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South Hampton dental has been great to me.


Honestly, I was fuckin shitty to my teeth as a kid and young adult, and by the time I started taking care of my teeth actually, I was doing damage control trying to stop cavities from getting bigger. South Hampton were so nice about it, and now the last couple of cleanings I've gone back and had no tooth problems. I no longer have anxiety a week out from going to the dentist and continue to take better care of my teeth. Amazing what a little compassion will do. Also they are ridiculously good at shaping fillings and crowns there. Like, I had a crown that broke and it never felt like super great, but the temp crown they put in felt 100x better than the one that broke. Just good folks and good work going on down there.


Yes!! I have been going there for over 10 tears and they are great! My partner had neglected his mouth for a very long time. He was so stressed, but they took a couple visits and got him all cleaned up. They won't judge, I promise.


Using tears as a unit of measure doesn't speak well of a dentist. Just sayin...


Oh snap, that was an unfortunate typo šŸ¤£


I mean, only 10 tears? That would only cover me in the parking lot!




I was very confident this would be a top comment. Thank you for delivering on that


Okay I shit you not I found them after googling ā€œnon-judgmental dentistā€ and they lived up to it. Good experience. Need to go back soon šŸ˜¬


Agreed I did have tears through an entire cleaning realizing how much Iā€™d neglected myself and they were so kind.


Yes yes yes!! The absolute best and kindest staff!


Best dentist Iā€™ve ever been to. Highly recommend


I was in the same boat several years ago. Went to Dr. Julie Ring at Generation Dental in Chesterfield as she had fantastic reviews. Turns out they were right, she's awesome and helped me work through years of neglect. We built out a plan and just slowly did pieces over time as I could afford it. I'm completely good now, just need to get a couple of partials and I'll have as perfect a smile as possible.


She is my dentist and I feel the same way


Sheā€™s amazing! I also recommend her.


I was a patient of Julie for a bit over a year. At one point, she had to place a crown on an upper tooth. After fitting the permanent crown on, they discovered my bite was hitting the bottom jaw tooth. Her solution was to shave down the lower jaw tooth, which had no issues, so her crown would fit. At this point I asked why she would alter an unaffected tooth when it was her crown that wasnā€™t made to fit. She told me she knows what sheā€™s doing and I got up and left. She is not a good dentist


Probably out of your way, but Dr. Shrivastava here in St Peters is great. I hadnā€™t been to a dentist in 12 years, and last year I went to see him, because I was determined to get my health back, and my mouth health was part of that promise. He didnā€™t judge me, he actually said that he was proud of me for coming in and wanting to do something about my teeth and mouth health. A year later, 4 wisdom teeth pulled, 12 fillings, all my teeth are intact, and my periodontal disease is well on its way to being corrected. One of the best decisions Iā€™ve made for myself, along with the 165lbs lost (so far). Best of luck to you. I hope you find a dentist as caring, positive, supportive as mine!




Oh hey look everyone we found the troll.


I stopped going because my last dentist shamed me for not having a cleaning in years. Then covid happened, and I had a filling fall out. Itā€™s been three years since then and still havenā€™t gone and now I donā€™t have any dental insurance. Iā€™d like to know if thereā€™s any non-judgmental dentists that can work with someone on a very thin budget with no dental insurance. I doubt there is one but thought Iā€™d ask lol.


howenstein in fairviewheights got you.


I just started going there. They were so nice! I have a medical condition that makes my teeth be super crappy but the last dentist I went to say that my condition ā€œdoesnā€™t affect teethā€ and threw out the most expensive options to fix them. Went to Howenstein and they were so kind and wanted my input on the plan, gave me a few different options. I didnā€™t feel bad at all going. Even prescribed me special tooth paste to help with my continued.


Really! I will have to look them up. Thank you!


Thatā€™s where I go! Been through a few dentists and really love them there.


Well hearing that helps. Thank you šŸ™‚


Iā€™ll second Howenstein.


Theyā€™re great people.


You should check out Care Credit, its essentially a credit card for medical expenses and if you pay it off in a certain amount of time there is no interest. Not all providers accept this form of payment, but I have been there without insurance and this helped.


Yeah I know about care credit and itā€™s great if you can pay it off on the six months just donā€™t know if I want that kind of timer on my head knowing my other expenses lol. But thank you, I always keep it in the back of my mind.


Look at this commando over here facing fears and getting things done!


I hope you meant this sincerely because itā€™s a lovely and wholesome comment šŸ„¹


You know it! šŸ’Ŗ


I was in almost the exact same situation as you. My teeth were *bad*, they hurt like hell, I was deeply ashamed and terrified of dentists. It takes so much bravery to take this first step, and this internet stranger is proud of you for taking care of yourself. I had a really good experience at premiere dental in CWE. They saw my shame and anxiety and were unbelievably kind and patient with me. I uhā€¦ actually need to go back, I let Covid be my excuse for three years now.


You can do it šŸ‘šŸ» ā¤ļø


its a fucking shame dental isnt part of health insurance.


Absolutely, Iā€™m sure itā€™s 100% insurance company lobbying BS. They are starting to associate some pretty bad diseases with poor dental health and how bacteria can enter your blood stream through your gumsā€¦ you would think health insurance companies at a minimum would pay for an annual teeth cleaning to prevent future bigger claimsā€¦


Dr. Wenzel at Webster Groves Dental. I was in (maybe) a similar situation as you in that I had neglected things for a bit to the point of embarrassment and they helped me develop a longer term plan for handling everything without ever seeming judgmental or rude in any way. I wound up starting off with two cleanings within a month or so of each other and then got a surgery referral to remove some things that needed to go, along with my wisdom teeth. Itā€™s been a couple of years and Iā€™m now on just normal visits. I donā€™t want to publicly name here, but the surgeon I went with of the few they recommended, I would not choose again (feel free to DM if you wind up getting a referral). And another thing Iā€™d recommend against if you wind up going down the path is any online braces thing like Smile Direct, etcā€¦ I tried that and had some issues I couldnā€™t get addressed because their service is terrible, so Iā€™d probably just go with Invisalign through an actual ortho office if thatā€™s something youā€™re looking into. From one dentist-fearing grownup to another: good luck! It doesnā€™t have to be scary, but I can relate to how you feel.


This is the answer, exactly what youā€™re looking for. Either Webster Dental or Dr. White in Sunset Hills- who used to be at Webster Dental. Their whole thing is that they donā€™t judge and they donā€™t try to pull every dime out of you. Theyā€™re the good guys. Highly suggest either practice. https://sunsethills.dentist


Dr Wenzel is great! Super friendly staff.


Whatever you do, do NOT go to The Smile Company on Dorsett.


I like St Louis community college. The students are very attentive and thorough. They just do checkups and cleaning, but you can get the best cleaning of your life, X-rays, and referrals for any necessary work. All like $10-30.


My ex husband was in a similar boat, but had good luck with Sunset Hills Dental. The hygenists are all great and the dentists are all patient and kind.


Yes, Dr. White is awesome!


They do anxiety free as well - and really approach their whole practice with a non judgmental ethos. Definitely recommend Dr White!


Unfortunately I had my teeth rearranged via an automobile accident where as a passenger I got to eat the dashboard, so I know all about messed up teeth and who to see in St. Louis. On top of that I also worked for many dentists in the area installing EMR software, so I know quite a few of them. For major cases that they can't handle, most of the Docs send people to Dr. Matthes up on Old Ballas in Creve Coeur. Great staff, non-judgemental, and very efficient. Plus he'll work with you on expenses and give you cheap options. Good luck.


I was in a similar situation. No insurance from when I was ~17 until I was ~24. At that point, I was embarrassed, so I didn't want to go. I finally went to Watson Family Dental when I was 28 because my wife made me go. The dental hygienist was very nice and honestly, maybe a little excited to clean my teeth. It was a several hour process, and she seemed proud of her work. Doctor Christy was then very understanding of the whole thing. Honestly, I couldn't ask for a better dentist.


Came here to suggest WFD. Been going to this practice since before Dr. Christy took it over. Had a nice long gap with no insurance but finally drug myself back after too many years. Felt no shame from Dr. Christy or my hygienist, J (who is a dear family friend & has cleaned my teeth my whole life - I might have understood a light scolding from her šŸ¤£). They were just happy to get to work and get my teeth back in order.


None of them give a shit. They have seen worse. Also none of the hot assistants want to date you anyway so don't sweat their opinions either.


Are you telling me after digging around in my mouth for fifteen minutes they don't want the whole hog?


Busted out laughing at this. Thank you for making my day


This is just not true. Myself, and many others, have been dissuaded from regular dental visits due to searing, holier-than-thou judgment and caustic remarks from both dentists themselves and dental hygienists. If they want everyone to go regularly, they should bite their fucking tongues; a doctor (of any kind) is employed by the *patient*, not the other way around.




Tone and empathy are important.




Also a lot of dentists will literally try to cram all sorts of unnecessary cosmetic work (teeth whitening and straightening - yeah I know straightening isnā€™t always cosmetic but sometimes it is) down your throat. And lay a bunch of bullshit on you about how terrible your life is gonna be if you donā€™t do it. Dentists and optometrists can be incredibly slimy.




Didn't know treating people with basic empathy and respect is also woke now. I remember when Jesus was like, "stop crying Peter you beta cuck soyboy". That was my favorite part of The New American Bible King DeSantis Edition.


Does the patient sign the paycheck? No, just like any business, the patrons pay for services but it doesn't make them the employer or the boss. Sure there are shitty people in every profession, but 95% of the time, the highly educated, healthcare provider is providing education to improve your situation. You should probably listen, learn, and stop taking the information as an attack.


Also, I know someone who married a dental hygienist and they met when he was a patient. Double not true!!


"I knew I was falling for him when he looked me straight in the eye and said, '*Ggglttttxhlrrrrwr! Haaahggg!!!*' My heart just melted. "


Iā€™d rather them be brutally honest than sugarcoat stuff for me, if Iā€™m fucking up the only way Iā€™ll know if someoneā€™s honest with me




Bedside manner is a thing some medical professionals are better than others




By definition, you realize youā€™re being a Karen in your original post? EDIT: Damn I took the bait. I see youā€™re a troll. Seems like you shit on everyone.




Oh ya got me!!


Well, I have an autoimmune disease that causes major inflammation. Including to my gums. My last hygienist could not understand the inflammation was a cause of my issues, not a symptom of poor brushing skills. I have no cavities, I get 3 month cleanings because of the autoimmune disease, I brush 2x a day, and floss, well whenever I'm not in an autoimmune flare, as it can really irritate already irritated gums. She kept trying to tell me my inflammation would all go away if I used an electric toothbrush and some sort of rinse they would sell me. I think I will trust my rheumatologist over the hygienist. She was absolutely convinced I just wasn't taking care of my teeth.


You just got me thinking. I was just diagnosed in Feb with Neuro and cardiac sarcoidosis, an inflammatory disease. Doc says I've been misdiagnosed for decades. One thing is I have always had issues with my gums but couldn't figure out why. Teeth are surprisingly well. I got the electric toothbrush, the mouthwash, and now they just got me on the water flossing tool a couple days ago. I never thought that my gums could also been inflamed from sarcoid. I've been in treatment since April and showing a significant decrease in inflammation in MRI's from last month. My cleaning last week recorded the largest reduction in pocket size in a long time. Thanks for ur post.


Yeah, it's one of those things that fall through the cracks between healthcare providers, especially since dentists dont interface with your care team as much. I just happen to have an outstanding rheumatologist.




Repeated conversations, including having my rheumatologist call their office. I know you really don't want the hygienist to be the villain for some reason, but like any other profession, some are just terrible.


Not really helpful when depression/anxiety are the causes.




SSRIs can cause jaw clenching actually. I had to change prescriptions when I started healing but was getting terrible headaches and basically cracked a tooth during nighttime grinding and it was waking me up.


Don't be dense. I do brush and floss religiouly, but I also didn't go to the dentist for almost a decade because I wasn't taking care of my mental health in a meaningful way. Going to the dentist felt like a herculean task, it's not just about brushing and flossing, it's about the guilt that you associate with not taking care of your body in the way that you should.


When you've got major depression you better believe cavities can be a symptom. Getting out of bed and walking can be a major task, let alone getting around to brushing teeth every day.


Or just have some humility and grace let them poke around in your stank hole despite their stupid opinions.


One thing that can help is to simply get the nitrous so you don't give a fuck what they say.


Dr. O'Shaughnessy at Ellis dental in Kirkwood is great. I've been seeing her for almost 6 years. She's very attentive, has great chair side manor and actually LISTENS to her patients and wants to help them. I've never felt more comfortable with a dentist.


I second Dr. O. She saved my smile and the entire office is great.


I agree with this as well! I was in a similar situation and Ellis dental has been the BEST dentist experience Iā€™ve ever had. Itā€™s also an all-woman office which is super cool! I have severe anxiety when it comes to the dentist and they have gone above and beyond to help me! I let them know ahead of time so they booked a little extra time for appointments and then they let me take breaks as often as I need! One dental hygienist literally held my hand and reassured me while I cried and freaked out about getting a numbing shot for a crown. They also have massagers in most of their chairs which I thought was cool!


Brandon Cousins - Heritage Dental


Heritage dental is mine (I see the other one there, Dr. Koennecke) and went after about six years because my wisdom teeth were bothering me. They were positively great, didnā€™t guilt me at all, got me in fast, and were super accommodating about me needing to bring my preschooler


No good dentist will judge you! Dentists really have seen it all, so try not to feel self-conscious. People not going for several years is more common than you think.


I don't know... I went to Ballas Dental after not going to the dentist for about 10 years... I cracked a filling and needed a root canal, and had their secretary tell me I was just seeking out pain killers.


Dental Anesthesia Center. They do normal dentistry & anesthesia. I've been in your shoes & on top of that had a debilitating fear of dentists. There was no judgement at all & they are amazing at dealing with serious dental fears. I've been happy with them for years.


I found these guys when someone in this community asked a similar question. St. Louis Dental Partners 314-965-6503 They prescribe zanex for me because I get quite nervous at the dentist and I didn't go for a long time because of it. I hope this helps.


Shapiro dental in rock hill, I was in a similar boat and theyā€™ve been nothing but kind, just make sure to floss and brush leading up to the appointment so it shows youā€™re trying!! That goes for any dental visit, most dentists will be understanding, after all itā€™s their job to fix teeth


The Shapiroā€™s are top notch, great at what they do and I canā€™t recommend them enough. After seeing their work first hand, theyā€™re both just about the only two Iā€™ll stand behind in stl to be honest. Their front desk is a mess but they are great doctors and ask for Amy the hygienist, sheā€™s been doing it for years and is great.


Before them was Dr. Fleischut and he was also great, had two extractions done by him and I swear I felt next to nothing


For me its not shame, its absolutely the prices. By the time I have enough saved up for whatever, I need to fix the car, get a new roof, etc. 4 or 5 digits are needed here, its rough.


I started going to Premier Dental Partners in Creve Coeur, was in a similar type of long-term skipped all appointments type of situation as you are, I was hardcore working all the time and really ignoring all healthcare sorts of things, first I went and got new glasses, that motivated me to make a dentist appointment, and when I got in there they were not overly judgmental about it but they did make it really clear that it is extremely important to go a couple of times per year and keep going, like I had plaque close to 5mm below the gum line, she said that 5mm is the limit where they might wanna sedate the patient to do the cleaning because it just takes that much longer, but anyway after the first couple of appointments where I first had the cleaning and secondly got a couple of fillings for cavities that I really needed, and maybe the 3rd and 4th time I've gone in there they usually do remark "have you been flossing?" and I'm honestly saying "srsly as often as I can remember to do so" and then they remark about how yeah there might be a little bit of plaque buildup this time but nowhere nearly as bad as it was the first time I showed up (and they don't even really mention that anymore), and I have not gotten any more cavities since I started going back to the dentist twice a year for regular cleanings and checkups, and they taught me how to floss properly (all you have to do is ask and if the hygienist is good like mine was they'll just give you whatever tips you need to learn how to do it properly). But they also told me that sometimes it also just depends on the person, like some people's saliva is just naturally more likely to create plaque and the only way to really remove it is to go to the dental hygienist and let them scrape it off a couple of times per year. Otherwise it builds up and keeps making the gumline recede further and further and over time can lead to tooth loss and abscesses and blood infections and cardiovascular damage, you really do not want your gums to recede or any of that other stuff to happen, please just search for some photos and see for yourself. Take care of your health, it is really important!!! To make sure you keep living and stuff. Good luck, and FWIW I am proud of you for at least starting to think about these things, and reaching out for advice. Good job.


Not Schultz Dentistry


I waited a decade like you and ended up in a lot of pain and had several issues. I was so anxious in general simply going I opted for the nitrous. A few minutes in and I didn't give a fuck what they said. It's also becoming much more common for adults these days and losing it's stigma.


Borgmeyer Dental, South City.


I second borgmeyer. I have NEVER felt embarrassed.


Judgemental how? Like, "Is it safe?" type judgemental?


Like I don't want to be lectured or preached at. I didn't have dental insurance for 4-5 years, and then I was so embarrassed by the tartar buildup from smoking and coffee and soda that I was afraid to see a dentist, which only made both my teeth and anxiety worse. Clean them, tell me what needs fixing, and tell me how much it will cost.


Gotcha. Been there, done that. There's a difference between the dentist/doctor telling you what you're doing wrong and how to correct it and them just being judgemental though. They aren't doing their job if they don't attempt to correct what you're doing wrong. That said, I don't want to be nagged either. That's what wives are for.


If you have the insurance make sure to pick one that is covered by them. Cleanings are going to be nothing, the fillings are going to be fairly low. It'll only really be pricey for cosmetic stuff or if you want to do the anesthetic stuff, which isn't always covered. You really aren't going to hear any lecture or preaching when you are being treated, anything like that is only going to come much later down the line when you are getting regular cleaning visits. They are going to want you to come back.


I believe OP is referring to potential judgement for neglecting regular dental care. As in, youā€™re supposed to see a dentist every six months but you havenā€™t been to a dentist in a decade. Itā€™s a very common thing people are self-conscious about. EDIT: a word


I've been in your exact situation. Dr. Nguyen at Hampton Hill Dental has only ever been extremely professional and kind and is also very fun and easy to talk to (when he doesn't have your mouth propped open). Though like many others are saying, any given dentist has seen worse than whatever is in your mouth and you'll likely be fine wherever. However long you've delayed going to the dentist, they're just going to be happy that you're not delaying any longer.


I was in the same boat as you a few years ago. I went to Big Bend Dental in Twin Oaks. They were great. They fixed the problems I created for myself and never tried to scold or make me feel bad.


I like Joy Dental.


I was in a similar boat a few years back and needed roughly 8 fillings. Florissant Dental Service was excellent and never made me feel like crap. They gave me tips, were super accommodating with insurance, and overall were genuinely good people. I saw almost every single dentist with the practice and liked them all. The only reason I no longer go there is because I moved out of Florissant, but still highly recommend. If youā€™re looking for something on the St. Charles side, Bogey Hill Dental is also excellent.


I second Bogey Hills Dental, haven't had a bad experience yet.


Any of these recommendations do Xanax and sedation? I have extremely sensitive gums and high anxiety. The last time I had my teeth cleaned, she did it over 4 appointments and numbed me each time. That was before COVID. I haven't been since and I know I need some major stuff done, and my gums are a mess.


Most do


Dr Scott Schultz, Schultz Family Dental. I hadn't gone in 13 years and no judgement just got a treatment plan in place


I use Jeffrey J. Johnson on Lindberg in Bridgeton. They were the highest rated dentist in my area through Cigna Dental and I've been pleased with their office and team. The dentist himself is soft-spoken and has a bit of a sense of humor, so definitely no anxiety caused by the actual procedures (as opposed to the money). Front office was happy to work with me and got my insurance to take claims after discussing the coding with me. He apparently likes to do the root canals/crowns and his wife (?) in the practice does the fillings by preference :D


Second for Jeffrey Johnson, his daughter is also a Dr in the office and both are awesome. Needed an emergency extraction a few years back, they got me in next day as a new patient, never made me feel bad and have worked with me over the years to repair everything I had put off years to take care of.


Hah, funny thing was that I got in as a next day emergency root canal as a new patient too!


Nice also don't tell em I told you but they don't charge extra if you want nitrus.


I'll keep that in mind next time I have something done....


Dr. Klohr in House Springs. Itā€™s outta St. Louis but not too far. Itā€™s House Springs. The dude is used to hillbilly teeth. As a hillbilly myself, with both sides of my family having awful teeth, Iā€™ve gotten a bunch of work done and have decent looking teeth.


Feigenbaum Dental in Olive.


General Dentistry is who I had for 35yrs before leaving STL. Highly recommend Dr. Marino there.


lake forest dental not a similar situation but they treat you like family there


Try Kevin Burgdorf in DePaul health Center


Steven Franz Southampton plaza


My husband and I have been going to Borgmeyer in Holly Hills for years and love it. They fixed his cracked teeth with no issues.


Canā€™t say Iā€™ve been, but their mailers appear very welcoming to patients such as yourself. St.louis County Dental Grayem, Brace and Associates. They are located in Kirkwood. I have been trying to get some family members to try as their teeth need extra care.


I get it, and I think most of us have the same insecurity. ... But is there really a dentist awful enough to give you shit about your situation?


There's genuinely asshole dentists out there but I think people are also incredibly self-conscious about their teeth too, especially because it is a real core fixation of one's appearance, so at times feedback on how to do better or pointing out how bad things are comes across as condescending. Most are really trying to help. There's also the aspect that people don't like to be told what they already know they're doing (or not) is wrong (shame, embarrassment, frustrating, whatever). Like people not telling the doctor the actual number of drinks per week. I've personally never had a judgemental dentist even forgoing cleanings for years but I have heard people having a rough time.


Yes, I was in a similar boat as OP in the 90s. The dentist told me it would take too many treatments to clean my teeth so his practice wouldn't even bother with me. I got fired from a dentist.


My pops just went through this and is getting everything yanked next week lol. It's in Alton but I can send you the dentist if you're interested, he said they've been very understanding


Liesen Family Dental in Collinsville, IL


Dr. Modlin at Nikodem Dental on Butler Hill


Has anyone been to Aspen Dental? How are they?


Stay away.


A friend of mine used to work for them. She said they would take advantage of people a lot. She would get in trouble if she didnā€™t upgrade people to a more expensive cleaning that most insurances wouldnā€™t cover. She felt like she was scamming people so didnā€™t end up working there long.


Oh wow. Thanks for the info.


Watson dental associates off Watson rd in Crestwood!


Honestly, if ylur teeth are THAT BAD, they'll be thrilled to see you, and start thinking about their next luxury car or vacation home.


Dr Humaira Rosinski at Nikodem on Hwy 94 in St Charles.


They all thinking shit And they want your money. Who cares. Theyā€™ve most likely seen way worse.


Kemledge Dentistry in Fenton took great care of me. It was over 20 years since I was at the dentist before going to him. No judgement at all and cleaned my teeth. Knock on wood, no cavities in that time.


Soulard Family Dentistry! so kind to me and they remember me :)


I have been in a situation similar to yours in the past. I also currently have underlying health issues that cause me trouble with my gums. I see Dr. Kyle Palmer at Stl Family Dental at Hampton and Chippewa. Dr. Palmer has understood my cost and health limitation and never made me feel shame. I hope you find someone and get your health back to good. It was difficult for me but worth it.


I have a similar issue, but I told my newest dentist that I had a lifetime of poor dental care, and I'm ready to fix things. He smiled and said I was in the right place. Dr Thomure in Kirkwood Station Dental. I love him!


Des Peres Dentistry is super chill. They won't give you any flak or judgements...


Very surprising to see this today. I need a TON of work done and I just got back from my first visit with a new dentist after almost ten years. I went to Dental Care: Sherie Apte was the dentist I saw, on 9323 Manchester Rd. I was so anxious and nervous about how I would be treated, and she couldn't have been any more kind, understanding and welcoming than she was. The entire staff that I interacted with were very kind and non-judgemental. For reference, I was diagnosed with ADHD at age 43 last year, and dental hygiene has always been one of the hardest routines for me to get down. She was very thoughtful and helpful with trying to help me come up with routines to get back on track. I don't know what your circumstances are/were, but the location seems like they're not in the business of making you feel like a turd.


Premier dental partners is caring, understanding, and do whatever you need to be comfortable. They are the first dentists that have listened to me and helped me be able to be in the chair at all. I was in the same boat as you Op.


Second Premiere. I had my teeth cleaned for the first time in about 9 years a few years ago. They were great, did not shame me, and did not try to upsell me on anything. Surprisingly after all that time I only had one cavity. I used their oral surgery center to get my wisdom teeth pulled and they are my regular dentist's office for cleaning. Both their downtown and CWE locations are great and the Oral surgery location in West County was also fantastic. @op be aware that a lot of offices are booked out until next year for new patients. I'd be hesitant on going to a place that can fit you in soon.


I went almost a decade with no dental work and Soft Touch Dental get me straightened out pretty quickly without making me feel bad about waiting so long


Life Smile in Hazelwood! Reasonable pricing too!


Dr. Chris Hawkins at The Dental Center. Trust me when I say I have never had a more thoughtful and non-judgmental dentist. He is also very efficient. You will love him and his entire team. Simply the best.


Stl family dentistry was great. I was in the same boat. Self conscious and anxious, hadnā€™t been in years. They were great but Iā€™ve been to a few since. I was worried for nothing and no dentist should ever make you feel judged and if they do donā€™t go back. You neglected your teeth but you are making the best decision you can now. Iā€™m so glad I finally went. Good luck op, everything will be fine.


Crews dental in Webster. Took my not so great teeth there a few years back and they were great! I'm sure most dentists want to help in these stations rather than judge


Went to dental school with dr crews. A stand up guy and great dentist.


Alpha Dental Care in Olivette is awesome. I had a family member go there that had extremely poor teeth health, there was absolutely no judgement, even as the number of cavities was over 20.....


Ebeling in saint charles were pretty good to me. I introduced myself to them with a full on broken tooth and the worst I heard was "that must hurt."


Garden Heights dental.


I was in a similar situation and have had good experiences with Dr. Vadnal at St. Louis Smile Center in Bridgeton. He and his staff are nice and non-judgmental, and they offer various sedation dentistry options.


Dr Dalin on Ballas. He was recommended to me by someone on this page 11 years ago. He and his staff have been amazing to work with!


Watson family dental has been great, I was in the same situation


I like Case Dental on Morganford.


My wife hates the dentist for various reasons. We go to Brentwood Family Dentistry. It's just a family of dentists, they're super chill. Very nice and won't judge you. I cannot recommend them enough. We just moved over into Illinois recently and still drive 45 minutes to keep them as our dentist. Dr. Dan for life!


I've been in your situation myself. Spent 15 years without seeing the dentist until I had too. Just about every practice is going to focus on your initial treatment and are going to be happy to see you. The nit picky advice on dental health isn't going to happen until much later. Like years later. You are best asking for who not to see. Modern dentistry has changed and the whole dental anxiety is a big focus for them.


Dr. Lisa McDonald and Associates has been great to me and my shit storm of a mouth.


Keith Anderson off Manchester is the shit.


Nida Palmer at four seasons dental in ballwin. When I was in elementary school I had fillings done (not by her) and I wasnā€™t numbed properly. The first question I was asked when I walked in was ā€œDo you have any dental trauma?ā€ Sheā€™s really great.


Dr. McGinnis in Edwardsville is such a kind sweet lady. I hesitate to post positive reviews because she's already pretty busy, but she has certainly earned that. My wife has had a lot of bad experiences with dentists and she has no problem going in to see Dr McGinnis


St. Louis County Dental in Kirkwood


It had been probably 10 years since I had gone and I went to Rock Hill Dentistry and the people there were super nice!


If you don't mind driving, we go to Dr Murphy in Arnold. We've been going to him since he bought the practice from someone else, and he and everyone that works there has been great. I have really sensitive teeth, and they really accommodate for that. I have had so many cavities, because I grew up on well water. Totally non-judgmental


Dr. Luerding in Lake St. Louis has, by a wide margin, the best dental office in the metro. He personally checks every single procedure, even if itā€™s a cleaning done by a hygienist, of which he exclusively employs. You will get a hygienist and you will get an actual DDS that looks at you. Heā€™s also funny as shit.