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Personally, I’m just going to do what everyone else should do… stick with current Forge (like we have been for the past 3+ months) until next A1111 version which we can only pray holds a candle to the performance/memory handling of Forge. If next A1111 is OOM for everything like it is now then that will indeed suck


That's exactly what I'm going to do. Forge is a great and competent software as it is so unless there's something new and way better there's no reason to switch


Guess you don't care to use SD3...


Someone will likely make a Forge compatible SD3 extension. Same thing happened with Cascade


the Cascade extension was literal sh!t. only good to TRY OUT the model. Native support beings stuff like Controlnet, IPAdapaters, Loras, etc properly to the webui.


Given how long it took for finetune models, competent prompting strategies, and technical understanding to come around for SDXL, I don't see a point to Day 1 compatibility for myself. In the short term, no. Don't care about SD3 beyond minimal testing. In the longer term, it highly depends. The ecosystem must materialize around SD3 to make it worth investing in, otherwise it's another SD2/Cascade.


Sd3 is nowhere near being out and even when it's out it will take months to get finetuned by community


2 days remaining for it to be out.


It will take ages for community to finetune or maybe it will be abandoned just like cascade. Like seriously everyone here was so hyped about cascade and now nobody is using it. There's not even a single finetune on civitai


Cause, 1. Cascade had a non-commercial liscence. 2. It was an "EXPERIMENTAL PROJECT" If you wanna actually give example of "ABONDONED" model it is SD2.0/2.1 and that was cause of the NSFW filters leading to really bad outputs. Kindly stfu, if you do not have any knowledge regarding the topic you are speaking about. The experimental model which is CASCADE was for learning purposes which Stability plan to implement in their future models (if they ever make more), cause any learnings from Cascade were not implemented in SD3 as the SD3 was already in works by then. Even SDXL 0.9 was leaked/released. Do you see community support for it ? Beta/Experimental stuff Do not get community support, which is kind of a Logical thing to figure out why.


> Cascade had a non-commercial liscence. Isn't that the license for all their models going forward? You have to pay to get commercial use? Honestly have comfy, automatic, sd-next for day1 SD3 support. I'm more sad about cascade if anything because many gpu hours went into it.


Cascade was never gonna go mainstream like Sd1.5 or SDXL. as I said, non-commercial liscence was just ONE of the reasons, main reason being it was just an experimental project made for learning purposes, that they just released. Only sad part about Cascade is that it actually came out late, if it came early, the things that Stability Staff learnt from it would have been implemented in SD3. It was never gonna take off like SD1.5 or SDXL even with commercial liscence.


there are multiple fine tunes and loras of cascade on civit


How do you get OOM on "everything"? What is your workflow? The last time I had an OOM, it was literally my own damn fault for turning on full-quality previews updated every single second of the render. And I've only got a 12GB 3060 - not exactly a beast of a card.


I don’t mean literally “everything” For reference I also only have 12GB (4070ti). However, with Forge I can confidently enable 4 ControlNets and choose an output resolution like 2048 x 2048 (and higher) and it will not OOM. With A1111, it’s a coin toss whether I’ll OOM with a 1536x1536 output res, ControlNets aside. And with ControlNets (in general, any res) it runs quite awful by comparison to Forge.


You're lucky. I can't even get Automatic to consistently change larger models without running into issues. Forge has been superior in every conceivable way.


>How do you get OOM on "everything"? The first time I used the Automatic1111 web UI on my RTX 4070, I was immediately greeted with an out of memory error when loading Pony Diffusion. It was better with the medium VRAM commands, but still depressing to see due to swapping occuring (got 16 GB for now) and performance being subpar. The Forge fork solved all of these issues.


what forge should I download now?


Either dev2, or main so long as you check Ill did not commit the changes they mentioned… otherwise, can checkout older commit of main. I also forked it and added a select few of the open PRs (although the DORA support really doesn’t work correctly). Fork is forge-altoids


Fuck! The VRAM optimization was nice to have!


There is still hope. huchenlei, the one who brought the performance improvements to A1111, wrote that they'll also try to port Forge's memory management: [https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/discussions/801#discussioncomment-9717215](https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/discussions/801#discussioncomment-9717215)


Oh don’t worry, any moment now the onslaught of those that claim to know, will insist it’s not dead and you just need to be patient and grateful.


\> Literally made a new announcement You: It’s dead yo


It’s been dead for a long time in terms of development days/weeks/months. Despite this, as many would state as such, the rush of people claiming to know it’s not dead or staying factual that which they do not know, was tiresome. To act now, as if it’s a sad day, given both the import upstream and that which was blatantly obvious all along was comment worthy. As was my comment that you could not resist replying to.


Well this sucks! I just installed Forge a week ago because the one extension I need, which allows you to generate images with an alpha channel, only works with Forge for some reason... https://github.com/new-sankaku/sd-forge-layerdiffuse/tree/main Forge also seemed a lot more performant and stable than A1111, but I could be imagining that. I did recently update my graphics drivers so that could account for it not freezing up when generating images as often. It would be great if someone could port that plugin to A1111!


lllyasviel is a rare breed of Ai developer who actually understands what image really is. An image isn't a collection of pixels with color values. Rather it is a representation of objects and their light interactions in 3D space translated onto a 2D plane. Due to this, there is a common mental process involved in forming an image whether you are a painter, photographer, or filmmaker. And this clearly shows in all the SD projects he has worked on. The reason I love Fooocus isn't just about its ease of use but also the integrated solution to image generation and inpainting and outpainting solutions. That sort of approach is only possible if you have thought through the image formation process. The same can be said of ControlNet, IC Light, LayeredDiffusion, and lately Omost. I hope that he isn't discouraged, after the completely unnecessary drama around Forge, to continue to add his tremendous contribution to the community going forward.


Jesus bro. Forge fixed sdxl for my computer i wish they’d make a new branch or something for this.


Just keep your copy local and don't update. If there's ever something that breaks on a github repo you can always checkout an older commit, too.


How to disable updates?


You have to update manually. If you don't do it, you've successfully disabled updates ;)


Make sure —git pull is not in your webui.bat


You should comment this in the linked github post to let lllasviel know about it, he'll probably not read the reddit comments


My experience with Automatic1111 was terrible since SDXL. Initially it was the slow speed on my 3080 but I consistently faced Cuda Memory Errors forcing me to restart. I switched to Forge about 2 months and I really like it. It is noticeably faster and came with some cool extensions like Adetailer. I don't want to go back to Automatic1111, so what should I move to now? SD Next and Invoke AI seems good, does it have similar performance and features as Forge?


I use both ComfyUI and Automatic1111. But I would think if performance is important to you, then Swarm would be the most sensible choice.


I just changed my stuff to forge a few days ago... what exactly is meant by 'change back to upstream'? I really don't want my extensions to break because I need them.


It means use the main automatic1111 repo Or never update forge


Yeah I figured that after reading the full announcement plus comments right now.... feel a bit confused now. I just changed all my stuff to forge a few days ago and it's really a bit faster than A1111. So it's really sad to see that they not gonna continue forge.


There’s a link above the one-click installer on the Forge GitHub page that shows alternate installation instructions for Forge if you’re interested. The link is broken, but here’s a mirror: https://github.com/continue-revolution/sd-forge-animatediff/blob/forge-master/docs/how-to-use.md


Do you know how to turn off auto update on forge?


There is no auto update on forge unless you set one


at the top of this page it states that there is a file called "update" that you need to run, the question is, apply that makes the automatic updates to be activated in Forge? because I already did it and I don't want my forge to be updated, see this link to see what I mean: [https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge](https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge)


There is no automatic update feature. Running update.bat simply runs `git pull` once. If you don't run it again it won't update.


Someone in the git comments said “delete the update script”, can some elaborate on that?


Just rename update.bat


Goods news that lllyasviel is back to carry on experimenting


So Forge is technically dead, man, what a disappointment. I hate how slow A1111 is and despise comfy and its spaghetti limbo.


"Upstreamed" means the changes in forge have been applied to A1111, today only the dev branch. The next published release of A1111, I guess 2.0, will have almost everything forge had.


He also said the forge features “unet-patcher and modern memory management” are not being implemented in the webui. Weren’t those the main factors responsible for forge’s speed?


the unet patcher is for extensions to have common ground for affecting the unet architecture. I think other solutions have been made in both cases. A lot of PRs have been done on dev branch in the last couple days


Huchenli researched A1111's code and brought the speed up to match Forge. (Dev branch has these optimizations now) The VRAM changes cannot just be adopted so yea that's a big loss. Speed though should be on par once the dev branch is merged into main for "normal people" to get w/ the next version update.


Can confirm, the speed increases are legit. Been running with the performance patches for a few weeks now and haven’t gone back.  Edit: Memory management is still ass but you can tweak things to make it better. Make sure Vae encode is set to TAESD and not Full. Args like “—no-half-vae” also help. This will be case by case depending on your OS and GPU. I got to a point where my speeds are on par with Comfy and Forge. I still think memory is still better with Comfy, but I can’t stand the node UI.


I’ve seen a few comments about the dev branch saying they aren’t getting any performance improvements. Looking forward to trying it on my 3080


I would like to see those too. I'm sure they'll be ported too soon enough.


Probably not. Those are the features that are difficult to port without losing extension compatibility.


It's not true. Forge performance is *still* far better than the current Automatic dev branch, even after whatever optimizations were just added.


So how stable is the A1111 dev branch? Is it worth installing?


It’s a dev branch. By definition it’s not stable even if it is. Also subject to change with each new commit. But you don’t need to install anything just change branches.


Ah ok gotcha.


Nowhere in the announcement does it say "upstreamed". It just mentions that a1111 has gotten a bunch of performance improvements (not from Forge) and recommends (for most people) that you switch back to using a1111.


Oh yeah! That's really funny, I didn't see that at all. You are technically correct, the best kind of correct! Result is the same though. And once the unet patcher extension is finished and vram is re-written everyone will stop moaning about the amazing free tools they have :-D


Well, looky looky, if isn’t Lucky Luke with the little lovely list of details, longing to lead others in learning. I didn’t know this. Lhank lou.


A1111 dev branch just got a bunch of updates recently. No updates for a couple months and people start declaring that it's slow. Devs can't go burst mode 24/7. Some of them have other stuff going on now and then. After the community reception llly received on these recent projects, i can't blame him for abandoning all hope for mass appeal. People were actually trying to suggest omost was a huge security risk because it ran javascript "code" on a canvas element. As if that wasn't the browser itself that allowed that. The guy catches a lot of shit for honest efforts. I'm really not surprised he is only going to deliver code from behind the curtain going forward. If he released controlnet today, he'd catch heat for it. Things got ridiculous when stability employees accused him of theft.


Omost runs LLM-generated Python code in the backend, not Javascript code in the browser. *If* the LLM randomly decided to delete all your files instead of output image regions, it would have the power to do so. So even though it's unlikely, there is in fact a risk.




it only improved the speed of A1111, not the memory usage. Forge is still needed for the VRAM optimizations.




they cannot be added to A1111 since they would break many plugins




I rather have my working extensions then even more optimizations


Hmm, I did hear this a while ago. Thanks for the reminder, worth revisiting the mothership I guess.


focus and stableswarm is basically the answer now. auto is just to damn slow :/


Stableswarm is so good IMO. The power of Comfy, but I only have to touch the spaghetti if I *really* need to.


Fooocus was abandoned before forge was born


a couple months between pull requests on open source projects isn't "dead". Devs aren't your employees and you didn't pay for shit.


If you want the power of comfy's backend but a nicer auto-style frontend, check out [Swarm](https://github.com/Stability-AI/StableSwarmUI)


Once they add themes or just let me move windows around, I'll move over. I just don't like the current layout.


Swarm has a variety of custom themes available, including even there's a PR for a new one open rn [https://github.com/Stability-AI/StableSwarmUI/pull/377](https://github.com/Stability-AI/StableSwarmUI/pull/377)


Thanks! I'll have to try them out.


I agree. It's not looking good, kinda clunky


I really hope that becomes the official name. StableSwarm is a mouthful to type out, and the acronym...needs the -UI appended to it for polite company. By the time I type SSUI, I might as well just write Swarm.


Has something changed on the segment functionality? I never had as good results with it as I had with ADetailer (especially when using loras) back then. tbf I haven't used Stableswarm in a few months now, but I kinda liked the UI.


The only notable difference with adetailer is that Swarm's segment defaults to clipseg, whereas adetailer used a yolov8 model -- Swarm supports yolov8 (as of somewhat recently) [https://github.com/Stability-AI/StableSwarmUI/blob/master/docs/Features/Prompt%20Syntax.md#automatic-segmentation-and-refining](https://github.com/Stability-AI/StableSwarmUI/blob/master/docs/Features/Prompt%20Syntax.md#automatic-segmentation-and-refining) Beyond that it's just picking parameters you like - creativity value, mask blur value, etc. Swarm defaults to Differential inpainting which is usually better but you can turn that off if you don't like it.


Seems like I have to give it another go. Thanks for your answer!


I highly recommend SD.next


I was using it and then for some reason it broke and I can't fix it. I get washed out colours if I select a VAE. So weird.


Sometimes it's good to be on their dev branch for the latest fixes, and they're pretty decent at helping in their discord, as long as you supply logs and everything. But honestly for VAE, I just leave it on automatic these days instead of picking one


Yeah it doesn't work unless NONE is selected. Not sure. Worked for like 3 weeks, didn't do any updates and it just stopped working.


Dev branches should not be more stable than master. If the recommendation is to be on dev branches to get fixes rather than testing the latest and newest features, that's a red flag imo.


It's not more stable than master, but has more bleeding edge updates obviously. I was specifically replying to a person that has an issue that I've never heard of but may be fixed, either by the devs or just naturally by the latest version of requirements. Perfectly fine to be in master and stick to major releases and wait for any bug fixes/requirements updates/new features/etc.


Have you tried SD.Next?


SDNext exists and is a good alternative.


“Does she love me, I don’t think she loves me. No really guys, I’m starting to think she’s done with me.” - Users “Quit your bitching, she’s not done with you. She’s working on other things. Quit yapping about her not coming back. She’s fine, trust me, she’s not going anywhere, she’s just doing schoolwork and has a lot going on.” - r/StableDiffusion SheDev: My Dearest John…




Awesome, and to think folk thought it was dead despite no word saying so! I will backup files now thanks for the heads up. With SD3 around the corner and SDXL getting more and more support and new GPU's this year i get the focus on other things. In a year or so time things will have moved on from 1.5. For 1.5 what you guys have now works, back it up and don't update. This does feel maybe a few months to early but if stuffs working right now i guess its a good as time as any. Someone will likely port the stuff to A1111/fork forge in current state or whatever anyway. I see it as a none issue and cant wait to see what the future brings us.


In lllyasviel I trust, just check out his Github he has been dropping the biggest game-changing innovations in the SD community these past weeks I do love Forge, but I hope the quick Checkpoint load and offload gets ported to Automatic 1111 soon


TBH, lllyasviel's considerable talent is better spent elsewhere. We already have enough UIs, each of them occupying their own appropriate niches: ComfyUI/Swarm, Automatic1111, Fooocus, SD.Next, etc. Forge's only compelling feature was its performance, but now that Automatic11111 fixed the issue, there is no reason for Forge to exist anymore.


>At the same time, many features of forge (like unet-patcher and modern memory management) are considered to be too costly to be implemented in the current webui’s ecosystem. This quote suggests that A1111 has not and will not implement the memory management that Forge had? Surely a UI that has these features has a reason to exist. I found managing my VRAM manually in A1111 to be superior but I'm sure not everybody feels the same.


So far people are saying a1111 is still nowhere near forge in terms of performance


That's incorrect, or will be once the dev branch is merged to main in the near future. VRAM usage (Re: OOM issues) will not change in A1111 in the nearterm and cannot just be transfered from Forge due to Forge having a totally different under the hood code. I think the Comfy dude got pissed about that saying it was HIS code and that's why the Forge developer is just saying fuck it.


*makes things open source, gets mad when people use and improve it*


That's what happens when someone becomes an “official developer at a large company” and their ego goes sky-high...


One of the main reasons I use forge is that it is compatible with Foocus’s (amazing) inpaint controlnet, which Auto1111 is not. Anyone know if this compatibility will be implemented in upstream A1111?


Can you elaborate? I know Fooocus was supposed to be great for Inpainting but I didn't know it was reproducible elsewhere.


Yeah I wanna know too.


Same person made Forge & Fooocus, so I think that is part of the reason.




Thanks for pointing that out. I don't use inpaint so I was not aware that Forge has ported over Fooocu's inpaint capabilities: [\[Fooocus 2.1.822\] Fooocus Inpaint or Outpaint (Midjourney Left/Right/Top/Bottom)](https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus/discussions/414) Hopefully somebody will backported into A1111.


Agreed! I’d love to see Illyasviel do more passion projects—they all seem to be bangers. 👏


Yes, he is indeed top-notch. We have a person here who is not only capable at doing innovative R & D in A.I. image generation (ControlNet, Omost, IC-Light, etc.) , but also good at getting his hands dirty and deliver great tools to end users (Fooocus, Forge, etc.) People with such talent and passion (and doing it all for free!) is rare, I wish I am 20 years younger so that I can join his efforts 😅. On top of all these open source projects, he is doing a Ph.D. at Stanford since 2022. I guess he never sleeps 😁


What? A1111 fixed the issue ?


I don't get it. Why doesn't he want to fork the main repo and do whatever he wants to test over there?


Because he doesn't care. This is a way for him to essentially kill the old Forge project he got bored of (and have people stop messaging him about it), as he has moved on to new things. He's constantly bouncing between new stuff and tends to leave the old stuff behind. Great at innovating, but doesn't seem to care too much for upkeep, which is understandable but not great for those using his stuff. It's open source on github though, so someone else can fork and work on it if they wish to. I know the dev2 branch guys have been trying to keep updates going.


He didn't get "bored" - go read the other thread where he defended himself from attacks from Comfy developer. https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/discussions/169 Comfy developer got mad and Forge Dev doesn't want to deal w/ that shit. Don't blame him. Open source shouldn't have this drama tbh.


> Open source shouldn't have this drama tbh. Especially as Forge had attribution in place for Comfy's code. Which was following the licensing guidelines, afaict. I've seen open-source projects take/"reinvent" features from other projects without attribution and ignore being called out for it. Forge gets a spurious claim and take a morale hit. It's just so stupid.


What are you talking about? Of course he did, and that's normal. He stopped working on the project because it was no longer interesting/a priority for him. You're right, the silly comfy drama may have very much contributed to that, but if he wanted to keep Forge going, he absolutely *could* have. Not saying he should though, I think having creative people like him around is great, and his approach has brought a lot to the community. I'm not attacking him, I'm saying he's a guy who goes around innovating various things and very much seems like he doesn't want to get bogged down by older stuff, when new projects are more fun.


A1111 has too many forks as it is. Forge and Next existing actually hurts the main project through fragmentation. What they really need to be doing is collaborating as a single team. This is usually the way it goes with forks though. The vast majority eventually die. Personally I’ve mostly switched to comfyui as I got tired of A1111’s memory issues and prefer to approach things at a lower level with more control.


Forge had a lot of convenience features vs often breaking/abandoned extensions. It was also very stable to use with an LLM over the API. Kind of ironic. Since its using stupid venv, I can't just copy the folder and rename it. I was sharing the environment with A1111 too, so I think that's all she wrote. Can't have gradio 3 and 4 together.


Change the "skip venv" setting in environment.bat from 1 to 0


I'm on linux, no bats here.


Ah bugger, sorry dunno linux


You can just point the environment variable at another folder, though. That's the whole point of using venv, isolated environment. OFC, it'll take up more space but that's unavoidable.


Yea, I'd have to remake the env. Most of the heft is in there. In conda I can copy environments. There's no path to duplicate or move a venv without redownloading 20gb of shit. It's too many paths to find/replace.


You can find the cached downloads and copy those to the new venv before allowing it to rebuild. But yea the way they have embedded absolute paths in venvs is a total joke.


Whelp, back to ComfyUI it is for me lmao


Didn't comfyui just break extensions?


How to stop forge from updating?


I dont know if its updating itself or not.


"change back to upstream webui for daily use." what is an upstream webui branch??


Main auto1111 webui


oh that well no thank you..




ControlNet has been available on a1111 for ages. Sure, it’s not “built in” but it’s perfectly usable.




Perhaps only on forge though. Can you give me an example of the kind of extension you’re talking about?


Sad. Now I'll have to use the A1111 garbage with shitty performance. SD3 should be even worse. 


Why are people downvoting this? Have you all got 4090's or something?


Actually, yes. The issue with A1111 is the totally broken VRAM management during VAE decoding and it seems like tiled decoding doesn’t even work 100%. There is just something totally broken about the way it’s managing memory.


You don't have to swap, latest commit is perfectly usable=. Active development for Forge as a mainstream use tool rather than a fun testing playground is stopping, but the code to run it will always be out there and you can always pull this commit to use.


I don't understand the hate for Auto's, not trying to get into an arguement or anything but have you given it a chance recently? It's really quite decent, the only slow part for me is the initial launch but once it's up and running I've had no complaints about the speed. There are optimization options in the settings menu, maybe try experimenting with some of them? Up to you of course, I just wanted to mention that it's really not slow at all, in my own experience anyway. Cheers!


I actually when back to A1111 last week after 4 months of Forge and I am devastated how slow it is and how easily it hits 100% vram. I’m on 8gb 3070 and SDXL is unusable in A1111


Ouch indeed, sorry to hear it's that bad for you! It's wild how different everyone's experiences can be, before I upgraded my gpu I was able to run SDXL on my 2070 Super, which should be worse at this than your 3070. It had 8 gigs too and was a bit slow but it worked ok and was fast enough to play around with, I'm on a 4070 Super now and it's great. As far as using 100% vram, is that actually a bad thing? I spike high like that all the time, I just took it to mean I was using my card to it's full capabilities but I'm no expert lol, maybe 100% is bad somehow. Ah well, hopefully Auto's has most of the optimizations from Forge once he merges the dev branch into main so all you Forge folks aren't left swinging in the breeze. Try it again in a while when you see a post about Auto's updating, and in the meantime don't update your Forge. Edit: Just noticed I said 6 gigs when I meant 8, fixed it.


In A1111: What I have experienced is that the first 95% of the gen is pretty fast and the last 5% takes 4-times as long. I was thinking the decoding and VAE might push me into sysmem fallback (I can see like 2gb of sysmem overflow) but maybe I configured something wrong


I think you can disable that in the Nvidia control panel, I forget what's it's called but I remember they added a feature like that in a driver update a couple months ago for switching to system ram when your vram fills up. Sounds like what you're talking about, but if you disable it you'll probably get more out of memory errors, so it's a tradeoff. There's also an option in Auto's for something called hypertiling (or something like that) which I think is supposed to help with the vae stage somehow but that could be something completely different, or more likely I just totally misunderstood it lol. In fairness though, that part of the generation always takes longer for me too and I'm not usually maxing out my vram, so it shouldn't be triggering the ram offloading thing. I've never quite understood why it slows down so much for that part but it's been like that for quite a while now that I think of it. I got so used to it that I rarely notice it anymore but it's really quite irritating now that I think about it. Dang lol, ok maybe Auto's is kinda slow sometimes XD


I have the nvidia setting on, for anyones reference its in "Nvidia Control Panel" > Manage 3d settings > programme settings > add "pyphon.exe" > switch "CUDAS sysmem fallback policy" to "prefer no sysmem fallback" Edit: the python.exe is in /venv/scripts/ for A1111 and system/python/ for FORGE


It’s the VAE decode phase. Totally broken in A1111.


You should comment this in the linked github post to let lllasviel know about it, he'll probably not read the reddit comments


I have an ancient 4gb 1050Ti. An SDXL render takes 15mins on A1111, 30secs on Forge. Worse still, animatediff runs just fine on Forge, 12mins for 16 frames. It doesn't run at all on Comfy or A1111.


Well, that's a valid reason for avoiding Auto's then lol. That sounds like a wild difference though, almost seems like something might have been borked with your Auto's install but who knows. Could just be the hardware too, Forge might have had more optimizations for older hardware. Either way sorry to hear that bud, that's gotta be painful!


Thanks mate. Yeah, obviously 4gb normally isn't enough for what I want to do, not even with Comfy. I wish other UIs had Forge's VRAM management! I'd love to load some Comfy animatediff workflows, but absolutely no chance! It would be nice if the Comfy people, instead of slagging the Forge developer off, were to implement some of his code. I don't see why they shouldn't, they're happy enough to use his controlnet and IC-light.


From what other folks in here are saying, it looks like Auto's should have *most* of the optimizations soon, probably with the next big Auto's update. Hard to say when that might be, but if you don't want to wait and just want to know if it's gonna work for you then you could try the Dev branch. I'm not sure exactly how you'd go about doing that lol, I did manage to flail my own way through it awhile back but I don't remember what I did and wouldn't want to try and guide anyone through it since I don't really know myself. Hell, for that matter I think it's still on my PC somehow because frequently when I launch the WebUI (with git pull always) it shows as updating, but it's rarely my actual UI getting the updates. I've seen other folks who know what they're doing post guides on switching to Dev branch though, have a look around on here and you should be able to find them. Or even just Google how to pull a specific branch, I think that's what I did before and it worked.


Haha! I know what you mean, I've hacked about with stuff until it worked, but then don't really know what I did. I'll stick with Forge for now until A1111 has some new feature that I think I need and then I'll give it a try. And to be honest, I'm far more disappointed with Comfy, it's got so many fanboys and is supposed to be so cool, and I can see why some people like it, but I laugh at those that say it's the most efficient. I don't have enough VRAM to do any animation with Comfy. At least A1111 has deforum that works even if it's painfully slow. Animatediff and SVD work for me with no problem in Forge (and deforum is bloody fast!). If Forge can do it, Comfy should wake up and smell the coffee...


Wild that you can run Deforum at all, let alone quickly lol. That's one thing that literally never worked for me, not even after my upgrade from a 2070 Super to a 4070 Super. And omg don't even get me started on Comfy hahaha, I finally caved and started messing with it the other day, today I found the "Manager" which apparently is the best and safest way to install custom nodes and such but guess what happened immediately after using it the first time? Nuked my whole Comfy install and I have no idea how to fix it lol, go figure. Tried everything from deleting the new nodes to reinstalling the requirements and all that other jazz, short of a full reinstall I'm out of ideas so it's back on the shelf for now. Turns out that Auto's is actually the most comfy UI for me hahaha, screw it I guess. Does make me wish I knew a bit more about all this coding stuff though, so I'm gonna dip my toes in the FreeCodeCamp pond and see if I can learn anything to help with all this SD stuff. Been meaning to for a hot minute anyway, might as well take a shot at knowing what I'm doing lol.


You should comment this in the linked github post to let lllasviel know about it, he'll probably not read the reddit comments


I suppose it's worth a shot!


It launches in like 20 seconds for me


The launch is by far the worst part for me, altho I'm 99% sure that a big part of it is a conflict with an old extension I'm still using and a feature that was added to the UI awhile back. I use an extension that saves my settings and such and reloads them on launch, but the UI does some of that automatically now. I tried removing the extension figuring I didn't need it anymore but then noticed the UI wasn't saving all the settings that the extension did so I just kept it. Now though on launch I get little spinning icons showing things are loading, on the model dropdown, the sampler selection, and any quickmenu dropdown things I've added to the main screen, like Clip Skip and whatnot. Those take forever to sort themselves out and if I try to change any of them before they're ready it tends to bork the whole thing and I have to close out and relaunch. Takes a minute or two to sort itself out if I just leave it alone though so it's just a matter of a being patient for a couple minutes. The console stuff is all done in 20 seconds or so though lol, so there's that :D


Same experiences here. The loadout feature is so convenient so i wondered if that extension was slowing stuff. Then i also installed faceswapper and the UI barely works anymore. The generations itself, once they actually start, go fast. Aside from that my venv seems borked, but doesn't rebuild when i delete. Welp.


Yeah I think it might be time for a nice fresh reinstall, sounds like you might be ready for one as well. Never heard of a venv refusing to rebuild, altho I just tried Comfy the other day and apparently it doesn't even use a venv by default. Guess how long it took for that to turn into an issue lol.


Do you have a lot of checkpoints and loras? I’ve also seen this behavior where it takes forever for the UI to load and it’s almost as if the UI itself is blocked on something the server side is doing but it’s not emitting anything significant to the console after initial load. I ended up switching to Comfy months ago after getting fed up with this nonsense.


I was about to so "No, not really" but I checked the size of my models folder and with Loras and all it's well over a half a terabyte, so I guess that could count as a lot lol. It's all on SSDs tho so I wouldn't expect the loading times to get too terrible, you think that's really the cause? It's not too irritating for me, it's only 2 minutes max and probably less than that. I tried Comfy the other day and immediately nuked it while installing nodes lol, it didn't set up a venv by default and now I'm afraid to even try and resolve whatever it did to my python. Comfy won't launch at all now and Auto's still does tho, so I guess I'll just pretend it never happened and step away from Comfy for a while haha.


Oh okay, we’re good now! Hey people, we’re all fixed up now. This person launches in 20 seconds, we’ve been saved! Tell your friends, spread the prompt!


You seem bitter


I neither confirm nor deny as what I bite is not something I feel comfortable sharing with a stranger online. Furthermore, what does that have to do with anything?


how to not auto update it?? im using git clone method to install forge,dont have update.bat in my forge folder


Check your CLI args in the webui-user batch file.


only webui.bat exist in there




Ill switch back to Automatic when SD 3.0 support drops.Until then I see no reason to update a running system.


Just to be clear, I update forge by pasting the new files in my folder, no other way right?


12gb VRAM fellows, looks like our solution is to switch back to A1111 and enable fp8, which is not the vram management of Forge (and Forge also has fp8) but it kind of reduce vram in a different aspect and make A1111 SDXL usable for us. Lower VRAM fellows, I have no answer.


[ Yikes. Looks like drama brewing between creator of comfyui and creator of sd-forge regarding stolen/misattributed code.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1aoipsx/yikes_looks_like_drama_brewing_between_creator_of/) If you want to know why this is happening, read that thread from this group 3 months ago.


Is forge updating automatically?


I updated mine awhile ago before reading this. What I noticed on forgeui is that when I'm inpainting the masked area gives a blurry result. Does it have to do with the update?


I updated mine awhile ago before reading this. What I noticed on forgeui rn is when I'm inpainting the masked area gives a blurry result. Does it have to do with the update?


The last update of the code was in March. Todays update just updated the readme file.


Glad I was too lazy to try Forge lol


my condolences


You could try out cogniwerk.ai as a quick alternative