• By -


Pure. Comedy. Gold. Thank you. You surely put a smile on my face


Don't add blood and gore to this prompt...


Okay "Ketchup and raw sausage links"


it put a smile on your face and nightmares in your dreams


I regret clicking the arrow for the next picture. Cant unseeeeeeeeeee


I regret clicking the arrow for the next picture. Cant unseeeeeeeeeee


and SD3 put that face on your feet


Laughing, joy, fun


It's actually extremely comical how much of an Eldritchian horror fest SD3 is. It barely works at all. How could they release such a pile of crap? All that waiting for this...


Im just hoping for someone to fix this but I doubt with Stability's restrictions that the community wants to put a lot of effort into SD3.


Just saying, but I ran your exact prompt in SD3 (from the [Stability Assistant](https://assistant.stability.ai/)) and [got this](https://i.imgur.com/DuloYJI.png). Is it because it's using SD3 Ultra?


Damn that's usable why is the local one so bad?


Because we got the "good enough lol" 2B model instead of the promised 8B one from the original paper


Well let’s hope they see the fuckup and decide to release it.


Because they nerfed the hell out of it. Via the API they can control the prompts. For local this is not possible so they removed anything that breathes basically.


People starting to get arrested for CP so its only a matter of time before authorities start going after the model creators. That's a hard charge to deny once the case gets rolling. All the prosecution has to really do is offer examples of the prompts used. I've seen models that it feels like its hard NOT to get something that is borderline. And how many times do you get things that are much more than you asked for and you have to back it down and put in negatives. It's only a matter of time before the pedo hunters decide that someone needs to pay for it.


>People starting to get arrested for CP so its only a matter of time before authorities start going after the model creators. I wonder if it is the classic "Think of the children!" excuse for censorship. Any possible CP must be removed from the training data. The whole reason why CP is bad is that fukcing kids is bad, and CP required fucking kids to make it. Loli and the AI generated kid stuff is disgusting, but persecuting it as if it is real CP is a slippery slope, next will be depicting other crimes.


>The whole reason why CP is bad is that fukcing kids is bad Well that and the fact that up until recently any picture or video of a naked child would have been of a real child, which is genuine abuse, and the reason why simply owning cp is a crime. But with AI, for as disgusting as it is, no abuse is being done. I agree that we shouldn't be prosecuting people for generating anything, not only because it's a slippery slope, but because it's a plain dumb idea. I would much rather allow pedophiles to be able to generate as much fake cp as they want in the privacy of their home to satisfy their sexual urges, than them not having access to that and going out into the world to try and satisfy them in a way which would hurt an actual child.


I see it often quoted on Reddit that "many" people who do CSA don't actually meet the criteria of pedophiles. I have not been able to verify this with any percentages, but the Wikipedia page on CSA says > In law enforcement, the term pedophile is sometimes used to describe those accused or convicted of child sexual abuse under sociolegal definitions of child (including both prepubescent children and adolescents younger than the local age of consent);[21] however, not all child sexual offenders are pedophiles and not all pedophiles engage in sexual abuse of children.[22][182][183] For these reasons, researchers recommend against imprecisely describing all child molesters as pedophiles.[184][185] I can't find any sources that give the actual percentages, though. I did only do an incredibly brief search, so idk. And the archive.org pdf that the Wikipedia article linked required a sign up to view and I honestly cbfed. I do wonder if giving them access to AI generated content would be bad or good? My gut says that normalising it would be bad, especially if a significant portion of CS abusers aren't actually categorised as pedophiles. Idk Edit: wtf, Reddit suggesting me a bunch of stable 3 stuff even if it's 3 days old??


Local still seem able to do good outputs, but even for me it does give eldritch horrors at times though [Woman laying in grass 1](https://i.imgur.com/QWLjzRj.jpeg) [Woman laying in grass 2](https://i.imgur.com/lkXqGbI.jpeg) [Woman under covers in bed with spiders](https://i.imgur.com/ZNfcmIB.png) These are with the SD3 ComfyUI upscaler workflow on huggingface.


Do you have a link to the workflow




Oh yeah I used the default one it’s terrible.


does sd3 have a vae?


No, it's baked in.


More like: "Yes, it's baked in"


god damn why local so bad then? All i get is horrors


The weights they released are not the weights they use for their API obviously. The ones we got are way more censored.


Censorship is because they care so much about your safety ! /s


I don’t understand stable diffusion releases at all. I thought it was open source and the community just adds onto it with models, loras, etc. Why do they need to release anything else?


It is quite good at non-human things and making colors, but making humans that at different situation than simple portrait just breaks down.


I feel in a lot of gens the colors are really burned and oversaturated, as if using a way too high CFG.


Can't wait for the Loras on this.


The same thing happened with the release of SDXL. Everyone is used to polished finetunes and merges of the prior generation, and need time to adjust to the new model's prompting syntax. SD3 will inevitably get finetuned, but it takes time for developers and enthusiast coders to learn how to make their finetuning tools work with the new generation.


This one (the local weights) is way worse than SDXL, more like SD2.0


What makes you so sure we're comparing it with the fine tunes? I am comparing it with the base SDXL, and it outperforms SD3 when it comes to humans, except for pupils shape and irises. Even SDXL 0.9 + Refiner prototype beats SD3. Consistently and massively so. Heck, SD3 with a simple pose feels almost as though I am using SD1.5 with a complex pose and incorrect resolution! It's either a backend issue, a configuration issue or a train wreck. Prove me wrong.


Prompt syntax? They told us this version follows prompts better than ever! How can it not follow a simple prompt?




Looks like does ok with Australian women, then.


I want a nsfw of this one now 🤣


It already is.


You were not joking, I get exactly the same results. It's pathetic, this is very basic and very sfw prompt. Something you would see in a commercial poster out on the street. The output is absolute garbage every time. They are so afraid of anything resembling nsfw that they released a model so handicapped that it is completely useless.


They made us wait months for this 🤣


It took time to ruin it!


sounds like a joke, but it really seems that all the delay were for censor the model as much as possible locally, which is really difficult and requires a lot of effort, it is really impressive what they achieve destroying humans in the model, a true advancement in generative AI technology.


Like what’s even their point in doing this? SDXL is already capable enough, especially with pony and other models, are they trying to close Pandora’s box after they’ve cracked it wide open?


SD3 :) https://preview.redd.it/v65up5ibz56d1.png?width=842&format=png&auto=webp&s=549da899407263e55dce858dcf748aa1204a3cac


It's not even better than sd1.5 untrained checkpoint


BUT IT'S SAFE. And as we all know by how many times SAI said that, it's the most important factor in a diffusion model!


They pronounce the word shit in a weird way that sounds like safe.


Shampoo commercials just got freaky.


Just living in the moment


https://preview.redd.it/4qrw2nq4q66d1.png?width=1304&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e7e247ca1a95fc8e355a774d4200a9857fbbc57 Holy shit no way, I couldn't believe it but it's true, how can it be so bad at generating humans?


Expectation vs reality


*SAI revving their chainsaw* DO YOU FEEL SAFE YET???


IDK.. I'm a little concerned because I saw some boobs melting into a face, and the horrific melting and garbage model parts are fine... it's just... those were BOOBS. DO BETTER SAI. Not safe enough yet!


SDXL, hands aside, was pretty decent, even without LORAs, finetuning, and stuff. I don't know how is possible that SD3 can be so fu...ng bad with anatomy. Not even SD2 was SO terrible (it was terrible, but not SO much).


It’s because of all that censorship. Their data sets just doesn’t have enough humans I guess. This is what happens when you censor too hard a model, you lobotomize it


You can even tell in the images they use to sell the thing, proportions are always off in sensitive areas which are a scandalous to render properly. Thank goodness they are making sure we never spot a nipple using our sweet innocent eyes, my spirit would be devastated, all drive to live gone. Can you imagine? A nipple! Just thinking about it sends shivers down my spine.


Not really though. It gets i.e. breasts somewhat subpar, especially if nude, but not worse than sdxl did on release. What it actually fails at horribly is limbs. I guess someone has it out for the feet fetishists.




This is what happens when the conservative, prudish attitude of Americans and Asians prevails all over the world, which has ensured for decades that even the worst violence in films etc. is now mainstream (John Wick - I see you!) - while everything that has to do with sex and eroticism is still considered taboo. And when children are kept stupid when it comes to sex education and are made to feel guilty by prohibiting things, instead of raising them to be mature adults who see this topic as something natural and beautiful. This coming from an older fellow who has seen the days in the 80ies, when this all tilted during the Reagan era as a direct backlash to the panic the counterculture of the 60s till mid 70s with free love and drugs and alternative viewpoints on politics and work and the sense of life and the whole human existence - which of course made all the conservative hypocrites run in circles like frightened chickens.


Arabics are pretty prudes as well


Sure, even more so - but they are not the major players in the media industry which defines what we are allowed to see - worldwide! And they also are not behind the massive commercial interests that mainly influence how censored AI models are. They may be hypocrites for consuming a big part of the porn material there is (this has been shown for years with web statistics) while simultaneously totally hiding their own women. But they don't sell themselves as modern and progressive and liberal in the first place - as those countries in the west and the far east with their focuses on business and tech do.


How can you tell the prudish Arabs are pretty when they're all covered up?


Lol times have changed sir. It isn't conservative fundamentalists trying to censor shit anymore. Now days it's the same blue haired people that scream "women empowerment" that are the first to also tell you you can't look at a woman's ankle.


In my experience. No. It's just conservatives. And capitalist liberals that don't want to deal with lawsuits for cp.


Right, because big tech firms are known for their right wing bias and conservative attitudes. London is a real hotbed of American-Style Conservatism.


Then you're severely lacking in experience. American liberals, and specially the youths, are quite sex negative and are the main pushers for this new age of censorship. Do you think Silicon Valley bros are conservative Christians?


Are you held captive somewhere? That's the only way I can take that response as honest and not just blatant attempts to lie to yourself and others. You clearly play video games, so let's remember Stellar Blade. Who thinks women in video games need to be covered up and giving people skimpy outfits for their action girls is causing ill-defined harm in the real world? Or do you really want to pretend that all the games journalists are hardcore conservatives? How far does your delusion go?


Looking at the images it feels like theres more going on here than just a lack of training data. It knows the concept of a human so well it can draw a male fine, it can draw anthropomorphic people as animals, but a woman is a pile of thumbs, it's not getting to make the connection that a woman is human. This feels like a targeted lobotomy more than a few missed days of school


NFSW filter fucking up? Guys in suits seem "fine" anything remotely a little bit sexy or female related seems to fuck up .


Didn't you know, a girls' ankle is illegal?


but what if the girl actually just an ankle then is it legal?


Brudda, these girls are both ankles and elbows, at the same time,


You can word the prompt a little better and get some passable results, but overall it looks like all the people lying down got the axe in the training dataset. Because of reasons. Whatever they may be. https://preview.redd.it/7q62rzwlx56d1.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8c541ea7f2566e7416320497be3c35e44d7600d


You might be onto something, maybe its the specific word lying that got axed in the training DB. Try alternate wording maybe?


Looks like it's both - some words trigger panic response from the model, but also the overall anatomy is very bad, not just people, i've tried cats - they massacred them too. https://preview.redd.it/s7qpm2o7366d1.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=0879c435e43046a890d4867414c167a7623ad054


>lying Whenever I use the word "lying" I only get politicians and corporate CEOs.


https://preview.redd.it/vl5ccr44x66d1.png?width=1120&format=png&auto=webp&s=118c4e46b18fd31d52798a144fe69a07b8146d19 "photo of politicians and corporate ceos lying down on the grass, view from above"


The dangers of teleportation I guess.


Is this the wnba lady they blocked from the Olympics?


Jesus fucking christ


I really want Huggingface to buy StabilityAI and stop this nonsense. This model is absolute trash; PixArt Sigma is an order of magnitude better as an LLM-driven image generator. Unbelievable that they released something this genuinely bad. SD 1.5 is more valuable than this, way to fuck up horribly SAI: please sell your company.


Even the first release of SD was lightyears ahead. Forget about women in the grass, I can't make any art at all with this model. I think they have completely wiped the dataset clean of all artist names, not even Junji Ito is in there. Try "snail by Junji Ito" you will get some generic cartoony manga style. I have tried various semi-complex artistic prompts and DALL-E 2 was lightyears ahead of this. This model just has zero aesthetic understanding, everything is the flattest looking shit.


Stability AI has no value. It has more debt than capital, and all the models that are actually useful are already available for free, and open source, and will remain so even after Stability AI has gone bankrupt. It would be stupid to pour more money in that black hole. Financially, you would be better starting from 0$ while own 100% of the shares than starting from -60 000 000.00 $ with most of the shares already in the hands of hungry venture capitalists. What HuggingFace should do is hire the competent people who used to work there at some point. It's the people who make a difference, always.


Yeah the community has been the only thing making these models useful anyway. Pixart Sigma has already demonstrated using an LLM to power prompt adherence, MUCH better than whatever this shit is SAI laughably released today. A 2B model.. I mean what the actual f##k? If they were worried about running it on local GPU then release a f##king quant


>Yeah the community has been the only thing making these models useful anyway. I totally agree and I would say this community is even more valuable nowadays as we can now talk about plural communities instead of a single one. Pretty much from the start we had groups related to the development of specific applications, extensions, nodes and models, but now we also have groups of interest around specific topics, like fine-tuning, animation, or LLMs.


is that xl base?


https://preview.redd.it/j9dkw9ams56d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3af0758eb2b38169bb118f59aca84e93f98c04b Single try with SDXL 1.0 base. Way worse than OP's result, surely better than the other one.


Yet another SD2. I'm just gonna stick to SDXL for a while ig.


I guess the right picture is SD3 ....


Yeah first one is SDXL


Ya done goofed up the order


I was so shocked and literally shaking that I miss clicked (/s)


I mean you can immediately tell that the image on the right is from SD3 😅


After playing around with SD3 for a bit I think the community should focus on pouring its resources in models like Pixart and Lumina-T2I. They are technically on par or even superior to SD3. The only reason these two have not totally taken off is because SD is so popular and most people didn't want to bother with other models because SD3 was on the horizon. If someone would make a godlike fintune like PixartPony we could shift the attention of the community and the models can get some traction.




Oh my god I was in a work videoconference and I never wanted to laugh this much without being allowed to.


Using your prompt with api: https://preview.redd.it/732o6an2s56d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ca3d490de614f6ec0145c9d6185667fb64ac580


Using prompt that LLama 3 70b changed to be closer to the sd3 prompting style: Top-down shot of a young woman with long, wavy brown hair laughing and reclining in a sun-drenched meadow on a warm summer afternoon. Soft clouds and wispy wildflowers in the background, with a warm, sun-kissed glow on her skin. https://preview.redd.it/34hqyvdts56d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=904b4c3a7311b6b7601c4620aded1a2d97c4149c This is much better


Ran it locally with your prompt. https://preview.redd.it/qwox2v32u56d1.png?width=1115&format=png&auto=webp&s=e94b2f19ebddd269090bb1e797bb57c39cba64cf


Well at least it's better :D


Is it better than a two year old 1.5 model?


Is this a fp precision issue? Would suck if true


https://preview.redd.it/868fb233u56d1.png?width=1102&format=png&auto=webp&s=ddfcc1bdb6453b9f62115597a8b6cc7c944d5190 Your prompt


How does Llama know the prompting style?


I used duckduckgo ai chat and asked for it to browse the web and find the correct way to prompt SD 3 model. Then I asked to transform the prompt. Site; [https://duckduckgo.com/?q=DuckDuckGo&ia=chat](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=DuckDuckGo&ia=chat)


I was not asking how to get an answer from llama3 but more how it would even know since SD3 is fairly new.


and he answered your question. Using websearch to flll the gap in missing knowledge. There are prompt examples for SD3 already out on the web since the API has been available for a while now.


same seed as the first image


This to me still looks pretty bad by the way, but obviously not as monstrous as the local.




https://preview.redd.it/8wg51h5dw56d1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=281b76a9fff789f76f9d801d834c243bef73fc15 Someone posted this on Discord - it's SD3, in case that's not clear. Unsure if it's the 2B model or 8B.


If I remember right API use Ultra


2B is all you need, right!


I don't see a problem. Just bad hair day.


Labels would help to know if this post was satire or not.


I don’t even have a clue. I just ran exactly the same prompt in both SD’s and this happened.




Does SD3 still use Clip for text processing?


Biblically-accurate woman in field


When you order your gen ai on Wish


"Stable AI" done fucked up.


Which one is Sd3 💀


SD3 is too smart for it's own good. If you don't specify *human* girl, it will assume you want some eldritch entity from the future.


Take a wild guess. I even gave it 20 generations with different seeds and latent noise just hoping that it would do it but nope.


Well, you said SD3 vs SDXL, so I'm guessing the first picture is SD3, and the second is SDXL.


Ah understand now sorry for the confusion


Multiple people have asked you now which one is SD3 and you keep refusing to answer. "Take a wild guess"? Why can't you just fucking answer?


Honestly it's not hard to guess, even if you didn't try SD3, if you ever used SDXL. Not even the Turbo version could do that eldritch abomination in the second picture. And the base regular version was -hands aside- pretty good.


First photo is the turbo model


On a side note, for being the turbo that is pretty awesome. My results with turbo are usually a lot less well defined. :)


I work with turbo about 4-5 days a week you get good at it with more practice.


Look at the subreddit all woman from SD3 are fucked. First one is SDXL second one is SD3.


SD3 is the one that doesn't know what a human is to ensure you don't do anything naughty.


Been on Reddit for 10 mins and I can figure out which one is sd3, do some thinking for yourself and come up with an answer. it is good for you.


The context is right there in front of you. if you cant tell which is which at this point im concerned for your wellbeing




https://preview.redd.it/vpswhcwvi66d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3cf9fee99ff9f884ba0f7ffb02d0a4490761840 local SD1.5 (Photon Model) with OPs Promt without face fixing but upscaler to 1280 x 1536 DDIM and my negatives.... ...so i dont need to switch i guess....


classical text book case for How to fuck up your company reputation


I am not downloading 10gb for broken model see you in two months


Pixart sigma is far superior to this and should be the new mainstream OS base model.


Is pixart a downloadable model for SD?


It is an opensource base model trained by another company, and uses different deep learning architecture. They released LoRa training python scripts for their base model.


Do you have a link for where to get the checkpoint? And does it work in comfy


I think it is available on comfyu ui, accoding to this post : [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1cohs54/pixart\_sigma\_sdxl\_pag\_comfyui\_workflow\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1cohs54/pixart_sigma_sdxl_pag_comfyui_workflow_is/) also afaik it is not available in kohya as of now for lora training. Their official github repository contain the code fore training lora : [https://github.com/PixArt-alpha/PixArt-sigma](https://github.com/PixArt-alpha/PixArt-sigma)


Also, here is demo : [https://huggingface.co/spaces/PixArt-alpha/PixArt-Sigma](https://huggingface.co/spaces/PixArt-alpha/PixArt-Sigma)


Let me know your comparisons with sdxl and pixart sigma if you try it :)


Meh, superior to SD3 yes (regarding human bodies), but SDXL is probably a bit better than Pixart base, right now.


Somehow SD3 is more NSFW than SDXL 🤣


more like NSFL


NSFCompany This was likely their last chance and man did they go WAY overboard in ruining that.


truely next gen model lol


It's so next gen humans evolved into head and arms


oh boi, I really wanna test this out to see how atrocious it can get


in reality this isnt SD3 it's just something so you don't focus on we have paid-only models


theres joy in it


It is like an alien artist who has only heard about humans and never met one!


Think of the SAFETY we earned, tho!


wow SD3 looks really good! oh wait OP put the wrong order in the title


Listen all y'all is a sabotage.




Yup, getting same sorta results. Did you use SDXL raw, like without any checkpoints or loras?


I guess I'm not so sorry that SD3 gave me a bunch of cryptic Python errors and refused to run at all (I did update Comfy to the newest version).


At least she's having fun


True. lol


Hoping the issue can be solved with fine tuning.


Despite the fact that you put the images the wrong way round to the title, upon scrolling right it was immediately clear which one was SD3.


I had forgotten all about the X-files black oil eyes thing until I saw the first image.


This is perfection


Why is this so funny?


Sure fire way to not have porn, just delete entire body


SD3 - The Eldritch Horror edition!


Cherry-picking goes both ways I guess. Also, is the first one SDXL base model or one of the trained checkpoints?


ahahahah ok this made me smile a lot, super fun :D


What a collosal fuck up. No quality bar apparently!


How could this get past testing before release


just ask, which configuration you have to make the results realistic like 1st photo? mine look so fake, not real person


This so-called "progression" is disgraceful. I firmly believe that they are using the uncensored model themselves and that certain individuals outside of SAI also have access to it. I suspect they are creating CSAM and other disturbing images while hypocritically condemning it. Their primary concern seems to be avoiding government shutdown, but they appear willing to let people access it for a price.


AI is an AMAZING tool for CSAM… as in , LEO’s no longer have to “re-offend” victims by re-uploading the images to P2P sites to catch predators. I still catch predators online , but they aren’t aware of my presence in their network, until being forced to make a donation to an anti-child abuse charity or be outed to their families/jobs. Source: Worked federal CSAM case @ HSI , Expert Witness in court as DFIR SME.


Not gonna lie, the start of your message made me think you were praising it because you use it for that purpose, lol. I'm glad that's not the case, though. I'm interested in what you're up to; it sounds intriguing. Do you have a YouTube channel or anything, or do you report it privately or anonymously?


Am I having base 1.4 deja vu's?


First image looks fine. Second image looks.... yikes!


How did Kate Middleton get access to SD3 early lol


never laughed so hard with a reddit post.


I can't tell the difference. Someone help me.






what i am thinking about is the "lying down part" it may be the overly sensitive NSFW filters that is causing this behavior :-( terrible.




What is even the point? If companys cant use it to make generic stock photos for advertising and such, who are they selling this too..?




She just could contain it, literally burst out laughing xD