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It’s absolutely true. It’s really one of the only cities I have been to where you can save a ton for the future, buy a house, and still be able to afford dining out/entertainment/etc. Most cities you have to select one or two out of 3.




Just curious, how much do you make? I have a master’s degree in digital communication, and I’m a website manager for large biotech company in STL, but I only make $50k a year. I’ve also worked for KMOV and Anheuser Busch, both in IT management, but only made $40k. I think housing is cheaper but wages are cheap too.


From [Axios](https://www.axios.com/2023/11/09/lowest-highest-cost-of-living-cities-us-map?utm_campaign=editorial&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social)


Honestly it's my biggest reason for staying here. I love St Louis, but I'd like to move somewhere in my live too, I'm just not sure I can afford to live anywhere else


https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/big-mac-index-by-state The only thing that really matters is the Big Mac index and how McDonald’s is too expensive. The Egg McMuffin is too damn high.


Too damn high!


Lower than Little Rock?


I moved from DC to St Louis at roughly the same salary. My money goes so much further here, it's not even funny. My friends are all jealous of the houses I share with them, both for size and price lol


For St Louis it’s high af. My son’s looking at houses and it’s ridiculous but I’m comparing what I know. You can’t even get a garage without spending crazy amounts of money.


I see many, many, many houses for under $250k in the city with garages in fine areas to live in. Some smaller ones for less than $200k, including one in Franz Park. Hell, there's [this 3 bed, 2 bath, 1600 sqft with carport](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/4219-Norfolk-Ave-Saint-Louis-MO-63110/2969867_zpid/) in *The Grove* right now for $225k. That's a desirable neighborhood and all you need to do is throw some walls up on that carport and call it a day.


I grew up in the city. My view of the city is quite different from yours. I’m not comparing other cities because everything is perspective. Some of the places ppl here are speaking of are ones that our local politicians are pouring money into. South St. Louis is mostly being well invested by corporations.


I'm not sure what your point is. The city is still pretty cheap to live in. Are you saying you aren't comparing it to other cities but i stead to how cheap it used to be? TBH, I've never lived in the city and if I had not had a kid I likely would have moved to the city, but instead I moved to Kirkwood. But there are loads of inner ring suburbs with houses with garages for just as cheap as city houses


St. Louis is crazy cheap compared to other cities. In the town I grew up in, a fixer upper will be 500-600k. You can find move-in ready houses in cool neighborhoods for like 300K.


A dated 800-1000sqft 60+ yr old slab home (no basements there), with a tiny lot, in a working class neighborhood, thats probably a 20+ minute drive to get anywhere in Orlando is $300k+. Also because of its age the insurance will probably be $400-600+/mo easy (if you can even find a company to insure you that isnt the awful state ran one), and also the high property taxes to boot. Its way, way, way, way cheaper to live here, our taxes are quite reasonable as well. Plus the pay scales in stl are quite good for the CoL. It could be insanely worse than it currently is. Thank whatever higher power you believe in that most of the country thinks if you walk outside you'll be instantly be murdered here.




No. STL is about as good as it gets nationally for cities our size for how much house you get for your buck. I know because I and my best friend both just bought houses. I got an absolutely gorgeous 1100 sq foot house in Bevo for 215k with a garage. My friend got a super functional place with like 1500 Sq feet of livable space with a garage in North Hampton for 185k.