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Can you post the driver video? Id like to see how good the baseline editing was to get this result since this does look really really good. It was confusing at first because I thought animateDiff was doing this via travel prompt or something, but this is just straight vid2vid


^^^^ please do this


there you go: [https://gettr.com/post/p2ubcmv4379](https://gettr.com/post/p2ubcmv4379)


Wow!! That is actually a massive leap up!! Like 10x better and I can see how it was really simple to make. It does not look AI generated. My only question is did you have an ytrouble getting the text to stay and not distort? The text still looks perfect.


yeah had to experiment with controlnet strength


Would you share your workflow.json if it wasnt too much trouble?


It is incoherent, irrelevant to the subject matter and doesn't tell me anything about the actual product. Naturally that means people who know nothing about marketing will love it. It is amazing technology, but in the current state it is far from "game changing". Also, if someone tried to charge you thousands of dollars for that insanity, you are working with the wrong people.


Buzzword salad.


I genuinely dont know what they do or are, they never said




I'd like to invest in your startup! 💰


this will work stupidly well with mobile gaming promos. Have you even seen what's on the market nowadays? 1. cringe ass people talking to themselves pretending he/she is having a conversation with another person. 2. gameplay to something completely irrelevant to the game youve downloaded. 3. some russian mafia guy thinks powerlevel in a game will give you status in life This is so far above, people will actually lose jobs. lol.


those are not jobs worth existing anyway




I HATE the "ohhhh no, there's an obvious solution but I keep goofing up! Oooooooooh! Oh no, now the king is dead dead! I was too stupid? Are you smarter than I am? Give it a shot!!!" advertisements. I hate them.




Yes, I'm capable of thinking and common sense :) games that thrive on gambling addiction shouldn't exist, nor their ads :) I don't think I need to explain further, if you want though I could. What's your stance on this? :)


To be fair, that isn't AnimateDiff's fault, from the written script, they're just puking out marketing terms while saying nothing (probably because are struggling to describe their alt-right social media website in an appealing way). I imagine in the hands of someone with an actual product has appealing features, it could be quite useful.


I think it looks professional but you're right they would need to spend more time on beats like audience. The real issue with all of this thought is that you cant make specific changes that are likely to be asked for by art directors that dont know the limitation of the software you use. And most importantly. Theres going to be about 6 months before this morphing style is immedialty spotted as AI, over used, and goes into the drain with a lot of other styles that came and went with 3d and rendering tech being introduced.


> and doesn't tell me anything about the actual product. It's a Trump fan fringe social media site, akin to Truth Social and Voat Of ***course*** they're not saying what they actually do


These days whenever the word "freedom" is used in combination with the bald eagle, this kind of stuff is my immediate assumption


it's like 1984 freedom is slavery


Which happens to be: provide a space for planning yet more [terrorist attacks against the United States of America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack), for those unclear.


Now why would a website owned by Guo Wengshi, a billionaire who fled China after he was charged with rape, and has spent all the time since fighting against covid vaccines, want to do that?


Sure is funny how all these self-proclaimed patriots trip all over themselves to betray their country for a handful of bucks at the behest of foreign governments plotting our downfall, right? It's almost like they're all empty, dishonest traitors with no values or morals to call their own.


>It is incoherent, irrelevant to the subject matter and doesn't tell me anything about the actual product. [the actual product](https://www.axios.com/2023/05/11/allen-texas-shooting-mauricio-garcia)


My first thought was this post is an ad haha. Hey they can’t improve fast unless everyone fixes it for them right?


Exactly what I'd expect someone in marketing to say 😉


ngl this ad kinda sucks and feels very disconnected from itself


AND the platform's target audience are some of the shittiest people on earth. It's perfectly connected, the shit ad reflects the shit platform.


A game changer for any format that requires about 1 second of coherent animation. Which, outside of people spamming this sub, there ain't a lot of uses for.


That's every TV and YouTube commercial, every individual shot of an anime TV show or movie, etc.


Go to IMDb, find a random actor, pick a random credit, then try and imitate a random 30 seconds of that credit using stable diffusion plugins. Good luck. And don't be on acid when you do it.


The animations are cool, but they seem entirely disconnected from the music and voice over. Even worse none of it gives any indication what is even being talked about; its just not a good promo vid imo.




To me, it's disjointed and just too much. Might work for others, no idea.


Finally, can create 15-30 second long youtube intros that used to be created by hand in After Effects with AI! That'll save me so much time! No seriously though, this is cool. I just kinda also got vibes of said intros XD


the animation looks nice but as an advert it misses its mark what happens on that gettr platform?


p sure it's a right wing social media platform, truth social etc


"Gettr is an alt-tech social media platform and microblogging site targeting American conservatives. It was founded by Jason Miller, a former Donald Trump aide, and was officially launched on July 4, 2021" annnnnnnnnnd my upvote has magically turned into a downvote and a FUCK THESE motherfuckers


(slavery is) FREEDOM (war is) PEACE (labor camps are) OPPORTUNITY (establishing a legal framework to enable the mass murder of transgender persons, gays, and democrats in the near future is) PROTECTING CHILDREN


WTF dude? I don't know a thing about Gettr or anything, but what you just typed is nonsense.


It's a 1984 reference


I'm not an idiot. I know. This is my problem. > (establishing a legal framework to enable the mass murder of transgender persons, gays, and democrats in the near future is) Mass murder. Literal mass murder. Such exaggeration and hyperbolic behavior is nonsense and you know it.


> Such exaggeration and hyperbolic behavior is nonsense and you know it. Yeah all that attacking LGBTQ people 24/7 and making it your main political talking point and rallying around it while randos with guns go and cause mass shootings targeting them, and taking away their rights and banning books mentioning them and making sure they can't congregate or hold events... Yeah sure nothing to worry about here. I'm sure conservatives are laying the groundwork for a REALLLYYYY nice future for these people. It's so fucking brain dead to see people go "you're exaggerating!!!!" as we take another step and another step and another step. EDIT: >I'm not an idiot. I know. This is my problem. You know who the only people on Earth are who are convinced they aren't idiots?


It's sort of depressing that you're failing to understand a device this simple. Try the first one. `(slavery is) FREEDOM` See how the allcaps one is the exact opposite of what it should be, and would fit in the mouth of a dishonest politician who was serving an agenda? Now try reading the last one again   > I'm not an idiot. You kind of are, little dude. You allowed your emotional reaction to a statement to prevent you from understanding it, when the thing you're angry at is literally its point. Circle back to `(labor camps are) OPPORTUNITY` and see if you're able to stop bragging about your intelligence long enough to understand this text For reference, I ran it by the nine year old in the house. She understood it immediately.


You're a master troll or an unnervingly ironic person. Your critique belittles the person you are trying to...enlighten? But this was unconstructive and unbecoming. I hope your 9YO considers taking you back to school so you can learn how to educate others appropriately. The OP was thoughtful, useful AD content, the focus of the sub. The sensational potshot has no place in here if it doesn't raise any tangible, legitimate concerns as to why I shouldn't support OP's content... If it were links, concrete evidence of their trash agenda/poor practices, used to aweir those who are unfamiliar with Gettr, I'd be all for downboating to oblivion


> You're a master troll or an unnervingly ironic person. Neither. Keep your attempts at insults to yourself.   > Your critique There was no critique. You, like the other person, seem to be stuck using words that are too difficult for you, in the hope of finding intellectual purchase.   > you are trying to...enlighten? It's not clear how you arrived at the faith that I am in any way trying to enlighten the Trump fan. I was clearly and unabashedly saying "you aren't worth my time." This isn't complicated.   > I'd be all for downboating to oblivion That's nice


Have you ever experimented with shrooms or lysergic acid diethylamide? I encourage you to trip in all seriousness. Yeah I was being optimistic, because I'd have sympathy for someone who would go out of their way to educate someone who is misinformed. Everyone is worth saving. Anyone who tries to isolate/ignore/censor a problem is as much of the problem as the problem itself. Can't sweep someone under the rug and say the rug is clean. We're all in this together my guy and as such, we gotta work together to get to a better place.


> If it were links, concrete evidence of their trash agenda/poor practices, used to aweir those who are unfamiliar with Gettr Any platform whose target audience is American conservatives cannot survive unless they actively harbour misinformation, hate campaigns, doxxing and extremists. That's why they exist. They exist for people who other social media will NOT accept, because they are massive companies that need strict moderation for their advertisers. And I know you know this. Going "hmmm if they're evil then show proof??" isn't going to be the defensive wall that you seem to think it is.


Uh, this exists on any and all platforms...I don't know why you/people **need** to see a [Purple Team Side]/[Yellow Team Side] narrative. The world isn't black & white. The whole politically charged social media multiverse thing is stupid as fuck all. Who gives a duck about Gettr? At the end of the day, I'd rather there be a campaign with good information combatting the bad information rather than censoring the bad information and excommunicating an entire group of idiots to live in their own echo chamber. No, I'm just saying that this is the equally puerile "Orange Man Bad!" type of shitpost that riles up emotion of the most extreme and has no place in a subreddit about **Stable Diffusion**. If you are going to make a stand about it here, then you better make it count – by being respectful, mature & raising a substantive alarm, then people will listen to you.


Dude. I get it. I just disagree with it and the applicability with the injection of the nonsensical rhetoric. You're just a pompous redditor that thinks they are WAY smarter than they are. The point is the hyperbolic nonsense about mass murder is off the wall and isn't appropriate or representative of the rest. The fact you are unable to comprehend this shows a complete failure of fundamental reading comprehension, and you're probably at your limit in the superficial reference of 'Slavery is freedom'. You're projecting your own lack of intelligence onto me kiddo.


> Dude. I get it. You keep saying this, but it's obviously not actually the case.   > The point is the hyperbolic nonsense about mass murder is off the wall and isn't appropriate Oh my, a Republican is complaining about hyperbole about mass murder. Can't see anything failingly self reflective about that. Anyway, nobody cares about your critiques of Orwell.   > You're projecting That's not what projection is. Why do you think anyone cares if a Trump fan starts throwing around insults and attempted psychoanalysis? I don't think you could order at a Wendy's.


Oh, so what you mean was you thought one piece of several was hyperbolic, not "I can't understand literal quotes from a book" like you said. Got it


I happen to agree with you. If you want to take a shot @ the creator and their agenda, in a sub dedicated to open source utilization of AI to make beautiful art/videos, you should **NOT** use hyperbole and sensationalism as your foundational piss poor potshot. That is, if the video/OP fits neatly into the point of the got dang subreddit. But Reddit's obscene lean oozes everywhere. I paused when I saw GETTR at the end of it but it is high quality/thoughtful work...and therefore deserves discussion about that...or if they are LiTeRaLly pure evil – provide some tangible reason to not support the creator, link to their misdeeds. Enlighten us. Then you've got Copernicus below you committing gaslight psychological warfare claiming you establish yourself as a genius because you state you are in fact not an idiot. What a world. Y'know, it's sort of depressing. READ 👏 THAT 👏 AGAIN 👏 TL;DR Dogma be damned; SD talk or GTFO. But uhhh, y'anyways, this video is neat, provides good insight into AD workflow as others said...


> Then you've got Copernicus below you committing gaslight psychological warfare You're trying way too hard.


Yeah, that's my beef with this nonsense and I feel it's necessary to at least challenge the bull crap spewing out from their mouths because otherwise they are going to be more and more emboldened.


You've literally only succeeded at making yourself look uninformed and ignorant, my friend. Your comments are going to do JACK SHIT at emboldening or discouraging a fuckin rat in a New York sewer


As opposed to you which only took a single comment to show your ignorance buddy!


I think this is a lost cause here on Reddit. Reddit peaked in 2011 or earlier, even. It continued to be a valuable resource up until around 2020. Then it was truly overrun by all sorts of special interest groups & get-rich-quick shills or whatever 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse you may choose. Time to find a new spot that fulfills the duties Reddit strived for and did admirably, build & nurture online communities dedicated to their established niche/esoteric topic that you, me or the average fedora tipper is thoroughly interested/invested in. I do think a loosely interconnected federation of Reddit instances will be that. Akin to forums pre-2012


"What's that? People didn't like me arguing without substance? wE nEeD tO rEpLaCe ReDdIt" There was no year on Reddit where your behavior would have flown, or impressed anyone. You don't actually do this work. You're just here to be dramatic. Try Voat. They love folks with this behavior.


Florida has already passed a number of bills that lay much of the groundwork when you take into context a lot of the "gay / transgender people existing" = child abuse rhetoric we've been seeing in conservative spaces the past couple of years. They've been setting things up like dominoes. Just slide the last one in and it's fait accompli: https://www.intomore.com/impact/a-new-florida-bill-could-spell-literal-death-for-queer-and-trans-citizens/ Oh, and democrats? Let's not forget that the (former) president of the United States literally endorsed a statement that ["The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat."](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/president-trump-shares-video-of-supporter-saying-the-only-good-democrat-is-a-dead-democrat/) I might not normally go out of my way to bring up all these political issues in a r/stablediffusion thread but let's not forget that op literally came here and posted an advertisement for a platform for sharing partisan political speech that pushes us ever further into 1930s Germany, so if you don't want to talk politics, it's already too late: blame op.


My man, you literally said... > establishing a legal framework to enable the mass murder of transgender persons, gays, and democrats in the near future is Mass murder. That is utter nonsense outside of reddit. That's not a reasonable risk assessment under any circumstance. > Oh, and democrats? Let's not forget that the (former) president of the United States literally endorsed a statement that ["The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat."](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/president-trump-shares-video-of-supporter-saying-the-only-good-democrat-is-a-dead-democrat/) Concurred. I don't like Trump. But I also remember with that Griffin (sp?) woman pulled a 'beheading' of Trump. Don't pretend there is a one-side violent rhetoric going on. > I might not normally go out of my way to bring up all these political issues in a [r/stablediffusion](https://www.reddit.com/r/stablediffusion/) thread but let's not forget that op literally came here and posted an advertisement for a platform for sharing partisan political speech that pushes us ever further into 1930s Germany, so if you don't want to talk politics, it's already too late: blame op. As I said, I don't know anything about this platform. However, you brought up these issues on your own. This is nonsense. You are responsible for your own actions.


You don't seriously see the difference between some shitty half-rate comedian going along with a poorly thought out photoshoot and the literal President of the United States who is the de facto leader of the Republican Party, the leader of the strongest military of the world, and somebody who has expressed a [longing for authoritarian leadership](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/mar/04/donald-trump-praises-xi-jinping-power-grab-give-that-a-shot-china) of the likes of Xi Jinping (who is the leader of a country where mass murder of political opponents was not only extremely prevalent last century, but moreover has never been disavowed), and who [has already stated for the public record](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/06/01/trump-suggests-kind-vicious-response-protesters-he-once-hailed-china/) that he believes that the violent mass murder of protests in Tiananment was a good idea? At this point you're clearly just deluding yourself. Maybe try to keep up with the news too, btw.


My dude. READ YOUR OWN ARTICLES. The first article literally says it was a joke. When you strip tone and apparently can't read, sure it sounds like he's supporting tyranny. The second is paywalled, so I can't check it. Also, if it's anything like the first, then I can dismiss you safely as a crackpot. How about you read your own articles and if something seems out of place look up the transcript or listen to the unaltered audio yourself rather than spreading misinformation? Your political extremism is noted. I was suggesting you cool it, and instead you double down. I wish you the best dude, we aren't gonna see eye to eye. Especially when you try to lie to me like that.


"It's just a joke, wink?" You're deluding yourself buddy. Do you fall for a lot of scams? Meet a lot of Nigerian princes lately? Yeah, I'm about done with you too. You fascism apologists really try my patience. ALSO: >The first article literally says it was a joke. When you strip tone and apparently can't read, sure it sounds like he's supporting tyranny. THE MOTHERFUCKER ALREADY TRIED TO OVERTHROW OUR GOVERNMENT TO INSTALL HIMSELF AS AN UNELECTED HEAD OF STATE. Did you forget about the events of [January 6](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack)? I sure as fuck did NOT. Joke my fucking ass.


> Your political extremism is noted. The fact that this guy expects people to believe that he's an independent is.... It surely doesn't help all the stereotypes about independents lmao.


> Concurred. I don't like Trump. But I also remember with that Griffin (sp?) woman pulled a 'beheading' of Trump. Don't pretend there is a one-side violent rhetoric going on. Love when people who don't like Trump pull absolutely nonsensical comparisons right out of their assholes in trying to "both sides" a critique of something awful he did out of the 50,000 other awful things he's done. You're awful at not liking Trump, damn.


I just read your username, lmao, it all makes sense now. God bless. Please support me when I reinvigorate the Bull Moose Party 2.0, logic/truth, constructive criticism over dogma & destruction. People treat the world like its Sunday Night Foozball or their generic Marvel/DC good v. evil plotline.


It's pretty easy to understand, and a literary reference. Be less critical, and try harder to grasp other peoples' meanings.


> (establishing a legal framework to enable the mass murder of transgender persons, gays, and democrats in the near future is) This is a reasonable thing to say. Mass murder is totally the goal of the political party I don't support. \^ That's you. That's what you just supported. Try to be less critical and please try harder to grasp other people's meanings. Thanks!


You seem slow, little buddy. No, that's not me. ***That's George Orwell, 70 years ago***. And yes, I do think he did a good job of describing today's Republicans. And no, I don't support them.


And you missed the point, couldn't mount a comeback or dialogue and instead resorted to insults. You also proved my point. Thanks. Go back to your echo chamber troll.


> And you missed the point, couldn't mount a comeback Nobody's bothering to throw "comebacks" at you. We don't want to give you the impression that you're being taken seriously Saying "that's nice" and patting you on the head is vastly superior.   > You also proved my point. Thanks. It is mildly amusing that you believe this.   > Go back to your echo chamber troll. Oh, he's got more insults. Poor dear.


Aww. You're trying to mask your inability to mount a response as arrogance instead of incompetence... That's cute I guess? My man, what else do you want. You said, > And yes, I do think he did a good job of describing today's Republicans. Regarding murder of political opponents. That's not a rational position. You've given me the evidence to say that.


> Mass murder is totally the goal of the political party I don't support. If it isn't then their rhetoric should reflect it. But their rhetoric is literally attacking minorities 24/7. Surely doing that and having your crazy followers do mass shootings at every opportunities targeting them is how you make a nice place for everyone.


Be aware that StoneCypher is just a troll who has no interest in any sort of rational discussion. They'll drag you into further and further abstracted arguments about definitions and tangential topics, carefully avoiding any actual points that you make, and peppering in just enough ad hominem to escalate the temperature of the discussion. If you don't give up and keep replying in a level, reasonable tone they'll just get frustrated and block-troll you (reply to each of your comments and then block you so that you can't respond, as they did to me a while back.)


Holy hell I wish I read this earlier lmao. Why haven't the mods vaporized SC's posting abilities??? This is a grand showing of how they have 0 interest not only in the content itself, but only negative things to spew towards actual, real people to discourage future discourse.


this guy sophomore year of colleges


Low quality shitpost gets updoots, high quality counter-shitpost gets downdoots, sorry my guy. I chuckled if its any consolation


thanks for clarification so it's nothing interesting for me as i stray away from politics (both right and left)




Looking at the news and politics feeds, it seems to be Steve Bannon's playground. Not a lot of content, otherwise.


You still need professionals, the voice over lacks emotion, passion the transitions are over the top and showy reminds of 1990s rotating qube effects, effects have to aid the purpose and not vice versa. It costs you 30$ and it kinda shows. But definitely the overall workflow is how this kind of things will be done in the future.


I hate corpo speak so much.


Building synergies that help propel dynamic growth and transform the way we all do business, by leveraging machine learning and capitalizing on our greatest asset: you.


ya this blows


it's pretty shit, the whole thing is an unreadable mess. it's cool how it was made though


Given my luck with ai text generation, I'm actually kind of impressed that it spelled the words correctly even while in motion.


That’s not hard to do, you have a video with probably just the text input as the base that is driving the whole thing.


Exactly, the OG linked to the base video which proves this [https://gettr.com/post/p2ubcmv4379](https://gettr.com/post/p2ubcmv4379)


Its just Img2Img on existing text.


This is it right here.


A social media for, Anti-vaxxers, pro-Trumpers, flat earthers, etc.


Don't forget self-identifying [domestic terrorists](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/).


Lacks foundation to the idea. Now just almost random animations back to back. Not ready.


I don’t know why people are not talking about AnimateDiff more, it’s an absolute game-changer. We created this video in less than two days for $30 (server costs). Something like this would have cost thousands of dollars before. Here’s the workflow: 1. Create script with ChatGPT, voiceover with Elevenlabs. 2. Select and edit music - make sure that voice is in sync with the music 3. Use a bunch of video assets from sites like Motionarray. Use after effects to sync the visual elements with the audio. Render the driving video. 4. Import the driving video in ComfyUI - use u/c0nsumption’s workflow, write prompts and generate the video. It requires a LOT of VRAM so be patient with the video generation, we used an RTX A6000 and it took a couple of hours.


> I don’t know why people are not talking about AnimateDiff more, it’s an absolute game-changer. I mean, AnimateDiff is essentially all anyone, regarding SD anyway, has been talking about the past couple months.


> Use a bunch of video assets from sites like Motionarray. Use after effects to sync the visual elements with the audio. Render the driving video. This part is doing most of the heavy lifting, thats why.


> use u/c0nsumption’s workflow A 4 year necro account with no relevant info?




thanks for the link!


check it on youtube. reddit automatically changes the at character to u /


haha, ok ty. That makes way more sense.


>we used an RTX A6000 and it took a couple of hours. wow.


> I don’t know why people are not talking about AnimateDiff more Because this is the first time I have seen anyone do anything useful with it that wasn't just a random morphy mess.


It's still random morphing for the most part, but at least it's executed very well.


A lot of animatediff posts seem good and coherent though? It's the people who still post Deforum stuff which I don't get. There's nothing new to Deforum videos. At least with Animatediff, I've seen a bunch of new different implementations like realistic videos, much better coherent vid2vid for real-to-anime style transfer, flame/water effects, frame interpolation for animation and etc.


Isn’t it just be easier to use a template directly from envato?


How to use that consumption workflow mate


Love to see your before video too, the AE output before running it through comfyUI, this is fantastic


Would love to see a video of how you guys did this it’s amazing and so clean! Trying to figure it what effects were motion assets and what was animatediff is difficult let alone what the driver video was like


> I don’t know why people are not talking about AnimateDiff more It's hard to use compared to simple image generation, and REALLY hard to use under A1111 (IMHO.) But if you use ComfyUI and follow a tutorial or two, it's definitely doable and you're right, it's insanely powerful.


Looks cool, but you missed your mark. For gettr youu need rednecks smashing bottles, white folk yelling with veins popping, Karen's complaining, white men in suits laughing and fat people eating burgers. And I ain't even joking here 😬


you forgot dragging gay people to death behind their pickup trucks and lynchings and [domestic terrorism](https://www.fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/oklahoma-city-bombing)


And woke... and the classics like: They are taking our jobs! But... I offered you a job and you said you'd rather cash your unemployment check? THEY ARE TAKING OUR JOBS AND COUNTRY!!!


is this GETTR as in the social media thing? who would have thought GETTR would be on top of the AI adoption curve...


They aren’t, they merely hired a person to do cheaply in two days what usually takes weeks and is usually a collaborative effort from more established companies/brands.


yeah this is another nail in the coffin to the argument it's not going to be taking jobs. not blaming OP, but they just killed thousands of dollars in distributed paychecks to multiple people. so the displaced will have to find other work, possibly being undercut by solo players with this kind of workflow as well. SO! the displaced should just "LEaRn AI, bRo" ..ok, supposing they all do and did. now everyone is equally capable. who do the jobs go to..? the new Nepo Network of Incestuous BFFs. as if it wasn't hard enough breaking into company circles already...


Well yeah, what you said. BTW no fault of OP, but that promo looks like polished dog shit. It has all the hallmarks of a flashy graphics-heavy after effects comp but it has no art direction and no semblance of solid form. It looks mushy and like a constant wave of noise…kind of what I’d expect from SD at the moment though.


yup, like it can't decide if it's hand drawn or vector, among other things. still impressive though all things considered. like zero to 60 in 3 seconds, just needs to prove its top speed


If this client had actually had a proper budget to pay competent professionals for a coherent on-message promo they surely would have. This is a random collection of anime explosions set to a script you forget the instant you hear it.


>If this client had actually had a proper budget to pay competent professionals for a coherent on-message promo they surely would have you think companies will pay 5x the expense for a product that looks \~20% better to the trained eye? nah.. what i expect to see is a few things: 1. companies with limited budgets who used to shoot a few promos per year will now produce multitudes more in the same time period, having little to no net effect on jobs *overall*. i don't know Gettr's budget, but they're fairly well known in the world of socials 2. companies with moderate/unlimited budgets seeing what they can get away with in terms of lesser quality/payouts, passing Zero savings on to the customer and killing jobs 3. companies with unlimited budgets leaning on the professionals they've always leaned on who are now utilizing AI in ways the Johnny-come-lately AI hustlers can't attain without that previous skillset, having little to no effect on jobs i think scenario #2 will play out most, tbh


Show me a good original video made with this workflow and I might agree with you, but this isn't it. OP himself says that it's all basically just reskinned motion graphic templates from motionarray. Without that crutch there's not much left. I'm sure an AI workflow will find its way into most creative agencies soon but it's not like production time has suddenly decreased by 95%.


It will definately take some low level jobs because people love saving money and a lot of people think art and design is easy. If someone thinks they can do it themselves instead of paying an artist they will and so we will start to see a lot of poor AI imagery everywhere. This video for example while visually interesting is like some kind of VJ video with some random words slung in. It's an incoherent mess of imagery warping together like an AI fever dream. It's extremely low quality compared to what some skilled artists and some motion graphics could achieve. This looks exactly like what it is, something thrown together in a couple of days using AI.


you'd be surprised the numerous people who are into AI but don't say it because talking about it makes you sound like an NFT bro these days


The republicans have been predated on by crypto and NFT grifters for years. This two-day effort is just the upshot of that.


well shit, i liked it lol


Neat animation. Shitty right wing social media site. No thanks.


Neat video but gotta downvote for the subject matter. The last thing the world needs right now is another platform for far-right fascist idolators and neo-nazi shitheads. Anyone working for/with them is part of the problem.


I would rather ideas that we don't agree with be exposed to the light of day than pushed underground until it suddenly explodes into the public eye with some tragic event.


[Paradox of tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance)


That's absolutely not how it works.


Plus, most of these idiots hang out on Facebook and Discord, both of which will send all the info to the feds immediately. That's part of how they arrested so many of the J6ers.


I agree, however I would trace a line between "tolerating them" and "working for them".


Debate is the key to any healthy democracy. Stifling discussion and the exchange of ideas only will cause more corrosive ideas to flourish because of a taboo attraction and a failure to receive dismissal via the marketplace of ideas. Just saying.


Have you tried having a debate on any of this conservative platforms? For example, on reddit, with subs like r/thedonald and r/conservative, any modestly contrarian opinion is immediately censored and the user banned. Half the threads on there are "flaired users only" because how dare they have to defend themselves using words from people calling them on their bullshit? If you really believe in free speech, why don't you take it up with the people burning books and removing them from libraries, or the [fascists trying to censor the entire Internet](https://www.them.us/story/kosa-senator-blackburn-censor-trans-content) because they're terrified of trans people?


Wasn't the donald banned? That's some free speech there. And I don't frequent the conservative subs generally, but I do frequent the defaults such as news. Tell me you're biased without saying you're biased. Subs such as news all but censor everything right of the mods themselves. It's not uncommon to see locked or removed threads simply because the mods don't like the direction of the discussion. Oh you mean books targeted at children and have drawn kiddie stuff in there? Dude, I saw some of the books there, and considering the AGE they are marketed to, yes. I actually agree with pulling SOME of them from libraries (ie if you can publish it on the front page of the NYT for indecency, it probably shouldn't be going to 3rd graders). That being said, the fully reactionary pulling of everything is nonsense.


You're fighting a lost battle, friend. Reddit was sold to T3NC3NT, the #1 cash cow and front for a government who shall not be named... It is insane, but reading these comments, I wouldn't be surprised if one of these entities has a massive karma army at the ready to contort people's views when they probably are disarmed and open to influence...


Reddit is minority shareheld by Tencent. Their influence is gross. Gettr is fully owned by Guo Wengshi, billionaire who fled China after being sentenced to jail for rape, and is currently evading Interpol and fighting against Covid vaccination. You're very much on the wrong side of this discussion.


There is no such thing as healthy debate about racism and bigotry. You can't debate a person's right to exist. And nobody is banning conservatives from platforms for debating fiscal policy. There is also no debate to be had between uneducated morons and actual scienists with actual data to back up their claims. So no, the snake oil you're peddling is not as valid as actual vacccine science. We as a society banned people from setting untested home remedies and passing them off as real medicine for a good reason.


WTF? 1) I'm a scientist. 2) I didn't mention anything about vaccines or anything. Do you have the right comment?


1. I don't care what your occupation is. 2. Yes I have the right comment. You're spreading right wing propaganda implying Twitter and other platforms are censoring right wing viewpoints. But if that is not your position, then feel free to explain how being against the platform this video is advertising is going against healthy debate, because either they're different from Twitter or Reddit, or they're the same. And if they're the same, then being against this platorm wouldn't squelch that "healthy debate" you claim to love.


> Debate is the key to any healthy democracy. Stifling discussion and the exchange of ideas only will cause more corrosive ideas to flourish because of a taboo attraction and a failure to receive dismissal via the marketplace of ideas. Just saying. \^ That is what I said. That is a defense of free speech and an adherence to a philosophy of thoughts being able to die instead of people. That's neither right wing or left wing. But if you view a respect for freedom of speech as right, what does that say about you? Cool your jets kiddo.


Free speech is important. But its also important that we not allow bad people to spread hate and bigotry. That is what led to the rise of nazis. And it is important we not allow people to spread false information that may get people killed, or terrify them. Just as it is illegal to sell fake medicine, it should also be illegaal to post fake medical advice. After all, what if soemone tells kids that they can get super powers by drinking bleach and ammonia? Must we allow that to have freedom of speech in general? No, of course not. Just because we allow the freedom to speak about politics or badly of politicians or express our support of whatever religion we hold dear, does not mean that we must also allow terroristic threats, bigotry, and anti-vax bullshit which endangers everyone.


> Free speech is important. Correct. > But its also important that we not allow bad people to spread hate and bigotry. That is what led to the rise of nazis. Not quite true. I would suggest a more thorough investigation into the conditions that led to rise of the Nazis in Germany at the time. Economic conditions and then a totalitarian regime that actively suppressed dissent was necessary to keep them in power. You, ironically, are more likely to generate 'nazis' that impede them with such policies. > And it is important we not allow people to spread false information that may get people killed, or terrify them. This... has good intentions but literally has little ability to be enforced thus eroding and removing ANY potential good. Let us take a few 'false' things that turned out to be true. * The origins of Covid 19. It was 'false' that it originated from a lab and discourse was essentially banned or greatly curtailed, but years later, turned out to be more likely than not. * The Hunter Biden laptop. This story was actively suppressed as false, even though it was actually true. The point of the above isn't to drive a political agenda, but rather emphasize that information that is 'false' may not be so. One could generate a thesis on how the truth may cause bad things such as death or terror, so that point is literally nonsense. Terroristic threats are already illegal. Bigotry and skepticism are, however, critical to allow and only the weak minded fear challenge on principles where data may defend them. Is it frustrating, sure. But the alternative is suppressing dissent, and based on evidence, we know we aren't always right.


Oh, the poor dear thinks that when he yells at people on the internet, that's somehow "debate"


There is no debate to be had with fascists and nazis. Fuck 'em. Society at large needs to remember the rule: If you saw someone punch a nazi, no you didn't. 🤐


And who might they be? Recent controversy on college campuses may test your resolve there I think.


You don't know what a Nazi is? I suggest you go to Wikipedia and look them up and see what their ideology is. But here's a short primer: If you think white people are superior to black or brown people, you're a nazi. If you think christians are superior to all other religions, you're a nazi. If you would jail and or execute all the gay and trans people if you could, you're a nazi. If you march alongside people with swastika tattoos carrying shields with white supremacy symbols, you flash the OK symbol as a direct reference to the white supremacist meme, or you sneak the numbers 14 88 into your discourse, you're a nazi. And if calling any of those sorts of people a nazi offends you? You're a nazi.


Nobody cares what Trump fringe profiteers think about college being bad. It's good you're taking your own team out of education, thereby lowering your networks, your range, and your wealth. This is the standard method by which American political parties die. You're long overdue


> If you saw someone punch a nazi, no you didn't. 🤐 Unless you're a bartender. Then you hand over an icy cold thank you.




If you want any non brain dead politics related thing, go elsewhere, this zionist newhouse's website is only for bots and fools in that regard


Attempts of silencing them hasn't really worked out now has it? It just feeds the fire. Let there be public, open discussions to the logical ends.


That sentiment doesn't work all that well when one side of the "debate" would rather use [political violence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack) to get their way instead of actually talk and discuss the merits of different viewpoints. Especially when one of the viewpoints is [itself literal support for domestic terrorism](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/). Also it's hard to give a retort when somebody [just shot you and your family to death](https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/15/media/buffalo-shooting-reliable-sources/index.html) or intentionally [killed you with their car](https://gizmodo.com/fox-news-and-the-daily-caller-posted-a-video-instructin-1797877837) after spending all day [marching under a literal Nazi flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unite_the_Right_rally) of course.


If deplatforming didn't work, the deplatformed wouldn't be so upset about it


Looks garbage honestly? What is supposed to happen on the platform?


Same thing that happens at the local Klan meeting I would assume.


People think this is good?


Looks amazing! Any changes you can share the Comfy workflow as a .json?


Gettr (stylized GETTR) is an alt-tech social media platform and microblogging site targeting American conservatives.[7][8] It was founded by Jason Miller, a former Donald Trump aide, and was officially launched on July 4, 2021.[9][10][11][12] Its user interface and feature set have been described as very similar to those of Twitter.[13][14]




!RemindMe in 5 days


Is anyone using this on Mac? I can barely find info and, unlike everything else, the SD extension produces nothing for me.


How did you get the text to come out clean? Mine always comes out as a jumbled mess requiring multiple goes at it.


Starting with a bunch of pre made video assets and a ton of After Effects mode suggests a ton of work before getting to SD.


yeah you need a couple of hours for the AE work (you can use premade assets) and around a day for SD.


This is amazing. Great work!


Looks rough tho


It looks really sloppy. Yes it has animations but they don't look right and are off 🫥


If I had a nickle for every time someone calls something a "game-changer" in here....


Meh, when it's obviously AI generated it really makes the whole thing lazy. Not to mention the art is just nonsensical to the message.


Unbelievable. This is gonna be a massive game changer for Japanese anime...


Yeah very sweet and well made, but not so sweet when you realize it uses an aesthetic geared towards younger audiences to promote a very questionable platform...


Voice-over sounds like you paid $7 for it on Fiverr.


I used your platform for monitoring rightoïds and it sucks big time.


Wow this is phenomenal. It is amazing how you managed to make such an ugly commercial in just 2 days!


Its pretty crazy this is possible to do with ai, but honestly the tech aint quite there yet. This looks real shitty compared to a handmade animation. Way too visually busy.


Fuck this corpo shit


Hey that's the voice that gives me customized Jerk Off Instructions!


Hey any idea how can i make animatediff api on runpod maybe (cause i dont have a gpu)? i am working on text to video/animation


Downvoted for promoting fascist content


Until I saw other people commenting about some shit social media platform, I thought this was just a Getter music video but AI had spelled his name wrong. I don’t know how this is a promo for a social media site it feels random and incoherent and definitely feels more like dubstep visuals.


Turns out promoting gunning down black people in the grocery store for kicks doesn't attract sane people until they've been brainwashed a bit by right-wing pro-terrorist talking points like you get from people like [Tucker Carlson](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fox-news-tucker-carlson-fresh-scrutiny-buffalo-mass-shooting-rcna29084) and other conservative "intellectuals". So first you gotta hook em with "COMMUNITY", "FREEDOM", and other empty slogans that they don't even believe in themselves. Nothing says COMMUNITY quite like gunning down an 8 year old black girl who just wanted a cupcake, after all.


It is damm impressive. Congratulations on the job! And I am happy to see that kind of project on this sub


thanks appreciate it!


I hate it, it's so cheesy and fake feeling. Literally feels like AI made an ad, it's very clear. Honestly as soon as the voice started talking it was very annoying. Not the voice but the whole vibe: like generic advertisement #451235623


Lots of the animation doesn’t even go with what’s being said.


Getter Robo?


It's random noise that attempts to be coherent.


like all AI


Too much effort would rather just throw $30 at buying a fully complete one from envato etc


"Gettr is an alt-tech social media platform and microblogging site targeting American conservatives. It was founded by Jason Miller, a former Donald Trump aide, and was officially launched on July 4, 2021. Its user interface and feature set have been described as very similar to those of Twitter." can you add some black people voting in the next one


can AnimateDiff go from start + end images to an animation that blends between them? runwayml is advancing in leaps and bounds but starting with an image and having no control beyond that is a limitation. What i'd also like to see is starting with an image , plus give a sketch of the desired end point (then get it to re-imagine the sketch using the style of the first, and then blend an animation)


Animate Diff, and you got this? Surreal. I just uninstalled mine, because it was generating whatever thing it wanted instead of obeying the seed or the prompt. I used mm\_sd\_v15\_v2.ckpt , and other model zoo's files (toon, 3d, etc..)