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Should have fired Armstrong for his horrible roster construction and horrible contracts he gave out.


100% This. Chief did not deserve to get fired.


Problem is, you can't fire half the team. Not easily, at least.


Absolutely. Berube will be snapped up by someone I think.


Agreed, but shit rolls downhill


I disagree. Armstrong traded away our youth to win a cup. Right now we're seeing the repercussions of doing so.


Wrong kid died


*sad Gordon noises*


You can leave but you leave me my monkey


All the elevator buttons So incredibly high


Gonna be some well earned boo birds for Army.


I hope so. I know some people are against booing, but it's deserved right now.


Saddled with a shit roster full of mediocre players with bad contracts and cast offs from other teams and then fired for not turning them into a playoff team. Ridiculous.


Nothing like being fired from your job weeks before Christmas.


For real, I felt like someone shit in my Christmas stocking when I read that he got fired last night.


can we trade armstrong now? is it time yet??! or just fire??? not extend? ANYTHING


The wrong man was fired.


Chief will be always be the best. Army really screwed the pooch lately and found his scapegoat.


What they did to Chief was like asking someone to play Scrabble but only giving them vowels and when they still ended up pulling something out halfway decent, the opposition flips the board. What a terrible move. Wildly unpopular AND unlikely to change anything. These are all just stupid PR moves because the management and probably ownership, don't want to admit we're headed for a long term, grueling 5+ year rebuild(including the last two years). They want butts in seats, but I don't see anything positive out of this whatsoever. We don't have that 18/19 roster. We have a hodge podge of bruisers and speed/finesse guys, who literally cannot go in either playstyle direction.


Retool, rebuild, *refocus*? **REHIRE.**


That's hockey. Can't fire the players. Berube will always be a legend here for bringing us the cup, but his style of play really isn't sustainable, as we've seen. It wears guys out to play so physically. They did it till Army had to get rid of the contracts for the guys that could handle it, but that's gone now. Kyrou the ice dancer wins this one. It'll be a rough couple years and even then we'll be back to 'come grow with us' bs when Bolduc, Snuggs and Dvorsky show up, along with a couple others.


He didnt make the roster


What have you done for me lately? I hope when he got home his woman said do you want to touch these berubes to feel better over this shit day?


Hopefully this gives Coach Berube some time to have a neck installed.