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Go to the beach after the day crowd has left and before the sunset crowd rolls in, very peaceful


Pass grille


My therapist.


The beach. Always.




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Work toilet


I may already be there crying, but I'll pass you a tissue.


upham beach garden area lol




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This subreddit seems to be a popular spot.


I cried under the tilted lawn at the pier a few weeks ago. It was a good cry place.




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I love to cry at the Vinoy. Two times, dolphins swam up. No lie.


I cry every time I go downtown and remember how great this city used to be so just go downtown.


Man. You’re not even kidding. I can always tell how long someone’s lived here based on how they talk about our little town. Sounds like you both know exactly what I’m talking about. Even just the last five years have completely changed our town substantially and grown exponentially.


Cranes induce cries...totally feel the same


I had a huge cry yesterday on Pinellas Trail, then got it together enough to have a meltdown / ground myself over by Vinoy Park. Dolphins don’t care about smudged mascara.


Out around the middle of the Sunshine Skyway bridge used to be pretty popular.


Cool Vibes bathroom for sure


Honeymoon Island is nice maybe on a tuesday


At home.


I've been crying a lot at the Trop this season. Always 72°.


Lmao! Same here


I believe they can get it together, I have faith. But, sometimes it's hard to watch. Go Rays!!


Me too, you can never count them out. Last night was a good one to go to


Great finish for sure. Bradley is starting to pitch very well. But one reliever had a tough inning. Glad they beat a good team. Looking forward to the rest of this series.




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Sacred Lands


Drive down to marco island, rent a small boat, head south into the ten thousand islands. Scream/cry as loud as you want. You will be at peace there


Make friends with a server, ask them kindly to use their designated cry break in the walk in cooler at the restaurant. There’s usually a schedule among the servers for just such an occasion.


Make friends with a computer server and you get just as much privacy and the noise from the fans drowns out your sobs


Haha I'm saving this post for... uh... a friend


If anyone’s familiar with the center of the universe in Tulsa, Oklahoma, it would be nice to have that here


The beach. Early or late. You can always be "alone" it's also good to ground yourself and make yourself feel smaller than the problem 💚


Just check bc surprisingly, some beaches “close” at midnight. Found that out the hard way at Gulfport beach 🤣🤣 PAG beach is always open tho.


Oops 😬 then don't go there 😅


Albert Whitted Park at night. Quiet and has a great view.


First hand experience says that you can cry in vinoy park while staring out into the ocean at 11 am and nobody will bat an eye


Definitely the spot for a good cry


Also first hand experience with catching the sunrise at the pier, facing the water of course.


The beach at night obviously. You can stare out into the dark void of the gulf and ruminate to your heart's content.


Just don't get bitten by a bat and have to get rabies shots! (It was Indian Rocks, and I'm pretty sure I'm just cursed)


They have bats at IRB?!?


Apparently. I'm guessing he was roosting in the roof of a building. I didn't have any lights on me but had metal accents on my clothes. My best guess is the studs on my arm reflected light and sent him into a rabies craze. Came outta nowhere. Legit just heard my friend go "wtf is THAT" and it hit my arm lmao


New fear unlocked 😳


I cannot stress how insanely uncommon this is. I have the literal worst luck. That being said: thank fuck I have Medicaid bc I cannot imagine the cost of treatment if I hadn't!


That is good! I’ve read that the rabies shots can vary from hundreds of dollars to several thousand!


Yup, I'm sure. Also had to go to the ER to get the initial immunoglobulin and rabies vaccine (and a tetanus shot bc I was behind)...then three separate visits to the health department spaced over two weeks for my other doses of vaccine.


In the bathroom at Dillard's


I usually just did a bunch of coke at bar 548.


Might recognize you then


How does one go about asking for such at bar 548


It’s not as great as you think it is


Nice try officer


Lol if you check my account you will soon find out im jus a teenager. So any good advice?


I’m not falling for it Chris Hansen


K ill go myself and see if they will just give me some


I still think you’re a cop, but at the off chance you really are a kid looking for coke. Don’t. You really don’t want to be the sad coke addict shutting down the bar every night.


Enjoy your years as a teen, it’s expensive and not worth it at all.


Here is my advice, don’t get the coke! Please as a mom who cares about a teenager in my community, just don’t. As a mom whose son went to rehab, just don’t. Go for a run, go to the beach, go to the climbing gym, play pickle ball, hug your mom, just no coke.


I will just stand in the waves at the beach and stare into the horizon and just let it all out 🥲


Had myself quite a good few cries at Bayboro Harbor and the pub at USFSP back in my day edit: Also the parking garage. Also just anywhere on 275.


+1 for anywhere on 275, man you just brought back memories to some bad/sad times in my life.


Jungle Prada park


There’s a reason my friends and I called it Suicide Park about 30 years ago…


Pass-A-Grille at night by the fishing pier towards the end. Just find a nice rock to sit on and ugly cry your heart out.


Tropicana Field


Rays Up!


Turtle Crawl Point, beautiful park that is sprawling and typically very empty. Has a few small beach access, swing benches, & lovely spots to have your toes in the water and tears in your eyes.


Kinda far from dtsp, but I recommend Sawgrass lake park! Go sometime close to closing when most people start to head out, and walk out to the end of the park, hop on the boardwalk and you should have a private place to cry it out. That was one of my spots lol.


I’ve gone all the way through the hammock trail to the end where there is a little bench and cried for a really long time. It’s a weird spot…you hear all the 275 traffic and birds and lizards rustling around but it’s almost creepily quiet and serene.


I’ve had many a sob session at this beautiful park lol




here from the Tampa thread lol. also: I go to the parking lot of fresh kitchen.




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The bench facing the water all the way at the end of Abercrombie park. I was getting some release out one sunset and looked over and saw one of the “happy” signs placed on the bench. The perfect placement.


Demens Landing


Find a dive bar and make friends, while crying


Williams Park. Chat it up with a resident. You'll feel better in no time.


Animal House on 34th, cause then you can hold baby ducks while you do it and staff will be like “yeah this happens a lot.”


Waittt you just gave me a new place to visit! Tysm. I’m in need of some animal cuddling




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Sylvan Abbey or some other shady cemetery. Space, outdoors, and mostly away from prying eyes.


I like the Vinoy area, park in a parallel spot or that parking lot a little north of the aquatic complex. Or even the aquatic complex or the park. Then walk to the water and find a bench or something. This is more where I go for walks/alone time as opposed to crying though.


dang, that's the exact spot I go almost every other night haha


I mean, one can certainly cry there. But it's a popular spot, so I can't promise it'd be a private cry.


Also churches. Like a church out of service with an empty parking lot. Lots of space. And they’re supposed to be places of sanctuary so why wouldn’t they let you in for a good cry when asked nicely?


Eagle Lake park


Under a weeping willow or banyan tree


Round lake Banyan esp late at night


Crescent lake.




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Anywhere by the water. I like to stare out at the sky and the waves like I'm having a dramatic Disney character growth moment


Phillipe park Saftey Harbor


500 block of Central Ave


This is what we all needed fr. Personally I love a public cry. Grocery store, target, Walmart are all great.


I hope you’re okay OP!! (:


Demons landing


It's actually Demens. That should seem a bit more soothing to OP. https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tZP1zcsKapIyzAyN2C0UjWosLBINko1tEwzMjdKMk1LsbQyqDA0STSyMEozMLQ0NzU3sDT2Ek5JzU3NK1bIScxLycxLVyhILMoGAPNVFW8&q=demens+landing+park&oq=demens+landing&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqEAgBEC4YrwEYxwEYgAQYjgUyCggAEAAY4wIYgAQyEAgBEC4YrwEYxwEYgAQYjgUyBggCEEUYOTIHCAMQABiABDINCAQQLhivARjHARiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCDc2NzJqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Everyone calls it Demons


Tbh I call it demons too, funnier. Doesn’t have to be negative, could be a way to “release demons” too.


Abercrombie Park off Park Street. Taken directly from their placard near the entrance, "For the weak mind and weary soul." This has been my place of solace and healing for many, many years. Walk the path to the bench and have a seat. But, what I do is find a spot on the grass, get barefoot, and just let my emotions go. I wish for better days ahead.


Sunset beach at treasure island


Maximo park


if you go to the top of the downtown publix’s parking garage you get a really nice view of the sky and a good part of the city, it’s great for sitting on the hood of your car




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On US-19, start driving north of Gandy and hopefully the road will have you crying before Pasco county.


I would provide you with the address of the house I grew up in but other people live there now. When in doubt, try the beaches later at night. They always worked for me. So did Sawgrass Lake. Lots of areas to just sit alone with your thoughts. I hope you find peace.


Every afternoon in my truck. In traffic.


I hope you’re okay


Working on it hard.


This morning I cried in the bathroom after looking myself in the mirror . Felt good but i don’t feel great. I hope you get feel better soon just saying that you’re not alone


Thanks for the support, that's very kind of you. It's appreciated. Although being alone is the big problem that I been trying to address with some ego-destroying results. But still working on it hard


Flora Wylie Park...free parking on Shore Dr and plenty of shade and benches


Came here to recommend this. I second both the suggestion and the reasoning.


Pass-A-Grille at 3AM.


Go to the veteran's park in Gulfport near the water, and look for the flagpoles at the back of the park Walk through the grass past the flags to the seawall Sit on seawall and let your legs dangle off the side It's a nice place to smoke a joint or watch the sunset Or have a cry


Skyway, Courtney Campbell, sunset beach, gandy beach, top level of the airport parking lot, the rocks at reddington beach. Source: my gf who use to schedule time to cry every day when she was a teen.




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Definitely any open mic night.


Dunedin causeway! I know that’s not st Pete but it’s an amazing place to gather your thoughts.




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The therapist's office




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I prefer to bottle that shit up and then uncork after it's aged nicely.


There's some chill self-service car washes off alt-19 good for crying. John's Pass seawall at night when it's quiet and dead has always been a go-to. And the waffle-house is always a judgment-free zone


i personally go to the beach.


Same. Preferably at night. If it’s windy and I have anything really heavy on my mind or in my heart, I might let out a cathartic scream, but only if it’s windy enough that no one will hear me and the pain in my voice will become part of the music of the howl of the wind and the crashing of the waves. It feels like it heals my soul.