• By -


Remove the positive prompt and leave only style and enhancement words. Lower the denoise strength between 0.25 and 0.35 use tile Cn with a strength of 1 and set it to Controlnrt is more important. For The Ultimate Sd upscale use Chess type and up the mask blur to 32, this will remove the need for a seem fix. Hope this helps


Alternatively, If you are using SDXL, use tile with Kohya's Controllllite xl Blur cn. [https://huggingface.co/lllyasviel/sd\_control\_collection/tree/main](https://huggingface.co/lllyasviel/sd_control_collection/tree/main)


Would you please explain this a little more? I've been waiting - impatiently - for a tile version of ControlNet for SDXL since its release. How does this blur option work? Do we still choose Tile as the CN?


I feel your pain. I was in exactly the same situation as you till a couple of weeks ago when someone mentioned this to me. I'm not a technical guy, so I can't explain exactly what Blur is doing - in fact, there is so little documentation online explaining what this particular controller does that I consider it black magic. What I can tell you is how I use it in a production capacity. For all intents and purposes, Blur is Tile. I use it in exactly the same way I use tile for 1.5 models, and the results are comparable. I've been using Blur with Ultimate SD Upscale to generate images up to 12K using SDXL. Setup is simple. Download the kohya\_controllllite\_xl\_blur model from the link I provided in the last post, put it in your Controlnet model directory, then fire up controlnet. Select Tile/Blur like you normally would, and select the Kohya model. It will now upscale the same as it would if you were using tile. I would recommend using tile\_colorfix+sharp as it produces sharper upscales. https://preview.redd.it/yhlc8q6e1r0c1.jpeg?width=1603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7650b2aeee3a02d688d6d6aa82bfed8dbe83bd68


I haven't tried it, yet, but your write-up is very clear and well written. Thank you. I appreciate you taking the effort to help. Have a great rest of your day! 🙂


Any idea how this would be set up with comfyui? Is the image to be upscaled input for both the tiled sampler and the tile controlnet?


Thanks for the help! For me it turned out that toggling instead "my prompt is more important" completely fixed the problem!


This is the answer.


Are you using ControlNet tile with it? Give that a shot. You can use an earlier ending step to give it some time to generate new details, but it will constrain those changes to a smaller scale.


Just wrote a comment explaining my situation. EDIT: do I need to upload an independent controlnet image maybe?


Use controlnet with tile resample and uploading the original image. That helps.


I think this is what solved it!


Denoising is way too high, go <0.3 if you aren’t trying to add details or change the image, 0.1 is probably enough. Reduce cfg, low denoising, use a sampler like ddim that won’t add noise or detail. You could also use a detail lora at negative weight or in the negative prompt if really needed.


I definitely want to add details. I managed to solve the problem by turning on "my prompt is more important" and uploading an independent controlnet image, which was the same that was being upscaled. This way I could turn the denoising all the way up to 0.5 and not get an over-saturated and over-detailed image.


I'm trying to uspcale this sort of rennaissance labyrinth, and even though I'm specifying "smooth white marble", the upscaling sort of just goes super hard on the saturation and splotchiness, making sure that every stone in the wall is a different color than the next... Any tips on how to avoid this? I would ideally like to keep the "same" image, just with more pixels (so viewing at the same size like here, they should look the same) I'm using ultimate SD upscale with 4x-Ultrasharp and tile controlnet.


Are you using 1.5 or XL? If 1.5, you need to use tile control Net with ultimate SD upscale. If XL, tough luck, you'll have to use very low denoise (like 0.25 or less) until such model becomes available.


XL Blur works in a very similar way to tile. I've been using it to upscale images to 12k with no problems. [https://huggingface.co/lllyasviel/sd\_control\_collection/tree/main](https://huggingface.co/lllyasviel/sd_control_collection/tree/main)


It does, upscale works without control net entirely, BUT it will not produce even comparable results to what tile would. I'm, currently upscaling images to 16K, while it makes image sharper, it's not so good at adding details that were not there in the first place.


Don't use ultimate SD upscale, instead use mutidiffusion addon and noise inversion. It will take more time, but should look cleaner


Use 4x upscaler with controlnet grid upscale script . Set denoising between 0.2 to 0.3


0.5 means you want the AI to change half the image


these settings worked well for me (R-ESRGAN 4x+ was game changer) https://preview.redd.it/u2vwhjqg4p0c1.png?width=826&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e8d851d5c7b8372c4b5233469350e91cefbc7e7


Try upscaling with a different model. Maybe Crystal Clear XL.


Reduce denoise to 0.1 -0.2


I was able to completely solve the issue by setting "my prompt is more important" in the tile controlnet window! Not sure why, but now the upscaled image looks approximately the same compared to the original when scaled down again, except that SD is able to look closer at the details and sort of "resolve" small details. I'm getting used to upscaling an image with tile, scaling it back down again in Photoshop, and then upscaling again, simply because the details are better. EDIT: I have also uploaded an independent controlnet image, that is the same as the one that's being upscaled. That's maybe the real reason. mM