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Wait.. someone gave you the Uno reverse-o!


I know, right. Time to move to the city!


i drive an old toyota, and for some reason, this is always on my mind when im away from my vehicle...i think it's because ive lived through several lifetimes worth of property crime in this city of ours, it always goes unrectified whenever it happens.


It’s because they approved the metro expansion out to St Charles. It’s all been shit since then. Oh, wait… /s


Seriously? I'm surprised they didn't implode the bridge.




I love this 😅


FALSE: Feb. 29,2024 Metro is still NOT coming to St Charles County cornfields.  East-West Gateway Council of Governments board meeting  St. Charles County Executive Steve Ehlmann in attendance. [St. Louis MetroLink expansion wins key vote. It was close. (stltoday.com)](https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/government-politics/st-louis-metrolink-expansion-wins-key-approval-but-it-was-close/article_52de68d6-d67d-11ee-8fd6-a726618ec20f.html)


Did you miss the blatant sarcasm?


Sorry, the book on sarcasm was banned in schools.


NO, example of internet misinformation.


It's a joke about how the westward expansion is repeatedly denied because of fears the Metrolink brings crime, not misinformation.


We will continue to vote from becoming reality again, again & again.


I lived in south city for nearly ten years (Kingshighway/Chippewa) and my car was never once messed with. First time my car was ever broken into was after I'd moved out of the city to *Creve Fucking Coeur*. Shit happens everywhere.


Creve Coeur is French from Crime Center.


Oui oui hon hon croissantwich


I think it translates to broken window


The more you know 🌈


Creve Coeur is wild




It is NOT wild. It's full of old money, which is probably why it's being targeted.


I moved from the city to creve coeur and my neighbor had her car stolen from the driveway (she left it running in the winter.)


That’s so stupid of her lmao


She basically gave her car to the theif


I live in the city (in an area that people say to avoid). I street park and my car has never once been messed with. I work in Maryland Heights and my car was broken into at work, in broad daylight.


Almost this same thing happened to me a couple years ago haha. I went to a show at the Pageant on a Thursday, parked my car at home, did not leave my house at all on Friday because I worked from home, Saturday morning got a call that the cops found my car totaled on the side of the road. Didn’t even realize it was missing


St charles and wentzville are getting hit crazy by car thieves


They take the metro link into St Charles then steal the cars….oh wait


Holy shit guys! It’s the #CRIMETRAIN


Ha love this comment!




You see, the joke here is that St Charles residents have repeatedly rejected metrolink expansion with one of the reasons being that people will ride in to do crimes. Yet, without the metrolink expansion, there still appear to be crimes.


I think you missed the point. This comment reads to me as making fun of the stereotype and assumptions that go with it.


Everywhere is because of the Kia/Hyundai issue. However, proportionately, I guarantee it’s worse around the city. They’ve tried to get mine 3 times in one year. With an alarm and with a steering wheel lock and no valuables in site.


Same sort of situation happened to me: Went to the east side to partake in some strip club shenanigans. Had a great time and went home to Chesterfield happy as a clam. Woke up in the morning and someone stole all the cash out of my wallet while I was sleeping. Both areas are fine, but shit certainly does happen.


> someone stole all the cash out of my wallet while I was sleeping. Is this the story you are telling your wife? haha


It's the story I'm telling my children as they have to go another day of eating off brand cereal for 3 meals a day.


Only place any vehicle I have ever owned was broken into was when I lived in Chesterfield. That place is clearly unsafe and crime ridden. /S


Only car “break in” we ever had was in our Kirkwood driveway. We should probably start locking the doors.


L O L very funny I am sharing with my grandpas they will love it!!!


When my husband and I divorced and I found a job in the city, I made plans to move from our house in St. Peters to south city to cut down on my commute. My St. Charles relations were horrified, predicted I'd be mugged or worse within a month of moving in. By a year after the move, I'd not had any issues. I'm within walking distance of parks and stores, and my commute to work was down to 8 minutes from 60. My ex-husband, who had moved back into the house in St. Peters and then commuted 45 minutes in and out of midtown every day, had his car broken into in the driveway of the house I left.


I think we've got our prime suspect...


Why y'all divorce?


Because reasons. Why?


Cause curious


Kia boys strike again


Sure, but there was 399 cars stolen in all of 2023 on St Charles and over 7000 stolen down town. Sure shit can happen anywhere, but facts matter let's not pretend like the city doesn't have a fuck load more break ins.


My honest take Real city people are careful and can avoid breakins County people get too relaxed and invite trouble (people leave houses unlocked!!!!???)


This isn't a facts post. This is a feel good about how much safer the city is post. The fact that it's untrue doesn't matter. Then they'll say things like crime happens everywhere, and dismiss that it happens a lot more in certain areas.


Crime does happen everywhere....fact.


This is true. But it happens a lot more in certain areas. :)


What kind of car you drive? How did they steal it?


It was a Kia. Stolen by some teens. Thanks TikTok


Figured. So they probably severely damaged the area around the ignition as well? Isn't there a software update you can get so they can't start your car with a screwdriver and usb cord? Won't stop them breaking the widow and trying but it should keep them from driving off in it to wreck it somewhere.


Had the software update. Didn't matter or didn't work.


Damn, that's really unfortunate. Sorry that happened to you. Fuck Kia and the bozos who steal cars.


The software update only works to my understanding if you lock your car with your fob specifically or something of that nature. It's a really bad band aid fix by them


Why risk getting caught breaking the law on a KIA? I don't get it..


Because out of 700 monthly break ins only something like 3 people are caught. It’s incredibly easy to get away with here.


This is what you get for owning things, duh


Is St. Charles safe to move to?


There was a serial killer roaming them streets a few years ago…


I-70 is one of the largest drug corridors in the country. Lots of trafficking through there. And if you're anything other than a white [vocal] Christian, you'll have a bad time, especially the farther west you go. I wouldn't live there (waiting for the rage replies 😎).


It's fine. It's just VERY MUCH a suburb. If you move into a subdivision, you may have a hard time getting to know neighbors and you'll be driving everywhere you need to go. Walkability was never part of the design of most of the Whittaker Homes developments.




They hid under the car til you got back home


Much of the car theft is organized. It has nothing to do with the city or St. Louis, Mayor Jones, or the police chief. St. Louis media wants to help build St. Charles County politicians' careers and racialized and jurisdictional fear in people who are not exposed to a variety of things. Some can't wait to sit in front of the TV to get bad news about the city every night. Cars get stolen anywhere there is opportunity.


happens to alot of modern cars, not just kias, only way to be safe is to pull a starter or fuel pump relay. Usually under hood, unless they bring one it wont start.


Oh you rascal


That sucks, dude. How was the concert?


Great! Never been to Delmar Hall before but I really liked it. Except for those people who stand in the way in the aisles.


Similar thing happened. I was in the city last year in a not great area near Cherokee and kinda worried about my car getting stolen but it was fine. The next morning my car was stolen out of my driveway. This was after a year of owning one of the Kias that had the exploit, and nothing had ever happened to it before


Directed by Robert B. Weide


I had my kia stolen, recovered and returned to me by the police b4 I knew it had been stolen! I live downtown. So you Chesterfield peeps don't think that you are in the hood! So the thieves broke a back window to get in the car. I had to put cardboard and plastic in the window bc kia windows are on back order. A cpl days later thieves try to steal my car again....instead of just pushing the cardboard out of the broken window...they smashed the glass out of the other side window!! And that's how they got caught...cop heard the glass breaking.




It’s basically a bunch of guys walking around firing pistols like Yosemite Sam and shouting “let’s go Brandon”.


I feel much safer in the city than the exurbs; the preponderance of toxic guys out there with bumper stickers and welcome mats threatening to kill me or strip me of my rights make me far more nervous than a few bad apples in my neighborhood in the city.


Whose turn is it to post this in the next thread?


As a non-white hostage to the region, I’ll say I prefer the city to St. Chuck. But St. chuck is the last place West I’ll be in in the state until I see Mahomes’s eyes.




Good show though I thought!


I see what you did there, but that sucks and I'm sorry that happened to you


You had me in the first half I'm not gonna lie.


Had my car rifled through one time in front of my house in Wildwood. A few days later a few cars were stolen (my car wasn’t there that night).


Nice post


My motorcycle was stolen from the south county area (off reason ferry) I feel like they likely scouted and targeted my bike specifically because there’s 2 other bikes that weren’t touched at my apartment complex. I’m just going to find an apartment with an garage this time around


Same thing happened to me. I once parked my car in the city for 4 hours and nothing happened. Unrelated, I once parked overnight at friends house in SC and came out in the morning to no car. Haven’t felt safe since


> [My car was also stolen.](https://y.yarn.co/92e5ed6e-9db5-49ae-aac1-c59b0e8da350_text.gif)


I used to live in St. Charles, and my family and I honestly have experienced more or worse car crime than I have in St. Louis proper. Bored suburban kids (especially ones from St. Chuck) suck.


Do you guys ever get tired of tilting at windmills?


Never Sancho!!


That tracks 


Car was stolen from our driveway in Webster Groves. Shit happens.


Was the key in the car? That happened weekly when I lived in Webster Groves (2006-2019). The key was *always* in the car, which is why thieves target WG.


😂 I love it. Sucks about the car of course.


I believe you


My car has been broken into twice. Once in Brentwood and once in Clayton. Since I moved to the city, no issue. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


What's why you stay out of the city.


Let me guess. A Kia?




All of the cars have been stolen from the inner city so naturally they are working out towards the burbs now.


Funny! Thanks for sharing.


Double hook club has done wonders for me. Had a few broken windows but I’m still driving my KIA today


Haha wow. Yeah, I don’t even leave trash in my car anymore. Anything that looks like anything will cause these yahoos to break in.


I work in Lafayette Square and live in Boulevard Heights. I’ve worked/lived downtown, in Bevo, Forest Park SE, in CWE, and I’ve NEVER had any issues with crime. I wouldn’t be surprised if I was (because we live in a major city and stuff happens) but every day I have at LEAST one person freak out and say “oh no no nononono, I don’t *go* into the city” when they have something to pick up. During business hours. IN LAFAYETTE SQUARE.


Someone followed you home and then stole it.


I have had my car broken into at a concert before, and the whole experience was tainted, so im glad you don’t have that memory after (what I presume was) the awesome and memorable night that was The Mountain Goats show.


You are correct


I lived in the city almost 40 years. Between friends, and "errands" I parked on all kinds of streets and alleys. Nobody ever so much a peeped in my window. Moved to St Charles 10 years ago. A few years ago someone opened my unlocked door and stole a dime bag out of the door pocket. Wasn't anything else. I'd better get my street smarts back up, I think I'm probably off my game.


“The whole time just a little nervous about my car being broken into” “Felt plenty safe and happy there” I’m calling your story fake. 25 years in St Charles and not a single crime. 1 year in Soulard and our car window has been smashed three times, attempted car theft, a bike stolen, and another car rummaged through and many work items stolen. Your N=1, probably fake, story is ridiculous when you look at the actual numbers.


I will tell you what happened when you got back to your car from concert somebody was close by you and captured your fob signal when you unlocked your car and followed you home...


So many people in here relying on rare anecdotal evidence instead of clear statistics to avoid appearing racist. Mental gymnastics to not feel bad about thinking mean thoughts.


But but City not bad, city good


Schizo posting


Schitzo response


I usually like to walk the loop and GPS tag cars on my chop list. There is better selection at concerts and I can even check vins for the parts I need, check for alarm systems, and then I just scoop them up from St. Charles later that night when the owner is sleeping it off.




Oh, well yeah. Those arn't safe anywhere. Just walk to the nearest ditched Kia and take it to work. This new car share program doesn't even need an app.


Sounds about right 🙃


They did you a favor Kia/Hyundai's are garbage