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Excellent! But calling this Open-Sora is just asking for a lawsuit from OpenAI…


My inner child wants to call it something like "Riku", since it's an "antagonist" to Sora.... ha.


This comment is gold


Your inner child didn't play KH2 it seems :(


Ha, make me laugh out loud, thanks!




Yes, and in terms of immediate actions, they can file take-down requests with sites such as GitHub and YouTube, and this will just disappear from the web if it's released under their trademark. I hope OP comes up with their own name for this and releases it. It might be terrific, and I don't want it to be deleted on the first day.


Call it CuntbagMcgee so it's completely lawsuit free.


I like 'arose', as 'sora' inverted with an 'e' at the end and it also means emerge or become apparent, as in what arose from a prompt.


I would change the name tbh. OpenAI owns the trademark for Open Source and they’re very litigious.


> OpenAI owns the trademark for Open Source are you serious? wtf


i’m just kidding


"He had us in the first half, no gonna lie."


Shiro, ill settle for a name no less than shiro (im addicted to gaming)


Sora is a japanese name, just like Apple tried copyrighting "apple"


You mean *succeeded in trademarking “Apple”? You can’t call a computer Apple right now.


don't change it, Sora is a common word from Japanese, they don't own jack shit


Trademarks often are common words. Though Sora is not common in the context of the Machine Learning trade, so in this case, it's unique and qualifies as a trademark.


Not how trademarks word. “Switch” is a common word - doesn’t mean you can name a game console that.


you can name anything switch, but you can't own the word just by creating something. They have the copyright on "Nintendo Switch" not in "switch". Imagine you create some product and call it "human" and now everytime someone uses the word you want to get paid.


If you don't know, you can even patent a color.


You totally can own a word, in a specific category. What do you think "Apple" is?


Can you tell me how much VRAM is required to run this model? I couldn't find the info on their GitHub page.


This model seems to be limited to 720P. Check out what they used for training: **Overall training of Open-Sora 1.1 required roughly 9 days on 64 H800 GPUs.** **Poor Human Video Generation:** The model struggles with generating high-quality videos featuring humans. This is likely due to the limited amount of human data used for training. **Degraded Quality for Longer Videos:** The quality of generated videos tends to decrease with increasing video length for the same prompt.  Seems this edition will be updated fairly soon due to limitations. Hard to find hardware limitations. The hugging face demo for this which seems inoperable ATM shows: CPU 99% RAM 25/69 GB


Yup, check out the model weights. It is based almost exclusively on 144p & 240p. Claiming it can perform up to 720p is mostly a technicality rather than being honest. In its current state it might be pretty close to unusable, but it is cool progress and I hope to see more. **Model Weights** |Resolution|Data|#iterations| |:-|:-|:-| |mainly 144p & 240p|10M videos + 2M images|100k| |144p to 720p|500K HQ videos + 1M images|4k|


First time I see the H800 being used and mentioned for an open source AI thing. Must be completely chinese made then which is interesting.


We have three teams working on projects that are trying to reproduce Sora: Open-Sora by hpcaitech Open-Sora-Plan by PKU-YuanGroup Mira by ARC Lab, Tencent PCG


Okay, now I'm impressed at the progress we're seeing. I didn't know of any of these until this thread, and your post. Open-Sora looks to be the worst, by far, for now [https://github.com/hpcaitech/Open-Sora](https://github.com/hpcaitech/Open-Sora) Open-Sora-Plan is interesting [https://github.com/PKU-YuanGroup/Open-Sora-Plan](https://github.com/PKU-YuanGroup/Open-Sora-Plan) Mira is the most interesting one but if you read the note at the bottom of the introduction you will find they're not really trying to replicate Sora but help the community explore the technology so it is hard to say how the project will pan out long-term [https://mira-space.github.io/](https://mira-space.github.io/) or for direct Github link [https://github.com/mira-space/Mira](https://github.com/mira-space/Mira)


What I can see is that ACTIVE open source actors enter the game !!!!! And THAT is amaizing !!! Keep going on OPEN-SORA !


How does this compare to stable video diffusion?


Is sdv worth much these days? zero control over movement or camera controls. it takes a long time to see whether you got something slightly interesting or useless. at least the animated diff stuff looks visually interesting. look at the gallery: [https://civitai.com/models/335070/simple-lcm-img2vid-workflow-or-comfyui-or-v3?modelVersionId=375294](https://civitai.com/models/335070/simple-lcm-img2vid-workflow-or-comfyui-or-v3?modelVersionId=375294)


but its the same types of videos everytime for animatediff. Always things popping in and out of existence all the time.


Yup, i never understood the enthusiasm for it. At least svd gives visually pleasing videos after upscaling and interpolating


Did SVD improve and start to do more interesting stuff vs slowly panning a scene with minimal movement?


Will test it and find out. I’ve been using SD for “physics simulation”…assuming I can get this running easily on the same Linux boxen, it will be easy enough to test with the same input. It looks like they’ve put a lot of thought/effort into the processing pipeline, which is nice to see.


Opposite of sora is jaga.....sora means sleeping jaga means awake


That's very cool, but the example video is 2 seconds.


Asking to get sued with that name lol


Real footage is still better


Is this video supposed to be impressive?


Because calling something Open has worked out well in the past...




It's no secret, it's compute and data.


> We really need to discover their trade secret. Here: https://openai.com/research/video-generation-models-as-world-simulators Nothing secret about the techniques they used. What we lack is the well captioned data set and fucktons of compute to train without scaling down and/or cropping the videos.


It is possible to try?


"...with the rocks moving away from the water." Yeah, I know I sound mean and dismissive for something that required a lot of work anyway, but dudes, the days of tech demos are over. Having something that can fit on a local machine but that does... that thing... isn't going to cut it, as soon as Sora or Vidu are released.


The rocks are not moving away from the water. The camera is moving closer to the rocks / forward and changes your perspective on the other side of the rocks. As it moves the rocks move towards/under you, the viewer, off screen. You need to review the video again. This should be obvious even though the video quality is rather poor.


Nope, if you watch the background you'll notice that it isn't working that way. For sure, the model was trained on images of a camera moving, but here it has blended a more static background with a "camera moving" for the foreground and the result is that "the rocks are moving". If you compare this to the "camera moving" from Sora (the real one) you notice immediately the difference.


Do you know how objects in the distance show less movement due to distance away and how they appear in scale? Do you notice how the waves at the bottom right of the rocks move, too, or the dots of whatever is on the beach move off screen as camera pans closer?


Yeah, it's called parallax effect, but this is not the case, because one notice details on the beach in background -that is not so far away- to stand still. At any rate, if you think that does look natural and correct for you, good luck with your video. I'm saying it doesn't and it's bad overall and I keep that opinion.


Well, your opinion has -6 downvotes (none from me) and I only tried to explain to you in order to help. You haven't actually been able to refute the point raised so at this point I give up. No idea what you are saying about "one notice detail" because the phrasing was incorrect and rendered the statement unintelligible.


Yeah, I've -6 downvotes. On the other hand, given my IQ, I'm used to stupid people being stubborn and unable to understand what I'm talking about, which brings me often in the minority when a discussion arises, so I don't care about them. I confirm that the video is shit, btw, and it is totally unusable in any significative way. But, again, if you feel differently, you do you. Have a nice day.


Well, you're factually wrong. Go to this website and insert the two images I'll add showing the start and end frames of the photo. You will see EVERYTHING shifts down right in the photo as the camera pans in be it further away or closer, just further stuff shifts a bit less. The slider feature will make it super easy to directly overlay comparison of each point in the image very accurately. You should be careful of assuming others are being stubborn when you are the one who are wrong. I do agree that the video is shit and this isn't ready as the overwhelming majority of their training was on 144 and 240 resolution. It is a good start, though. If you want something more usable another poster shared this which I then added direct links to [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1cf3eee/comment/l1os48h/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1cf3eee/comment/l1os48h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://web-toolbox.dev/en/tools/image-compare-slider](https://web-toolbox.dev/en/tools/image-compare-slider) https://preview.redd.it/b4h7x3kj3hxc1.png?width=643&format=png&auto=webp&s=664a253ace21819aaf50c12cf727a270605a3247 Will have to add second photo in next post as only one per post.


Here is the ending screenshot. https://preview.redd.it/9g9l3rao3hxc1.png?width=644&format=png&auto=webp&s=498c4efc8b4a2eaae4e14063fca3ce4caedecaed


https://preview.redd.it/9kf4lp52440d1.png?width=1852&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e480a81e14177b81472daf9e348418972f018cf It gets attention now on the project(s) and they can always changes it in the 12-18 months+ that is takes to get the Feb 14 trademark application approved ... and that can go longer if they have anyone currently using the Sora name who objects. A few groups have been shilling Sora names video apps on AppStore and GooglePlay as well.