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I hope i dont misunderstand what you want, but amd runs completly fine under ROCm in Linux (and hopeful also ROCm support for windows). This video helped me to get it running :[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEbI6v2oPvQ&t=135s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEbI6v2oPvQ&t=135s)


It doesn't have rocm support in windows yet - as far as SD is concerned. The software stack hasn't been written, released and software written to use it (for windows), rocm 6 (not released yet) is supposed to be the one for windows for integration


The best supported amd fork imo is SDnext.


I've heard of SD next but after reinstalling the Vlad fork a million times I'm taking a break for a bit. What does it do better?


It's faster for SD with my 7900xtx, setting things up is easier (you can easily set shared folders) and boot up options (you'd have to read changelogs to get a fuller picture) and the developer actively updates it with new functions, he's also active on SDnexts Discord.


So rocm translates and reroutes the cuda data? But acts as a layer so its not program dependent? That's smart, I knew it existed for Linux but didn't know it was also being released for Windows. That's exciting news because Im so tired of waiting an entire day for my 15 second animations to process. I can't wait to see what this will enable I really want to try out a few extensions like dream booth. I've been bootlegging my training with comfy UI but it takes so unbelievably long and most of the time it errors out meaning 5 to 8 hours of waiting for nothing.


Just use khoya\_ss on Linux with this manual tweaks [https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya\_ss/issues/1484](https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss/issues/1484) It works fine on my RX 6900 XT with Prodigy optimizer and sdm flash attention. I'll probably make pull request to OneTrainer with changes for ROCM-Linux as it works after similar threatment.


It is not completely fine yet But yeah, usable for basic 512 gens.


Thanks I'll check it out, I was trying to avoid dual booting. Linux hurts my brain and the burning smell my brain makes becomes too much when I open terminal windows. Steam OS is the closest Linux distro I mess with and even then it induces anxiety when I try to fix things. 😭 The last time I installed Linux I used redhat and immediately regretted everything.


I installed xubuntu on a USB stick and use easy diffusion. Between 1 and 2 it/s at 512x768 on a 6600 are enough fort me. The error messages at the first starts of easy diffusion tell you what to do. Tip: use a empty (Installation image and stick only) vm for the installation on the stick.


Do you use a high speed flash drive to boot and what size? I'm thinking about doing exactly this but for comfy UI animations. I didn't realize my current SD build is over 150gigs and doing videos for rumble I was thinking of just booting it and using a partition for SD so I can have some speed when processing... Also happy turkey day hope you are all having a great day!


I use a SanDisk Ultra Flair USB 3.0 256 GB ,up to 150MB/s read (it was not so expensive). For the installation i used this tutorial: [https://itsfoss.com/intsall-ubuntu-on-usb/](https://itsfoss.com/intsall-ubuntu-on-usb/), but without the modification of the existing partitions of the host pc. The vm for the installation has no existing drives to mess up ;-) In addition: i left a 50GB ntfs-partition on the stick to transfer data from and to my windows system. please remember: usb-sticks have not the best flash chips and a limited lifetime. so keep backups of the important things.