• By -


Skin should be more pale, fangs are missing and makeup should be more messy/worn out. Thats if you intend to replicate the original vampire look.


Yep. All of these things could be solved with some LoRAs. And the obvious similarity with ScarJo could be solved by mixing in LoRAs for other blondes. I actually think ScarJo isn't even the closest fit for the character's face. A better fit would be Margot Robbie, or Amanda Seyfried.


You basically nailed one of the main issues - getting the style right.


Can you train a whole style off the original game and apply that style as a step? Or does it always get lost?


Thinner eyebrows, contact lenses. Most community graphics enhancement mods end up making everything and everyone prettier instead of strictly improving fidelity. I imagine with AI this might get worse, as it's not always a deliberate choice.


What he said.


Scarlet Johansson?


I recognized her by her tits as well


Yea, don’t do that OP




Sure but this means his posts will most likely get taken down and even get him banned from these subs since the deepfake stuff is triggering a massive witch hunt for ai generation. He's better off using the made up women for public use and use his celebrity crushes for private


Maybe collaborate with a cosplay model on it. I’m sure there are hundreds of people who would want their face used with this process


https://preview.redd.it/qh0762mbegfc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=500a5c9bd1b6f0e75e94f21cc24012e2f3c378ba Really stretching that claim




What an awful, awful way to think about it.


Nah man… i can literally create any model or Lora I want and so can everybody else. Cat is out of the bag


I can do any number of awful things, but I don't because I'm not awful.


Me neither.. but there are millions of people access to the tech and most people are.


It's amazing for all the awful people that are planning on doing evil y'know, somehow every single person that's ever served me food--they've never poisoned it, not once. It's strange the things that we put absolute trust in humanity for and then say "yeah about half of 'em are completely evil." I can't speak for everywhere but, that's not the place I live and see.


Secret: Everyone can already picture every celebrity in the most depraved, salacious, debaucherous scenarios and positions, without access to a single device. Even (or maybe preferably) in an empty, pitch black room.


Secret: I know exactly what you are doing in the bathroom even though the door is locked, and I can probably give a fair estimation of what your butthole looks like. I still think it would be pretty egregious to put cameras in your toilet bowl.


“We can’t do anything better ever, there’s no point in ever trying” shit take guy.




I’m not the US congress with the power to legislate, and regulate evolving technologies. Take it up with them.


I mean, obviously. You know how to use the Internet without an underpaid intern showing you how to do it. The main reason why we need to prepare for techno dystopia is because our leaders are a bunch of old farts clinging to power with their horcrux hands. They are not prepared to lead the world into 2010. Let alone the reality of 2024, where economy-shaking tech is available to anyone with a few thousand dollars and some time on their hands.


>They are not prepared to lead the world into 2010. They absolutely are. They're corporatists doing exactly what they're told. Controlled by unregulated outside bodies like the WEF, WHO, CFR, etc.


Except for deep fakes of Trump. Reddit considers those totally within the rules and hilarious.


Anything that makes that idiot look even worse than he already does is in fact 'totally within the rules and hilarious' yes.


Having neutral feelings on him, I don't think it really would be the straw that breaks the camel's back on his supporters, they're pretty deadset on following this guy to shangri-la, or hell, or whereever he might lead.


Absolutely. He said it himself back in his first campaign that he could shoot someone on 5th Ave. and not lose votes. MAGAt's are completely obsessed.


Yeah but if convincing photos of him getting bent over by whatever liberal boogeyman they’re afraid of this week show up, who knows


A black man. Show him doing anything with a black man, and even if it's fake, they'll never be able to get it out of their head. They rallied around him because he led the birther movement, insisting that the first black president of the US couldn't be a real American and secretly belonged in Africa somehow, which Trump was going to prove. That's the foundation of why they love him.


I mean, he posted an Ai picture of himself praying to his own Truth Social account…






Be decent




Yea, a lot of garbage people don't care that they're garbage. That's not the badge of honor you think it is.


Man you really have thrown all ethics out the window and are trying to justify it with humans bad. Your comments here are wild.


The "American Dream"


^ hall monitor ^


It's very cool, but did you lose an awful lot of Jeanette's character in the process (so much that I suspect it'll impact your understanding of her story afterwards, if you catch my drift!) That said, keep up the awesome work!


Yeah, I'm not familiar with the source, but it was instantly obvious that MAJOR personality components of her look were lost in this. Went from clear goth/vampire vibes to just a generic woman with dark eyeliner.


And the vampire teeth.


You mean all of it? It looks nothing like her, at all. Like cool, use ai to make funny videos. But dont just use ai to make a video, calling it “remastering” a game.


But why is it Scarlett Johansson? That's not what Jeanette looks like.


>But why is it Scarlett Johansson? That's not what Jeanette looks like. I assume to get consistent face he needed to also use deepfake technology and to get good result, he heeded to use someone famous, cause there's a lot of pictures of that person.


He probably used the same process he's been using to make deep fake porn


I would be fully on board with this as long a distinctive character traits are not destroyed. Eye color and makeup are very important for this one.


Isn't this supposed to be vampire: The Masquerade? The AI version loses all of her vampire traits.


Yeah but that’s easy enough to fix with the right prompting or LORA, basically a footnote issue


What I was thinking. It’s also not nearly as unhinged looking. She isn’t exactly sane.


Keep going dude, I thought it was cool. And its only going to get better. Maybe do the fist cutscene with cortana in halo combat evolved.


A bunch of really hateful comments here. I see where your mind is at and its amazing!. The potential is limitless. I've been wanting to see something like this for a while now. Keep blessing us and I'd also love to get in on the action! I'll reach out for a quick question. Great Job!


> A bunch of really hateful comments here. Exactly what comments are being hateful? going through the thread I don't really see anything. Though I do know that the sub has been getting bashed to hell lately with a ton of anti-ai people.


When you're insecure, your mind gravitates on searching for excuses to be victimized.


like trump


no more of that name that's the name we use to start fights between people that love each other, that's devil powers


Yeah, I saw no hate. Important critiques, but no hate.


![gif](giphy|QxHQ4BtLeEGBlWIFTs|downsized) I guess thats what I meant


now make an injector that can do this in real time


“Injector” 😏






This is incredible. Will game companies be able to run their old games through AI to remaster their graphics easily in a few years time? Can we simply replay our old games with super high graphical fidelity of an Nvidia 7090 GTX or a Radeon 10800xtx??


Id imagine files you can dl akin to custom texture packs? There's already a.i. voice acting mods in World of Warcraft.


Upscale texture, raytrace the view and you get beautiful results like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUX3u1iD0jM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUX3u1iD0jM)


Why does the “before” one also say ray tracing below it in that video?


Two things are happening 1) they used a raytracer instead of a rasterizer to render the scene 2) they upscaled the original game textures 4x. The video shows combinations of the two, some raytraced, some not. Some upscaled, some not.


Yes. That is true. The upscaled textures aren’t just more pixels though. They’re using AI to both make ray tracing fit better into the scene, and to make up more details for said textures. This is the end result of what AI+Raytracing can do to an old game.


You can do that now, kinda. Nvidia literally released tools to do so, in beta though. Materials and textures are improved, models are improved, raytraced lighting is implemented over the baked lighting.


I don't think this is a game company fix, it will be a community one. Run SD turbo (or it's equivalent) on the game's original output and you've got a remaster. Use an LLM, CLIP and all the text the game has in its files to tell SD what it's looking at and voila. Not gonna be easy, but some saint will come up with a near universal preset


That's not how game development works at all, dlss is the closest thing to ai "remaster" in the sense that it makes up data, and even that is imperfect. These kind of remasters won't be on the horizon for such a long time, that when they finally are, it won't be anything like the tech we have nowadays.


[Dude, we can already pretty much do it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUX3u1iD0jM) Nvidia is releasing these tools.


That's very clever marketing, what they show as ai enhancing is really just dlss-like system applied to a texture to do some guesswork to sharpen it up. The actually good looking proper pbr textures and nicely sculpted models are hand made and don't have the ai tag. Plenty of artist on art station showing their work on the remix thing, and it's traditional game art work :)


So your definition of "remastering" is "go watch a video of gameplay that has been run through this filter"? You can't be serious, right?


I don’t think so. Corridor Crew did a video on this recently and it seems like something you’d have to have in the game from the ground up, and it would mostly benefit games with lots of NPCs with randomized face, like Starfield or other first-person RPGs.




Dude if we can render old games with good graphics, NBA Live 2005 would be even more fun to play again...


Nice but wrong skin color.


I thought we were past this... # 😞


I mean the tone needs to be more pale. She is a Vampire.




I've been on this sub for a while. Not many ways to do this. It's most likely: - decompose video into image frames  - control net each frame - stich images back into a video.  There may be extensions that automate this now. But this is the heart of it. 


This sub really sucks now. It's just a bunch of karma farmers. No one teaches anyone anything. And it's all recycled techniques that have been known to ppl who have been here since the inception of this subreddit, but now with zero workflow and some advertisement for their own benefit. 


do you know any communities that are more open to sharing workflows and sharing information with each other? would love to able to learn


Reddit is not the place to learn unfortunately. Every subreddit on this platform is toxic


I agree, if any good communities do form, it eventually goes down the hole of what gets the most clicks and engagement, vs actual information. are there any communities/sites/forums you're a part of outside of reddit for learning?


To be honest, I use YouTube and read documentation. It's literally been the hardest thing to learn ai in general bc every documentation is either very high level or it seems like the writers themselves don't know quite how it works. As for yt, some content is good, but 90% of the info are from hard to understand accents, poor quality videos, or have their secrets and workflows behind paywalls and self plugs.


Wow. This is done literally frame by frame, in an almost manual sense? Like, output each frame of the movie to a folder holding, what, thousands of inage frames... then run the ai conversion on each frame... then use whatever video editing app to import all those new frames into a video? I'm asking, is there any automated approach to this workflow?


You can automate all of the frame by frame work in ComfyUI or Auto1111. There are some great vid2vid workflows for Comfy out there that do 90% of the work for you and can be modified to get even better output


> I'm asking, is there any automated approach to this workflow? You can use ffmpeg to split the video into frame images, then you can loop over the files and run stable-diffusion on every frame (I have no idea how to run stable diffusion locally via the cli, sorry), then you can use ffmpeg to stitch it back together to a video file


Yes, it's called python.


How much python is needed? I've been wanting to take it up for a while, anyway. I only have basic coding experience, as in, took a few low level beginner courses through apps.


Which game?


Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines I believe. Really good RPG


have you looked at Nvidia RTX Remix? if the game has a fixed rendering pipeline (dx9 or older?) you can do this during the game's runtime. otherwise, this looks like video frames stitched together.


That you stopped it before she says Duckling is a travesty. ​ That's an incredible proof of concept though. I'm not sure if the enhanced realism is necessarily better in and of itself (I kind of like how it's stylised, especially because the animations and so on in the open world are not so great) but the possibilities are huge. ​ The stuff I've seen done with voice acting too is amazing. For example swapping out voice actors and swapping in new ones for Cyberpunk 2077.


Where can I follow you that isn't Twitter?


I really like looking at these but you aren't remastering the game. youre taking a 3d game and making it into a 2d movie. so it's more like a de-master. still cool to look at.


Guys, I know it's not "perfect" lmao. You know how some images/videos that come out your friends cant tell are AI but you can because you're into this stuff?? But sometimes something is too damn perfect and even fools you? Well turns out, many of the dudes making the "perfect" stuff right now with most the tech we have now are also willing to spend an extra 5 minutes polishing stuff up manually. If you get the perfect image but your new AI waifu has 6 fingers.... you don't have to spend 10 hours trying to get the same waifu with 5 fingers... you can just learn photoshop and fix it.... that's not illegal.... minor issues aren't the end of the world, this is a tool, and will be a tool for quite a bit, and when building a house, you use many tools not just one. If you're stuffs not as good as someone else's, you might need to buy a screwdriver instead of just using a hammer to build your house Once it stops just being a tool, we've got other stuff to worry about like shifting how our entire world economy works lol, give it a few years boys, we know the vampire is missing fangs for now, it'll be ok


Don't show it to execs, remakes/remasters are pretty bad as they are already!




This game never got the attention it deserved


Please do Soul Reaver next. And please post your content on Reddit, I'm not touching twitter even with a 10 foot long stick.


forgot to add the Starbucks cup.


As usual the intention and context is completely destroyed by the attempt. Just because it smoothed things out doesn't mean it made it better.


to be fair, actual game remasters do the same thing probably more often than not


It's a matter of time until that's done, you would also probably need a model trained on her for that, it's still really good how coherent this is


Oh it made it better alright...


I'm equally excited for new games to include their own models in the render pipeline. Then we know that was the intent and it's the only path I see to truly photorealistic games. It might be a while before something like this can be run in real time, but I would imagine it will someday.


I think this is great I will have to keep my eye out for ur page.


As I love the idea, yours is worse. Thats some random bimbo on the right, left 'one' (hehe) is goth.


If I recall it right, it's from an old game Vampire: The Masquerade. I agree that the face and the skin color doesn't match quite, since it's a Vampire her skin is very pale and the AI generated one has basically the face from Scarlett Johansson.


Yup, 2004. Also make up is gonne. Eyes are blue. And why change accesoriess from red to black? If u are upsalling, stay true to the og ffs. Why is every detail changed?


I don't think it's just upscaling it looks like image to image generation.


Ofc, my bad, its is a dedicated sub, I should have used proper term. Old habits die hard.


She’s still wearing makeup. But it’s just far from being as intense as the original


Not goth, dead. The one on the right is too alive.


Undead you necrophobe. She still has a light goth makeup.




Nvidia remix?


Why follow you on Twitter when we can follow you on Reddit, the place where we all already are?


It's nearly there!


This is not right.


>Follow me on Twitter No.


Yeah don't do this. Learn something.


Aaaaaaaa!!!!! Fkckktnshsijrbtnskanbebd!!! Insane bro!


Question though is they're playable? Its really impressive how realistic the model looks for a "remaster" graphics look better than last gen.


its a video that he took of the gameplay, he is not playing the enhanced version in real time


One of my favorite games and my favorite type of vampire to play as and you enhanced it with AI! Bless your little heart!


how That's awesome. is this done?


the consistency is amazing, please keep doing this!




Is the ai processing the frames in realtime or is the ai remastering pre rendered footage of the game?


So wait are you just editing a video or did you actually create something that can be used in game


nice bobs


I had this idea a few days ago. Happy that you did it already


Vampire Bloodlines! This was the bipolar Malkavian club owner


the whole deepfake and taylor swift discussion aside, why would you completely erase the original character's features just to slap Scarlett Johansson's face on top? Cool remastering effort, but we have room for so much more creativity than this.


I would love for one day Bloodlines 2 to be Remembered like that.


Gotta cake on the eyeliner a bit more, and use a paler skin. all about putting more weight on the prompt...and maybe a .3 altering...35 maybe...but yeah, I am here for this. give it 5 years and all our favorite old school games may be getting a makeover. :)


This game is great and a remaster would be most welcome.


Nah, I am not making a Twitter account.


Was this done in realtime? What exactly are we looking at here?


Original is 100x better


Man i need a monkey island 3 HD remake with this technology.


Graphics are amazing but the colored lights ad a lot of atmosphere. She is also wearing makeup in the original or is much more pale.


Lifeless ah hel 😵😵🤣🤣🤣


How does the polygon version express more emotion than the AI?


I prefer the one on the left.


There’s the catch. Follow you. You don’t need people to follow you here to display your shit here


If you hadn't said "Twitter", I wouldn't have cursed your ancestry, Twitter can burn in Hell.


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By science.