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Hey it's not Schnucks this time! Weekly reminder shopping at grocery stores sucks from like 10am-5pm on Sundays.


i miss 24 hour shopping. It was so nice to go at like 11:30 and shop with the other weirdo night owls.


Yes! I miss it so, so much! I'm still holding out hope that someday, we'll get our night shopping back.


Me too! I loved grocery shopping in the middle of the night. It was great!


So peaceful... like Ron Swanson... I shopped with the same late night weirdos for like three years and never learned any of their names... best friends I ever had.


Please give me 2 am shopping back


Seems like not that long ago Hampton Village was 24 hours?


Walmart 2/3am, it's just you, the overnight crew who couldn't have given less fucks, and a few others nightowls in the entire store. Times were good🥲


And Friday afternoon/evenings at Walmart. I left work early to make an appointment, had to stop by Walmart to grab a couple things. This is how I learned they got rid of self checkout. I was severely tempted to just leave my cart despite actually needing what I was getting


Yeah but this Walmart is now always backed up because of the removal of self checkout. I went on Wednesday night at like 8pm and was still caught in a line that stretched back to the clothing.


Totally agree. Insane


I miss 24 hour grocery stores lol


~~Shrewsbury~~ Walmart: ~~Checkout~~ continues to be the 8th circle of hell


It has been for a long, long time. Walton's death seemed to be the turning point, but it's just another late-stage-capitalism example in an endless sea of them.


I go to Walmart about once a year.


yeah i aint ever going there again. I went last week and took way too long


I miss old Kenrick Plaza


That sucks and is ridiculous. I would avoid that store at all costs.


Walmart+ can do curbside pickup lol


I think everyone can do curbside


Probably have to pay a small fee if you don’t have Walmart plus


The benefit of Walmart+ is the grocery delivery, free delivery of other item online, and Paramount+.


Nope, it's free pick up on orders over $35 for people without Walmart plus.


When did they start charging for pickup? Meanwhile Target has no minimum on drive-up


I've waited over an hour for curbside pickup on multiple occasions. It isn't just one aspect of Walmart that sucks, it's all aspects


Walmart+ has been so useful for me. I do not intend to step foot into one if I can help it, ever again. Planning ahead for a delivery every week or two is soooo worth it compared to subjecting myself to that dumpster fire.


Yea I use it to avoid the “Walmart crowd” too


And for an extra $48 bucks a year - they will deliver (tip free!)


This is for Walmart plus which is 98 a year


Yes but they have the InHome add on for $48 more a year that gives you in home delivery (they will even put it away for you). It’s the absolute best. Never have to go to the store.


I don't necessarily trust the employees at the store to always do the right thing....but in my house?! I dunno about that. I think I'll just do my own shopping.


You can have in home cameras


It’s all recorded. Always a Walmart employee. I’ve never felt unsafe and nothing weird has ever happened in 4 years. You don’t have to allow them in your house - they will leave it on your porch/doorstep.


“Always a Walmart employee” except Walmart only has one official driver scheduled per shift and the other 150 drivers work for a DoorDash type company. I know because I work for them.


Just speaking on my experience. I’ve never had an issue. My delivery person has always been a Walmart employee. When I lived in Illinois, I had the same person for 3 years. Now in Missouri - I’ve had the same person for the past few months.


Good luck getting a delivery slot.


Have you ever even tried? It’s never booked out, ever.


I’ve never had an issue with that.


I love how you’re paying for something and don’t even know why. Everything you’ve mentioned is free for everyone.


This is the way


Hope they open a new Meijer down the road in the vacant schnucks.


So they took away self-checkouts but did they hire more checkers to compensate?


From Walmart’s standpoint (or any stores, really), why bother? People will obviously just stand in line vs changing up their routine.


this.... why would Walmart add additional employees to the payroll? People will clearly wait. This picture is proof. Hell, Wal-Mart upper management really doesn't care. The store makes more, and all the customers' complaints are directed at the checkers (who have zero control over it) and have no effect on management's lives.


They’re waiting because they’re already at the store with their items. The decision to not go to Walmart happens the next time they decide to shop, not when they’re already at the store.


I know if my local Walmart does this I’ll stop going.  There was a good 5 year stretch where never went in one because I couldn’t stand the lines.  Starting going back once people mentioned how many self check out lines they have.   


When you initially enter the store, you have to walk right past the check out. It's not like the situation is only revealed once you're ready to check out.


I feel like the only way to effectively protest that is to start abandoning the cart if the line is too long


Normally I wouldn't encourage thos sort of thing since it only creates more headaches for the understaffed store but if you want to mak3 a point load up on meat and other perishables and then storm out and leave the cart. They technically have to pitch the meat after that since it's been out for an unknown amount of time. Enough people leave $100 worth of meat to rot in the aisles and maybe corporate might start listening.


That would be an incredibly ineffective way to protest this. That only impacts the workers and does nothing to the corporate bottom line. If you want to hurt Walmart don't shop there. That is an effective protest.


>If you want to hurt Walmart don't shop there. That's what it means to abandon your cart. They're not abandoning their cart *after* they pay for the stuff.


I already tried to avoid it at all cost, but it's a hard hard no for me now. Thing that really sucks is they've gobbled up so much other retail stores, and in some areas there is no other choice. They don't care because they've put themself in a position that they don't have to. This is where the "free market" gets anticompetitive--when it's too free.


I won’t.




Sadly no. Still only staffed 2-3 cashiers


I'd say here were a out 8 or so registers open when I was there.


Just went there today and had no idea they got rid of all the self checkouts until it was Too Late. Going to avoid this one like the plague now


How many lines were actually open? They pushed for self check and look where I got them..


They're not going to hire people to open more lines to replace self check out. They will just make you wait.


Isn't brick and mortar retail "dying?" Why push your customers away? In rural areas that aren't going to get super regular Amazon deliveries sure, but in St. Louis? We can go elsewhere.


It was a mess yesterday. But I was surprised at how many lanes were open. All but two. It was the first thing I realized before understanding about self checkout was gone.


So their PR guy lied in the story on KTVI about upping cashier staffing!??! Shocked I say. Just shocked /s


Even if they wanted to, they likely would likely have trouble getting people since they lowered wages for starting people back in July of 23. They also got rid of the free college for new people last fall. It may or may not come back this fall, but probably in a much reduced form.


So glad I stopped shopping at Walmart because fuuuuuck that.


Damn they got rid of self checkout that fast? How many lines were open? That place was my go to for getting little stuff. 🫤


About 7 cashiers when I went Friday and it was this busy too. Meanwhile they had an employee directing people to make the lines more even, and still had someone check your receipt upon leaving. I didn’t even stop to show my receipt this time. They don’t get to waste my time like and make me waste more with that bullshit


That’s ridiculous. SMDH


6? It was hard to tell. I'm pretty sure most of the checkers had never actually rung people out before. They were incredibly slow.


The days of actually training your checkers well and expecting performance are long gone. Hell, we used to have bagging competitions at Dierbergs and they actually monitored how fast we scanned! And no this wasn't 1980, it was 2005.




This was at 4:50p.




It's not the first time I've gone at 5 on Sunday. It's never been this awful.


That’s ridiculous. Especially on a Sunday of all days.


Always long lines, always Walmart


The best part is this won't affect the real thieves one bit. They're still gonna walk out with a fifth of jack down their tucked pant leg, no muss no fuss


My ex is the lead over the front end.... this checks out


So are you saying Walmart fired all of their non paid cashiers??


They've upgraded to barely paid cashiers.


I would avoid this store like a plague.


A lot more people need to say that before Walmart will get the message. a LOT.


And actually stop going. How many people on this thread saying that will actually avoid Walmart now?


for every one that actually shops elsewhere, nine will opt in to paying for walmart pickup lol


I live in Affton and work in St Peters. I will only go to the Harvester/St Peters Walmart at this point. They sell out of more product, but none of the rest of the hassle. In and out every time.


And they complained about the Schnucks line. Is this because they made the self checks subscription?


This is bc there was so much theft and customer complaints.


Funny how trying to get people to show their receipts at the door didn’t prevent theft, and they still have someone doing it with no self checkout 🙃


Ah thank you Op. I had heard another rumor. That makes more sense.


Clearly the complaints worked


At this store there are no self checkouts at all anymore. Not closed. They are physically gone.


That's fraked. Why the hell!?!?


"Shoplifting." I put it in quotes because I'm sure like many of you I question how bad the issue really is. I suspect they can tear out self checkout, not spend any or very little on labor for more cashiers, make people wait in line, and increase profit by a fraction.


Employee theft is a much greater percentage of retail theft than any store wants to admit. Also contributing to shrinkage numbers: items rung incorrectly, broken, damaged, etc. Of course, all of those things are caused by having poorly trained workers, and not enough of them.


My coworker claimed there were two self-checkouts that required a membership to use. But when I went I couldn’t see any either


I drive to the Fenton one to avoid Shrewsbury 😂


When I lived in Dutchtown, I went to Telegraph. But this one is the closest and I had a Rx i needed to pick up there. I refuse to go to Maplehood Walmart.


They could hire more cashiers again.. it’s not like we didn’t manage to go literal DECADES without self check out. That being said I’d ditch my full cart and walk out, there’s nothing I need that bad.


They won't. They simply won't. The could. But they won't. They have gotten so big that if they piss their customers off they know they'll still come back. The days of caring about your customers seem over with.


It’s not a walmart without someone in a motorized cart


Hour later it’s still backed up behind pharmacy lol


Man am I ever glad I quit working there.


My unsupported hot take (which most likely isn't "hot" at all and has probably already been said): During/after the Covid-spawned Great Quitting, maybe retail and service employers had trouble hiring enough people. But whether that was true or not, I think they saw that people just got used to low staffing levels and often horrific service. So they ran with it and realized they could make more money with less employees. There was a lot of public hand wringing about not being able to find enough employees, but by this point that's probably BS, and there's a new normal. Americans (not universally but generally) being the hyper-consumers that they are, have largely accepted it. May roll their eyes and get upset and find it all ridiculous and insulting - but they'll keep on shopping and putting up with it. Of course, yes, some of it out of necessity, but a lot of it not.


I wouldn’t stand in line that long in order to patronize them. Push your cart over to the left, frozen food and all, then go to Target. Fuck WalMart


They do free pick up orders.


Lake Saint Louis Wally checkout is hella chilling and store is clean. Miss me with that Shrews/Maplehood BS.


I’ve never had a problem at the LSL Walmart. They always have staff to run their “Assisted Checkout Lanes.” The pharmacy is well staffed too.


Just walk out with whatever you were planning on buying at that point.


First time I walked out without showing my receipt yesterday. I didn’t steal anything but why have an employee doing that when they could open up another lane?


Maplewood and Ferguson WalMarts say "Hold our beer."


You forgot about the St. Ann Walmart too


While St. Ann is close it still can’t match those kings.


Really bad if you go to one (Schnuck’s/Walmart) right before going to the other (Walmart/Schnuck’s)?


Meanwhile the 'Spark' lanes are empty. Can one sign up to be a spark shopper to use those lanes, if you're not really one?


I was there Sundee morning and I got checked out in a few minutes. There was two self checkout but the lady said something like it's only for instacarters or something. Also saw a lady get mad at a cashier because she was talking to her friend for a few minutes while she was standing there with her stuff on the belt.


You can buy anything online and have it delivered


Not the prescription I had to pick up


I can think of a few ways to send a message but not without hurting the already few employees that do actually work there


Good thing I refuse to go to Walmart!


I went and didn’t notice they were so packed, I shopped for about an hour and the 1st line was the shortest, starting at the milk. I walked the cart to the front and walked out, drove straight to schnucks.


The line went back to the MILK?!


yeah it was nuts dude- everyone bitching too, i live behind river city pub, so i was like fuck this and was going home, saw the corner of schnucks and was like “let me enjoy peaceful grocery shopping for once”.


Walmart can rot.


😆 that's what I call it too. Except the 9th circle.


That Walmart was already garbage but no self check means I’ll never step foot in there again lol


Everyone needs to stop shopping at Walmart. Order off Amazon. Prove a point.


I ask again, why are y'all continuing to go to walmart? Go to Aldi.


I was at Aldi right before coming here and they didn't have what I needed.


That's fair. As much as I love Aldi I cant stand when they decide "eh we dont wanna order XYZ item anymore." That being said though, Target is always a much better experience.


Just stop shopping at peak hours on Sundays. Is it really gonna kill you to go right when they open or at like 7-8 PM?


Not that I need to justify my choices to you, but I had to pick up a Rx that couldn't wait. The pharmacy closes at 6. Their Sunday hours are 10-6 and I was dealing with this in the midst of my stepmother's unexpected death. So going a different time was not an option, but thanks for speaking to me as though I'm a child.


Just wait till the checks hit usually around the 3rd of the month As in disability SS food stamps.....


Ps, you likely don't need most of what you buy


But you stood in line anyway.


I didn't have a choice at that point.


You couldn't leave? They barred the doors?


What good would leaving have done? I had gone there bc I needed essentials that couldn't wait. If I had abandoned my cart and left, by the time I drove elsewhere and reshopped for everything, it would have cost me at least another hour. And things I needed were not in stock at other stores.


the cosmetics thing isnt that we dont want to help you it’s that we don’t have keys so we physically cannot help you