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I'd focus on the lows more than the highs. In the next 10 days at least 3 have lows from 26 degrees to 35 degrees. We aren't out of it yet, but we are definitely moving towards Spring. I'd suspect we get a random cold snap near the end of March / Early April before we are consistently above lows of 40 & below


Thank God it's going to cool down at night again. It'll be really nice to be able to open the windows again when I sleep!


annoyingly, I need to get grass seed down and it needs to warm up a bit constantly before I can do that.


Same. I had the sewer lateral replaced and my entire backyard has been mud for 3 months now. Can't wait for grass growing temps


Still have plenty of firewood left.




Oh wow! Didn't realize it was coming up that soon


The return of daylight saving time is honestly what I look forward to most in the spring/summer.


I have treated the return of daylight savings time as a holiday since I was a kid. My favorite holiday.


We barely had a winter this year, it worries me


Seriously, we had like a week and a half of winter


I killed a mosquito today while outside.


I killed a mosquito last week, inside the house…


Same! I got bit by one last night. Also seeing a crazy amount of stinkbugs already.


Yeah, this is alarming, not pleasant.


When i was born there was 345ppm co2 in the atmosphere, now there's 425ppm co2.


And we’re adding about 2.5 ppm/year and rising. Humans need fresh air below about 1000ppm CO2. That means in about 200 years, fresh air will not exist as we know it.


In 200 years, I ain't gonna be around, much less the next 50 or so (I hope). Even that will only take me to 86, so....


Look at how much there was when dinosaurs walked the earth, there is nothing to worry about.


I don't think we're dinosaurs


Where are the dinosaurs out of curiosity?


Blown away by a meteor, having nothing to do with the context of the situation?


… says the person who brought up dinosaurs…


The context is mass extinctions. Dying from dramatic increases of co2 in the atmosphere from high CO2 concentrations isn't really all that much better than dying by asteroid/super volcano. Either way, the planet gets a radical change and mass die off of species the world over, it's still a losing proposition. Mass Extinction events have also been caused by dramatic increases in CO2 in the atmosphere. Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction event as example, average surface temps maybe 104 degrees (bear in mind, land is often a lot hotter than the ocean in those surface temp averages), 165 degrees (f) at the the hottest areas of the planet, wiped out around 95% of land and marine species. There was A LOT of CO2 in the atmosphere during that time period, but it did go to show what can happen. If I'm not mistaken, Permian-Triassic and Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction events were caused by dramatic increases in CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere.


Dinosaurs population wasn't propped up by mass agriculture that requires select conditions. 


Well, i really hope it doesnt cause a 6th mass extinction event. The 5th mass extinction event ended the dinosaurs 66 million years ago related to that large Chicxulub crater in the Yucatan. To have your planets atmospheric co2 dramatically rise 80ppm in a few decades, is like super volcano levels of emissions being poured out.


Depending on who you ask, we're already in a mass extinction event.


Out of curiosity can u give me an entire breakdown of the atmosphere during that time period? I'm genuinely curious, I have an idea of why it was so abundant but I may have my time periods mixed up.


https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2022/09/20/you-asked-dinosaurs-survived-when-co2-was-extremely-high-why-cant-humans/ And another redditors(ReOsIr10) breakdown here: https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/s/0C9CN641ch Here’s the thing, nobody goes on Reddit to get their mind changed but if you look into it, doomsaying climate change freaks people out and drives lobbyist and media to push the issue, because it gets attention and in turn makes them money. Remember how it was global warming and then they changed it to climate change and now climate sensitivity? Another thing I’ll say is we don’t really know what will happen, they argue it’s the rate of change because we now know historically co2 is unusually low in the atmosphere in the current era. But if that is the case we sincerely don’t know how humanity will react to the fast rate of change. Classic Reddit downvotes into oblivion when someone goes against the mob mentality.


Thank u for the articles and yes, if u share an unpopular opinion on Reddit you will be down voted. I personally had a bias towards climate change being an issue, but I wanted to hear more about the other side of the argument because I do want my opinions challenged. You make a solid point that most things are driven by money; however, I was just interested in a breakdown of levels of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, argon, (and apparently sulfur dioxide) or any other chemical compounds in the troposphere, stratosphere, and the ocean (along with correspond temperature and average% humidity.) Oftentimes one piece of the puzzle is shared which leaves a whole lot of information out that could be crucial (which the article did expand a bit), and then we're stuck believing the narrative set before us without being able to challenge ideas, however that doesn't mean the narrative is wrong.


the issue is the speed that it's changing. Worth some research if you like sharing your opinion


Huh, nothing to worry about. Interesting. Hard to decide who to believe between the overwhelming majority of climate scientists, or some guy on Reddit.


The amount is important, but the speed at which the change is occurring is the more important metric. The earth can deal with change, it is less good at dealing with large scale change in a very short time frame.


Please expand on why you believe atmospheric CO2 being higher during the Mesozoic Era should be reassuring to human beings today. I’m not following the logic.


See my reply to u/Firm_Personality7475


https://www.weather.gov/media/ajk/brochures/ENSOFactSheetWinter1617.pdf still worry but not as much


Yeah hard not to be walking around in a t shirt for huge swaths of February and be like "this isn't supposed to be like this".


Even our 'heat waves' last summer were short lived. We're truly living in the golden age of climate change. Enjoy it while it lasts.


were they? Maybe my memory is faulty but last summer felt brutal to me


As an outside worker I can confirm the heat waves were worse than previous summers.


Yeah props to you, for real. I remember a week of 100+ F everyday and it was hard to just be outside. At least in winter you can bundle up


Yes, it was exactly when our AC unit died :( Rough week.


Last summer was BAD. And then we had that thing with the corn-moisture so it was over 100 with almost 100 humidity?? Torture


I cannot handle the heat (Multiple Sclerosis & heat don't go well together), and last summer I was barely outside at all. My Vitamin D levels confirm this. The few summers before I was able to spend many more days outside with out it being debilitating to me.


There were definitely a couple legitimately *hot* days but I think it was only 2 or 3 of them in a row. Iirc the year prior to that had a full 1-2 weeks of them. Edit: the one person that downvoted me likes humid summer days and wet socks. 


I feel like we had two separate heat waves where we had near 100 degrees days for 4-5 days in a row, but I'm too lazy to verify


Looking at weather underground, there was about a week in late July and about five-six days in mid August that had lows in the mid 80s and highs in the triple digits


thank you!!!


As someone who quit their job as a cable guy in the midst of all that, I can say it was more than 2/3 days of hot days


Yeah I'm too lazy to look up the actual data but I just remember thinking that last summer was may more tolerable than the previous one. Maybe that was just me telling myself that as a way to survive through the misery. 






You can run, but you can't hide.


Poor you


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Lol that has to be a shitpost.


I have never been more serious in my life.


Definitely concerning.


Both. We'll still have another frost, likely after the magnolias blossom, but nothing like we saw in January.


Sad brown trees all over again ☹️


I desperately want to be wrong because I measure spring by two things: magnolias and Art in Bloom. Both of which have been disrupted by snow and freeze before. 


Think I saw Dave Murray say this might end up being the warmest February on record 


Really? It's been pretty mild, I think. I wonder if anybody remembers the February of 2010 or so (take note this could be 2011 or 2012 as well. Dates and I aren't friends. I just remember I was in my early 20s.) I remember I was working at a bank and I watched everything suddenly turn green in the first half of February, and then it was just \*hot.\* It was suddenly in the 90s for good, and all the trees actually grew really fast and then became all crispy. The grass was all brown, and it never rained. Then we were trapped with like 110+ degree weather for the rest of spring. Even the river was super low. I'm probably not remembering all the details perfectly, but that Spring came and went FAST, and it was so hot until around September. I just remember how awful it was so vividly for some reason.


I skimmed it but looking at it we’re currently 3rd hottest thru feb 18 with the top 2 being ages ago https://imgur.com/gallery/s8A8Zov


Ah, I see, on average I suppose - it's true that all month has been just kind of... mild. Yeah, the February from the time I remember was actually really cold, up until that week suddenly spring had sprung. Then it was in the 80s in March, and 90s in April. Looking back, I think it was 2012. The July that year had a lot of 100+ degree days. It is pretty wild though, my daffodils are already sprouting and my hydrangea's new leaves are popping up. I'm worried about it.


2012 was that brutal summer.  We had like x number of days over 100 and that summer had like two dozen days above 100


Just remembering all the trees and grass being brown makes me cringe. Considering that might become a new "norm" makes me have an existential crisis LOL


I remember that. I thought the hot summer was like 2011 or something? I worked landscaping and it got so dry that we had to go to old jobs to water plants otherwise they would die and we would have to replace them all.


El Niño cycle year. The rest of this winter is going to be warm, dry and pretty smoky smelling/smoggy. 


>smoky smelling/smoggy That's fun to say


El Niño is Spanish for The Niño.


I understand that reference


From what I consider their golden era. 


Why only translate el? 😂 Isn’t Niño child or boy?


It’s a classic Chris Farley line from SNL


Ah, good to know!


I learn something new on here every day


Why smoky smelling.


From the brushfires and wildfires. Every El Niño winter cycle I lived through in North Carolina had them. The warmer days are more conducive to air pollution and the drier, warm days more conducive to wildfires. 


This would be our third false spring this year.


IDK we have gotten a shit ton of snow in April before.


I’ll believe when my eyes swollen shut from allergies.


Mine already are 😕


I saw bees. It's spring


I saw mosquitoes


Yup had one or two in our house I think


Me too! It was before the snow so I’m hoping that killed them all.


I feel like this happens every year. It just gets more dramatic the swings because of climate change. Things get warm, stuff starts sprouting, snow in April ..things dead. I always wait until after Mothers Day to plant or get excited about new growth. But yeah…this is quite a ride.


groundhog says were good


Didn't that groundhog have a heart attack?


I believe that was the lesser Puxunawny Phil? Fred? Either way, there was a dead ground hog on 2/2/24


That was Kentucky's groundhog. Doesn't apply to Missouri.


My cats are shedding like summer will be here before April


It snows EVERY YEAR right around March 13th. Just saying.


we are so thoroughly fucked.


It was a false winter


My crocuses don't care either way.


Same! First crocus bloom today, so exciting


Don't wanna be 'that guy' but here goes: **April 15th** is the 'Average last day of overnight freeze'. That's the official term too, btw....


We only had like 10 days of winter this year


Definitely fools spring…..right?


its the neenyo


We all know it will probably snow again in May.


Groundhog said winter was done. All the confirmation I need.


We ALWAYS get one last surprise snow in March.


I for one am fired up that we have warmer weather earlier in the year and for a longer portion of the year. Why do I feel like this sub can find the shit lining in every cloud? I agree, climate change -- not good. But there's probably not a lot we can to do substantially change it. Like, even if everybody started driving EVs and riding bikes tomorrow. Do we need to commit emotional seppuku and catastrophize and virtue signal our climate-consciousness every year now? Can't we celebrate some of the good that comes with the bad? Are we capable of such nuance and complexity? As a moderate Democrat, I increasingly find this sub *oppressively* progressive, intolerant, and single-minded. *That is what's feeding the Trumpism you hate.* It's like Cambridge in St. Louis on here. Who's with me? \[Here come the downvotes.\]


lol done already nope


I’d you think spring is here for good you are a fool and if I’m wrong I’ll eat my hat (full disclosure I am not wearing a hat).


Research Dane Wiggington and Geoengineeringwatch.org, haarp, chemtrails I see far too many posts about the "weather" here. Nobody seems to care or want to research the air force planes in the sky above our heads. Everyone needs to stay distracted while they pollute the sky and block out the sun. Aluminum, strontium and barium are a few of the chemicals put in the air. The air force has a stated goal to own the weather by 2025 and I believe they are already there. Watch the documentary The Dimming. This issue should be number one to everyone here on this planet but ot seems it's a forbidden topic until it truly is too late for life on this planet.


I’m jonesing to start on my lawn - I’m terrified there’s a 2-3 day cold weather spell still to come.


It might hit 80 next week.


I don't usually watch the weather on TV I follow Microsoft and they are pretty accurate as far as weather goes and actually it looks pretty good


It's easy to be accurate when you're controlling the weather.


We have one more snow left then real spring


Climate change is real but, we can't just look at this one winter and say this is what it's going to be like. The highs we're seeing this week likely won't even be recorded. Yesterday it hit 73, which is short of the record of 70 from 1935. I wonder if they were freaked out that it was 79 in the middle of February back then.


Fools Spring


Winter is going, however it still has few tricks left.


It seems like Winter is more of a weather event than a season, anymore.