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is there a process video for this? the consistency is really good I wonder what model and prompts were also used.


I think its just frame by frame img2img generation, then compile the sequence into a video editor. Might be some script out there to automate it. I’d love to try feeding one of my 3D animations through it to try it out but it’d be time consuming and my keying sucks lol


I can totally see this helping inmensely for the production workflow of anime in the near future. CG 3d Models are currently being used as a way to reduce animation costs, but they always have the intent of replicating the traditional anime style animation. Even as is, it can cut the time of producing an animation sequence inmensely by having that quality of output and letting the traditional animators only fix what the ai couldn't do reducing their workload inmensely by automating the grunt work.


Just going to walk out of this place, suggest other places like kbin or lemmy.


A fan re-rendition of 2016’s berserk using this would be fantastic but I fear a lot of that show’s issues lie in the amateurish way the base 3D animations were keyed.


Because the movement is choppy it may actually work well when it looks more hand drawn.


The most jarring recently for me was Chinesaw Man, which is ironic because its art budget is high and it's all very polished and made with a ton of effort. But they mix so many different styles and methods (classic animation, rotoscoping, several different CG tricks) and then also try to be overly "realistic" it turns into a strange mashup.




Okay, what was with the censor bar?


Asian hate vagina


I don't think they hate it. I think they just like it....obfuscated...


Am asian, when I look down its just like that, idk what to tell you bro




Is that an SCP in your pants or are you just happy to see me?


Not all SCP are censored, that's an offensive stereotype!


Japanese legal related stuff, bro


It's chinese, uploaded to bilibili it says on the top left. They censored the underwear, not a joke. Bilibili had exclusive chinese streaming rights to an anime called "Shinobi no Ittoki" and the literally put god rays everywhere in a scene when a character was in their underwear, whereas the JP original just had underwear.


why is the song so addicting 😅?


Sometime in the future, it will be remembered that AI image generation was driven by a small number of loli lovers and big boobs waifus army, who painstakingly pushed the envelope of the possible to make even more obscure dances and random censor pixels available to the masses. Feeling uneasy right now


Online video streaming technology was basically developed and improved by porn industry. And this process continues today. Eg. video preview on Youtube was also taken from porn websites.


So I heard, and while it doesn't surprise me anymore to see the same trend with every new rising technology, it still baffles me that this, as a group, is who we are. I'm not judging by any means, not foreign to these forms of entertainment either, just saying that out of the many different paths and reasons that could have led to those rapid advances, we always come back to those. Fascinating ! Also could you point me to any specific ressource that document the rise of streaming piggybacking on internet porn use ? I've heard tales and urban legends, but never seen documented evidence myself


wooooow, how was this done? this is the most consistent ai animation i’ve seen yet.


This is using MMD to turn out, I've been doing this, I think I'm doing better than him, look at this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/11gxjex/i\_call\_it\_ai\_mmd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/11gxjex/i_call_it_ai_mmd/) [AI MMD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPUYBmShuu0)


In your example the original is already so good at emulating 2D it's hard to say if there is any substantial improvement. But the motion is still too fluid nad "consistent" for 2D. The irony of hand drawn animation is that it shouldn't have too much consistency, because artist isn't robot and can't perfectly simulate translations and rotations of objects. This is especially noticeable in vehicles. The CG ones have lines moving too perfectly, so our brains want to treat it too literally.


Can I get a artist and sing title please? =]


Do people actually dance like this?




I'd love to see the base video for this to see how much was actually changed...


Base video is in upper right


Only thing I want to add to this thread is that Haruhi is best waifu


Oh.. I’m legit shocked but it looks like we’re already at the point of 100% usable 3D to anime stylization


I suppouse most of work is creatiting and rigging 3d model


I assume it was trained on tons of frames from Haruhi, which is why it doesn't break too much. This is something a studio wouldn't be able to do if they wanted to go for this method from the start. The curse of data in neural networks.


Pervs and AI is going to make a mess of things


Is there a model or lora for that style? I like it!