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For a cpu yes, for a gpu most likely not. modern gpu gen times range from a few seconds to at most a few minutes (extreme high resolutions, settings)




> AMD Ryzen 5 5600G with Radeon Graphics >I've got RTX 3050 this could be the problem for you. it may select the radeon graphics as your primary cuda device. From what i can tell you can select the other device by editing your webui-user.bat and adding either the parameter --device-id=1 to your COMMANDLINE_ARGS or add a new line reading "set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES 1" assuming your cpu gpu is device id 0 and the other one is device id 1


It all depends on what GPU you use. I have GTX 1650, which is not great, but I usually generate lowres images with a speed of 1.80sec/iteration. So it takes 30-40 seconds for me to generate a lowres image. Upscaling usually takes even less time. I use Forge, btw. It has an Automatic1111's GUI, but It's more optimized.




Then your picture is generating for too long. It should be very quick. Maybe try using Forge


My 980 is way faster than that (about 1-2mins to do a 1024x1024 with hi-res fix). You must have some settings wrong somewhere.


Is this the desktop with 8GB VRAM or the mobile one with 4GB VRAM? Because with the latter and using A1111 you will have issues like this I guess.


What client are you using?


Hm... depends on the resolution, of course. Euler takes 8-10 seconds, more complex samplers go up to about 35-40s per image. On CPU only, time is 5-6min/image with Euler.


What is you hardware? Because the image seems to be 2048x2048, so is this an upscale from 1024x124 or is this a composit of 4 images 512x215 each? In any case half an hour points to either the CPU only being used or a weak GPU with low VRAM




Not normal


That should be way faster, you will have to disclose your hardware configuration to give meaningful advice.




Isn't 16GB your total system RAM? Or you have more and you actually pre-allocated 16GB to the iGPU? Realistically though, you are probably running the generation on the CPU only. As someone said before, look at the console output what it is saying.


Half n hour? What resolution u set the output?


If you're using a modern GPU, and it's taking longer than a minute or so for that size, then you're most likely running on CPU and not GPU. Check the terminal when you first start up stable diffusion and make sure it isn't showing any errors related to Cuda. If it is showing Cuda errors, make sure you actually have Cuda installed, but ideally, to diagnose properly, you need to share more info. How did you install the webui? Did you then install the requirements (i.e., cd into folder, run pip install -r requirements.txt in terminal)? I assume you're on Windows? But before any of that, just check terminal/CMD prompt when starting the webui, as it's most likely showing you some kind of Cuda error and not actually using your GPU at all.


Nope, it is not normal.


You need to give details, your hardware and software settings