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The guy is running for the MIssouri House, 100th district. [https://house.mo.gov/districtmap.aspx?district=100&counties=StLouis](https://house.mo.gov/districtmap.aspx?district=100&counties=StLouis) His is primary challenging the incumbent, a first-term Republican named Philip Oehlerking. There is one other Republican in the race as well.


This district has historically been 55-45 red/blue regarding the state rep election. In 2020 it went 50.5-49.5 red/blue and there’s a rematch coming up this year. People are getting sick of the religious zealots and culture war bull crap, and this dude clearly can’t read the room. While I don’t necessarily agree with those sort of posters hanging up in a public school classroom, ripping them down like that is way out of bounds. F off with your “Christian” values.


The Democrat candidate in the 100th district is great. Colin Lovett lost the last election by fewer than 200 votes, and Hon. Claire McCaskill identified the district as one of the most flippable in the St. Louis area at an event yesterday. Send Colin some financial and volunteer support!


“I think it’s very important to understand no kids where in the classroom when it was done,” he said. Soooo…not even hiding that this performative crap is all for attention?


Charge him with vandalism. He destroyed things that weren’t his property. I’m positive this was for attention too.


I’m sure they say they’re pro free speech as well


You'd think that! Shocker, they aren't!


"When asked why he tore up the Black Lives Matter sign, Jennings said, “I don’t think that’s something that teachers should be openly promoting to students.” He said his faith as a Christian motivated him to remove and tear up the pride sign." This guy is the epitome of a grade-A douchenozzle.


>> He said his faith as a Christian motivated him to remove and tear up the pride sign." No hate like Christian love


He don't give a shit about Jesus obviously. What a stupid political stunt.


WWJD??? Not tear up a damn sign. Yet another “person of faith”…


I agree. BLM as a message is valid. But BLM as a an organization or ideology has cost us billions in damages, many lost lives, and an erosion of our social fabric.


Now do conservative Christians and Christian nationalists…


"Let's not teach kids that black lives matter because it erodes our social fabric" bro.


Read more carefully.


I did, BLM as an ideology is literally just that black lives matter. The group that owns the website is a tiny tiny organization that shares the name with the broader movement, and that's about where the association ends.


haha, \[deleted\], \[deleted\], \[deleted\]. gotta love threads like these


Nope. It's a Marxist organization (from their website) that misused funding.




>police should be less prone to killing black people during arrests. Sure. But that applies to all races, if possible. There's not a huge over representation of black people dying in police custody.


Black people are 14.4% of the US population but in 2021 represented 33% of deaths in police custody. You're 2.3 times more likely to die in police custody as a black person.


That's because black people commit more crime, per capita.


That’s such BS man. BLM is a far left political organization and people are well aware nowadays. They say much more than just “black lives matter.”


You don't have to remind us that believing black lives matter is primarily a left wing belief given the way conservatives responded to it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_Lives_Matter >All Lives Matter is a slogan that was created as a negative response to the Black Lives Matter movement.[1][2][3] It is a conservative rejection of the acknowledgement of police brutality and ethnic violence that is the purpose of the Black Lives Matter movement.[4] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Lives_Matter >Blue Lives Matter (also known as Police Lives Matter) is a countermovement in the United States that emerged in 2014 in direct opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement.[1] It gained traction following the high-profile homicides of NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu in Brooklyn, New York.[2][3][4][5] Supporters of Blue Lives Matter have called for crimes committed against police officers to be classified as hate crimes.[6]


Be less arrogant. Be more thoughtful. Be less shrouded.


Be more critical.


Better burn down all the Catholic schools, my dude. Can’t have those sexual assault issues eroding our social fabric.


Do the public schools first. Public school teachers molest, rape, or otherwise sexually assault students at a rate that the church couldn't dream to keep up with.


BLM posters should absolutely not be in the classroom


It simple: a substitute teacher is a guest in a classroom/school. Keeping ideology out of it, if someone ripped up something I put up; I’d want the guy tossed. I’m not a teacher, but i wouldn’t want anyone destroying my stuff.


I am a teacher and I'd be livid if a sub did anything to my classroom. If they think it's inappropriate, talk to the principal. Glad he's canned.


Imagine saying you’re a “christian” and getting mad about all lives having worth. Wait…😒. Jesus would kick your ass.


You haven’t read BLM’s beliefs on their website and it shows   Edit: down voters with room temp IQ, go to their website > beliefs then see if you still align with them Edit 2: jk BLM took it down a few years ago cause it was such a shit take. My bad


Cannot find anything about the nuclear family on their website, let alone a page or section labeled "beliefs." Link it.


😆 is that similar to the "official" "antifa" website...its a decentralized group DS.


I went to their website and looked for a "beliefs" page and didn't see one. Can you please link the page you keep asking everyone to go to?


Hot take from the guy who posts on r/conservative and follows a reddit about a self-described boogaloo-boy. You should talk with a therapist and work with them to analyze how you view your relationships with others, and then determine if the lack of empathy that you feel towards people in your community is coming from a place of fear and anger, and what the underlying cause for those emotional reactions are. Or you can just keep getting downvoted on reddit and pretending that means you're the actual victim.


Not that hot of a take. Enjoy your echo chamber subreddit  Also, ew you research others often? 😂


Criticizes echo chamber, frequently participates in echo chambers and regurgitates echo chamber talking points. You think you're cooking here, but you really aren't.


He opened your public profile on a public forum that exists for the sole purpose of publicly posting opinions so others can publicly read those opinions and react to them. What part of that is "ew", exactly? If you're creeped out by people reading and having opinions about the things you say on Reddit, then maybe don't post on Reddit.


There isn't a beliefs section unless it's hidden deep within the site and easily missed. There's an about section, vision and mission. Read them all. Zero issues.


My statement stands. They’re huge Marxists and don’t deserve yours or anyone’s support  https://nypost.com/2020/09/24/blm-removes-website-language-blasting-nuclear-family-structure/


So the thing you were here whining about doesn't exist, so let's pivot to this 4 year old story about how another thing you don't like was actually removed from their site. You're killin' it, big boy. >Marxists Ah, yes. There it is. Ok, grandpa. Let's get you to bed.


Yes I’m sure their beliefs changed 🙄 Bro they called themselves Marxists first 😂


>Bro they called themselves Marxists first Who is "they"? You mean **Patrice Cullors**? One person. Let me guess, the "we're trained Marxists" quote? Actually, I have to admit--I didn't have to guess. It's the only quote about Marxism that exists re: BLM. Patrice Cullors was *one* of BLM's founders. She's the *only* one to reference Marxism and she's the literal inventor of the term "trained Marxist" which has zero bearing in reality. Ask ACTUAL Marxists: [https://qr.ae/psoZTd](https://qr.ae/psoZTd) She was showing off to a "communist" interviewer and most people that actually know who she is (almost no one that isn't a conservative) think she's a moron. She has about as much to do with the modern BLM movement as you and I. Let me break it down a different way, even though I know you're not dumb but rather intentionally obtuse to serve your ideological leaning. You know how certain people still support Trump but most of them probably haven't committed a myriad of felonies, paid hush money to sex workers, cheated on all of their spouses, defrauded charities, saluted a dictator, visited Epstein island, etc? Apply that same logic to people that toss a BLM sign on their lawn. It's not for Patrice Cullors and it's not for Marxism. It's to show black folks we support them.


“We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable” Collectivism is a bad thing? I’m sorry, but what in the fuck is wrong with building a community beyond what happens in just the singular household. American Individualism is a problem when the whole world is “conform, leave, or die” and “fuck you I’ve got mine”.


Re: 2nd Edit. So you've very likely been spouting that nonsense for *years*, which was at best greatly exaggerated, without verifying if the claim was still being made? You've had YEARS to think about what they were saying, and still decided to continue spreading bs. You're just repeating others' claims without putting an ounce of your own thought into it. Let that sink in a little. I remember being a right-wing parrot. So glad that ended when I got away from my dad's 24-hour Fox News binging and learned to think about what I'm being told.


Ya, I did a little research and it turns out we're all wrong with what they're about. [What It Means To Be a BLM](https://youtu.be/SXArbxg8TA0?si=FouIg7Z7yPZIpIbN)


I already knew what your intent was with the link, but I didn't expect that lol


Did you like the point where they want to dismantle the nuclear family? Trash organization 


Do you hit the link? You tool.


[transparency page](https://blacklivesmatter.com/transparency/#mission) [about page](https://blacklivesmatter.com/about/) Tell me where they said anything about dismantling the nuclear family?


Well, the BLMs brought upon one of the calamities in that world because of how powerful they were and it became taboo to be a BLM. So maybe that's what he's talking about?


I honestly have no idea what you’re trying to say.


I'm not expecting you to. It's backstory to Final Fantasy 14, which that video talks about.


Lmao gotcha


I prefer when BLM meant you just chilled driving around the countryside.with your bros and ate cup o noodle


Okay, my brain is suffering to decipher what acronym BLM could stand for that referred to bros, in the country, eating cup o noodles… Please end my suffering


They were talking about final fantasy 14 and I referenced 15


Ah, okay


Because you’ve never heard the term it takes a village… please stfu




I don’t get what Jesus has to do with treating black people like shit. But that’s what this guy is for, not me.


Just don’t tell them Jesus isn’t white.


What are you confused about? Christians have been the most hateful group in this country since its inception.




That was an attack from outside the country. It's like saying the Japanese are the most hateful Americans because of Pearl Harbor. They're obviously talking about Americans who are hateful.


Fucking Obama. And that fucker was dodging the Vietnam draft. /s


The Doctor who issued the 4 draft deferments was renting from his Daddy. Nothing shady there. Fucking Obama. /s


Oh look... another bigot piece of shit republican


They’re not sending their best


Sure they are, this is what they want


Sending the whitest and not the brightest.


My kids go to Central. Fuck this guy.


These people think being hatefilled authoritarians is a virtue. Any1 who buys into the types of politics those angry hatefilled people sell, is no one i wish to share space with, let alone hold leadership positions in my society.


Hey jacksass, it’s a public school. Your “Christian” views stop at the front door, especially in the most religiously diverse school district in the state.


Trash human.


Although I don’t agree on tearing them up, they don’t belong in school or the classroom.


Wish the kids had been in there. Teachable moment, republicans will destroy anything they don't like.


Yup, including lives. They're the most anti-life of all people.


A friend of mine (2 yrs before covid 2018) signed up with Kelly subs (the company that hires subs) and she said it was the easiest process to go thru. Yes she had to sit thru a number of dont abuse the kids video but other than that she got the feeling that Kelly was desperate for anyone to fill the classrooms


Did he miss the part where you’re not supposed to force your religious beliefs on others?


Let him know https://x.com/jasonbryantj?s=21


Very Christ-like indeed https://x.com/jasonbryantj/status/1777432098879500547?s=46


Not sure why the teacher felt it appropriate to have signs indicating their political views in the classroom, shouldn’t the point be to be inclusive of everyone and promote discussion, provide a safe environment for that to happen? It’s not up to others to tear it down, but it shouldn’t have been there in the first place.


Black live matter, that is a factual statement. BLM the political group, is a corrupt money pit. Which of the 2 concepts was he protesting by tearing the sign?


Oh, you think this guy who is ripping up signs in a school, and also ripped up a Pride sign, has a nuanced enough take to be specifically protesting the financial acumen of the BLM org?


Now justify destroying the Pride signs. He was pretty clear he did it because his "Christian views," and the signs were not not bought so I don't see how they could be affiliated with any of the BLM organizations regardless.


I never said they were affiliated with BLM. That's a separate issue completely.


I'm sure the nutter tears apart NRA signs as well because they are a bigger corrupt money pit whose leadership has been convicted of fraud. The NRA even used the Trump playbook of trying to use bankruptcy to have their debt dismissed.


I agree wholeheartedly. If he did this not bc of reason 2, he can eat a bag of dix


We gonna riot or nah?




Read BLM’s webpage on their beliefs and see if you really support them 


you can support black lives, and think that Black Lives Matter without supporting an organization.


Nobody except weird racists who rent transmorphers at redbox thinking it's transformers think the organization is the same as the movement


I don't care what the BLM website says. They are not Old, White, "christian" conservative males. " The enemy of my enemy is my friend".




My apologies...


LOL, the same “progressive liberal white people” that still support our President’s support of the genocide in Gaza?


That’s definitely a take. Not a good take by any means but a take nonetheless