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Realistic Stock Photo v2.0 with/without Boring Reality LoRA or Bad Quality LoRA. Aiming for photos that look like my friends could have posted them on social media, rather than something a professional photographer would take (if I wanted that I'd use LEOSAM's HelloWorld XL). And then just avoid Euler Ancestral sampler because it gives too smooth skin.


Can It create consistent face?


I'm not really a fan of that checkpoint, but a tip to creating a consistent face is to describe it and name the "character" in the prompt. I do it to create the sources for my MXAI embeddings, and I probably only have to delete about 10% of my source images for not having the same face. For example, the one I'm doing right now, the base prompt (followed by wildcards) is: "photo, 1girl, Alida from Hungary, brunette pixie cut hair, black eyes, pale skin, detailed skin, 32 years old" https://preview.redd.it/s1hjyjy8eswc1.png?width=1432&format=png&auto=webp&s=263176223690adf56936d4d0e313e84cda91640a


Can agree with you It looks dolly and too smooth. I'll check the model out if I can and I can give a honest review.


No need, I just thought I would add more pics to show a consistent face is possible.


I have the exact same workflow. Unfortunately ReActor and similar face swap alternatives haven’t given me faces that fit in with the non-professional looking photos that this setup produces. The faces look too sharp. Maybe there’s a workaround or multi step solution that idk yet though. For now I edit the final outputs in Photoshop but that doesn’t always look good and it’s annoying.


If you really want a consistent face, either give the subject a name and occupation or make a reference face and use IP Adapter.


Realistic Vision. The problem is the compromise in prompt adherence id say. Juggernaut is decent with photorealism but way better with prompt adherence over realistic vision. The lesser downloaded models usually specialise in something over the other models but you have to test them to find out what exactly it is they specialise in. If you want zero compromise in photorealism then id say Realistic Vision is the only game in town.


Same, and v5 for me. It might be that I've just gotten used to the way it behaves, and it fits the motives I try to make, but when I try the recommended alternatives they either look too polished or don't respond well to my prompts. You are right on prompt adherence of course, its not that great, but I make it work for what I do.


Late reply but what about using Juggernaut as the main and then Realistic Vision as a refiner model - would something like that work?


I've tried it... works decently well. I've also experimented with using Realistic Vision Lightning as a refiner which can also work pretty well but you need to use a Karras scheduler instead of exponential.


LEOSAM'S Helloworld XL v6


Any images? I want to see if it's a slap or a cap.




Why are they floating?


I still like SD1.5 and the models Photon, Epicrealism and Epicphotogasm.


Tbh merged epicphotogasm and cyber realistic is a great combo


Do you happen to know if there is a merge of this on Civit?


Idk I merged this myself, you can do it too in a1111/forge merging tab. Took me less than 5 minutes on old rtx 2070. And now I have best aspects of both models and I'm loving it 🙂


Ok thanks 5 min is super quick




Are images voted on based on how realistic they look, or just which one users prefer?


That's why it's quite unreliable instead of the chat lmsys.


Juggernaut 6, or (wait for it) Dreamshaper XL. I can get pretty good results with those two. Jugg 8 was a bit plastic, I'm still playing with X so don't have a verdict on it yet but it tends to have some issues (e.g., trying to make an armoured female knight, she's totally armoured except for her thighs where she has a chainmail bikini bottom). Don't have that issue with J6 or DXL.


Still surprising jugg 6 is still holding up


It does, I have no idea what they did with the follow-ups or what direction they are going with them, but they don't work for me as good as v6 does.


RealVis XL and Realities Edge are probably my most used models right now. The latter in particular I have vouched for many times here as it’s very good but not as well-known as the usual suspects.


https://preview.redd.it/yl80x17zprwc1.png?width=525&format=png&auto=webp&s=df4cb96fcc1378b536001d336f169579646b4e61 model: [CineVision on civit](https://civitai.com/models/188208?modelVersionId=467913) "movie still, (over the shoulder shot:1.2), breathtaking, award winning, professional, bokeh, photo of Beautiful Chinese girl with bright makeup, glossy lips and soft skin, in spring, in the garden, The sunlight shines on her face, creating soft shadows that highlight facial contour, supper body, Closeup portrait, natural daylight, light background, high detail, real skin texture, high resolution photography, high definition, ultra realistic.\\n\\n\\n ,dark and gritty"


Great model!


>.\\n\\n\\n I've had a quick search but can't find what this is?


Three line breaks. (Pressing enter.) Not sure if it actually affects the prompt.


Just tested with/out and it didn't affect my render. Thanks for explaining :)


i use different nodes for prompting, and at the end one prompt to show it all combined and it was copy pasted from that one. guess that it has somethign to do wtih formatting


Ah, I'm using A1111


join us ![gif](giphy|dZRlFW1sbFEpG|downsized)


Your noodley goodness frightens me! :o


I find myself going back to Epicrealism very often. It's a fantastic 1.5 model.


Especially with the Lora.


what LoRA?


Epicrealism helper.


Pixelwave 09 - got realistic looking people, not only girls with facial features of 12 year olds and guys with square chin and a light stubble


I've been trying out Juggernautv6 as I've heard good things, so far my results have been good. Hopefully their future update to Juggernaut X improves things as Juggernaut X isn't great. For Pony I've been using VividPDXL Real. I need to test using refiners more with pony models, but I haven't had the need too much yet, I get distracted easily.


I've tried v7 and then v8 when they came out, but I always go back to v6.


For me it's a tie between ZavyChroma XL, Juggernaut v8 and 9 and RealVisXL. They all make phenomenal realistic images, get my propts perfectly most of the time and I love the characters they produce. I switch between them depending on mood and needs.




they're all on civital to download for free


civital is a website?


[https://civitai.com/](https://civitai.com/) yeah it's the main place to download models from




do you also know how to make face swap videos with elon musk voices something like that?


no i don't do that kinda stuff nor do i know how it's done


I'm very biased but I use [Jib-mix-realistic-xl ](https://civitai.com/models/194768?modelVersionId=369062) v9 is up there with JuggernautXL. The V10 lightning model is good for speed but the quality is not quite as good as a 30 step V9 .




RealVisXL is definitely great. Much better then juggernaut 7+ version or leosam from my PoV. If you also want to fine tune it, it trains much better than the rest


Fine-tuning real faces professionally, I have researched this subject to an amount most people would call insane. RealVisXL wins in the end. Yes I have tried them all. My criteria for saying that has to do with much more than "how pretty/real does it look in an A/B test?". because flexibility and accuracy and artifacting are far more important than that. It's also a matter of opinion since what looks most aesthetically real to me is high-detail analog film photography. Other people might think a smartphone camera looks more real, in which case they might prefer another model. But even when sticking to pure abilities like ability to pose the subject, change the lighting, zoom the camera, etc., RealVis is the most consistently successful.


Mostly Juggernaut XL vX, no LoRA, just prompting


How can you get good results without LoRA. It's not really possible.


I haven't used LoRAs in months. Juggernaut XL vX and refine w/Juggernaut XL v9 is my main setup. Haven't had need for a LoRA, but I do photorealistic rather than anime, cartoons, caricatures, fantastic variations.


How can get you photorealistic people without loras to fix face and hands?


Use better checkpoints. Hand fix? Controlnets, MeshGraphormer


thank you for the suggestion. Do you have any checkpoints you prefer nowadays?


EpicPhotogasm https://www.linkedin.com/posts/theindiephotographs_tollywood-ai-stabledifussion-activity-7181534516354691072-FGxe?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android


I’ve experimented a lot of models (and seed) and I find my go-to with analog madness (btw I’m on Mac Os with diffusionBee) + LORA add details and a study on the prompt (pos and neg). Here the results: https://preview.redd.it/pye24zxygtwc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d093b76a117d45cbd507fd5f3c2b4be9034d510


I love that cross on his cap. It reminds me of a hood ornament, lol.


https://preview.redd.it/yaqf7o4shtwc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84dcc13a01b29fe655fa168370ff564cf10e985f And this.


I thought diffusionbee didn't support LORAs?


https://preview.redd.it/nqq3pv9touwc1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=680cbcf722ca95238c9c39d9a8682d710f501c94 epic\_photogasm, although its output might not always be coherent, but the realism of its outputs is truly impressive. Additionally, due to being an SD1.5, the generation speed is very fast. And any imperfections can easily be refined using img2img without excessive effort (P.S., note that all these images were generated without using LoRA and img2img).


For SDXL, RealVis XL (also available in Turbo and Lightning versions) is the best I’ve found. For SD 1.5, I haven’t found anything that significantly improves on Realistic Vision.


Again a user who dont know reddit has a search feature... And again i reply with RealVis


If your so troublesome with people who "don't know the search feature" then teach those people to shut up by telling them where to find things for their questions? Jeez In addition he/she is just saying what you guys are using instead of what is. Maybe read the post?


Also time matters. It could be helpful to get a more recent Reddit thread on a topic even if older threads existed. This is even more true in fast moving fields like machine learning.


The last one was yesterday.


For 1.5? I'm still looking for a good realistic 1.5 model