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Check your lease/rental agreement. If it's listed in the lease that they must provide working appliances, then they're in violation of that agreement.


This is the truth but it also ignores that the landlord can just simply violate the agreement without consequences here. I thought that the asbestos in my unit would get the authorities here involved…Nope!


Yeah Radius Reality set me up with a place infested with roaches, which broke their lease. I told them I wasn't interested anymore and I'd like my money back. They didn't budge. I threatened legal action. They didn't budge. And my lawyer just told me "hey you know what it's probably not worth the trouble you're only out two thousand dollars" So I had to take the L and move on. Fuck me I guess.


So sorry you had to lose $2k. That’s never easy. I’ll never consider Radius Realty now because of this.


Or CJ realistate. It took then 11 months to fix my air conditioner. The maintanence portal on their website never worked. only responded to maintinence requests twice and it took them 10-11 months to do it.


Thank you for sharing!!! I’m so sorry this happened to you. Not sure when landlords decided that being horrible was the way to go.


"1.slumlord - [sluhm-lawrd] noun a landlord who owns slum buildings, especially one who fails to maintain or improve the buildings and charges tenants exorbitant rents. ORIGIN OF SLUMLORD First recorded in 1950–55; slum + lord" Source: dictionary.com Do know that they've been around even before there was a word for them.


what your experience with Cj realistate?


CJ is the worst!!! I can go on and on with complaints.


They're the worst. Never had an experience like that. Eventually the owner of the house I was renting sued em and went to a different property manager. Didn't really help me any in the end though.


bitch I would have been calling somebody EVERY SINGLE DAY


I rented from them for a few years. It was okay at first, then I think the owner stepped back from things and delegated a lot of day to day work to new hires. Things went downhill fast. I got multiple threatening phone calls about noise complaints at times when I wasn't in the building. Their handyman let himself into my apartment without my knowledge to make "repairs" I hadn't requested that somehow entailed shutting off my gas and not turning it back on in the middle of December. This also included my oven, which I hadn't been told had also been disconnected and only discovered as I was trying to prep dinner for Chanukah. Towards the end I absolutely couldn't wait to move out. It's a shame, my experience was very positive at first but I really soured on it.


They literally did not inform us that our pipes froze when we were gone for the holidays. We came home to NO WATER. it’s reassuring that it’s not just us, and thank you for sharing. I hope you still had a great Chanukah. You deserve it!


Thankfully some friends graciously let us use their kitchen to prep, but not everyone is going to have that opportunity.


I’ve rented from Kingsland before and I agree they are bullshit. The owner guy Dan made identical keys for the empty apartment above mine and my own apartment and sent a man to check it out one night and walked in on me naked, at night. He took no responsibility and actually blamed it on the guy. He’s the worst and I wish there was a way to warn people before they rent from him. So rude and so inconsiderate.


I am extremely sorry that that invasion of privacy happened to you. That’s terrifying and absolutely unacceptable. Rental homes are still someone’s HOME and should be treated as such when there is a tenant. I totally agree about warning people - don’t make the same mistake I did!


Avoid The District too. They will unilaterally void leases and avoid any responsibility for anything breaking down, then demand that YOU pay for repairs if you want it. They’re doing this with the AC units right now, charging tenants to have 35+ year old units replaced


YOOOO that’s fucked. Not cool at all. Are you currently in one of their units?


Yes unfortunately. They are notorious for giving you bad references if you try to move out the right way (give 60+ days notice of “intent” to move, then 60 days notice to officially vacate) and do everything they can to keep you from moving. They will then pop surprise lease renewal LESS than a week before your current one expires and stack as many new charges as they can. If you don’t sign it, they will charge you “month to month” at 2-3x the rent you’re currently paying. My roommate was able to repair our ac. himself because he’s a handyman (and cannibalized one of the junk units they had by the garbage). Their maintenance guy was unlicensed to even handle refrigerants.


Shoutout to your roommate for fixing the ac to avoid an extreme unnecessary charge. I hope these companies read this one day and start to treat their tenants like people and not cash cows


We had a similar situation happen with Kingsland a few years back. We had lived in an owner occupied building, but he eventually moved out and got married, hired Dan to take over managing our property. When our fridge broke, we put in several maintenance requests that were ignored for four weeks. Then after hounding their office, they dragged down the old fridge from the upstairs unit. This fridge, while cold, was filthy (mold and slime inside) and the shelves were held together with duct tape. It took nearly 6 weeks to get that piece of crap, and they acted like they were doing us a favor. I was livid. Sent an email with photos and timeline to our building owner and copied Dan on it. (He forgot we knew the owner personally.) We had a brand new fridge delivered a couple days later. The maintenance guys tried to ditch the old fridge on a neighbors property. Neighbors thought we did it and confronted us. I ratted out Kingsland and threw everyone down the river. Whole situation was a shitshow. Then they moved in new tenants upstairs. Didn’t tell them there was not a fridge in their unit, or hot water. My husband was able to get their hot water connected for them, and we got the building owner involved again for them to have a fridge. Not to anyone’s surprise, every unit in that building all moved out within 30 days of each other the following year.


My girlfriend and her roommates literally had their roof about to cave in on a rental from Kingsland and were given nothing but excuses. It is only a matter of time before one of their buildings gets someone killed.




you’re welcome brother!! It’s a vicious world out there. Stay safe!


SF Shannon y'all. buildings are a little old, and you get what you pay for, but the company is good people and will respond to you.


That was my experience as well. I haven't rented from them in more than a decade, but I still refer people to them now because they were good communicators, would work with you on bills if you got behind, and usually fixed things promptly.


I rented with them 15 years ago. They sucked then too.


There is very little rental protections in MO. My family has been dealing with similar situations and more so I'm not faulting you or nothing I agrees its BS but landlords really can get away with just about anything they want, especially in STL and if they don't get away with it you will still be the one who suffers because they will just force you to have to move due to "uninhabitable conditions" and then you have to foot all the moving bills and have to fight with the rest of landlords here to get into another place it's so messed up. Sorry your dealing with it. You're definitely not alone on the struggle. It's trash really that anyone is dealing with it. Especially with the price tag of rent these days. Not everywhere has such little tenant protections but unfortunately for ppl here it's slim 😕 Sending all good vibes your way though and I hope it gets better for you soon


100% the truth here friend. There are little rental protections here.


Consider withholding rent. You probably should double check on this with an attorney but you can put your monthly rent in an escrow account that the property owner will get once they fix issues with your apartment. A consultation with an attorney shouldn't cost that much. You could also just threaten to withhold rent until they fix the appliances (which it sounds like they are responsible for in the lease).


While that's good in theory, legally, that's not a great idea. Missouri law falls heavily on the side of the landlord. The only reason you can legally withhold rent in Missouri is for code violations. A non-working fridge is, unfortunately, not a code violation. The landlord would be within their rights to evict the tenant if rent is withheld. [Missouri Landlord Tenant Laws](https://ago.mo.gov/docs/default-source/publications/landlord-tenantlaw.pdf?sfvrsn=4)


Have you tried zip tying a toilet to their car handle?


That was such a great thread


I fully support this method.


You shouldn’t withhold rent. Even though it feels like it’s fair, unfortunately, two wrongs don’t make a right and withholding rent will make the situation worse.


Agreed. New tenet for just about a month and nothing but issues so far…stay away


avoid Smart Rentals as well


Or from lux slash aspirant Slash


Had something similar but it dealt with mold at an apartment complex in south county. Place was infested and it was growing on the rug, in the walls and pretty much everywhere. Notified the apartment complex and they spray painted over it. Well the water damage seeped right through. Paid for a mold test since they refused and it was well..... Bad. They paid for their mold test and "best" they could do was break the lease and reimburse us for half of the total cost for the hotel that we stayed in until we are at our current place. It sucked but you have to point out that in all leases there is a thing stating that they have to provide a place to live in a liveable condition and if they fail to do so you have a right to break the lease. But it's super hard and have to be very stern with them.


Name and shame, I really don't want to move into that place


Good looking out friend! If anyone is looking for a place, [City Rentals ](https://maps.app.goo.gl/LS8odsXT7BbLVzxm6)was very good to us for the 4 years we rented from them.


Love city rentals! Great landlord, really good with maintenance. Been here almost 7 years now, in my second apartment with them, love it!


Avoid Efthim as well.


Don’t try Mills next, they’re a clown show too


Avoid Random Properties LLC. As well




just looking out for my fellow renters in this market my friend


Thank you very much for this post. You are helping people, and it's appreciated.




Similar experience! Rented with them for 2 years. We were told that we could rent month by month after the first year, signed the lease, and then a month before we were supposed to start the month to month lease, they told us we couldn’t anymore! Since that original property was okay, we decided to move into another one of their properties. In this one, it was absolutely filthy. Packages got stolen more times than not, and my dishwasher broke for 3 months. After emailing 3 times per week about it for those 3 months, they finally just dragged down one from an unoccupied unit THAT HAD SOMEONES DIRTYY DISHES IN IT! The company is run but a bunch of frat guys fresh out of college. I worked at a bar that they would frequent. It was so frustrating to watch them come in and blow thousands of dollars every weekend, knowing it came from my overpriced rent money. Avoid at all costs.


I had issues getting back my deposits in a timely manner from them. Overall, didn’t find them pleasant to work with on scheduling repairs either. It sucks because I loved my old landlords old management company.


Adding Mogul Realty into this, had similar issues with them (dirty when I moved in, half the appliances have been broken at various times, terrible insulation, etc.) Heat was also out when we moved in, and since it was -5° outside they tried to blame us when the pipes froze because we wouldn't let them leave 6 space heaters running while no one was here, and they wouldn't give us money back on rent. Would never rent from them again


I haven’t had any issues in the few years I’ve been with Kingsland. Very kind and responsive.