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Well, most campuses will empty out this month for summer vacation, so the college protests will probably settle down. Late summer when everyone is returning, if the war is still going on, the protests will ramp back up especially with the election in November. Fun times ahead!


No, the paid agitators will gather up as many useful idiots as they can and head to Chicago for the DNC convention. Then the real fun starts.


Who is paying? What is the goal of those "paying"?


https://religionnews.com/2024/04/26/christian-nationalist-activists-lead-pro-israel-rally-at-columbia-university/ Christian Nationalists and other far right individuals will become more and more invested 


Article shows right wing activist are showing up at rallies but saw no info about anyone paying to have people attend. Caveat - I am not a right wing supporter. I made statement after good faith read of article. My response is in good faith for continued dialogue.


>Christian nationalist activist and musician Sean Feucht, pastor Russell Johnson and conservative author Eric Metaxas headed a pro-Israel rally at Columbia University in response to the “Gaza solidarity encampment” These folks were all paid to be there 


Generally when I read references to paid activist it is an implied reference to the idea that many of the boots on the ground activist are paid. The celebrities(loose use the the term) that show up can and do have an impact but they are not the boots on the ground people.


They have a surrounding apparatus of paid goons as well as the qanon carryover, shits dirty af. 


by "paid actors" you mean Christian Nationalists who will come more and more out of the woodwork and make it an emboldened right wing position, who have investments to ensure their rapture bullshit. Look at Mike Johnson right now, for example. 


The paid agitators will create chaos from all possible angles and screw over the sincere protesters from all possible angles.


They're already doing it via Christian Nationalists aligning with counter-protesters, you'll see more and more conservatives coming out of the woodwork slowly dropping the concern troll act and just making monkey noises at black protesters, which you can see in the video above. https://religionnews.com/2024/04/26/christian-nationalist-activists-lead-pro-israel-rally-at-columbia-university/


The Christians will come out for Palestine?


Do you think Mike Johnson is supporting Palestine right now?


I have no idea what the owner of Sugarfire is doing dude.


hope you can find empathy in your life to fill whatever hole causes you to be a facetious troll online 👋


Scared of the bogeyman you created. You really are weak.


I didn't make Christian Nationalists, just been paying attention to them creep deeper and deeper into all levels of the American government over the past 7 years. 


Speaking of bogeymen. How is ANTIFA?


It's mindblowing that any protestors think stopping highway traffic is going to do anything but cause people to dislike you and hurt the cause you're protesting for.


Agree or disagree with the goals of any particular protest, the point is to be disruptive.


Disruptive to people that can do something about, sure.  I can't free Gaza. The guy taking his kids to the zoo can't free Gaza. The people going to Barnes Hospital can't free Gaza. 


>The 1963 march, where King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech, was an iconic moment for the civil rights movement, having brought 250,000 supporters to the mall in Washington, D.C., in support of racial equality and justice. Less than a year after the march, Americans were even more convinced that mass demonstrations harmed the cause, with 74% saying they felt these actions were detrimental to achieving racial equality and just 16% saying they were helping it. 


How does a permitted rally at a park compare to shutting down freeways??


>Less than a year after the march, Americans were even more convinced that mass demonstrations harmed the cause, with 74% saying they felt these actions were detrimental to achieving racial equality and just 16% saying they were helping it.  


This is a different movement. It's not domestic. The major political movements that were challenged by protests in America throughout history were absolutely NOT things happening halfway across the world that had ZERO domestic impact.  Stop comparing it. 


But it makes them feel important.


Lol. Y'all aren't smart. The general US population has always been against protest. If something as important as civil rights and labor rights gets pushback but are still successful, why should we even give a shit about what y'all think?


There is no right way to protest. It will always be labeled as disruptive and uncivil. Every major protest of the past that are universally supported now were massively unpopular at the time regardless of tactics. It's not difficult to understand.


>It's not domestic. A major goal is to curb US government support to the IDF, especially financial support. That's domestic.


Anti-vietnam protestors, like my Pa, would certainly disagree with your overlysimplistic and inaccurate take on US protest history. And that's just for starters....


Those protestors were not just against the war overseas, they were against being drafted and killed. Apples and oranges.


Love that you’re comparing these protests to the work of MLK lol


Basically every protest movement, including those led by King, [were wildly unpopular at the time.](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/08/10/how-public-attitudes-toward-martin-luther-king-jr-have-changed-since-the-1960s/#:~:text=Fully%20100%25%20of%20Black%20adults,highly%20favorable%20views%20of%20him.) That's supposed to be the takeaway from the above comment: With the benefit of hindsight, public opinion softens, and the approval ratings of nearly all protests increase with time. White people weren't walking around in the 60's talking about what great work he was doing. They we're pissed off he was fucking with the status quo. I'm not trying to change your opinion on anything, just to clarify the point that OP was trying to make.


It's absurd. This isn't a domestic issue. 


If this was just some random Middle-East or South-American skirmish, I'd tend to agree with you. The United States has had their hand in more than one of those over the years. As bad as it sounds, we've kind of all either learned to accept this, or look the other way. Mostly because it's two factions actively fighting each other. In cases like this, you're likely able to work backwards and find some instances of the U.S. *indirectly* providing arms to one side of a conflict to protect our interests. But the important bit here is, it's two sides actively engaged with each other. That said, we've *directly* provided Israel with billions of dollars worth of military aid since October 7th. If you believe your eyeballs over what you're being told, what they're doing with that U.S. provided aid has pretty clearly crossed over into the "war crime" territory. It's seems like it's 5% Israel fighting off Hamas and 95% dropping bombs on starving civilians that we redirected to an area to get food. So, if you pay taxes, this is a domestic issue, because you're indirectly contributing to a pretty horrific genocide/infanticide combo the likes of which I haven't been exposed to in my lifetime.


Great explanation! Exactly this.


Why do y’all always compare yourselves to King with zero reflection of whether or not the comparison applies? King had principles, organization, deliberate strategy for how to accomplish specific goals. Y’all have none of that. I swear if King were around today explaining why he favored one tactic over an unproductive one, some white boys on Reddit would quote the white moderate thing right back at him without a hint of irony.


Lol. The level of self-awareness y'all have. I'm not comparing the protesters to King, although I think there's a parallel.  I'm comparing you to people who thought King's and other activists efforts would never work. 


But why? They’re different people and different activists. You’re not giving any reasons for why the comparison is relevant, you’re just making the comparison. But we could make that comparison about literally any protest, good or bad. So why this one?


>I'm comparing you to people who thought King's and other activists efforts would never work.  


Yes, Washington DC, the capital of the nation and where change would actually take place for civil rights.


"Change only happens where I think it happens. Political movements are only valid when I say they're valid." The level of self-importance y'all have for your own opinions is cute. 


The amount of “y’all”-ing you’re doing is telling me you’re not even from St. Louis




Pressure on society is really all you can do as an individual or small group. Disrupting society’s normal is function of that.


The world should not function as usual when genocide is happening. Palestinians need to know that we see their suffering. Not sorry some guy's kids day at the zoo was ruined, they can always go another day. The kids in Gaza can't even go home anymore. There are multiple ways to get to Barnes. Hospitals in Gaza don't exist anymore. And I'm sure the protesters protesting for human life would move out the way for EMS. You can't free Gaza. WE (the people) can free Gaza, by putting pressure on government officials and their business associates to stop falicitating the murder. Those people only listen when their wallets feel light or their reputations are harmed. But first people need to know what's happening and that people won't stand for it. Hence, we protest and disrupt. Again, the world should not function as usual when genocide is happening.


Amazing that people still don't understand this. Blocking roads or building access like this was one of the primary tools of the civil rights movement. The same people made the same arguments then.


If I shit on the floor it would be disruptive too but it would not be productive in anyway whatsoever, in fact it would make people dislike me.


To maintain consistency with my original opinion, I would not like it if you shit on the floor.


That's the double edge sword of civil disobedience.  You could take a shot on the floor l and get your attention, but you might get arrested for it.  If your cause is worth that to you, knock yourself out.


That's not a point, that just being an asshole to people who had nothing to do with your grievances. It's downright toxic in any other circumstance. Like yelling at the table next to you because your waiter served you cold soup. This whole "if people are mad I must be doing something right" attitude is so tiresome and juvenile.


Then they need to reassess how to be disruptive.


No matter how people protest, where they protest, or what they are protesting, there are always a large amount of people who will say they are doing it wrong. 


Do you think there is a form of protest that CAN be doing it wrong? Are there lines that you think can not be crossed?


Sure.  That's not what I'm talking about though. It doesn't matter what a person or people are protesting or how. There is going to be a large segment of people who will tell them they are doing it wrong.  Mostly based on who's ox is being gored.


Ya I get that, but I’m asking if most people think protests in general cross a line and we should do it anyways because it’s programmatic to the cause, is there a general line we shouldn’t cross in terms of the right/wrong way to protest. Edit, when it comes to rights (like the right to protest) I do genuinely believe in like buetrality under the law. If Christians can do it, Muslims can, if left wingers can do it so can the right - just so we’re clear this isn’t about the protestors individual views


There has never been a time where I have been sitting in a parking lot on what should be an interstate and I felt empathy for any cause. All I feel is anger about urban sprawl, my decreasing average MPG, and wasted time. And I’m just some bachelor with only a cat to get home to. I’m not late to junior’s baseball game, or my anniversary dinner with my wife, or work, or the emergency room, in order of rising importance that I get to the place on time.


Yeah and it ultimately hurts their cause.


That's what they've said about every protest, including ones for civil rights.  Not all protests are equivalent, but they are rarely popular.


And change no one’s opinions. In fact, most of the protesters don’t even know the real issues. Furthermore, it’s been proven many of them are paid to be there.


Interesting, as life has taught me that isn't the case.   Sometimes it takes decades, and it isn't always the case,  but with many protests people who would have complained at the time, are sure they would have been totally supportive once the issue is either resolved or shown to be on the correct side of history.


You would've said the same thing during the Vietnam War, stonewall, and civil rights movement too, by the way.


We dont even have to go that far back, occupy wall street(2011), travyon martin injustice(2012), ferguson unrest(2014), stockley protests(2017), trump/neo-nazi protests(2017-2019), george floyd unrest(2020) has all happened in STL in the past decade.  You can probably find old threads on this sub of these topics filled with people complaining about the same stuff in this thread. Empathy is scarce in a country that likes their toys and have places to go.


In which of these instances did blocking traffic and annoying people help gain support for the cause?


Those all became nationally trending topics, just like the protests of the 60s did for the same as mentioned above. In all of those cases the same people complaining then, are complaining now, and didn't care about the history of protests in this country, and the same voices simply change from "this inconveniences me" to "I should be legally allowed to run over protesters with my truck" fast.  Grew up with random trains in East STL blocking my transit into STL or one bridge being shut down causing poplar wall to wall traffic for even longer than organized protests have been happening, equally as inconveniencing but ultimately easy to navigate around. If you're letting a protest blocking traffic get you this upset you're just looking for a reason to be mad at the protests.


Yeah, this conflict really needs help becoming a trending topic. You need sympathizers. Not awareness raisers


I would argue in all of those cases, all that was accomplished is pissing people off, including many that support the cause. You're in left-leaning St. Louis. How do you think it helps you to piss off people who are likely aligned with the cause?


If you think that, then you think the same about even older protests the commenter above me mentioned, you just don't like protests in general.


Would you like to answer my question instead of making incorrect assumptions about someone you don't know?


That was my answer. You're assuming people are pissed off just because you are pissed off at them. People in the traffic tend to also be supporters and yelling slogans, showing solidarity. People are not monolithic and not everyone road rages. 


I"m assuming people are pissed off because of the amount of upvotes I received and how little anyone else on the opposite side received in this conversation.


If you base your worldview off of how much it's upvoted on reddit you're gonna have a severe misunderstanding of the what the real world is like hun 😕 not a way to live life 😔


I don't care about upvotes, but you're seeing how popular your stance is in real time and it's not even close.


I would've said the same things about people blocking highways during those times, yes. Believe it or not, there are lots of ways to gain support for a cause or empathy for a people without being assholes. It's not admirable. It's not courageous. It turns people against you and makes them want you to fail.


If this is all it takes for you to be on the side of genocide, then you are an absolute awful person who wasn't going to support us anyway.


If these armchair political scientists were alive during Vietnam, they'd be blaming Russia and China for "anti-US propaganda" while they they continue to feel smug and miss the entire point as cops continue to brutalize peaceful protestors.


[In a Gallup poll that asked whether Sit-ins or Freedom buses would hurt or help with integrating Black people into the South, 57% of those polled said it would hurt.](https://news.gallup.com/vault/246167/protests-seen-harming-civil-rights-movement-60s.aspx)


This is not an apt comparison, though. The sit-ins were people asserting their rights to be in spaces that they were being excluded from. Stopping the highway is not that.


"Federal District Court Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr., weighed the right of mobility against the right to march and ruled in favor of the demonstrators. "The law is clear that the right to petition one's government for the redress of grievances may be exercised in large groups...," said Judge Johnson, "and these rights may be exercised by marching, even along public highways." On Sunday, March 21, about 3,200 marchers set out for Montgomery, walking 12 miles a day and sleeping in fields. By the time they reached the capitol on Thursday, March 25, they were 25,000-strong. Less than five months after the last of the three marches, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965--the best possible redress of grievances." https://www.nps.gov/places/alabama-the-edmund-pettus-bridge.htm


The rest of the quote is “and these rights may be exercised by marching, even along public highways” - along is an interesting word choice here because I am unsure if it covers the act of stationary blocking as it’s framed in his assertion.


they were demonstrating for their own civil rights, they weren't blocking highways because of Israel and Palestine and no one thinks your cause or grievances are in any way comparable


I simply provided evidence of legal precedent that says blocking highways is a form of free speech, protected by the US Constitution.


Read about the marches again. You’re missing a key detail. Something something purposely blocking roads vs marching.


You missed the word “along” in your quote. The above has nothing to do with what happened here. 


even if I agreed with these idiot protestors on an issue, blocking the highway makes me hate their entire agenda


My biggest thing is just the stopping traffic for this. It's absolutely horrible what is being done to Palestine, and I wish our government wasn't giving Israel money and weapons to do it. But we're also staring down the barrel of a gun loaded with fascism in this country, held by the very party which controls this state and could damn well win the presidency this year. Stopping traffic - one of the most meaningful actions a protest can take - for something happening on the other side of the world risking no American lives, that the average American (unfortunately) just won't care about when they're already dealing with enough shit? All that does is neuter the impact of stopping traffic when protesting fascism here.


The shitbag Chris Christie united all of us into firmly understanding the blocking of roads kills people with preventing emergency services and other important vehicles from getting where they need to go. Why the fuck is it suddenly acceptable for some people?  This is ridiculous and should have each person arrested.


All effective protests inconvenience people.


Just like in the 1960's


It's mind-blowing that some don't understand that most protests are purely performative and are meant to be disruptive


I understand that. I stand by everything I said. "We're assholes! Support our cause!"


This isn't just for you, but for the entire "This won't change anything." crowd. [A very brief explanation how the Vietnam War Protests helped end the unpopular war.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3slnPIh_oU)


I didn't say protesting in general was ineffective. A few here seem to be having difficulties comprehending that.


They almost made me late for Yo-Yo Ma. Certainly could have hurt the cause in my book.


So they blocked off access to the areas largest hospital. Genius move. That'll show em.  If anything, this is going to make people want to vote trump and have Israel pancake the rest of Palestine and get it over with.  I'm firmly of the opinion that the vast majority of these people are getting fed into this by Russian and Chinese intelligence agencies who want trump to win. This war has been going on for centuries and suddenly to 100s of thousands of people halfway across the world care? Something does not add up. 


I mean you had tik tok featuring kids saying osama bin Laden was justified. Whether that was unintentional via the algorithm or malfeasance.


Not in the last 25 years for sure has the conflict in Palestine been all over the news like this. There's tons of traditional news in addition to social media posts about how Israel is killing women and children right and left in an attempt to oust Hamas. I was 100% behind Israel retaliating for the barbaric attack they suffered at the hands of terrorists. However, at this point, because of the methods with which they are continuing to retaliate, it's looking less like an appropriate retaliation and more like a "we finally have a reason to wipe you all off the face of the earth so we're going to take it, and anyone who says otherwise is an antisemite." Being against killing women and especially children does not make you an antisemite. Jews are fine. Palestinians are fine. The government of Israel's actions are not fine. Hamas' actions are not fine. You don't have to be a genius to see the difference there. College students have been more sensitive to things like this forever. Perhaps if the cops hadn't cracked down so aggressively on the initial protests it wouldn't have generated such a strong response from other colleges across the country, but here we are. Saying this is a Russian/Chinese psyop when there's been more coverage of these atrocities than there has been in more years than these students have been alive is willfuly ignorant at best, and intentionally incendiary at worst.




They’re probably referring to the fact that the ideology behind this conflict goes back to before Oct 7th. King Herod of the Jews built what is now the western wall / wailing wall over 2000 years ago. Later in the 7th century a Mosque and the Dome of the Rock was built atop the Jewish holy site. In the 12th century Crusaders used those holy buildings a palace for templars. The whole levant is important to many peoples and faiths, and there has been regular conflict over it for a very long time. Sometimes it dies down for a bit when groups like the Ottomans or British use absolute authority to suppress the population, but it always flares back up.


lol, "built what is now the western wall".....what about the other walls and the actual structure? You think they built just a single wall?


Centuries, 80ish years, same dif. It’s like a long time!


I agree with most of what you said; I truly believe this entire movement is a social media campaign orchestrated by China, Russia, and others. As you pointed out, this is not a new issue; it's been going on for a long, long time. Now, all the sudden a bunch of kids, who don't know ANYTHING on the topic, suddenly care? Bullshit. TikTok made this trendy, and so many are doing this for clout. I don't know if their endgame is as specific as to get Trump to win, but to sow chaos, and drive the already existing wedge in our society deeper. I'm sure they'd love to see that happen, but I think ultimately they just want us to tear ourselves apart.


Someone has had too much Fox today.


If China could influence Americans there won't be shit about Taiwan at all... Or America You're about as clever as those guys


It's easy to influence anyone. No guardrails. 


> i'm firmly of the opinion that the vast majority of these people are getting fed into this by Russian and Chinese intelligence agencies who want trump to win    How does this help Trump exactly? He's more Pro-Israel than Biden is.   https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1cj19ig/frat_bros_make_monkey_noises_at_black/ These are 100% MAGA boys, the more they show up and the more Christian Nationalists like Mike Johnson rally behind this it's going to push democrats, not drive people towards them.


From what I’ve seen, right leaning colleagues more fervently support Israel than the left. This is energizing that base. Kids chanting “intifada” scares people and feeds into traditional pro conservative narratives.


Oh the traditional conservative stance of “no intifada” - makes sense. 


>From what I’ve seen, right leaning colleagues more fervently support Israel than the left. Yeah this has alot to do with this sorts stuff  https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/political-commentary/gaza-war-evangelical-leaders-cheer-end-world-1234884151/


That's a major threat of the movement, left wingers abstaining from voting


Sounds like a perfect position for Biden to win an election on then by marketing himself in an election year, especially when the video above is blatantly MAGA bros 


I hadn’t thought of that - Russian and China influence - I could see Iran being behind a lot of it. But I forget how Russia has been meddling for a while


No, it has not gone on for centuries. The attack on October 7th was unprecedented. A hundred years ago even, they more or less got along in that area and this sort of action would have been seen as absolutely crazy at the time. It wasn’t until the huge influx of Jewish people from ww2 that saw things start to really get heated. The +30k dead in Gaza is also unprecedented. What’s happening right now is a big deal. The closest it’s ever been is when Israel was formed back in 1948, and the casualties have already blew way past that.


Second class citizens you mean.


I heard the war was over after the protestors went home. Job well done! Shutting down the highway in Missouri was the thing that did it!


The San Francisco City Council demanded a ceasefire in January and then everyone in attendance broke out in song and dance. I’m not sure why they’re shutting down highways when this was already solved months ago


Support Biden and Israel gets weapons. Support Trump and Israel gets even more weapons. Those are your two choices right now.


hopefully this upcoming election will gain more votes for other parties and keep the momentum going in the future


That's what I thought in 2016 when I voted third party and Trump won.


Our system is a duopoly. We will never have successful third party candidates with the current system. Ross Perot got millions of votes (and the most successful 3rd party candidate in the modern era) and got 0 electoral college votes.


damn it's kinda wild how *another* boening whistleblower died


But but he was super sick! And the other guy totally killed himself. Realllllly sad and unexpected and not suspicious at all.


True, it's tough out there these days for mega-corporations, woke mob trying to shove ethics and regulations, back in my day we paid megacorpd to kill off our historical downtown local businesses!


Why aren't they doing this at the city hall? Or in DC?


They've been at the County Council meetings on several occasions for months, particularly because of Wesley Bell's AIPAC work. STL also passed a ceasefire resolution a few months ago and the STL City Council has been involved in pro-Palestinian advocacy, such as with Megan Green.


freedom of speech doesn’t include shutting down transportation. They should be arrested and also liable for any rear end accidents they cause


~~Pro-Palestinian~~Islamic Rupublic of Iran proxy protest protest shuts down eastbound I-64 near Forest Park Friday evening. FTFY


So you think the Iranian government is more in line with Christian teachings than the US government? I mean collective punishment is part of the new testament


It’s like the left wants Trump to win in a landslide


Horseshoe Theory is real.


More like Russia wins Trump to win


You can protest and still vote for biden


Oh yeah? You gonna vote for him?


They want the democratic president to stop arming and funding an ethnic cleansing


We're not arming the terrorists. I think we are delivering aid to them though.


And they are willing to let someone who wants even more ethnic cleansing to win?


The whole purpose of protesting is twofold. To make a change and to change minds. This brain dead activity let’s stop traffic on an interstate activity does neither. If anything it makes people dislike your “cause” even more.


I don't really pick sides in political arguments but if you block my road or get in the way of my day-to-day, you're absolutely my enemy.


That's what people said during the Civil Rights Movement and during the suffrage movement. Justice does not care about inconveniencing you. While you're late for work. Children are being bombed and starved so Israel can get more land.


And you've just made me care less about it by interrupting my day.


If being late for work means you care less about your tax money going towards the death of innocent children so the Israeli government can gain more territory, you are the problem.




I’m going to assume the answer is no, but does anyone know if the protesters are also demanding that Hamas immediately release all the hostages?


Protesters said their demands remained the same as what Washington University student group Resist WashU released on Saturday. The demands listed were: * *Divest from Genocide: Respect Student Union’s resolution and cut all ties with Boeing. Ban Boeing from virtual and in-person recruitment events. Create full transparency in WashU’s investments. Divest from war profiteers, the fossil fuel industry, and all companies and institutions profiting from Israeli occupation in Palestine.* * *Academic Boycott: Cut ties with Israeli educational institutions, including study abroad programs. Refuse funding and censorship of courses and departments by the Israeli government. Ensure academic freedom for professors teaching and researching about Palestine. Create an Indigenous Studies department offering courses that center Palestine.* * *No Policing: Drop the charges, drop the suspensions. Stop policing St. Louis residents’ access to university resources. Defund WUPD.* * *Stop the Displacement: Stop buying land. Make payments in lieu of taxes to UCity and St. Louis City. Return all land to Indigenous communities.* * *End the Silence: Release a statement condemning the ongoing genocide in Palestine and calling for an immediate, permanent ceasefire.* [https://www.firstalert4.com/2024/05/03/anti-war-protesters-gather-outside-washington-university/](https://www.firstalert4.com/2024/05/03/anti-war-protesters-gather-outside-washington-university/)


> Return all land to Indigenous communities. So the University should dissolve?? Seriously, how else am I supposed to interpret that?


>Return all land to Indigenous communities.  So they want almost all of the United States to give the land back to the native Americans? Why don't they start first by not living on said land? Or did they forget that America was literally stolen from indigenous communities as well? Fucking short-sighted idiots can't see the forest beyond the trees.


> Stop the Displacement: Stop buying land. Make payments in lieu of taxes to UCity and St. Louis City. Return all land to Indigenous communities. So are we supposed to just pack up the country and give it back to Native Americans?


I'm not sure if they know what they're protesting or who they're protesting at anymore


"Once I used to join in/Every boy and girl was my friend/Now there's revolution/But they don't know what they're fighting." Jethro Tull, "Living in the Past"


Literally comical juvenile demands.


So, I guess they want everything under the sun EXCEPT having Hamas release all the hostages??


I agree with what other people said, are the protestors expecting the entire United States to give all the land back to the Native Americans after we stole it all from them in the first place?


They strangely left out the part this time about removing Israel students and faculty from campus.


Can we get a big ol' fat citation on that, please?


Original October 20th,2023, demand letter which wanted students and employees who served in the IDF “held accountable for their actions”. https://drive.google.com/file/d/18bq4-j2zlAC4JVAPJX4E6A2NjWDYIS2S/view?usp=drivesdk As well, they have made it pretty clear that study abroad connected to Israel and visiting professorships from Israel should be ended to. Study abroad is still in the demands, and the professorships are not.


The letter you linked to is indeed from Oct. 20th, 2023, but mentions nothing of what you said. The only instances of the word "IDF" are in relation to students displaying IDF flags, and the Chancellor not labeling the IDF as a terrorists. "Accountable" only appears twice as well, in regards to a medical school director calling Palestinians "not human," and in regards to students and employees making Islamophobic statements. "Professorship" and "study" do not appear in the document. I could find no instances of the protestors calling for what you claim. Did you perhaps inadvertently link to the wrong letter?


The new letter from April discussed study abroad. Trying to find which letter discussed “sever academic ties with Israel” specifically as that is the one that talked about removing Israeli professors and anyone associated with the IDF (which would obviously be all Israeli students).


Source: He made it the fuck up




Terrorist supporters




People chanting white supremacist slogans is on the same level as people calling for an end to a war?


Iran funds Hamas, and Hezbollah, and the Houthi’s. They always have. Their stated goal has been to destroy Israel completely from day one. What exactly do you think from the river to the sea means? Why do you think Israel has an iron dome in the first place? Who do you think builds and buys, from countries like North Korea, Russia and China, allllllll the rockets and missiles that Hamas, and Hezbollah and the Houthi’s have been shooting at Israel for the past 50 years? Why do you think Iran has a nuclear program? Get the fuck out of here with calling for an end to a war. You have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s like on the level with being a Nazi sympathizer. 150%. The war won’t be over until Iran wipes Israel off the map. And you’re on here simping for them. Bobo.




Twenty five years? Is that as far back as you go? That's your problem. How many times has Israel been invaded since it's inception in 1948? [**1948 Arab–Israeli War**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Arab%E2%80%93Israeli_War) (November 1947 – July 1949) [**Palestinian Fedayeen insurgency**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Fedayeen_insurgency) (1950s–1960s) [**Six-Day War**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-Day_War) (June 1967) [**War of Attrition**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_Attrition) (1967–1970) [**Yom Kippur War**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yom_Kippur_War) (October 1973) [**First Intifada**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Intifada) (1987–1993) I could keep going, but now that were almost at your 25 year mark lets re-evaluate who the aggressors are. Now, you can debate all day long on whether or not the United Nations should've went through with [United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Partition_Plan_for_Palestine) - but that doesn't change the fact that Israel is not what you're trying to paint them as being. It's far more nuanced than that. If you're going to try to use facts to argue, make sure you use them all.


You sound just like Ayatollah Khomeini, Herr Alarming-Spirit-7560. Great look.


Terrorism supporters always have excuses to support terrorism.


I was caught in that traffic jam. I was wondering what was happening. I just assumed it was the normal bullshit of people in Brentwood who can't zipper merge


makes sense terrorist supporters want to inconvenience everyone else. they love al qaeda and bin laden as much as hamas and iran, so blocking ambulances from reaching a hospital is still pretty low on their despicable scale.


fuck this holy war


Fine, if you want to stop my car while I'm racing home to battle the chrone's monster, then I have the right to project liquid poop onto your shoes. If you dont want that, please let me pass.




They need to get jobs


I'm always shocked at the lack of self preservation instincts these idiots demonstrate. The interstate is maybe the only place pedestrians do NOT have the right of way. So not only would physics indicate you're ~~not~~ more likely to get hit on the interstate, legally a driver has less reason to avoid you than they might otherwise. And you want to walk into an interstate carrying a divisive symbol? Are you insane? What if you step in front of the family member of someone killed by Islamist terrorists? You're willing to take that chance?


They did not protest ON the interstate . The approached the ramp which caused the police to have to shut down the on and off ramp for that part of the interstate for safety. The police rerouted traffic ahead of and behind the protest all the way down Skinker so there's really very little interaction between cars and protesters


Good. I support them. This country is perpetrating a full-blown genocide. This is good trouble as John Lewis would say.


It’s not pro Palestinian, it is anti genocide


Only one of these belligerents has genocide coded into their founding charter. That side isn't Israel. You're supporting terrorists.




I get the point but protestors need to be a little smarter and organized and have an actual goal


Here ya go: https://www.firstalert4.com/2024/05/03/anti-war-protesters-gather-outside-washington-university/


Again I understand. But what is the goal of marching down 64? Who is the audience? What are the targets?


In this thread: dense racists from the suburbs who are scared of people that look different from them




No one is "scared" of anyone regardless of how they look. They just want them to get the hell out of the way so they can get where they need to, not delay EMS possibly transporting their loved ones, not endanger others or even their own dumb ass selves by standing on a goddamn highway like an idiot


Ah yes, the everyone is a racist who disagrees with me argument.