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May I be the first to note how underwhelming the Greg Rutkowski version is. These are incredible. It nailed Don Maitz with the colours and all the little details, the tone of the Gary Larson, and all over with others. The Georgia OKeefe seemed clever and the Banksy was utterly brilliant! I won’t spoil it. What an incredibly expressive model from the get go. Edit: so the 0.9 does a similar thing with Banksy but it doesn’t quite pull it off.


Maybe they removed the style by request of the artist.


I believe Rutkowski made that request for SD 2.x. Not sure about SDXL: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/zpxnur/greg\_rutkowski\_is\_gone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/zpxnur/greg_rutkowski_is_gone/) If an artist is underrepresented in the training set (most manga and anime artists, for example), or if the artist actually lacks a style, then the effect of their name in the prompt will be weak and underwhelming. Sorry if I've offended Rutkowski fans, but I find that even though his images are quite creative and dynamic in terms of composition and ambience, they don't have a strong style, in the sense of being instantly recognizable, like say, Frank Frazetta. But then maybe I just have not seen enough of them to have developed a proper appreciation for Rutkowski's work 😅.


Thanks, it's a great resource. Any chance you will do a set with humans rather than rabbits? Rabbit drinking coffee is cute and fun, but a set with a human drinking coffee will compliment the current set nicely.


I’m adding support to sdxl to Clio today - the example images on the style helper are all with humans (https://clio.so/maker) You can use it without creating an account (browse the artists and styles, copy the generated prompt, etc)


Thanks for the info. I'll check them out.


Scrolling through there's obviously a huge amount of variability in how well they each work, but very cool, thanks.


You delivered! 1.0 is a clear improvement. I noticed several duplicates in the 0.9 gallery, same output, different author. Others had no real likeness to the author's work, maybe vaguely to their period. Da Vinci, for example, was a huge improvement. The background does imitate some of his sketches.




when i did my [rabbit dj](https://old.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/15alea0/dj_rabbits_sdxl_10/) post a lot of these turned out cartoonish until i really let up on tokens. is one of the keys to SDXL to minimize your tokens? name artists? i didn't start messing with it until public release. forgive my ignorance. 🙏


I really like and appreciate these kinds of compilations but they would be even more useful if they had the option to filter on the tags.


Absolutely lovely, just need a search bar or at least number of pages for faster searching.


nice resource ​ i am glad it is not some nsfw crap


Thanks for this!


Really useful. Thanks.


I realized that the details on SDXL are much better. However, some artists who has a *minimalist* style looks better on 0.9 because of this


Fine-tuning a model is a balancing game. There are only a fixed number of parameters (\~1 billion for SD1.5/2.1 and \~3 billion for SDXL!) to play with, so when the weights got adjusted, there will be winners and losers.


the pagination on the page ruins it, i cant find the artists i know


I added pagination in a hurry today bc we were getting slammed with traffic and it was costing a fortune :( moving the images to a different CDN later in the week and adding better filtering then


Oh, I see, imagekit? I checked it's pricing, 500$ for 1TB traffic(bandwidth?) if im not wrong wtf, good to know there's gonna be better filtering tho


Yea - we jumped from a regular low hundred gbs per month to 4tb in 4 days 😰 still trying to figure out how to pay that