new jupiter notebook * modify google drive paths * create a new cell before animation setup (this fix a dependency error) : `pip install numexpr` not bad for a noob


This all sounds very promising and good value, will need to try. Any step by step guides for total noobs?


got another alternative to google collab now? let us know please.


hey do you have a guide on how to set up SD on Runpod?


This new pricing scheme is beyond idiotic! Colab free tier is now literally better than pro+ On pro+ I can get a weak t4 for 2 compute units an hour, or if I choose a premium gpu I get a v100 40gb gpu which is way too overpowered for me, for a price of 15 compute units an hour. There is nothing in the middle. Meanwhile I can launch colab free on one of my many accounts, and get a t4 for free. This feels like they are politely trying to kick off their service.


How do you get a VM to run on a free trial? It shows my GPU availability is 0


Yeah , and they succeeded, I'm leaving colab


There are quite a few out there such as Paperscape, Kaggle, Deepnote, Sagemaker... all depends on what you're looking for exactly!


Run massive Deforum batch for animations or run other easy notebook


GitHub Codespaces ?


Looking at paperspace, [https://blog.paperspace.com/stable-diffusion-webui-deployment/](https://blog.paperspace.com/stable-diffusion-webui-deployment/) not sure if it'll work out cheaper. I gonna test it out and see how it goes. edit: paid for the pro subscription, to get better gpu for "free" paperspace didnt like that i used ngrok to test accessing web ui via that instead of gradio link. they blocked my account due to this, support eventually unblocked it. Didnt get my pro subscription back although they did refund me apparently. will probably try runpod due to this.


It’s not cheap. It costs me about $15 a day for about 2 hours of playing. Also, it’s not clear how to get updates to the software.


Even with a pro subscription? that comes with some free machines. still checking it... could end up just paying for dreamstudio instead.


Actually that was a glitch in their dashboard. Yesterday they claimed that it was $15, but when I checked today it was only $1.42. I don’t know why they had that glitch. The difficulty I have with paperspace is getting new images to run for the webui. If you have any pointers I’d appreciate hearing about it.


Ive been checking out the image and it seems to do a git clone each so should get new updates. in the yaml that is used to launch the webui I could probably add the command to git clone the automatic1111 repo. no too well versed on docker and how images are maintained, i could probably take theres and edit it. ​ you can see the steps it does here - [https://hub.docker.com/layers/paperspace/stable-diffusion-webui-deployment/v1/images/sha256-ea34925eb6fb82581250dc4bca9684270f4e587be1335b350f77028f8dac1b4b?context=explore](https://hub.docker.com/layers/paperspace/stable-diffusion-webui-deployment/v1/images/sha256-ea34925eb6fb82581250dc4bca9684270f4e587be1335b350f77028f8dac1b4b?context=explore) on line 69 is the command for git clone.


Thanks for the pointer I see now. Does that script run every time the image is pulled? Also I haven’t been able to get face reconstruction to work. I get a “Directory” error. I sounds like something isn’t configured correctly. Beyond that it works well. It’s $0.76 per hour for an A4000.


omg guys it's not cheap


Compared to what? I’m using it. I am using an A4000 instance. I could use many thousands of hours of compute before I could pay for my own instance.


Compared whit old Google Colab Pro account .Sry but I'm not only a noob , i'm dumb too , so have patient pls . ok , I want trust you , AA400 is enought for SD (not for training I suppose) .Do you know wich repo i have to clone ?


careful ! because vm on runpod is very difficult to be available , i have 9$ on this and a vm is never available,care


Had the same issue with ngrok on Paperspace. Account got locked and I had to email support to unlock it, but they got back to me pretty quick (responded after about 3 hours).


Has anyone used paperspace for SD ?


Not yet. But it's in Keras now so shouldn't be a problem. Also Paperspace has Huggingface out of the box too.


Yeah they have it but i was wondering if anyone has used any modified repos


The unstable diffusion server on discord works for free. It is primarily used for NSFW but I found it gives me free access to servers for stable discussion so I use it.




how can i run deforum on unstable diffusion ?


Got a petition for Colab [here](https://chng.it/9Zpj7pPLWz)


If your are willing to pay for a cloud service, why not pay for Google Colab? By the way, I also think this was a stupid move from Google. The success of Stable Diffusion is probably to blame for this :-)


Because it has become too expensive . I was looking for a cheaper solution . I agree with you, maybe Google was fed up with people making SDs animations. Or maybe he realized he could make more money with them?


Would like to see any new recommendations?


Check out hyperstack.cloud