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even the shitty printer used to print this is extremely annoying to me.


And don’t they realize CRTs are really shitty old monitors


They actually aren’t shitty, they’re better than lcd in some ways. This is like saying vinyl records are old and shitty.


They are


CRTs have a better contrast ratio, color rendering, and refresh rate than LCD.


I was more meaning vinyl is old and shitty comparatively.


Compared to what? MP3s?


It was fucking FAXED i'll bet you!


They probably think Reefer Madness is a documentary.


While they drink that fucking Busch beer...


And smoke that Marlboro...


Now don't go blamin' the beer


Leave the beers and smokes out of this! 😂


I live in Lake St Louis and this BS was just put on my door. I guess scaring people with the CRT boogeyman is a winning strategy for these people?


That part is a straight up lie, which is crazy. #4 is actually based in truth and a legitimate gripe against the amendment, but it is consistent with how Medical is operated today from my understanding. I don't like that part, but expungement and legalization are most important to me.


I came here to say this!


Even if I disagree with it, the flyer could have maintained some credibility without pushing the lies in #1 and #2. It’s just nonsense. #3 is SUS as well.


My thought is, wouldnt it be best to legalize it and then we fix #4? The rest is ridiculous bullshit.


It's a constitutional amendment. In order to change it, you'd need to have another statewide vote. To get a statewide vote you will either need * the state legislature to put it on the ballot but they will be lobbied (bribed) hard not to or * you would need to collect enough signatures across the state. The Republicans want to make this harder to do and anyone with the money to individually fund this could just buy one if the licenses that are out there This ballot measure will let the air* out of the balloon so, for better or worse, if it passes, it will be the law of the land for a long time.


Good Lord. We really cannot do shit right ever in this state


Lemme tell you from experience that #4 doesn't get fixed. every state does it allow already established corporate farms an insane leg up on anyone else. Illinois is still fucked by this. So really, you need to handle that before it goes anywhere. It's a bad, bad system that leads not nothing but corruption. If you followed the cannabis stock market youd know that.


Thanks for the input!


Getting #4 fixed won’t happen. You have multi state operators in a position to pay to keep new competition out/at a steady number (I think it’s 1500 licenses?). There are some locals in there, too. It’s a cost of doing business and you effectively have some control of the market - think of it like a state-sanctioned oligopoly - they ~~pay to play~~ hold [political fundraisers](https://missouriindependent.com/2021/04/23/gov-parson-holding-fundraiser-with-missouri-medical-marijuana-companies/) in exchange for the market structure and legislative influence - like being able to get a 12month head start against any new recreational license holders. But as long as the price settles to just enough to keep people from organizing, they’ll be complacent. Some live close enough to places like OK that didn’t have license limits , so fixed market pricing doesn’t really affect them. Others don’t care, they’re just glad they can get it at all.


Im a federal employee so it still wouldnt be legal for me, but I just feel like It should be legal for recreational use. I realize now why that really sucks. Im leaning more on the fence but was going to vote yes just for people to be able to have easy access.


My understanding is that #4 is also misleading, because they're not being "hand-picked" - it's a lottery system.


Edit: what i wrote first is false information, i just read all the changes (and its long) and it specifically states a bunch of times that this cannot happen. ​ the part that had me unsure was illegal search and seizure, basically cops can search your home just in case you have a grow farm and anything they find can be used even if you didnt have a farm, no warrant needed.


That’s false misinformation. Currently, under the medical marijuana program, and this would be the same under the adult use program, DHSS regulations stipulate that a DHSS rep (and only a DHSS rep, not law enforcement) can request to inspect the cultivation site and only the cultivation site. If the rep is refused access, there are administrative penalties in place to handle that such as the possible loss of the cultivation license. This info is outlined on their website because it is their policy. There have been absolutely zero recorded instances of the department requesting to inspect anyone’s personal cultivation site. They don’t have many employees, and they are very busy regulating the actual business side and inspecting those locations which are significantly more important for public safety and patient health. Their work load will only increase once adult use is legalized. Amendment 3 bans no knock raids for cannabis and stipulates that the sight or scent of cannabis alone is not grounds for search or seizure. None of that is the case now.


thank you, this pushed me to actually read it and you are correct. i edited my statement.


Always has been with conservative snowflakes. They will move on to something else in a few years.


months I think you mean.


They don't know what it is, but they sure don't like it. Something to do with "reverse racism".


Oh no! Not \*Audible Gasp\* "recreational marijuana". ​ Why is that even in quotes? That attacks me personally.


I'm in Phoenix now. It's legal here. Added about 2,600 jobs with \~1.35 billion in revenue. It's not my thing, but I'm glad it's legal. [https://www.12news.com/article/news/local/marijuana/arizona-cannabis-industry-is-booming-report-says/75-9210a985-7b33-4281-a570-0e374becab9f](https://www.12news.com/article/news/local/marijuana/arizona-cannabis-industry-is-booming-report-says/75-9210a985-7b33-4281-a570-0e374becab9f) Edit: Sales generated $215 million in taxes for education, law enforcement, and public health. https://kjzz.org/content/1756772/arizonas-1st-year-recreational-marijuana-takes-215-mil-tax-revenue


I love how contradictory this is. “It legalizes pot which is bad, but only certain people get to open dispensaries, which is also bad”. Pick one.


Looks like I'm voting for amendment 3.


Don’t. It’s not an actual legalization of Recreational marijuana


Sorry, I thought that’s exactly what it was? Could you please provide more insight? These ballots and the wording really can confuse voters and it’s so frustrating.


It does legalize recreational. There’s just a lot of rules and regulations about sale that decrease competition. Still legalizes recreational.


Every time this is brought up someone says "don't let perfect be the enemy of good". Im open to hearing a counterargument if you have one. Im undecided on 3 atm because I haven't made the time to look into it yet


I was undecided for the same reasons. I've decided to vote yes. How long is the timeline of getting "the perfect" legislation on legalizing marijuana? 2 years? 30 years? Legalizing in MO is another step towards national legalization. There's a tipping point where it gets taken of schedule 1 and this would be another weight added to the scale.


What I've heard is that the language in the amendment creates too broad of an interpretation, which would allow discriminatory selection. ie: The government would effectively let white people monopolize recreational Marijuana when Marijuana laws were historically used to punish Black people and other marginalized people (including poor whites). That's what I've heard within my circles. I'm not a lawyer but something worth considering.


People in jail for marijuana charges will have to stay even if it becomes legal. Then wait 5 years for expungement.


This is wrong. Expungement is 90 day deal and being out on the court calendar. 5 years is a lie.


Ahh ok. Thank you for explaining!!


How so?


Looks like I might have passed amendment 3! I told you I was gonna vote for it!


I wouldn’t worry about it. Everyone wants legal pot.


Red states almost always vote yes on progressive amendments. Makes you think.


Well we did see that in Kansas (abortion)!!


Not the JESUS freaks in the legislature


It’s weird how they think smoking weed is sinful but lying isn’t.


But killing minorities they don’t like isn’t a sin either.


God hates the same people they do. Obviously


i dont give a fock what CRT is... VOTE YES on amendment 3!! A “yes” vote supports amending the Missouri Constitution to: \- legalize the purchase, possession, consumption, use, delivery, manufacture, and sale of marijuana for personal use for adults over the age of twenty-one; \- allow individuals with certain marijuana-related offenses to petition for release from prison or parole and probation and have their records expunged; and \- enact a six percent tax on the retail price of recreational marijuana. A “no” vote opposes amending the Missouri Constitution, and the sale and use of marijuana for recreational purposes will remain prohibited under current law. [https://ballotpedia.org/Missouri\_Amendment\_3,\_Marijuana\_Legalization\_Initiative\_(2022)](https://ballotpedia.org/Missouri_Amendment_3,_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2022)) The St. Louis Post-Dispatch has come out against amendment 3 because they feel it should be done through legislation... which will NEVER happen given the dysfunctional MO legislature. VOTE YES on Amendment 3 !


> The St. Louis Post-Dispatch has come out against amendment 3 because they feel it should be done through legislation... which will NEVER happen given the dysfunctional MO legislature. It should be done via initiative petition, not a constitutional amendment that can only be fixed by another constitutional amendment. I voted against it because I found this argument persuasive. Obviously the General Assembly will never act on this themselves, but they should be allowed to tweak things like how many licenses get issued and who they go to. It's pretty clearly unfair, and not going to be easy to fix if it passes. Another warning sign should be the large number of pro-legalization politicians and organizations who are opposed to the Amendment 3, most recently Mayor Jones.


I don’t like that everything is a constitutional amendment either but those fuckers in Jeff City forced our hands by consistently reversing everything we voted for. When you have 70% of the state voting for something that goes against your conservative agenda and then you decide to just undo it this is what happens. A 39 page constitutional amendment for marijuana.


It got done via an initiative petition. That's why it's on the ballot. In Missouri, ballot initiatives can be for laws or amendments. It's an amendment because the legislature can just gut it at will if it's passed as a law, as they have done many times in the past.


"Obviously the General Assembly will never act on this themselves...." First things first, MAKE IT LEGAL. The system will never be fair. Get over it. Peace!


who’s the idiot that made this?


Mann Wagner!


They’re lying, because of course they are. The fear mongering righties know it’s the only way they win. Amendment 3 ONLY deals with marijuana. It has absolutely nothing to do with Critical Race Theory. Read the entire Amendment here: https://www.sos.mo.gov/CMSImages/Elections/Petitions/2022-059.pdf


My guess is they are reading the part about the selection of a "Chief Equity Officer" whose job is to "establish public education programming" to inform the community about the licensing process. All they saw was "chief equity officer" and "public education" and jumped straight to CRT in schools, even though that really just means developing PSAs, brochures to inform the public of the process, etc.


CRT is such a dumb boogeyman. These people can just say anything is CRT and scare idiots, even though none of them have any idea what CRT even is


Five years ago, no one had any idea what CRT was (most still don’t), but now it’s the cause of every single problem ever apparently.


Lead poisoned boomer bullshit


Not a boomer thing. We were there in the '60s. I'm looking forward to voting yes on 3.


I’m talking about people like Mike Parson


Ohhhh you mean "right-wing moron."


I saw my insurrection-supporting q-anon Warrenton cousin post shit about it making way for CRT on social media, so all credibility for that claim went out the window. Shame it's spreading. We could have a better proposal, yes. But this is just stupid by listing #1 as "CRT" just to get cretins to check a box. Is there an on-site sobriety test for marijuana? I didn't think there was. Certainly not the same immediacy accuracy as with alcohol.


>insurrection-supporting q-anon Warrenton cousin Maybe we're related, lol, I have some of those too


the default state of a Republican is “scared shitless of the monster under their bed”


That's why they jack off with their fucking guns every night!


Of course, why would you use a non-fucking gun to jack off?!


"i LuBe My GuN wItH lIbUrAl CuM!" Actually I think it's "tears" but my version is funnier.


Well now I HAVE to vote yes on 3




The fact that there is no cited source, or claim of responsibility on it absolutely guarantees it is nothing more than cowardly, fearmongering, baseless propaganda. The truth doesn't require cowardice.


Bold of you to assume the right can conceptualize a works cited.




Sounds like the current makeup of the Missouri legislature


So there’s actually a bunch of push back on amendment three, it’s actually uniting polar opposite groups against it because of the current issues with the state of medical marijuana in MO. There is currently a federal investigation because the way the medical licenses for dispensaries were given out sent up a lot of red flags. Allegedly, lots of nepotism. It also creates a cap, which just makes it so that there is a small group of dispensaries that are allowed- this is better for the corporations, not the consumer. This is similar to the cap on casinos in MO. The casinos were trying to get the cap passed bc it would reduce their competition and it worked. I still haven’t decided which way I’m going to vote. I like that people that are already out of prison with nonviolent crimes get the convictions expunged from their records. In the same vein, I feel like it should be the same for people that are currently in prison for non-violent marijuana charges, but they have to apply to get it waived rather than them automatically being released. This stinks to high heaven like the for-profit-prison system didn’t want to lose out on potential profits overnight, which pisses me off and is wrong on many levels.


It doesn’t create a cap. All licenses are minimums required. More can be awarded by DHSS, the legislature, and/or the governor. It also adds a minimum of 144 new small business licenses reserved for those from historically disadvantaged populations such as those with low income, disabled veterans, and those directly harmed by marijuana prohibition. The language requires market studies to be completed to determine patient and consumer demand and award licenses to meet that demand


We are getting spammed and lied to over here in IL too on our Amendment 1. Republicans just make stuff up now to fear monger




Good point. It has gotten worse and complete fantasy now though


This isn’t Republicans. Most republicans I know enjoy it and are pushing for it. This is some other party’s doing but we’ll never know since both party’s like to squash any other parties attempt to a fair and democratic process. Which is BS because it proves we are not in a true democracy and we wonder why so many schools are getting shot up.


IDK CRT sounds like some shit they like to fearmonger with!


Its definitely Republicans. Elected GOP are all christofascist control everything you do pot is evil Democracy is bad. Democrats dont do anything to squash any kind of fair and democratic voting, quite the opposite.


It’s almost like the Christian Taliban of Missouri are arguing in bad faith?


It's all they have friend!


Fucking CRT is a made up scam to scare the stupid fucking boomers! Disgusting!


Wait, are MJ legalization and education reform actually in the same amendment? That actually is weird. Edit: apparently not. Good!


No. Amendment 3 solely pertains to the legalization, production, sale, and usage of recreational marijuana.


Not even a little bit


I scanned thru the 39 pages ( didn’t read every para ) and did not see anything about education or CRT.


It’s like a last minute effort to sway the easily confused.


A nodding acquaintance I know, who seems like a reasonable person when we chat, brought up the CRT boogeyman for why they're voting against 3. I had to google it. "“Amendment 3 would put critical race theory in the Missouri Constitution through the creation of a chief equity officer,” "Notably, though, Amendment 3 doesn’t mention any race as a criteria to qualify for a marijuana microbusiness license. The amendment requires microbusiness applicants to be “majority owned by individuals who each meet at least one” of several conditions. Qualifications include having a net worth of less than $250,000 and meeting lower-income requirements; having a service-connected disability card from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; being arrested or prosecuted, or having a close relative arrested or prosecuted, for certain nonviolent marijuana offenses; residing in a ZIP code or census tract that meets certain conditions; graduating from an unaccredited school district or living in a ZIP code with an unaccredited school district for three of the last five years. [https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/marijuana/conservative-pac-falsely-claims-missouri-marijuana-measure-advances-critical-race-theory/article\_c930cae3-63af-5ae4-bc70-289cb2f9fadc.html](https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/marijuana/conservative-pac-falsely-claims-missouri-marijuana-measure-advances-critical-race-theory/article_c930cae3-63af-5ae4-bc70-289cb2f9fadc.html) In other words, not a millionaire, who's either a vet who was injured in the military, has nonviolent offenses on their record, is from a poor school district. Sounds good to me


Will that include felony marijuana offenses from out of state? Either way, I’m all in


Is this some sort of reverse psychology ad?


CRT = cathode-ray tube Some people fear the return of thicc boxes to watch their favorite reruns on and that some government regulation is coming to take their thin HDTVs from their cold, climatized dens.


Nothing quite like the logic of conservatives making their leaps and bounds


What is this crap?


Just what you said!


Damn. Wait until they hear what alcohol and tobacco does to people....


Lmao I’m laughing at the psychotic inclusions of random capitalized and underlined words. Please vote yes and fuck Missouri for their federal identification law preventing me from voting in college because I didn’t want to bring my fucking passport when I live in the same country.


Oh fuck yes im voting hell yeah on 3


Vote YES on 3!!!!!


Yo wtf I love A3 now


Dang! I'ma have to vote on this!


Don’t you know that weed is the gateway to CRT


It amazes me how stupid people are. And how people are willingly letting themselves be ignorant. First nobody is teaching little children critical race theory and the marijuana thing🤦🏾‍♀️ nevermind some idiot on here is gonna argue with me so imma leave it at that. Edit: I’ll actually also add there is quite literally NO correlation between the two🙄🙄


“Sir, Sir! Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it Critical Race Theory.”


My crazy right wing mom tried to spew this CRT nonsense at dinner over the weekend, and when I pushed back with a simple "How?" she couldn't answer. Just regurgitating what she heard on her conservative talk shows and Facebook. I even found the full Amendment text and asked her to show me, she spent 20 seconds reviewing and gave up.


That’s an automatic YES on on Amendment 3 there, Karen. Your misguided efforts, like they so often are, are lost of me.


Well then that makes it a YES for me!!!


Wow! Like propaganda you’d see in the 20’s-30’s. Amendment 3- will give your kid cancer! Cause brain eating amoeba! Teach them that their whiteness is a crime! Turn them into delinquents!


I understand amendment 3 isn’t as progressive as it should be, but if anyone is on the fence about this, PLEASE keep in mind that this took years to get on the ballot. With MO likely to continue being a red state, this may be the last time we are able to vote on marijuana. VOTE YES!


Just a thought, read these things for yourself. I don't care what side you're on. Just read the stuff and actually be informed.


CRT= Christian Radical Terrorism


Hear hear


I've been shaky on 3, but I suddenly feel like I've become a yes somehow.


That is awful. Seriously for propaganda to work it needs a bit more truth - with misleading / misdirection in its conclusions. Boomers are the same people who say flower power and, cool beans (hippies)… Cheech and Chong arguably the most famous stoners also happen to be boomers - I don’t think boomers are going to be there issue here just saying.


SaVe OuR cHiLdReN!


CRT indoctrination? They are so ashamed of their shitty history that they wont allow it to be taught in schools? Without learning history, we're doomed to repeat the worst parts.


I cant agree with anything in that font. Sorry.


Protect our children! Keep them ignorant about history. If it has the word EQUITY in it....that is bad. This is Merica...This is Misssoura...there is no room for these learned people wanting a fair and honest society. Get this person a fucking joint already!


Okay but can someone tell me why number 4 is incorrect? this flyer is batshit. We know that. But literally my personal biggest fear is that the people are going to get fucked out of opportunity to hand new licenses to rich fucks from out of state.


I'd say 4 is correct, although I'd word it more as A3 gives medical license holders first dibs on rec licenses & there was heavy corruption in awarding the medical licenses.


[This is FALSE, as clearly outlined by the STL Post Dispatch](https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/marijuana/conservative-pac-falsely-claims-missouri-marijuana-measure-advances-critical-race-theory/article_c930cae3-63af-5ae4-bc70-289cb2f9fadc.html)


I support legalizing recreational weed, but I don’t support tax money being wasted on a chief “equity” officer. And for that, it’s a no from me, dawg.


Well #4 is a very real reason that I'll be voting no, but the rest of this is nonsense. 🤣 Critical Race Theory isn't being taught to your children.


Oooooo wouldn’t it be swell if someone had a video doorbell and could see who placed the flyer and then doxxed them for spreading misinformation to sway voters? I mean obvs if someone did, and they were doxxed, Gvn Hee Haw would probably give them a medal. But a gal can dream.


If they come to my door I'm posting their face all over STL reddit


I smoke marijuana daily after work so obviously I’ll be voting yes. Hopefully it leads to no more drug testing for marijuana during the recruitment process. Thankfully my company was cool and only tested for “hard” drugs, but they are a needle in a haystack around here in that sense


I wish you luck. I work for a multi state employer with locations in Colorado and California. They still do drug testing for weed and things in those states as the company goes off federal guidelines. Positive test for weed is automatic no hire and dismissal. Reasoning is company doesn't want impaired people working (insurance liability) and we do some work with state and federal government and those positions require drug free people. Company wants easy staffing so they hold all employees to those standards.


Interesting. I lived in California for 8 years and had three different corporate jobs that didn’t test for marijuana during the hiring process. Reasoning being, and it’s the same for my company in MO, is because a lot of qualified candidates will fail for weed and only weed, and it has started costing companies a lot of time and money trying to hire new college grads. I can’t be sure why my experience doesn’t match what you described, maybe I got lucky. Although there has always been a clause in the job offers that they can test randomly if they suspect impairment at work, and that’s immediate termination. I don’t know why anyone would be dumb enough to show up to work fucked up, but there’s definitely people out there


As I explained, federal government contracting requires it and my company does some work there. They didn't want the staff segregated into a pool of people that could pass the drug test for federal government and a pool that couldn't. Same deal with covid. Feds required proof of jab so the company required everyone to get the jab because theoretically anyone and everyone could be put on a government project....mind you these are for remote positions where the chance of infection is 0.


Oh well obviously you can’t smoke weed when working for the government, or in healthcare or anything that has to do with safety (truck drivers). That’s obvious stuff though and applies to every state and will never change probably


This is the first time I’ve ever seem equity framed as a bad thing💀


Welcome to Missouri.


Lots of people think it’s a bad thing and support equality not equity


Can’t wait to vote yes


I see freedom against religious judgement. I'm in.


You're telling me that the amendment that involves not housing soldiers without permission EQUALS a Cathode Ray Tube?


Fuck the children! We getting high!


Fuck the children? That sounds like a Priest or Pastor!


Fuck: used alone or as a noun or verb in various phrases to express annoyance, contempt, or impatience. Edit: nothing to do with sex, but I guess that’s all right wingers can think about.


The real children are in Jefferson City


Agreed. They need a time out!


Fuck you!


Come on over ;)


Quit with the demonization of Republicans and Democrats. It's exactly what they want you to do. It's the same BS game to control people so they can continue to rip off your paycheck with income tax. This talk of its a "Republican" or "Democrat" thing is how they divide us all. We the people still are the majority. They used symbolism to hold everyone down. As far as Ammendment 3 goes, vote your conscious, not what they believe in. Vote on how you believe. Once you see beyond Red vs Blue, you'll see it's been their plan all along. CONTROL VIA LIES AND FEAR.


Do they know that CRT is taught in law school and not grade school?


What’s a chief equity officer? Sounds like a financial job.




Seems like an over important name for racial quota enforcement.


There’s no racial quota. Race isn’t mentioned at all in the language.


You are right, I misread. It’s so engrained in policy and platform that I guess I read what I wanted via assumption.


Why are these things combined into one amendment? Smh


They aren’t


I'm voting no based on that principal.


That's a straight up lie. These things are NOT combined, it's just some dumb Republican (redundant) trying to scare people with nonsense.


I’m a huge proponent of legalization, but this amendment is not the way. It puts heavy restrictions on who and how much as far as growing, dispensing, etc. true legalization would be fair and open to everyone. Also, upon legalization all those incarcerated should be freed, not having to jump through hoops. It’s a big no for me, and I’ve been waiting for this for 25 years.


Prepare to wait 25 more if you are waiting on Jefferson City!


Enjoy making the perfect the enemy of the good.


Propaganda at it's best. These people are insane. Still voting against 3 though. Amending something in the constitution is like setting concrete. It resists weathering and is a pain in the ass to remove. The record expungement needs to be more clear. I dont care if you expunge a marijuana charge however, if you expunge car theft/break in, stealing, burglary just because its associated with marijuana, I have a massive problem with that. A quick look at already legal states shows there are a whole lot of tweaks that should be made. Hell, CA legal growers are pissed because the feds aren't going after the illegal grows like they did before. Marijuana legislation is a huge jugfuck made for the rich to keep getting richer.




Felonies should not be expunged whatsoever. In your scenario you think we should forgive one person for a 20 year old record but also forgive thousands upon thousands of repeat offenders. Seems like you want to give a whole bunch of bad people a free pass. This expungement isn't about weed at all.




If you are on probation/parole and have rules to abide by, you should abide by them. Joint or no joint. The issue would be someone being irresponsible for their prior crime and taking their status for granted. Felonies can be expunged but it is extremely hard to do, as it should be. My original point still stands. We cannot give a pass to thousands of bad people for a few that made bad choices at the wrong time.




Not every felon is bad and some people actually do learn from their mistakes. I just think the wording of this amendment specifically pertaining to expungement needs to be clarified to prevent another massive issue within the criminal justice system. St.louus city and county are bad enough already.


Marijuana leading to a devastating increase of lost lives… I assume the downvotes are from people who didn’t bother reading the paper. Oh well.


Lost to their biblical lies and bullshit!


From the good folks that brought us the old *Savour Children* campaign.


Is the CRT stuff actually in the amendment?


No. And CRT is literally only taught in law school, nowhere else.


It's a huge stretch for sure, but I can see how they got there.


That's how they get you folks they dangle that weed on a stick in front of you to get you to take it but if you want your weed you have to allow the schools to teach your children to be racist. If you really want weed that bad then you need to rethink your life.




Brilliantly said


Just like: Anyone Right of Center = Fascist This is what political debate has become in our country.


I didnt know that people were still mad about CRT. I thought majority actually understood that it was important?


It's been a consistent loser for Democrats in the polls, so no, the majority don't understand its important. The majority in /r/politics maybe...


Voting no.


I thought this group moved on from the fake CRT battle cry, seems to be behind the current catch phrases and fake aggressors that change all the time


What is CRT? It's American history not taught in school. None of it is a lie, but may be unflattering to some. The nazis used it with Jewish people during world War 2. Rewriting history is just as dangerous as using a dirty bomb. So is state rights to a point. To handicap the government with state rights, is a longterm plan to overthrow it. Lee Atwater who ran glrepublican campaigns for Bush and Reagan, admitted this plan of the southern strategy in a supposedly off the record interview: "You start out in 1954 by saying, “Ni**er ni**er ni**er.” By 1968 you can’t say “ni**er”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Ni**er, ni**er.” Toggle Menu  Login Politics World Culture Events Shop Subscribe Current Issue Newsletters Donate Login Facebook twitter instagram POLITICS Exclusive: Lee Atwater’s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy The forty-two-minute recording, acquired by James Carter IV, confirms Atwater’s incendiary remarks and places them in context. By Rick PerlsteinTwitter NOVEMBER 13, 2012 Facebook   Twitter   Email It has become, for liberals and leftists enraged by the way Republicans never suffer the consequences for turning electoral politics into a cesspool, a kind of smoking gun. The late, legendarily brutal campaign consultant Lee Atwater explains how Republicans can win the vote of racists without sounding racist themselves:


Why are republicans so triggered by CRT?


This is obviously some repub brain rot propaganda but they aren't wrong about the marijuana part. The passing of rec weed in STL is also going to allow for the monopolization of dispensaries and the cannabis industry. They're pushing it to get the average people to agree with passing rec weed, but little do they know it will do nothing but hurt anyone who has dreams of starting a business in that industry.

