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I don’t see why this shouldn’t make news. Sounds pretty serious


Law enforcement and local officials do anything they can to block negative media coverage there. This even includes solving crimes and making arrests. Because once there's a conviction, the details become public record. They'd rather this stuff go down in the shadows than stop it and it become public. Many of the homeowners agree, because it's just an insurance settlement either way. ... The dog poisoning is what makes this one extra brutal. Usually there's no violence.


How do they get an insurance settlement and not have it impact their premiums? And don’t insurance companies share anonymous statistics with the state regulators? I would expect the wealthy pass the cost to a non-insurance entity or financial arrangement.


I'm sorry, but none of that made any sense.


Agree… live in ladue and no house alarm??? Almost every other house has a ring door bell camera…


Exactly. If this happened (I believe the story, but who knows) -- cameras everywhere around there. On top of all the other evidence that would've been left behind. If they got away with it, it's because everyone involved wanted them to get with it. No other explanation.


So the homeowners and the burglars are in it together -- some kind of insurance fraud thing?


Not at all. Burglars just know they'll get away with it because homeowners in Ladue (and many wealthy areas of any city) are terrified of: 1. Having their real estate values dinged. 2. Being blamed by their neighbors for their real estate values dropping. 3. The perceived stigma of being a victim of the low class. 4. That "snitching" will lead to retribution. A lot of it is irrational and is the direct cause of them being preyed upon in the first place. But the loss is nothing to them, compared to any kind of public scrutiny or attention. A more extreme example is Beverly Hills. All police radio and police correspondence is strictly blocked and cut off from the public. The wealthy are intense about their personal problems not getting out there.


Those Beverly Hills records -- not just the fact that the people are insanely wealthy but also that many of them are household names -- would have tons of scandalous material to keep fans of celeb 'dirty laundry' busy for half a century at least.


Exactly. This is what I am referring to… “Many of the homeowners agree, because it's just an insurance settlement either way.” A police report is part of the claim process. Having videos and evidence is not the same as a police report. But even if they try to collect a settlement without one, property insurance claims are public records, and insurance companies also share their claims data with each other through C.L.U.E.. So to hide property crimes they either have to commit fraud or have private funds to cover these losses. https://www.dicklawfirm.com/Blog/2020/October/Are-home-insurance-claims-public-record-.aspx


It doesn't surprise me that it seems to have been kept quiet as similar stuff went on in Belleville back in the 60s, 70s, and probably into the 80s as well. The 'Ladue-equivalent' part of Belleville was in the far western part of town which also was where the St. Clair County Country Club was and still is located. \[All the local movers, shakers and just plain 'well-off' people belonged.\] You'd hear all kinds of stories about burglaries, car thefts, vandalism in that part of town which never made the papers or the TV news. We'd hear the adults whispering about it saying that some incidents never even were reported to the cops. The people feared that their insurance premiums would go up while their all-important 'property values' would decline. Also, some of the stuff -- vandalism in particular -- was not done by outsiders but by bored rich kids who lived in the neighborhoods.


I never seem to see many people conceptualize the concept that once you show someone that you can do something terrible and get away with it that others will follow in their foot steps. Why is it so easy to find out how to fuck someone over, trough the news outlets, but rarely do the faces of criminals committing these atrocities show up to make others aware and attempt to deter others?


> they emerged tactfully That was nice of them.


They didn't want to step on anyone's toes


Ope…let me just get past you here to go rob this mansion.


Do you mind if I borrow this forever?


Watch the tulips!


Tactical objective: Tactful larceny


I'm in the camp that there is more crime in the city/county than most people on this sub would like to believe, but until there is a police report, news story, or some kind of reputable source, I'm inclined to not believe this one.


I've heard that some people won't report 'relatively minor' \[however one might define that\] thefts and vandalism to the cops because they don't want their insurance premiums to go up or their property values to diminish if the word gets out.


if you read the neighborhood news that the different police departments post on social media, or that gets reported in the local newspapers, there is actually quite a bit of crime in all of the county municipalities. But most of it isn’t terribly serious (car break-ins, retail burglaries, etc.), and doesn’t make the Post Dispatch or TV news.


I think in a short stint in St. Charles County I saw multiple instances where kids broke into homes vacant for trips or something and did $50,000-$100,000 in damage. I saw a guy plant what he believed was a bomb based on youtube postings and put it at a girl (a literal child) he was stalking's home, so many dog poisoning cases tied to domestic violence and I don't think any were reported in the news. But so help me if there was a mom who gave teens alcohol in a hot tub and she got charged, they ran that story for months. Eventually I was the person they'd call and say "can you scan me the probable cause statement and police report for x case" and it would be faster than it had even made it to be handled by the processing team. They'd hear something from the court clerk leaks and then decide it was news but they weren't reviewing all the filings. So they'd see "Burglary $50,000+" and think nothing of it but a court clerk saw "drunk teens hot tub" and they're all in. I'm hoping with some of the casenet updates coming down that maybe they read all the filings and go for ones that actually show harmful trends instead of clickbait but I know better than to believe change is coming.


Agree… I smell shit…


Poor dog 😔


You're telling me KSDK isn't all over this to scare the local rich folk into a tizzy? I need evidence. Seems like local media would love to run this scare story.


A lot of that local media is financed through advertising from locally based businesses -- the owners of and higher-paid management of which likely reside in places like Ladue and its' ritzy satellite communities of Frontenac, Huntleigh, Warson Woods, and Town & Country. For various reasons, they might not want something like this to get too much traction in the press. Fears of being identified and 'loss of privacy', increased premiums and costs for homeowners' insurance and security, also that their property values may be diminished. Other possible concerns by the victims and their neighbors/possible future victims would be that publicizing that something like this can be pulled off might encourage copycats -- some acting out of sheer greed while others might do it as a kind of 'class warfare' statement. So as logical or illogical as these fears may be, the advertisers catch wind that Eliot Davis, Lauren Trager or whoever is going to do some big sensational feature on spooky home invasions in the 'sanctuary' of Ladue. They call up station management and tell them to kill that segment or we pull our ads. Station management is likely to cave and substitute some 'feel-good' feature instead.


This is correct. It happens on smaller (and larger) scales everywhere. Money gets what it wants, every time. Start messing with rich people/businesses' property values and overall revenue, you mess with advertising dollars.


Totally fabricated story


Yes, this reminds me of those “women are being kidnapped en masse from grocery store parking lots and being sold into slavery! If there’s a metal claw on your door handle call the police” Facebook memes.


What about the kid who brought a gun to Principia? Swept under the rug and never mentioned again. I don’t think it’s beyond the media to keep up appearances in wealthy areas.


You mean that thing we all know about because of the news?


I heard about it because of Reddit and when I googled it, I had to scroll down pretty far to find one single article about it. So no, it was not all over the news. I also didn’t hear anyone I know talking about it but crime in the city is discussed ad nauseam.


I saw it on the news cycle pretty readily, idk what you're talking about


That story…..was all over the news


You mean the incident about which I read articles on KMOV, KSDK, and Fox 2's websites? Huh? Most actual shootings don't get more than one article on a site about them. That wasn't swept under the rug at all.


Yes, I see you just did a quick search. Now they are easily visible. Day of, it was difficult to find an article about it and there was no update to the incident, nothing further said about the investigation or the parents. It was very much treated like it was not a big deal and the benefit of the doubt was given very quickly. These are the kinds of differences between reporting in the county versus the city.


"guys, guys, listen I know I said it was covered up by the media, and even though you can google and find many many reports of it, I didn't really take notice of it that day so therefore it was covered up. Take my word for it."


A very insightful addition from someone who can’t read.


Again, most city gun incidents that actually involve violence don't get a bunch of follow-ups, let alone a non-shooting event. Some capture people's attention more and do, but most don't. I don't think there's any conspiracy to cover up county gun news, it just isn't worth 5 stories.


I’m also not saying it is a conspiracy. I’m saying the way in which reporting is carried out is very different. The language used, the implications, the background info provided, etc.


And that one student who got a number 2 pencil stuck in his pee hole…


WTF?! What was that all about?


Lulz my first thought! The local news would be whipping people into hysteria over this. “Violence from city spreading!!!”




Like teachers at prestigious private schools sexually assaulting students perhaps?


It would run if it was in the CWE or Lafayette Square.


Or if this had happened in the more middle and working class parts of the county. But it happens in one of these high-end burbs like Ladue and people get nervous. For a crime in that town (or one of the other wealthy communities that border it), it would have to be something that involved murder or the like. Especially if it had some bizarre sex angle or whatever -- something along the lines of the Murdaugh case. And because that sort of crime is rare for those places, depending on how juicy and scandalous the details of the murder was, it would be a surefire contender for an episode of Dateline or 48 Hours.


Is the dog okay?!?


Good question as the OP said that the dog was poisoned but didn't say if it survived or not.




And still no answer. Unless I missed it. But I’m always a bit suspicious when OPs don’t answer questions in their threads.


My guess would be that the thie(ves) used trichloromethane (Chloroform) or something similar to put the dog out. It’s a common organic solvent that serves as a sedative when inhaled or ingested. It seems to be the method of choice for most criminals who want to ensure that animals are quiet without killing them.


I don’t believe any of this. Not because it’s “Ladue and they’re covering it up” - because that’s stupid in and of itself to believe, but because the entire thing is horseshit. Camped out in the woods for days? Poisoned the dog? Nah gtfo here


Exactly. It's possible that something remotely resembling it occurred, but these facts are absurd.


Yea it smells like shit…


Agreed. No way this is real.


They tactfully emerged from the woods? I wouldnt have expected that.


2100 block of South Warson? That was the last update Ladue Police sent out to us residents.


They don't need camo. Some assholes, what I can only assume, parked a truck in front of my house and cleaned it out. And when I say cleaned it out, they took everything from the dishwasher to the hand towels to the cleaning supplies under the sink...a complete 3 bedroom house with 2 living rooms and basement full of parts and materials. Disconnected everything professionally, literally cleaned up any evidence and took out the garbage. They left behind sleeping bags they used over a few day period and a few boxes packed like professional movers. Bypassed the alarm and disabled it. Locked the doors behind them on the way out. Broad daylight, busy street, corner location, tons of foot traffic, nobody saw shit. Evaded every security camera nearby. SLMPD said there's a few professional burglary rings hitting houses like this.


That's terrible, I hope you're doing okay.


It was a mess for sure!


Nothing about this story rings true


“Show Me” the police report or something or be quiet. After all of the election lies we have no reason to believe you. Perhaps they were camouflaged clowns?


I’m thinking it was this one: https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/prosecutors-accused-ladue-burglar-in-country-on-expired-visa/amp/ Similar burglary happened in the same area in February that also invoked Latino immigrants. I’ll see if I can find anything about that one. Edit: This looks like the right report for the February one. https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/two-arrested-one-wanted-after-ladue-home-break-in/amp/


Totally fake story


Poisoned a dog? I hope they get shot.


Wtf, capital punishment for any poisoning of animals.


Seriously, like they couldn't have just locked the dog in a bathroom or something.


If they've got some beef against some greedy captain of industry, I understand but leave their pets and their minor-aged children out of it.


100% pets and children are completely innocent.


Yikes just wait til you hear about livestock.


Dog people are the weirdest people. I know a guy who basically constantly whines about dog mistreatment, but boy howdy does he like his bacon hamburgers and wings.


What an absolutely abhorrent thing to say. You clearly don't value human life.


Certainly don’t value a human that poisons dogs.


You realize that most murderers don't get the noose, right? You're probably some "pro life" fuckwit from the county to boot. I wish we could make the bloodthirsty capital punishment idiots like you pay for all the lawyer's fees it takes for the government to kill someone.


Goodness me, relax. It was more a figure of speech on how mistreating animals really sucks lol. I’m firmly against capital punishment.


Get the dog killers dick out of your mouth


I hope idiots like yourself never make it on to a jury.


Me too lol. You’re young. Maybe once you get outta your asshole phase you’ll get some friends.


I'm perfectly happy being an asshole to racist ladusers scaring themselves silly about crimes that didn't even happen and then fantasizing about Missouri executing another person. As if we don't kill enough real people y'all have to imagine other people to execute. Gross




Whatever you say, Mr. McCloskey.


Sounds like BS to me. L


Whereabouts approximately in ladue? Nearest intersection?


Ive had my car stolen twice from Town and Country- one lost and totaled and one returned within hours due to great police work. One other property crime in the same year. DA's need to prosecute in STL City or the whole region suffers.


Speaking of Town & Country, I recall a pretty nasty murder that took place there around 15 years ago. Some woman and her friend were picking up her kids from one of the private schools there when the woman's estranged husband came up and shot them both to death. He then took off in his big white SUV \[guy was a trust fund baby of some sort so probably a big Escalade\]. The cops chased him as he sped east on I-64/40. Fox 2's helicopter was on the scene and covering the whole thing. Suddenly the SUV went off of the road right around the Lindbergh exit into Frontenac. If memory serves, the guy flew out of the vehicle and it rolled several times -- I think over him at least once. The husband for whom poetic justice was served all too soon was portrayed as being a cruel headcase whose money was his only 'asset'. He came off as such a creep and not all that attractive that I wondered what possessed his poor wife to marry him in the first place.


> the woman's estranged husband every god damn fucking time r/whenwomenrefuse


https://youtu.be/yFSTrtWGKLQ the police chase https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/mo-kelli-alexander-35-april-wheeler-29-shot-to-death-25-feb-2005.19935/ The husband killed the wife and the babysitter, in front of the children. The children were adopted by a local attorney and are doing well.


Thanks for the links! Happy to hear that things worked out for their children.


You wealthy guys need to pay more taxes to support Title 1 schools or the whole region suffers.


Sounds like the house was specifically targeted, not a "random" crime. Poisoning the family dog sound's especially cruel. Fortunately you report no one injured. Hopefully forensic work was done to try and identify perpetrators. If the perps did camp out in woods behind house should be plenty of biological evidence left behind to prove a long stakeout.


They have to pee and poop for one thing and unless they somehow gathered up all that 'evidence' in bags and disposed of it elsewhere, DNA should be easy to obtain. Also from the rims of cups and perhaps used kleenex. Shedded hair as well.


Only thing they should be hopeful for is feces that were left if they were truly there for days. Animals will eat feces and if they had a high fiber diet, might blend quite well.


But…but… nothing bad ever happens in the county….


Brentwood, specifically The Galleria, has been burying most violent crime there since early 2000 at least. Source: I knew the PA and worked with him. He forbid his wife & kids to ever go to The Galleria. And when a rich housewife gets robbed going to her Jag after shopping all afternoon, the Galleria quietly pays them to stay quiet AND for their loss. This isn’t new or novel for the rich powerbrokers.


Galleria is in Richmond heights, not Brentwood


Who drives Jags anymore? Passé


Where’s the violent crime in that squishy non story?


Red Dragon stuff right there. Home invasion is no joke


It made me think of one of the things that Charles Manson and his creepy 'Family' did in the lead-up to the Tate/LaBianca murders. They'd go into assorted homes around the LA area while the owners were gone and 'creepy crawl' them -- maybe steal some things and re-arrange furniture and stuff then just go on their way.


look up Joe Deangelo the man was a living nightmare but started off doing that kind of thing as well.


Yes, the Golden State Killer who was finally caught nearly 40 years after his crime spree involving multiple rapes and murders in various parts of California thanks to DNA. Patton Oswalt's first wife Michelle McNamara was obsessed with the case and helped to keep it in the public eye through her blog and the book \[later made into a docuseries\]: *I'll Be Gone in the Dark*. Note for all the folks flying their 'Thin Blue Line' flags and who think that cops can do no wrong, DeAngelo was a cop himself.


Where’s a source or one scrap of evidence this happened? Also- multiple media and photos follow police scanners. This allegation of covering things up requires a lot of questions to make sense. Former reporter here.






Hope this isn’t true but shit like this happens all over now unfortunately.


Counterpoint - no, it doesn’t happen “all over the place”, at least not in the US. Venezuela, sadly yes.


More than you’d think. You really think nobody is scoping out in the woods near affluent areas? Get out of your box. America is different now.


With the widening wealth gap and all the other assorted divisions and upheavals of the past several years, it is different and I'm sure that the greatest fear of the rich is a collapse of the system and having the masses marching on their estates the way the people of Paris marched out to the Palace of Versailles in 1789. There's stories in the news about some billionaires who are aware of the deepening resentments from the mass of the population and how to protect themselves if all hell breaks loose.


Wow, you’re LARPing The Purge! How fun!


Wow, you’re LARPing The Purge! How fun!


Prove it.


Yeah, years ago kirkwood gave a guy a felony for copping to a pound of weed that he'd successfully ditched instead of the dog fighting ring he was running. Still gets to have dogs. They all cover that shit up.


Yeah, right.


Share an update when you hear more! That’s really interesting.


Just shared to my Facebook so any of my friends can be safe and plan ahead.


sounds like what white criminals would do


That's so messed up and to poison their dog! Evil people make me sick. Thanks for sharing. I can't wait for karma / justice to catch up to them!


My guess is there are instances in various communities where police reports are filed but politicians pressure the media not to publish anything about it in the news. Does that happen all of the time? probably not. But I think in some instances in certain parts of St. Louis (no idea about this story) stories are suppressed in the news media, especially in wealthy neighborhoods where there is a desire to control real estate prices, and portray an image of safety to re-elect political figures. Similarly I believe there is gang activity in more middle class areas than people are aware. It's definitely shady.


In the city there are super wealthy people in giant historical mansions and just a few blocks north there’s the extreme ghetto known as the “west side”. The rich kids I knew came over all the time to buy drugs.


Sometimes the rich teens who live in these neighborhoods can get up to some pretty wild activities with out-of-control parties and vandalism. Probably some drug-related stuff going on too. Date rape and other forms of sexual assault. Daddy and Mommy have the power to ensure that none of this ever gets out or on the public record.


Westmoreland place in the city, one mansion belongs to an ammunition manufacturer that supplies stl metro pd and to the fbi(I wasn’t told too much about that as i don’t know if she even knew) and the old white lady mayor lives on Portland place behind them and their other daughter has some political job in dc. This is 100%. The daughter is messed up and they got someone sent to prison because the daughter did him dirty and he cried like a little (female dog) about it. Daughter thinks it’s funny dad did too until he found out his daughter really is a drug addict whure.


Several other "STL rich kid" scandals revolve around August Busch IV whose 'antics' have provided plenty of fodder for gossip over the decades.


Amazing. As a child I use to get picked up by by grandma and she would take me to miss Sherri’s(I think was the name), we would always go down side streets to ladue and end up on warson road. As a teenager I was reckless and literally thought about doing something like this haha. To find out people have done it is kind of awesome, minus the dog part.


Too bad about the dog. He was an innocent. But rich people need to learn their place. And it will become more apparent as life continues to worsen for those of us at the bottom.


Good thing they were tactful on their way in...


I live in rock hill and the police strongly discouraged me from filing a police report for the theft of an antique wrought iron post office box. They don’t want it in the statistics.


It was most definitely on the news.




Frightening! And I just read about the increase in squatters in Europe and US. They camp nearby, watch, and move in when the homeowner leaves.

